God Says: Don't be Surprised from my Miracles - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Don’t be Surprised from my Miracles

God says I know you’re too busy that you

cannot even give a minute to me but I

promise you your day will be brightened

up after this message God has something

amazing in store for you today within

the next hours he is about to

surprise you with unexpected Financial

blessings that will change your family’s

life for the better nothing is

impossible for God he can do what no man

can do he can make a way where there

seems to be no way he can turn your

situation around in a moment of time he

is the god of Miracles and he is working

on your behalf right now you may have

faced some health challenges but God is

restoring your health as if nothing ever

happened the blood of Jesus has cleansed

you from all sin and sickness you are

forgiven and made new a vessel of honor

and Glory God loves you so much that he

sent his son to die for you so that you

can have eternal life and Abundant Life

here on Earth you are a child of God and

he has a great plan and purpose for your

life type thank you guard And subscribe

to this channel if you believe in God

God is speaking to you today giving you

wisdom and strength to overcome every

challenge his word is a lamp to your

feet and a light to your path as you

meditate on his promises and obey his

commands you will walk in Divine favor

and guidance God is opening doors for

you that no man can shut he is giving

you business and career breakthroughs

that will Astound you he is the source

of your success and prosperity you have

the same same power that raised Christ

from the dead living inside of you that

means you can rise above any situation

that tries to hold you down you can

overcome any obstacle that comes your

way you can live in Victory and purpose

because God has already given you

everything you need to succeed you are

more than a conqueror through Christ who

loves you God is also working on your

relationships today he is healing the

wounds of the past and restoring the

bonds of love and Trust he is making

your relationships fruitful and

fulfilling he is bringing the right

people into your life and removing the

wrong ones he is blessing you with Godly

friends and partners who will encourage

you and support you in your journey You

are not alone in this world you have the

Holy Spirit living inside of you as your

helper and comforter he is anointing you

with power and Grace to do God’s will he

is leading you into all truth and peace

he is filling you with joy and hope he

is your best friend and he will never

leave you nor forsake you type come to

me Holy Spirit to invite the Holy Spirit

into your heart the blood of Jesus

Christ covers you shielding you from all

darkness and evil his sacrifice has set

you free and you are now a child of God

destined for greatness and eternal life

what a wonderful gift he has given you

how do you show your gratitude for his

love and mercy the Bible says in Romans

therefore I urge you brothers and

sisters in view of God’s mercy to offer

your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy

and pleasing to God this is your true

and proper worship the hand of God is

moving in your financial affairs

releasing Supernatural provision and

abundance into your life as you honor

him with your resources he multiplies

them beyond measure blessing you

abundantly you are not limited by the

economy the stock market or your

paycheck you are connected to a source

that never runs dry the Bible says in

Philippians for and my God will meet

all your needs according to the riches

of his glory in Christ Jesus the angels

of the most high God surround you

protecting you from harm and guiding

your steps their Celestial presence

ensures that you are never alone and

they go before you clearing your path

and opening doors of opportunity you

have Divine assistance at your disposal

how do you activate their Ministry in

your life the Bible says in Psalm

– to for he will command his

angels concerning you to guard you in

all your ways they will lift you up in

their hands so that you will not strike

your foot against a stone every prayer

you UT reaches the throne of grace and

God hears your cries he is faithful to

answer and his promises are unshakable

trust in his perfect timing and believe

that he is working all things together

for your good you have a direct line to

Heaven how do you use it effectively the

Bible says in James

therefore confess your sins to

each other and pray for each other so

that you may be healed the prayer of a

righteous person is powerful and

effective repent your sins and mistakes

in the comment below to ask for

forgiveness from God the power of the

Holy Spirit resides within you

empowering you to break free from Every

curse and stronghold that has hindered

your progress by the authority of Jesus

Christ you are released from Bond

bondage and set on a path of freedom and

victory you have the same spirit that

raised Christ from the dead how do you

unleash it in your life the Bible says

in Romans and if the spirit of him

who raised Jesus from the dead is living

in you he who raised Christ from the

dead will also give life to your mortal

bodies because of his Spirit who lives

in you the blood of Jesus Christ Christ

shed on the cross for your salvation has

washed away every sin and stain you are

redeemed and made righteous in the eyes

of God clothed in his grace and mercy

you are a new creation in Christ and

nothing can separate you from his love

how do you live out your new identity in

him the Bible says into Corinthians

therefore if anyone is in Christ

the new creation has come the old has

gone the new is here type I am a new

creation in Christ to declare the Lord

is your Shepherd and he shall provide

for all your Needs Trust in his Divine

provision for he is the source of all

abundance and prosperity His blessings

are overflowing and he will supply you

with more than enough you are not left

limited by your circumstances your

education or your background you are

connected to a God who owns it all the

Bible says in Psalm the Lord is my

shepherd I lack nothing typ I have a

good shepherd if you are content with

Jesus as your leader the angels of God

are dispatched on your behalf and

circling with their Heavenly presence

they are warriors of light fighting

battles unseen and working to bring

about God’s purposes in your life fear

not for they are fighting for you you

have Divine protection and favor

wherever you go how do you acknowledge

their Ministry in your life the Bible

says in Hebrews are not all Angels

ministering Spirit set to serve those

who will inherit salvation the prayers

of the righteous are powerful and

effective your petitions are heard by

the almighty and he is faithful to

answer them according to his perfect

will keep praying for breakthrough is on

the horizon you have a direct access to

the throne of grace and you can approach

it with confidence how do you pray

according to God’s will the Bible says

in John

to this is the conf idence we

have an approaching God that if we ask

anything according to his will he hears

us and if we know that he hears us

whatever we ask we know that we have

what we asked of him the power of God is

breaking every chain that has held you

captive by the authority of Jesus Christ

Every curse is broken and you are set

free to walk in the fullness of your

calling embrace your your freedom and

step into the destiny that God has

ordained for you you have the same

spirit that raised Christ from the dead

living in you how do you activate it in

your life the Bible says in Romans

and if the spirit of him who raised

Jesus from the dead is living in you he

who raised Christ from the dead will

also give life to your mortal bodies

because of his Spirit who lives in you

trust in God today and surrender to his

perfect plan for your life he knows

what’s best for you and he will never

let you down he has good things in store

for you things that are Beyond Your

Wildest Dreams just believe and receive

His blessings today let us pray together

for the blessings Heavenly Father we

thank you for your love and grace that

you have shown us today we thank you for

your promises and blessings that you

have prepared for us we thank you for

your power and presence that you have

given us we ask you to touch every

person who is listening to this message

and fill them with your peace and joy we

ask you to heal every sickness and

disease and restore every broken body

and mind we ask you to provide every

need and desire and prosper every work

and Endeavor we ask you to mend every

relationship and family and strengthen

every Bond and connection we ask you to

guide every decision and Direction and

protect every step and journey we ask

you to anoint every gift and T and use

every word and Action For Your Glory we

declare that no weapon formed against us

shall prosper and that we are more than

conquerors through Christ who loves us

we declare that we are the head and not

the tail above and not beneath blessed

and not cursed we declare that we are

the light of the world the salt of the

earth the city on a hell we declare that

we are your children your friends your

partners your ambassadors we we declare

that we are loved by you chosen by you

called by you set by you we declare that

we are living in your favor walking in

your wisdom operating in your power

fulfilling your purpose we thank you for

hearing our prayer and we believe that

it is done according to your will in

jesus’ name we pray amen before you go

surrender your worries and desires in

the comment below God sees it and he has

a plan for you


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