This Message is For You |God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

This Message is For You |God message jesus | God Tells |

my dear child this message is for you you might not have expected it but I

need to tell you about my plan for you so you can be sure of your purpose you know how to hear me and recognize my

voice because I talk to you every day from the moment I created you I’ve

looked after you and kept you safe from hidden dangers and illnesses I’ve protected you from the

enemy’s tricks while you sleep at night in your hardest times I’ll be there with

you and in your happiest moments I’ll share your joy every heartbeat Every Breath You

Take your whole life and your family are all signs of my deep love for

you remember all the tough places and times I’ve pulled you from you didn’t

start life in luxury but from the moment you first saw the light you became one of my messengers to bring healing to the

world but here’s something you need to know the enemy tried to take your purpose

away my armies of heavenly Angels fought a fierce battle to protect you you faced

waves of harsh hatred that tried to break you down but I came with love you

know me your true father the one who always supports and lifts you to fulfill your purpose and Mission I came myself

and with the sword of my word pushed back the enemy and his armies I showered

you with holy anointing for healing set you on your feet towards your destiny

guided your path with dreams in your heart and gave you gifts and talents I

made you my warrior filled you with my spirit and ignited an unending flame

within you I equipped you to comfort the Nations and to nourish those who suffer

with spiritual food take my hand and never forget that I will walk beside you

assuring you that you can achieve all your dreams my deepest desire is to see you

happy which is why I am here to care for you protect you and offer you

peace my love for you is real and true so do not be afraid for I will never

leave you alone I am your counselor your friend and your protector I have moved Heaven

and Earth to ensure your Victory I do not want to see you fail I have paid the

price for all your sins now is the time to open your heart to my grace and

accept my forgiveness even though there are people who want to see you fail they will soon

see how I can help you succeed despite their wishes now come with me and we will walk

together trust in me without doubt let my love strengthen and transform you

there is no place for sadness or fear when you are in the palm of my hand for I always watch over you come do not fear

your enemies I am your protector when You Face them as a brave Warrior I will

be there to give you my hand and lift you up I will give you Victory it is time to

entrust your future to me and stand up today I offer you a plan you cannot

refuse put your life in my hands give me all of yourself it does not matter if

there are mountains to climb or deep valleys to walk through I will guide you and open in the

way but I want you to be strong and courageous to firm your

steps even if you walk through the valley of Shadows or the darkness if you pass through turbulent Waters you will

not fear you will not look for excuses to abandon your dreams you will not be a

coward you will persevere and even when you feel very tired you can strive more I have given

you the power and ability to overcome your discouragement and to cast out the bad habit of blaming others for

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