God Says ➨ You Will be Punished If You Skip Me | God Message Today | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ You Will be Punished If You Skip Me | God Message Today | God Tells

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions so watch the full video my

beloved child you are the apple of my

eye my precious treasure I know every

detail of your life every hurt and

disappointment you faced every Valley

you’ve walked through and

still my love for you remains unwavering

my heart is moved with compassion

towards you you never leave my thoughts

even when you feel inadequate or ashamed

remember how I see you you are my

righteous redeemed forgiven child your

value was worth the highest price paid

through my son you are beautiful to me

clothed in garments of

Salvation doubt no longer holds you

captive because my love has set you free

when lies creep inane you are

forgotten unworthy or unloved cling to

my truth you are

remembered cherished and the object of

my complete

affection you belong to me you have my

stamp of approval I sing Over You songs

of Deliverance for you are mine I know

the burdens you carry feel heavy but

come give them to me I do not grow faint

or weary my Everlasting Arms are able to

lift you up and bear your load I will

carry what is too heavy for you in me

you will find the rest your soul Longs

for take comfort for I am near to the

Brokenhearted when you are distressed

and things seem hopeless pour out your

heart to me my perfect love casts out

all fear you are safe in my care even

When Storms Come and waves crash all

around keep your eyes fixed on me your

anchor I will never let you be swept

away by The Tempest my faithful love is

your shelter beloved You are not alone

if you believe in God then like the

video and leave a heartfelt Amen in the

comments not even for a moment my

presence goes with you wherever you go I

am your daily companion your comforter I

Rejoice over you you bring me joy and

make me smile you do not need to earn my

grace and mercy

they await you each new day without cost

or condition come receive from me

Supernatural strength to walk forward in

Hope and courage again my plans for you

are good I Know the Way Forward even

when the path seems dim trust my heart

toward you even through seasons of

uncertainty and

change I am committed to your

flourishing the wounds from others may

run deep I long to heal them do not lose

heart or give up up lay your HT at the

foot of my cross let my love wash over

you like a soothing balm I restore what

has been broken when condemnation Creeps

in reminding you of past mistakes

remember this you have been forgiven and

redeemed you are clothed in my

righteousness the accuser has lost his

grip on you walk in new mercies each

morning my delight is to bless you my

beloved you are royalty in My Kingdom

ask me for what you need and watch my

hand of provision move on your behalf I

wish to pour out spiritual and material

abundance come to me when you are weary

and spent I will give you rest take my

yoke upon you and learn from me in me

you will find Gentle strength for each

day even in the Valley of the shadow of

death you need not fear evil for I am

with you my rod and my staff comfort you

I have prepared an eternal home for you

overflowing with joy in my presence my

love is upon you it surrounds you always

you are safe in my

hands no one can steal you away from me

have confidence that I am who I say I am

and I will do what I have promised trust

in my faithful unfailing love beloved

child you bring joy to my heart I sing

Over You Praises of redemption and hope

lift your eyes to me me your loving

father find your worth and identity in

me alone you are secure I know your

heart’s deepest longing it is for me I

have placed eternity in your heart and

only I can satisfy its hunger my child

pause the video and click the Subscribe

button to join me come abide in my love

drink deeply from my Fountain of Life do

not grow weary or lose heart even you

youths May faint but I renew your

strength when you wait on me commit your

way to me trust in me and I act though

Darkness increases in this world greater

still is my light living in you do not

be overcome by evil but overcome evil

with my good shine brightly

beloved I am always with you even to the

end of the age you never face a moment

apart from my

presence this is my promise this is my

comfort you are not

alone I knit you together each fiber

perfectly crafted you are unique

Handmade by your

creator there is no one exactly like you

you reveal my glory in your own special

way do not fear my child for I hold you

fast in my grip of Grace I have

conquered every Foe and my love protects

you walk in peace and confidence as my

own when adversity stries stes and evil

appears to Triumph cling to me your rock

and Redeemer though tyrants rise for a

day I remain king forever my plans will

prevail Justice is mine trust in my

timing though it differ from your own my

ways are higher but always good feel

free to share this video with up to

three people if you feel the need for

God’s presence let others too bask in

the Divine Light of our heavenly father

wait patiently on me as I work all

things for your benefit my delays are

not denials take heart beloved child

your trials on Earth are light and

momentary compared to the eternal glory

being prepared for you endure with joy

your Redemption draws nigh you are the

radiant bride of Christ purchased by my

blood robed in splendor walk with head

held high dignified and confident as an

heir to my kingdom even when you stumble

or fall short I am near to lift you up

again my Mercy continually cleanses you

my grace never runs out come boldly

before my Throne to find help I know

your pain and heartache intimately you

feel forgotten but I have not forgotten

you your struggles are etched into the

palms of my hands I am with you in

sorrow and grief my love knows no limits

it is higher than the heavens deeper

than the oceans vast

unending and complete is my love for you

rest in this truth you are fully and

forever loved my child you the treasure

I Rejoice over never doubt your worth

and value to me I chose to call you my

own to make you my Dwelling Place you

bring me

Delight when fear grips your heart pour

it out to me in prayer my perfect love

drives out fear I am your shield in

deliverer you can trust me with all that

troubles you the deceiver Whispers did

God really say but do not listen to his

lies hold fast to my truth it alone sets

you free my word is dependable and

endures forever your weakness allows my

strength to be made perfect rely not on

yourself but fully on me apart from me

you can do nothing with me all things


possible I have called you by name you

are mine

my precious chosen

child never believe the lies that say

you are rejected or

abandoned my Covenant with you remains I

am your God beloved you bring joy to my

heart my delight is in you you honor me

simply by trusting in my unfailing love

rest in my presence today you are safe

here with me my plans for you are good

and full of Hope dear child if you wish

to help help our ministry in spreading

the message of Jesus kindly consider

supporting us by donating through the

buy me a coffee link provided in the

description and pinned comment as you

seek me you will discover life’s true

meaning and purpose walk with me on this

adventure of faith when you pass through

deep Waters know that I am with you when

you walk through the fire you will not

be burned my power sustains you through


season lift your gaze up from Earth woes

to your Eternal home this world is

fading but you are mine

forever hold Loosely Earthly things

cling tightly to me my child you are

forgiven and freed from bondage sin no

longer defines you the old has gone the

new has

come walk in Holiness and Purity as my

beloved I am always with you when you

rise up and when you lie down when you

go out and come in my presence remains

you are never

alone my delight is to bless you do not

hesitate to come before me with Open

Hands name your needs and watch

expectantly as Heaven moves when

adversity strikes do not yield to

despair the testing of your faith

produces perseverance you will emerge

refined like pure gold you are engraved

on the palms of my

hands you never leave my thoughts every

hair on your head is numbered you are

safe in my care my love for you is

unfailing and

uncompromising it depends on who I am

not what you do you do not have to earn

it or prove your worth simply receive

it come to me when you are heavy laden

and I will give you rest take refuge in

my Sheltering Wing here you will find

your Soul’s Repose even When Storms

arise and the wind howls I remain your


do not be shaken I am your rock your

Fortress your strength you are safe with

me my compassion and mercies are new

Every Morning receive this gift of unmar

love and walk forward with the grace I

provide for each day you have my full


always there is never a moment you are

forgotten or unseen My Eyes Are Fixed On

You my beloved child

amen my child click on the join button

to join us as a cherished member of our


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