SURRENDER TO ME - Free AI Voice Generator


my child imagine a love so deep it

triumphs over your soul it’s a love that

makes you holy mine a devotion that

fills your spirit with Celestial joy as

you surrender to me you are no longer

your own for you were acquired at a

precious cost the Sanctified essence of


blood the more ardently you adore me the

deeper your yearning to devote every

fiber of your existence to my service

becomes this devotion can fill your

spirit with Celestial Elation as you

yield yourself to me

completely rest assured for I am

impecably virtuous in all my ways and

you can Surrender Your Heart to me

without fear of

exploitation paradoxically it is in

surrendering to me that you find true

emancipation I have permeated the very

core of your being and my spirit within

you claims dominion over increasing

territories where the presence of the

Lord resides Ides Freedom

thrives I beseech you to reflect my

Divine Radiance to others for I am

molding you into my likeness with ever


Brilliance Revel in the freedom you have

discovered in me and willingly submit to

my triumphant love should you possess me

your Redeemer Sovereign and Confidant

you possess all that genuinely

matters it matters not if you lack

riches fame or worldly success allow not

such absence to dishearten you as I once

imparted to my disciples what profit is

it to gain the entire world but lose

your own

soul nothing Rivals the Priceless

Treasure of eternal life picture a

jeweler in Relentless pursuit of

flawless pearls upon finding one of

unsurpassed Purity he relinquishes all

to acquire it my kingdom is akin to this

this a treasure Beyond

estimation therefore learn to find

contentment in having me beloved

regardless of worldly

shortfalls comparing oneself to others

often serves as the Wellspring of

discontent I beseech you to diligently

evade this perilous Pitfall keep in mind

that you are my unique creation redeemed

through my Crimson sacrifice and

exquisitely precious in in my

eyes Foster a joyful communion with me

the Savior whose love for you surpasses

your wildest

imagination I shall continue to

transform you into the Masterpiece I

designed you

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