HURRY UP & RECIEVE THIS NOW |God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

HURRY UP & RECIEVE THIS NOW |God message jesus | God Tells |

my precious one in the sanctuary of our

connection I invite you to release the

burden shadowing your

soul the ache of unmet longings the

scars of betrayal the weariness from

striving lay them all at the foot of my

throne for in the yielding healing

awaits resist the temptation to cling to

familiar pain to shroud your Radiance

out of fear instead breathe deeply of my

Liber ating truth until it permeates

every fiber of your being you are

fearfully and wonderfully made crowned

with Glory and

Honor no foes accusations or past

regrets can negate the destiny I’ve

authored for you when the path ahead

seem shrouded in

uncertainty quiet your mind and attune

your spirit to my Whispers for I am

always speaking always directing your

steps linger in my presence soaking in

the revelation reserved for those who

T wisdom will illuminate the way forward

as you lean into our divine dialogue in

a world pulsating with chaos anchor your

peace in me let the cacophony of voices

demanding Your Allegiance Fade Into

Oblivion as you Center your Gaze on my

unchanging nature I am your unshakable

foundation your Fortress amid life’s

storms no wave of adversity can overtake

you as you abide in the safety of My

Embrace should you stumble on this

journey resist the urge to retreat in

shame for there is now no condemnation

for those sheltered in my grace bring

your Brokenness your missteps your

doubts I will lovingly reshape them into

testimonies of

redemption watch as Beauty emerges From

the Ashes of your struggles a canvas for

my glory to be

displayed as you navigate the

complexities of relationships let your

life become a conduit of my compassion

extend forgiveness freely remembering

the price I paid to Pardon you so seeds

of kindness even among thorny encounters

for Love Alone holds the power to


hostility entrust your heart to me and I

will guard it from bitterness filling it

instead with Heaven’s perfect

Shalom when others ridicule your faith

or challenge your convictions resist the

temptation to engage in fruitless

disputes rather let your transformed

life speak volumes an irrefutable

witness to my goodness entrust your

reputation to me for I am your shield

and your exceedingly great reward Focus

unfaithfully running your race

undeterred by the opinions of mere

mortals in seasons of lack choose

gratitude over grumbling for I am your

provider orchestrating resources from

unexpected sources

resist hoarding your abundance instead

unleashing generosity to a world in

need as you invest in Eternal priorities

caring for the vulnerable proclaiming

truth watch as I open the floodgates of

blessing upon your life for no one can

outgive the King of

Kings when dreams T and prayers seem met

with silence trust in my impeccable


for I am always working behind the

scenes aligning circumstances for your

good and my glory waiting is never

wasted when it’s spent in my presence

being molded into a vessel fit for Noble

purposes surrender your time table and

let me astonish you with the intricate

beauty of my plans as Global tensions

escalate and darkness appears to Prevail

remember that I have already secured the

victory let Hope arise within you

unquenchable and effervescent for I am

coming soon to establish my unshakable

kingdom to wipe away every tear and make

all things new fix your eyes on eternity

storing up Treasures that will endure

long after this world Fades

2 thoughts on “HURRY UP & RECIEVE THIS NOW |God message jesus | God Tells |”

  1. Thank You God,Lord Jesus For Everything I Love You Thank You For All Your Blessings I Believe And Have Faith Amen ❤❤❤????????????


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