Jesus Wants You To See This Message, Please Don't Ignore | God Message For You | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

Jesus Wants You To See This Message, Please Don’t Ignore | God Message For You | Jesus Affirmations

if you really devoted to Jesus listen
this message carefully till the end God
is saying to you my child I’m here to
God’s Message of Encouragement
speak directly to your heart today take
a deep breath because life is a
beautiful Journey even though it can
sometimes get a bit messy I want you to
Praise in Good and Tough Times
remember to praise me in both the good
and the tough times for I am with you
through it all no matter what comes your
Constant Companion and Source of Goodness
way know that I am your constant comp
compion your source of goodness I’ve
been by your side in the past shielding
you and guiding you and I’m not about to
stop now your hard work your passion and
Acknowledgement of Hard Work and Passion
the effort you put into everything you
do I see it all keep pushing forward
Pushing Forward Despite Feeling Alone
even when you feel alone or anxious
those feelings are natural but dou let
them convince you that you’re truly
alone you’re not things will get better
Belief in Overcoming Challenges
no matter the challenges you face
type Amen in the comments if you
believe I’m bigger than any obstacle
that may cross your path I’m always
Support from God
there ready to support you your
The Value and Purpose of Your Existence
existence holds immense value and you
have a purpose that only you can fulfill
you’re my child and you matter greatly
if you’re ever in need don’t hesitate to
Knowing God is Always There to Help
ask for my help I’ve always been there
for you and I always will be be patient
Be Patient with Yourself
with yourself you’re doing better than
you realize your prayers will be
Divine Power and Answered Prayers
answered for I am the god of the
impossible never underestimate my power
The Strength in God’s Presence
life may bring hardships and pain but
remember that my presence is your
strength even in moments when you feel
Unconditional Love from God
distant or angry I still love you love
The Power and Nature of Love
is a powerful force it’s patient kind
and doesn’t seek to hurt or boast love
is selfless and always hopes for the
best and know this I love the the world
The Love Commandment
so much that I sent my own son to ensure
that whoever believes in him will have
eternal life I command you to love one
another just as I have loved you yes
Love Even Those Who Treat You Poorly
that means loving even those who might
not treat you well take a moment to
Faith in Action through Love
ponder these words let your faith shine
through your actions as you love others
even your enemies and do good without
expecting anything in return this simple
Rewards of Loving Others
act will have great rewards for it makes
you children of the most high
Clear Command to Love One Another
remember my command is clear love one
another just as I have loved you may
Comfort, Guidance, and Love
these words bring Comfort guidance and
love to your heart if you truly believe
Show Your Belief through Actions
in me show it through your actions
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