I Have Seen Your Tears - Free AI Voice Generator

I Have Seen Your Tears

my beloved child I have seen your tears

and I want you to know that I have been

right there beside you weeping with

you your pain is mine and I long for you

to find Solace and the strength to

persevere I am always here with you

ready to help when you seek it ready to

fight for you when weariness engulfs

your heart you may not always see them

but my Celestial armies stand guard

around you when you feel drained

they protect you from countless trials

and I will open your eyes to the

supernatural so you can witness my

warrior Angels engaged in Fierce battles

on your

behalf I have shielded you from Mortal

accidents stood guard against illnesses

thwarted the intentions of criminals and

rebuked the adversary of your soul when

it sought to devour you my love for you

remains unwavering no matter what may

come you are always sheltered beneath my

love and

protection please do not be perturbed or

filled with fear when challenges

arise you once told me of your trust in

me promising not to react to the hurtful

words of others I embrace you with my

love and I want you to know that none of

the threats or falsehoods spoken by

people can reach you you dwell in the

highest levels of faith and wisdom where

I have placed

you do not let disputes provocations

slander or Discord steal your inner

peace they seek your reaction hoping to

lead you astray and hurt those around

you so I implore you to embrace my peace

take moments of Silence wherever you may

be speak my word in your thoughts or

aloud for the power of my promises will

shatter the chains that bind you I will

free you from the grip of anxi anxiety

and worry even in the face of

falsehoods do not lose your

peace when unfavorable news approaches

confront it with resilience head held

high I have spoken to your soul assuring

you that I am by your

side those who assail you may think that

no one Shields you and their words may

wound you but do not believe them do not

let falsehoods and slander find a place

in your mind and heart

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