God Says : Your Time Is Running Out | God Message Today | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says : Your Time Is Running Out | God Message Today | God Says

dear listener today we will study the

scripture of Matthew – and aim to

learn a new lesson that God wishes to

convey to us don’t ignore this the

scripture says blessed are the poor in

spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of

Heaven blessed are they that mourn for

they shall be comforted blessed are the

meek for they shall inherit the earth

blessed are they which do hunger and

thirst after righteousness for they

shall be filled blessed are the merciful

for they shall obtain Mercy blessed are

the pure in heart for they shall see God

blessed are the peacemakers for they

shall be called the children of God

blessed are they which are persecuted

for righteousness sake for theirs is the

Kingdom of Heaven blessed are ye when

men shall revile you and persecute you

and shall say all manner of evil against

you falsely for my sake rejoice and be

exceeding glad for great is your reward

in heaven for so persecuted they the

prophets which were before you Matthew


Dear Brothers and Sisters in

Christ today as We Gather in the

presence of the Lord let us turn our

hearts and Minds to the profound

teachings of Jesus Christ found in the

gospel of Matthew specifically in the

passage known as the Beatitudes these

Timeless words spoken by our savior

unveil the true essence of discipleship

and offer us a road map to experiencing

the blessings of God’s kingdom firstly

Jesus declares blessed are the poor in

spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of

Heaven what does it mean to be poor in

spirit it is to recognize our utter

dependence on God acknowledging our

spiritual poverty apart from his grace

when we humble ourselves before God

surrendering our pride and

self-sufficiency we open the door to the

abundant abant blessings of his kingdom

furthermore Jesus proclaims blessed are

those who mourn for they shall be

comforted in the midst of life’s trials

and Sorrows we find solace in the arms

of our compassionate savior he is the

source of true Comfort offering his

peace that surpasses all understanding

to those who grieve moreover Jesus

blesses the meek promising that they

shall inherit the earth in a world that

exalts power and dominance Jesus teaches

us the way of humility and gentleness

the meek are not weak rather they embody

strength under control reflecting the

character of our humble King Jesus

continues blessed are those who hunger

and thirst for righteousness for they

shall be filled as followers of Christ

we are called to pursue righteousness

with fervent Zeal longing to align our

lives with God’s perfect will those who

earnestly seek righteousness will find

satisfaction in the abundance of God’s

grace and truth furthermore Jesus extols

the virtue of Mercy declaring blessed

are the merciful for they shall obtain

Mercy in a world marked by judgment and

condemnation the followers of Christ are

called to embody his compassion and

forgiveness as we extend Mercy to others

we experience the bound mercy of our

heavenly father moreover Jesus proclaims

blessed are the pure in heart for they

shall see

God the purity of heart entails

integrity and sincerity a genuine

Devotion to God that transcends outward

appearances it is those who cultivate

purity of heart who will behold the

glory of God and experience intimacy

with him additionally Jesus blesses the

peacemakers declaring them to be the

children of God in a world marred by

conflict and division the followers of

Christ are called to be agents of

reconciliation and Peace by promoting

Harmony and unity we reflect the

character of our heavenly father and

bear witness to his kingdom lastly Jesus

assures us blessed are those who are

persecuted for righteousness sake

rejoice and be exceedingly glad for

great is your reward in heaven

persecution may come to those who



knowing that our reward awaits Us in the

Eternal Kingdom of our heavenly father

amen like if you believe in


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