God Says ➨ Your Life is Over Don't Ignore This Again | God Message Today | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Your Life is Over Don’t Ignore This Again | God Message Today | God Tells

my beloved child in this world you will

face many trials and uncertainties that

can easily instill fear within your

heart the enemy desires nothing more

than to terrorize you with anxious

thoughts and steal the peace I have

given but do not be shaken my

child now is the time to choose Faith

over fear I did not design you to live

in a state of constant worry and panic

you were created to walk with boldness


confidence secure in the knowledge that

I am God I go before you and make the

Crooked places straight keep your eyes

fixed on me not on the surrounding

chaos fear may feel overwhelming in the

moment but it flees in my powerful

presence when you call upon me I draw

near to you you can trust me to be your

very present help in times of trouble

cry out to me and watch Fear melt away

as my perfect love permeates every cell

of your being refuse to make decisions

based on fear or alarm instead pause and

pray listen for the still small voice of

my spirit guiding you to choose faith

not fear I will lead you on the path of

peace and

righteousness even when it seems

illogical to your finite mind do not

believe the lies that you are alone in


struggles I am right here walking with

you through every

trial take confidence that I am

intimately acquainted with all your ways

you can fully rely on my grace and

strength in your weak areas

I am your rock and your

Fortress anxious thoughts race but they

are not from me bind them in my name

fill your mind with truth who I am and

the safety I provide as you dwell on my

promises faith will arise and fear will

crumble do not be troubled my beloved I

have overcome the world and all that is

in it I hold your life secure in the

palm of my hand not even death can

snatch you from my loving grip have

faith in my sovereign control type Amen

in the comments and don’t forget to

share this message with up to three

people so that God can help you in the

storms of life cling tightly to me your

anchor I will keep you from sinking into

despair the winds may howl but I am your

rock and

refuge set your mind on things above not

Earthly chaos my heart’s desire is that

you walk in the freedom I have provided

unhindered by constant dread and worry

come boldly before my throne of grace to

find the help you need my Mercy is new


morning I did not create your brilliant

mind to be dominated by apprehension and

panic as you align with my truth perfect

peace will rule fix your thoughts fully

on me trust me above your fears beloved

do not despair in times of trouble and

darkness weeping may come for a night

but joy arrives with the dawn have faith

that I am restoring and redeeming resist

hopelessness my plans for your life are

good they are meant to prosper you not

harm you when fear assails you remember

who goes before you the one Mighty in

power and faithful in love do not be

dismayed by bad news have confidence

that underneath are my Everlasting Arms

I am working all things for your good

trust this my ways are higher than your

ways take heart and do not lose hope no

obstacle is greater than my ability to

help you be bold and courageous for I

myself will be with you wherever you go

I will never leave you my child you have

no reason to live in anxiety and dread

the spirit within you is greater than

any force in the world you are an

overcomer through my power and might

walk by faith not sight when terror

strikes your heart in the night cry out

to me your Refuge I am ever watchful

over you my angels encamp around those

who fear me rest secure in my presence

my beloved take

comfort I have overcome all your foes

the evil one himself cowers at my

name with me on your side Whom Shall you

fear I am your shield and your

reward do not be troubled by uncertainty

each day has enough worries of its own

have faith in my daily

Moment by moment Grace and

provision I am Jehovah jira your

provider you need Never Walk In Fear

again for you have been delivered from

the Dominion of Darkness into my kingdom

of light you are a new creation filled

with power from on high my child pause

the video and click the Subscribe button

to join me I assure you my child light

afflictions now are producing an eternal

glory Beyond comparison do not lose

heart your pain has purpose just have

faith and

endure when anxiety Rises and you feel

afraid worship me your strong tower and

safe Refuge praise silences fear faster

than any other tactic magnify me above

your momentary

troubles I have not given you a spirit

of fear or timidity but of

power love and sound judgment you have

self-control by my spirit who lives in

you walk in this truth

if I am for you I who can stand against

you have faith in my faithfulness I am

able to do above and beyond all you ask

behold my great love for you my

steadfast love calms your troubled mind

when you dwell in my presence fear finds

no foothold trust me today and always

rest in my goodness my grace is

sufficient for every

weakness turn to me boldly for help to

overcome all that terrifies you you I

will be your strength in those areas

depend on me you need not figure

everything out on your own in fact

self-reliance thrives in Pride instead

humble yourself under my hand trusting

me fully my ways are higher I have

established you in righteousness and

truth you have all you need to walk

uprightly without stumbling have faith

that you are truly free in me my beloved


take heart in this world you will have

troubles but my peace is greater still

do not believe the deceivers Lies You

have overcome in me I understand how

heavy your burdens feel let me shoulder

them for you precious one I do not grow

faint or

weary My Strength infuses those who

trust in me my love for you is without

bounds it reaches farther than the East

is from the West have faith in my

unwavering devotion you are safe in my

care in the trials and tribulations of

this age do not cave to distress or

dismay fix your eyes firmly on me I have

overcome the world believe this when

anxiety attempts to overtake your

thoughts reclaim them for heaven’s

purposes take every thought captive in

obedience to Christ renew your mind in

truth dear child if you wish to help

help our ministry in spreading the

message of Jesus kindly consider

supporting us by donating through the

buy me a coffee link provided in the

description and pinned comment I have

not given you a spirit of fear or alarm

but of power and sound judgment You Can

Think Clearly by the mind of Christ in

you have faith in this no matter how

things may appear have confidence that I

am working all things together for your

benefit you are secure in my sovereign

plan rest in this do not be anxious

about anything but in everything with

gratitude present your requests to me

thank me for the answer as you release

it into my hands I am near to all who

call on me in faith to those who are

serious about trusting me above their

fears draw near

today I will draw near to you do not

worry and ring your hands have faith

that your father in Heaven knows your

every need before you ask I care deeply

and will help you come to me when you

are feeling terrified exhausted and beat

down tell me all that troubles you and

watch me intervene with my presence and

power the storms of life reveal who is

built upon Rock and who on Sand build on

me the rock I cannot be shaken

structures grounded in me will stand

even giant waves of fear and doubt

cannot overtake You When Your Eyes Are

Fixed On Me rise above the storm looking

to me your compass who guides you home

when others revile and persecute you do

not counter in fear have faith in my

plans and purposes I use all things for

your good vengeance is mine my child

take comfort here in my

presence the clamor around cannot shake

my peace residing in you you overcome by

the blood of the lamb and the word of

your testimony be patient and affliction

and cling to me I am a shield to those

whose hearts are loyal to me wait upon

the Lord and knew your strength have

faith fret not about evildoers and their

scheming I laugh at those who oppose me

and my people be still and know that I

am God have faith in me beloved you have

my spirit

inside greater than any force in the

world you can walk in power love and

self-control have faith in who you are

in me rest in this

promise no weapon formed against you can

or will prosper

what I have spoken over you will come to

pass have faith in my words my precious

child take courage I have overcome the

world the battles are mine the victory

already yours lift your gaze your

Redemption draws

nigh have faith blessed are those who do

not see yet still believe in me and my

faithfulness simply trust without


proof take this leap of faith

it ushers in Miracles my

beloved I have chosen you and anointed

you to walk in strength and

boldness take hold of the courage I

Supply fear no longer holds sway feel

free to share this video with up to

three people if you feel the need for

God’s presence when dark clouds converge

and storms ass sail remember I am your

refuge and strength have faith that I

will lead you to safety do not abandon

hope the the righteous live by faith in

the Son of God who loved them and gave

himself for them abide in my love and

you will bear much fruit Have Faith In

My Sacrifice my child I have loved you

with an everlasting love that will

endure from age to age unequivocal is my

devotion have faith in my steadfast

heart let not your heart be troubled

believe in me and the power of my name

though shakings will come your faith in

me remains

unmoved have faith

Overcomer do not judge things solely by

what is visible take the shield of faith

and quench every flaming arrow of the

evil one have faith in things


amen my child click on the join button

to join us as a cherished member of our


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