"THIS WILL HAPPEN IN LAST DAYS OF JUNE 2024" - Free AI Voice Generator


my dear child I hate to see you laboring

your heart’s hopes dashed your dreams

turned to nothing dear one I’m with you

there in whatever place that might be

just as a child would with their loving

parents I ask you to trust me allow your

mind your heart and your whole being to

come to me when I hear your heart’s

willing prayer I will come truly to

where you are no I will never cease

talking into your heart leading you back

towards the way I have opened for you

when my voice comes to you you will

recognize it though at first you may not

discern it but find a quiet corner of

your heart and you will see me there

transforming you don’t turn away from me

keep believing keep praying I’ve always

kept my promises I will love you forever

I know you feel empty right now beaten

down like the world is falling

apart yet I have not forgotten you your

hurt has a reason someday you’ll look

back and see how I used it to shape you

the way I wanted you for every tear you

cry you will see blessings and your

voice will sing with happiness be strong

through me that you may be happy when

you come into my presence make my love

the center of your life therefore humble

your soul to me for I shall lift you up

in glory and exaltation which you are

yet yet to experience you shall see

blessings coming out of my Storehouse

and coming upon you and you shall not

deny me say not what is this or why has

come to me but be humble in all things

and say it is you oh lord for every good

thing that comes is from you I love you

so much that is why I bless you now my

presence will bring love into your heart

circulating through your veins and

empowering you to act for the benefit of

others forgive enemies who’ve wronged

you speak words of edification build up

others bind up the Brokenhearted say I

know the Lord is with you as well as

with me you are connected with me as my

child trust in the Covenant we share in

call upon my words and I will instruct

you concerning all things call upon me

in the morning in the evening at bedtime

wherever you are and whatever you are

abide with me and I will bestow upon you

all I have I am your father and you are

my child and when you call to me in the

time of of your need I will be there for

you at times your dreams may fail to

germinate your hopes fail to Bear fruits

to have faith is to know with absolute

certainty that what you do not yet see

is destined to become a reality it is

the same kind of Faith a child has who

asks Mom and Dad when and not because

they doubt but to ask when it all will

come to pass confident that they have

been loved that they will not be

rejected or punished approach me the

same way all the good you ask ask of me

I will do I will keep whispering in your

heart and you will keep hearing me in

turn you will allow me to change your

mind and spirit be diligent be

courageous do not be afraid to give up

persist in believing persist in asking

and I will keep giving to you it will be

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