god's message to me right now - Free AI Voice Generator

god’s message to me right now

if you want to make it to Heaven listen

God is saying I will deliver you from

your bad habits my beloved child I will

break the chains that bind you and set

you free my strength is made perfect in

your weakness and I will Empower you to

overcome every Temptation trust in me

for I will give you the grace to walk in

Victory as you surrender your struggles

to me I will transform your your life

and replace your bad habits with Godly

virtues believe in my power to deliver

for I am faithful if you believe type I

believe in Jesus now follow this prayer

if you want to go to heaven father thank

you for your grace and mercy in our

lives thank you for loving us and

forgiving us even when we make mistakes

thank you for sending your son Jesus

Jesus to die for us and give us eternal

life father we come to you today with

Humble Hearts asking you to set us free

from any bad habits that are holding us

back from your best we ask you to help

us overcome any Temptation that comes

our way and to give us the strength and

the wisdom to make the right choices we

ask you to help us surrender our worries

and and our fears to you and to trust

that you are in control of everything we

ask you to fill us with your peace and

your joy and to renew our minds with

your word father we declare that we are

more than conquers through Christ who

loves us we declare that no weapon

formed against us shall prosper we

decare that you have a good plan for our

lives and that you will work all things

together together for our good we

declare that we are your children and

that you are our father father we

believe that you hear our prayers and

that you will answer them according to

your will we believe that you are able

to do exceedingly abundantly above all

that we ask or think we believe that you

are the god of Miracles and that nothing

is impossible for you father we thank

you and in advance for your favor and

your blessings in our lives we thank you

for setting us free for helping us

overcome for taking care of our worries

and for saving our souls we thank you

for preparing A Place For Us in heaven

where we will see you face to face and

where we will live with you forever

father we pray all these things in

jesus’ name amen

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