God Says: True Christians Will Not Avoid This | Jesus Affirmations | God's message today for you - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: True Christians Will Not Avoid This | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today for you

my child with every new dawn as the sun
Paints the Sky with its breathtaking
Hues it’s as if I’m sending you a
message of Hope and promise just like
the morning brings a fresh start I want
you to know that I’m giving you the gift
of renewal every day imagine your
worries and troubles as heavy backpacks
that you can hand over to me I’ll take
care of them and you can feel light and
peaceful knowing that I’m right here by
your side holding you in my loving arms
type Amen in the comments if you believe
did you know that you are loved more
than you can even imagine
as you read these words let them wrap
around you like a cozy blanket a warm
embrace for your heart my love for you
is Limitless like a never-ending River
of kindness and caring and when you’re
all quiet and thinking you might even
sense a soft whisper from me deep within
your heart this journey we’re on you’re
not alone at all picture a flame burning
bright inside your heart that’s my love
for you when things feel tough when
you’re sad or scared just call out to me
and I’ll be listening you see my spirit
is here to guide you through the twists
and turns of life when everything seems
uncertain if you keep your eyes on me
you’ll find the strength to Brave any
storm that comes your way life can be
like a roller coaster with ups and downs
but guess what I’m your biggest fan and
I send special Messengers kind people
little signs or even just positive
thoughts to remind you that good things
are happening even if you can’t see them
right away so even when you’re unsure
remember that I’m working things out for
your good now when you’re feeling down
lift your head and imagine looking into
my eyes eyes filled with love and care
just for you feel that love washing over
you melting away any worries or fears
and my grace it’s like a special guide
that can help you heal you and fill you
with hope that never goes away this
Journey of Faith we’re doing it together
unlike a loving parent holding your hand
and walking with you every step of the
as the story of your life unfolds I hope
you find the strength to grab onto hope
with both hands I want you to dive deep
into the ocean of my love and discover
the peace that comes when you trust me
with your life imagine that we’re
holding the pen to your life story
together and in every word we write
there’s a bit of Hope and a whole lot of
love that keeps you going strong when
you read these words let them light a
fire inside you a glow of warmth that
reminds you that you’re never ever alone
I’m right there beside you and my love
is like a strong handcore that keeps you
steady through life’s twists and turns
so my amazing child if you believe in
all of this type Amen to show your faith
and let the light of Hope shine brightly
ahead of you

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