God is Begging For Your 1 Minute, Will You Give? | Jesus Affirmations | God's message for you today - Free AI Voice Generator

God is Begging For Your 1 Minute, Will You Give? | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for you today

listen this message carefully till to
the end if you really love Jesus God is
saying to you my child today I want to
envelop you in my words of Love guidance
and Assurance as you read these lines I
am right here by your side watching over
you with a heart filled with endless
compassion I want you to know that you
are never alone even in the moments when
you might feel isolated or lost you are
a cherished part of my Divine creation
and I hold you close to my heart life
can be a beautiful Journey filled with
wonders joy and growth yet it can also
present challenges that seem
overwhelming when those times come I
want you to remember that I am your
protector your constant companion and
your unwavering support even in
situations that might be hidden from
your awareness I am there working behind
the scenes to guide and protect you the
world around you can be both enchanting
and confusing
people and circumstances may change
leaving you with a swirl of emotions and
thoughts amidst all of this I ask you to
focus on me
turn your gaze toward the light of my
love and wisdom for in that light you
will find Clarity and understanding
trust in my plan for your life even when
the path seems unclear surrender your
worries fears and uncertainties to me
and allow me to work with you and for
you in times of uncertainty when you
feel like you’re walking through a foggy
Forest remember that I Am The Guiding
Light I am the beacon that leads you
through the thickest Darkness allow me
to illuminate your path dispelling the
shadows of doubt and fear that might
Cloud your heart
as you trust in my Guiding Light you
will find your way step by step towards
a future that is far brighter and more
promising than you can imagine
loneliness can be a heavy burden to bear
especially when it seems like everyone
else is busy with their own lives but
always remember my dear child that I am
your faithful friend even when human
companions May disappoint you or leave
you feeling isolated I am always there I
am the one who knows the secrets of your
heart the thoughts you keep hidden
And the emotions that you may struggle
to express
lean on me and let my presence be a
soothing balm for your soul when sadness
threatens to envelop you like a heavy
Cloud know that I am your comforter I am
the gentle hand that whites away your
tears the warm embrace that surrounds
you when you feel alone allow my love to
bring Solace to your heart and let my
compassion soothe your pain you don’t
need to carry your burdens along I am
here to share the weight and bring you
relief do you believe on me if yes type
Amen in the comments and get blessed

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