my child I implore you with unfaltering conviction to get ready for the night

and let it be a Haven of Peace create a sanctuary to rest your weary spirit I

personally signed a message of love that an angel has brought to your home in doing this I want to shed light on any

confusion reassure you of my sincerity and carve my vows into the depths of your soul When You Close Your Eyes

unwind and let the gentle caress of your memories embrace your dreams return to the road of optimism because Terror

Fades away as your soul serenades me proclaiming your unwavering faith in love with unwavering courage and self

assurance face any sadness or fear as the Morning Light Rises my beloved I

pray that you sleep well tonight when you awaken tomorrow your loving father will kiss you and a bright smile will

Grace your face remember that I am always aware of the desires of your heart close your eyes and find solace in

the loving arms of your God as you wander through the nighttime worlds of your dreams the good things I’ve planned

for you and your family will come to pass in due time today is the day of your salvation and with it comes your

tomorrow he is my leader therefore Rejoice the skies are happy with your

choice to let go of your heart your future like the rising sun will be more

brilliant than your past rest assured you will not be embarrassed when they

hear your unfounded allegations and see your success your enemies get enraged

since they rejected the atoning blood they still have no remorse in their hearts one of two things must happen

they must repent or stand they disguise their sins as virtues hiding behind good

Doctrine as my enemies avoid those who spread false accusations against their fellow believers who use their tongues

as Weapons their eyes as tools of Shame and who destroy innocent families while

aiding the spread of evil you may find my voice in my writings if you wish to feel its resonance inside you flip

through the pages fill them with love and faith hold them close with hope and follow the road they light with

unfaltering commitment and resolve I pray that today brings you boundless happiness and unfaltering

strength your back on the go sleep better every night goodbye terrifying

dreams your mind is free from any constraints from this day on and you will sleep peacefully and comfortably

the traps your enemies create will catch them not you and their curses will not harm you I’m always watching over you my

angels making sure you rest and wake up when you need to embrace yourself armed

with blazing swords to protect your existence and honor I give you the power to walk on scorpions and serpents making

you Unstoppable seek my word pray quickly and bow down before me every day

so that you may obtain my favor wisdom and protection those who rebel against

you will experience such humiliation from my touch that they will never dare to harm you again no one can slander my

holy name and they will understand the gravity of the issue of Faith demonstrate the strength dignity honesty

and veracity that your religion represents everyone around you including

yourself will start to walk more humbly in your spiritual life looking up to the

sky looking back at those who tried to bring you down I will hold you close and

make sure you don’t trip over the things they set up to discourage you remain resilient and resist succumbing to

trolls or sarcastic remarks succumbing to them will instill fear in your adversaries prompting them to attempt

harm but their enemies are feudal and they’ll see their cowardice exposed when

my glorious light exposes their evil plans you are already part of your fate so

relax live in tranquility and ignore others who can’t see your love stay

rooted in my love and evil will not touch you let go of your worries and

enjoy each day to the fullest my love for you has no bounds and my Legion of

guardian angels will be at your side nothing in this world can ever take you away from me thus I will never leave you

within me you will find the strength to endure your path enjoy the good things

I’ve planned for you and get where you’re going there are a lot of things to worry about in life but you shouldn’t

allow them to disrupt your sleep your peace of mind your ability to face imminent danger or the advice of your

doctor I am the one who will ensure your survival direct your steps and shape

your destiny so that it is bright and safe however do not allow fear to

paralyze you these these affirmations are important so listen carefully and

let them sink in after you’ve heard what I have to say take some time to sit in

my presence and bring me your concerns questions and wishes I am willing to

Pardon you for your transgressions and cleanse you with my powerful blood so that you may go on free from the weight

of needless shame and remorse I will strengthen you bless you and double your

benefits every time you come to talk to me keep your focus on your goals and I

will support you throughout the process so much is within your reach stay undeterred by anything or anybody you

have grasped the core of what I’m trying to say Say a Word of Faith to me now and

I will confirm your conviction that word has the ability to restore strengthen

and Advance your life immediately it can be done you can trust it make up your

mind right now to trust that my love care patience commands and Direction may

change you for the better despite the difficulties I’m able to usher in an age

of Abundant Blessings and Delight even if some people don’t show their appreciation or recognize your affection

you are still very important to a lot of people including myself I see your efforts and respect your altruism I’ll

make sure to document everything you do for them I am here to support you in

addition there are many witnesses who St stand in support of you both in heaven and on Earth the warrior angels are

ready for combat defeat your enemies and remove their roadblocks you have many supporters who pray for you and adore

you every time I’m in your company your name resounds in order for you to find

Redemption Liberty and joy even in the midst of suffering I gave my life I will

reveal the strength of my blood to benefit your family in the days to come helping you is my goal however I

appreciate your mindset and genuine desire to advance your pursuit of winning is something I like believe what

I say Seek me first thing in the morning and keep your eyes open to observe the good things happening all around you I

promise you this now is the time for you to get to know me and welcome me into your life with all your being with the

promise of change I reach out my hand to you my beloved child I have noticed your

steadfast faith in me and I want to share the good news of a fresh start with you so you can rest confident that

your prayers spoken in jesus’ name will receive hearing and answer May happiness

and prosperity abound in your life and house you will be able to attain these gifts if you have unwavering trust

treasure my teachings and wait patiently for the Fulfillment of your desires your

blessings will come your way when the stars align just as it takes months for a seed to germinate and for a seed

to undergo change before sprouting I have faith that you are aware of this fact and I beg you not to give up step

by step but don’t lose sight of the Horizon do not be afraid of change it is

a necessary step toward your happiness along this journey with me I want to put

you in touch with people and things that will encourage your development as your

champion and loving child I promise to never overpower accuse or condemn you

in your dreams I will show you enchanting visions that will make you feel like you’re living in heaven on

Earth if only you could see the Angels cheering you on feel the Divine Light

guiding you and see the obstacles Fall Away showing that the universe is working to help you your steadfast trust

and unconditional love for me are the anchors that pull benefits from the cosmos and I have the ability to stir

them for you every day presents its own set of problems but your bold faith is

extremely inspiring and that is why I answer your call even in this New Year

my love for you has not wavered you and your loved ones are about to receive an

abundance of Love protection and benefits tell me how much you believed in me last night I watched as you sought

Solace struggling with ideas and memories even in the midst of their busiest and tiredest times it Thrills my

heart to see my children remember my love and embrace the benefits I provide

your appreciation and the unique position you’ve set aside for me are Treasures that I will always cherish a

live fire that drives out negativity strengthens your resolve and gives you the capacity to overcome challenges is

your unwavering faith not some decoration or meaningless statement on a wall it Comforts your soul in times of

sorrow and offers consolation to those suffering it conve raise the joy of My Affection to everyone in your vicinity

your words have tremendous power and your faith is a powerful weapon you are alert and prepared for combat so stand

firm against the powers of Darkness nothing can slay you like a lion you may

be certain that my love for you will remain constant and unchanging no matter where you are what time of day it is how

happy or sad you are or how bad things are this is because of the trust you have in me you can always count on my

love to be there for you but I also hope for the love you have to offer oh my little child in return I ask that you

consider the path of obedience and rewards that lie ahead of you and give me your blessing the answer you’re

looking for is only a handshake away yes I did put it there faith is the key that

unlocks the power of the Supernatural and my word is the source of the strength you need these wonders will

forever change your generation because of your unwavering commitment I will

always be there to defend you and shower your family with love as I hold you close I want to reassure you I will wipe

away your tears cover you with my mantle and give you my warm hug my love and

kindness will fill you to overflowing and I will wash away any bitterness from your spirit my darling I hope you’re

feeling better now I get it right now more than ever you need my help nothing

is required of You by me I humbly request your unwavering faith and an abundance of benefits your family is

here to protect you and love you deeply last night you showed your trust in me I

watched as you sought Solace struggling with ideas and memories even in the midst of their busiest and tiredest

times it Thrills my heart to see my children remember my love and embrace the benefits I provide your appreciation

and the unique position you’ve set aside for me are Treasures that I will always cherish a live fire that drives out

negativity strengthens your resolve and gives you the capacity to overcome challenges is your unwavering faith not

some decoration or meaningless statement on a wall it Comforts your soul in times

of sorrow and offers consolation to those suffering it conveys the joy of My Affection to everyone in your vicinity

your words have tremendous power and your faith is a powerful weapon you are are alert and prepared for combat so

stand firm against the powers of Darkness nothing can slay you like a lion you may be certain that my love for

you will remain constant and unchanging no matter where you are what time of day it is how happy or sad you are or how

bad things are this is because of the trust you have in me you can always count on my love to be there for you but

I also hope for the love you have to offer the answer you’re looking for is only a handshake away yes I did put it

there faith is the key that unlocks the power of the Supernatural and my word is

the source of the strength you need these wonders will forever change your generation my unwavering Allegiance

guarantees my love and protection for you and your loved ones I will hold you

close soothe you wipe away your tears cover you with my warmth and cradle you

in my arms while you lie in my hands my love and kindness will fill you to

overflowing and I will wash away any bitterness from your spirit my darling I

hope you’re feeling better now I get it right now more than ever you need my

help nothing is required of You by me your confidence and appreciation in our conversations are all I ask no matter

how long or short your words are what matters most is the genuiness and purpose behind them all I need is this

something as little as a mustard seed as I said before May through prayer move

mountains I shape your future from the Heavenly Throne providing you with Solace and demonstrating my love in the

meantime when fear comes knocking Keep Calm in the face of suffering remember my words and Proclaim that God is my

father Shepherd guide and provider I will respond to your needs according to

my Divine will I know he will help me today since he always comes to my rescue

do not budge stay steadfast on my road free from distractions and focus on the

mission I’ve given you for tomorrow attempting to divert your attention and

inundate your mind with meaningless Illusions yet if you immerse yourself in my word you will find intellectual

strength and guidance from none put your fears and doubts to rest as you follow the road I’ve laid out for you when it

comes to your feelings and needs I am always there for you my peace is with you my beloved it is not like the Peace

of of this world it is a spiritual peace that no one else can provide when you

cried out to me for help I heard it and when you worshiped me I felt it my

answer is on root so please be patient be rejoicing in the miracle that I’m going to perform in your life today and

embrace it with open arms you are really fortunate and will continue to be much

more so your steadfast faith has led you in the correct direction and I applaud

your dedication you are doing an excellent job of staying focused on my Commandments and I want you to keep

doing that you have persevered in letting the Heavenly winds steer your sails despite the difficulty of letting

my message into your being re-rooting your ship and changing your path your desire to change and your new outlook

are admirable you have my unwavering support and guidance right here by your side there is no limit to my affection

for you today I am your provider your Shepherd and your father so be strong

and trust in me with you at all times a blessing Beyond human comprehension is

upon you because I have arrived listening to these words is like hearing the very essence of existence I offer

these to you as a symbol of my unending love for you and as a gesture of support

as you face the difficulties of life I am molding your character guiding your intellect and teaching you knowledge

patience and abundance are gifts I am stowing upon you immersed in my soul

every part of your existence under goes a metamorphosis you will resist the temptation to sin and deviate from the

path of righteousness the power to liberate yourself from shackling Habits is mine to bestow on you things that are

excellent lovely innocent and fair will occupy your mind from now on keeping

your thoughts pure and your heart strong you will sit and avoid the desire to

defame observe the the remarkable Transformations occurring within you and recognize the significant advantages

bestowed upon you people around you will treat you with dignity putting aside

their own grudges and forgiving you for yours doors will open blessings will

flow down and opportunities will appear to meet your family’s needs because of the amount of Grace I’m pouring into

your spirit without the weight of your prior worries and concerns I am carving

out a fresh path for you to follow imagine a life filled with joy and contentment free from anxieties and

fears nothing can hurt you now that my blood has set you free not even the

deceitful words of those who would do you harm you have an innocent mind heart

spirit and lips that is the gift I give to those who fearlessly Proclaim my word

who confess their sins who ask for my pardon and who pray humbly for my blessings every night before they sleep

Tell Me Your Troubles let your Sorrows be known and let your frustrations be laid bare I am familiar with your views

and I do not hold wroth against you so do not be afraid to express them pour out your heart and soul with Assurance

in doing so you will discover rest and fresh hope throughout this process you

will not lose hope or let fear consume you when you wake up tomorrow your

appreciation for all the benefits and Marvels I have already changed in your life will overwhelm you if you have

trust in those who are courageous in the face of adversity and continue to press on in your faith you will see that all

things are possible in the future bet on my kindness compassion and the powerful

force that can pick you up when you fall and you will see Miracles please realize that my love for

you is greater than any transgression you may have committed I pray that you will repent of your crime cries abandon

the road of wickedness cut ties with toxic people and overcome any vices that

hold you back in my presence you scream with all your force and faith and I will

break and destroy your bindings with my powerful blood as you open your eyes and

lips tomorrow may they ring with Thanksgiving and praise and may you welcome your responsibilities with

enthusiasm strengthened by the strength I will give you I want you to awaken free from all bonds tomorrow tomorrow

bring new life to your dormant Ambitions and pick up where you left off with the things you’ve neglected have faith in

what I say recognize that I have placed you in a situation where you can achieve

success these may be difficult times but they are also the best moments for you to succeed and reach your full potential

may you find many blessings in all areas of life just as my truth nurtures your

spirit when you rest reaffirming your faith in me my heart longs to cradle you

like a newborn baby and show you the way to trust so that you might find Solace In My Embrace Your Faith Like a child’s

may be pure and uncomplicated because your heart has been cleansed you know I

contacted you in a friendly Manner and you also know that you are welcome to spend as much time as you want with me

in the course of our many talks you may tell me about your hopes and fears and I will tell you that I am your father who

vowed to always be there for you will I ever leave this place and never come back no matter how bad the loneliness

becomes I will always be here for you I am faithful and honest so if you ever

think I’ve left you just pick up the phone and talk to me because of my immense love for you I came to you

poured out my Holy Spirit upon you washed your heart and gave you the victory

Crown persistently an accuser disturbs Your Serenity brings up your history

lingers in the shadows and whispers about your transgressions in an effort to plant the seed of guilt inside you I

have changed you but he wants you to feel bad about your past you have transformed it would mean a lot to me if

you could have even a fraction of my admiration for your extraordinary abilities you would be astounded by the

discovery but getting where you’re going depends on trust your unwavering faith in me will give you the fortitude and

determination to fulfill your magnificent Destiny even if your current circumstances do not quite correspond

with your magnificent potential one day you will be able to look back on your journey and remember the times when

giving up was an option but your faith kept you going your present development

is one of tremendous maturity and I am impressed but no matter what happens you

will never stop being my little one my kid you should not be afraid or hesitant

because I am your God if you want to live forever as a prince or princess at

your heavenly father’s side I will strengthen you help you and support you with my holy right hand I will Crown you

with power and give you Royal apparel if you set foot on Earth and an Angelic host will guard you at all times you

will never be alone my beloved you will always be surrounded by my affection

love and care because of the particular POS position you occupy in my heart I am

the only one who can free you from your trials join me in the battle raging inside you and as you open the

floodgates of your soul to me I will open them for you bringing with them astonishing changes and the answers to

your problems your willingness to come to me in times of Crisis is inspiring my dear kid find comfort in the profound

promise of my unwavering affection please come to me and let me soothe you physically Ally mentally and spiritually

so that you may give me your whole attention let go of whatever is bothering you the breadth length height

and depth of my love for you are beyond your comprehension let yourself be amazed by their immensity celebrate the

Everlasting nature of this incredible love living a grateful life is the greatest way to repay This Magnificent

gift in every expression of gratitude remember that I am the Lord and the

provider for you and an obedient child of God should use this posture while

expressing thanks you will see the extent to which I bless you as you bring me the sacrifice of thankfulness I care

for you so you may cast all your worries on me in this quiet place of your spirit

I am reaching out my hands to ease the weight that you are carrying you may rest certain that your heart and mind

will be safe in my arms if you accept the serenity I give a peace that passes

all understanding my darling always keep in mind that being in my company brings

an abundance of delight and that at my right hand are Joys that will last forever when you’re down and out you may

draw strength and Solace from me in times of delight you may rely on me tell

me about it I will be by your side through every difficult and wonderful time in your life may the power of my

spirit dwell inside you and may my abundant grace enable you to face every challenge that comes your way through

faith let Christ reside in your hearts rest secure in the love I have given you

may you together with all the saints be able to understand the enormity of Christ’s love gain an understanding of

this love that is greater than knowledge and God’s fullness will be yours the vine is me each of you is a branch if

you remain in me and I in you whoever abides in me will produce abundant fruit

may my words abide with you abundant ly allow them to serve as the Cornerstone of your existence hold on to my

commitments when things are tough they serve as a foundation for your spirit keep in mind that I have never changed I

will always adore you no matter what I’m happy to walk confidently in my love for

you since you are adored allow it to be your protection your inner fortitude and

your Guiding Light put my kingdom and righteousness first in your life and I will add all these things to you do not

be afraid I am your stronghold shelter and constant support in times of need be

still and recognize my divine nature even as the world crumbles and mountains Plunge Into The Ocean my child I shall

be honored both among the Nations and on Earth I want my love and faithfulness to shine through in your life let them know

the optimism you feel May the kindness and mercy of God shine through in everything that you say and do shout out

while others are silent those around you find Solace and inspiration in you fear

has no place in my heart perfect love drives away fear Embrace Life with gusto

love profoundly and walk fearlessly there is more than enough Grace for you

I am most powerful when I am least strong with my love my spirit and the fortitude to face each day with optimism

and bravery I will be by your side forever even until the end of time it is

when you are prepared to take a risk that I will show you the way when you’re in my will you know that this supposedly

dangerous area is really the safest in your spiritual journey you have reached

a critical juncture if you really want to be my follower you have to overcome

your tendency to be cautious with your undivided attention let me lead you

through each moment of this day one need not be afraid to walk even the most treacherous routes with practice you’ll

be able to unwind and find joy in the trip we’re on together rest easy you

enjoyed me feel the a inspiring mystery of my incarnation in your heart be a

living testimony to the gentleness and Tranquility I provide and worship me both in thought and deed you are with me

every step of the journey leading loving and blessing loosen up in my healing

presence when you return to visit your thoughts might easily wander to to the day’s agenda and challenges when you’re

not paying attention but I implore you to return them to me and the peace I

provide in this hallowed room let the gentle caress of My Affection permeate

Your Existence revitalizing your soul I strengthen you to face the difficulties

of the day in this peaceful Fellowship this quality time with you isn’t always

the most interesting to me but it strengthens and equips you our time

together is sacred so do not treat it like a chore you must do spending time

with me should take precedence over all the other things that are competing for your attention you’re making a personal

choice and nobody can force you to change your mind about what you think is superior consider the words found in

Psalm have faith in the Lord and his might always aim for his face you find

the strength you need when you seek my face and or Orient your heart and thoughts toward me rest assured I will

provide you with profound attention on This Global there will be a lot of things competing for your attention and

anxiety but the one thing that is really necessary is spending time with me you

will find nourishment for your soul renewal for your spirit and recharging of your energy there come to me now not

hurriedly or out of Duty but with a decision to really connect and commune with me in these times stimes for in the

Peace of our fellowship I will remind you of my love Grace and power and these

things may be working in your life as you go about your day May my joy bolster

your spirit my understanding lead your thoughts and my calm fill your heart

share with me the serenity and perspective you achieved during those Priceless times spent with me renew and

unwind by sharing your ideas as you go about your day remember remember to take a moment to let me be a part of your

thoughts even if your life is full of many demands and responsibilities your body will relax when your mind stops

running and you will be able to concentrate deeply on me again this knowledge isn’t just practical it’s

essential to your spiritual health and survival on this complicated Planet there is more to reality than the four

corners of the room where you are situated time and space are not foreign Concepts to you nor are the three

dimensions of area a further Dimension lies Beyond them one aspect of being receptive to my presence goes beyond my

material availability my original plan for mankind included this ecstatic

experience which allows for a close relationship with me recall the beginning when I was accompanied by Adam

and Eve as we strolled in the calm of the day in Eden this became the Pinnacle of perfect human connection a day of

Perfect Harmony that I still love spending with you never forget that my mighty hand will always be about you

shielding you from harm so long as you remain in my presence despite going

through death’s Shadow I shall fear no harm because you are with me your rod

and your people provide me peace in the midst of uncertainty and hardship This

Promise will be your rock my presence is a continual source of comfort and

guidance as dark clouds gather I the Lord have never abandoned those who seek

me so those who Hear My Call will put their faith in me my love has no bounds

and my fidelity knows no bounds my devotion to you will last the rest of time because I am a God who keeps his

word the strength bravery and serenity you need to overcome any obstacle will

be yours when you find me and seek me with all your heart everyone who works

for me must do what I say and my father will respect the one who works for me since I I am his servant if you want to

serve me you have to cooperate with me if you want to follow me you have to travel roads that the arena could also

consider unstable or strange but those are the pathways where true religion is practiced and nurtured for your provider

to me you may find praise from my father in your Readiness to follow my methods

instead of a life of security and routine I am naming you for a life of trust and confidence in me Faith is not

an easy Road rather it is a long and Winding Road characterized by dependence on my grace

and power as you Journey with me you will encounter times that challenge your faith and teach you to lean on me when

you’re worried and unsure never forget the words that were spoken to Mary the

holy spirit will come down upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you this means that the Holy

One who is about to be born may be properly named the Son of God the thrilling friend prise becoming flesh

and living among you Luke is well known for its reference to my Grandeur

as the unique one who came here from the father it is full of grace and reality

your faith rests on this truth and it also reveals my love and style to you

profoundly the exploits of astute people must be considered they tracked the star

they’d spotted in the East until it brought them to the spot where I was a little baby they were filled with

immense excitement and genuine reverence they lavished presence of gold and

frankincense upon me laying them down in Humble adoration their religious and

reverent Journey mirrors your own non-secular one in your daily walk you

want to imitate this stance of reverence and devotion may your life’s path be a

joyful pursuit of following my light finding joy in my presence and giving me

the gifts of your abilities and being as a gift Place Your Existence above mine

in worship prayer and Daily Devotional activities see me as your Illuminating

well-known figure and find comfort in my company when you are confused or doubtful you have my unwavering support

as you go about your day keep your heart attuned to my voice concentrate on my

guidance watch for my leading and be prepared to observe just as the wise men

observe the famous person I will light your path lead you through every

condition in my light and provide the knowledge and Direction you seek in my presence you will also discover the

peace and relaxation your soul Longs for I concur that I am guiding you toward

the straight and narrow so that you may testify to my grace and the truth pray

over it all and I will deal with the consequences my will brings about your satisfaction so you no longer need to be

concerned about it breathe deeply and sink into the depths of your unwavering faith in me your Everlasting Palms in

daily life are beneath you I invite you to a unique way of life characterized by

contemplation and relaxation in my omnipotent care since it is easy to be

overwhelmed by care and the demands of work keep in mind that I am your king

and that God hears your petitions I beg you my king and God To Hear My Cries for help I had already made my demands

before you and was waiting for you to respond send me your quests first thing in the morning and I will patiently

await your response living in my presence isn’t about trying to harness your own energy it’s about putting your

faith in my boundless love and vitality underneath are the Everlasting hands and

the Everlasting God is your Sanctuary you can always count on my hands to protect you lend you a hand and sustain

you no matter how tough Things become you find a safe haven where you may rest

easily even in the thick of Life struggles in me stay tuned into my voice

as you go about your day and train yourself to identify me despite all the distractions and

responsibilities I want to be a part of your life in every way not just one more thing on your to-do list your worries

will diminish and your happiness will soar as you do this your safe haven isn’t the only place I can help you your

electricity and manual are as well on a daily basis I can can show you the right

way to go and the incorrect way to go have faith in my perfect timing and my

intentions for your life even when the road ahead seems Rocky I Am with You guiding you with my

love and knowledge pause for a second and practice being in my presence every

second has the potential to bring you closer to fully accepting me for who I am doing so will lead you to the joy and

contentment that come from being in my presence relax in the peaceful of me in

our holy place of communion let go of the demands of overall performance and the need to portray oneself in a certain

manner this visual serves as a powerful reminder of the intimacy I want with you

instead of hiding as they did I’d rather you publicly embrace me and let me be a

part of your everyday Journey those who have learned to praise you and walk in

your gentle presence are blessed oh Lord to bask in the glor of my glory is to

experience the nonsecular kingdom of Consciousness at all times and to acknowledge and react to my Divine

fellowship at every turn therefore I implore you to allow me into your head

and fill it with my Serenity and Viewpoint doing so will lead you to see

that life’s turmoil may be better framed by being aware of my constant presence

once agitated and racing your mind might find peace and Clarity in me

the point of this spiritual practice is not to run away from the arena but rather to incorporate my presence into

your life in all its facets the more you practice this awareness the more likely

it is that you will be to follow my instructions respond appropriately to my nudges and discern my intent even when

faced with life’s challenges so let us take a walk in the garden of your heart let me be the one

to change your mind fill your spirit and Lead You In This holy friendship in

doing so you may find the source of your deepest happiness and contentment relaxed in the process of healing a

sacred presence was present in the Silence of this precise second let me create a picture of a transformation

taking place in your mind and heart put your troubles and concerns in my capable hands and allow yourself to be enveloped

in the Tranquility I provide here you may relax from your efforts and know

deep down that I am God stay away from the Pharisees path who were preoccupied

with their own performance and the rules they had set for themselves rather than going on a date with me they were too

concerned with following a plethora of regulations and neglected me as a result

some people even in your day get caught up in the Trap of following man-made norms for maintaining a Christian

lifestyle and they put more stock in their overall performance than in really comprehending who I am keep in mind that

becoming more like me is the result of an intimate connection to undergo this metamorphosis

one must be receptive to their Spirit spend time in my company and engage in

silent reflection during these periods of calm release your ideas about trying

and succeeding despite everything respect me as God Rest assured knowing

that I am God is what Psalm says some of the nations may hold me in high

esteem underground I may achieve a state of majesty my Dominion is known in

quietness and my might and Splendor are recognized beyond the limits of this world our future selves have not yet

been determined but we know that when Christ returns we will look just like

him because we will perceive him for who he really is this is our hope my friends

for we are now God’s children beholding seeing and understanding me has the

ability to alter as this deep fact demonstrates so because you’ve

transformed I encourage you to shed the weight of a religion based on performance and the rules and

restrictions you’ve placed on yourself on the contrary come to me with unassuming trust ready to receive my

love and beauty instead of seeing my presence as a chore view it as a delightful chance to spend time with me

learn about me and be Chas Changed by me let your racing heart relax your

thoughts calm and your soul be receptive to my touch as we spend those minutes together let yourself be miled shaped

and refined in my image as you relax in my company relax and let my love wash

over you as my Tranquility heals you from the inside out typically I will

lead the way so that you may relax and enjoy the moment while I am here a proper residence is both a place and

kind of artistic acknowledgement as I paint my way into your life staying near me the Divine

artist will drive your mind to believe in times of dating tension my greatest

desire is to be your closest friend despite the fact that I am the Lord of the Rings and King of Kings any kind of

pretense or tension makes me sad but remember I know you through and through

the good times and the bad I want you to respect me enough that you can be really genuine with me Me by being genuine with

you I can help you blossom into all that you’re capable of becoming bringing out

the best in you so kick back and relish in our relationship since it brings so

much pleasure and excitement John has a significant fact that you

should remember he loved his friends so much that he gave his life for them doing so would make you my friend I tell

you not to be called servants anymore because a servant in this day and age cannot comprehend his master’s business

instead for all I learned from my dad I’ve called you guys your pals you are

aware of this paragraph because I Told You So my love and Devotion to you are

shown in this paragraph with passion I sacrific my life for you elevating you

from the status of mere slaves to that of friends as your companion during our time together I

will reveal to you my father’s wisdom and the secrets he kept come on relax and open up to me as you

would to a good friend keep your thoughts in check just as friends take pleasure in casual chatter and shared

quiet so do I in sharing your worries triumphs and disappointments May our

friendship provide you comfort and Solace whenever you are in my company even in the quiet of our community you

are beloved and well-liked so there’s no need for you to put on an act while going about your day you may let go of

the weight you’re carrying and find Solace for your spirit Embrace a little token of our friendship you are not

alone let it serve as a reminder of that in every situation you can count on my

unwavering affection and familiarity with you as your best friend know that you have my treasured toddler my best

friend who stays tighter than a brother and I’m right there with you every step of the way calmness guarantees that

everything will work out well I am sensitive to your problem and I appreciate your faith in me let go

of whatever is burdening your heart and place It In My Embrace this my friend is

the source of your strength allow me to tenderly lead you to Lush Meadows satisfying the deepest desires of your

spirit with loving kindness and compassion search for me first thing in

the morning and when you wind down for the day bow down to me unseen nation

states like your genuine look even if the sky is quiet while you sing praises

that’s only because they like it pay close attention to my answer as you pray fervently for the protection of your

family from diseases and pandemics hoping that they will never be abandoned

I want to stress again how unwavering my dedication to you is even while everyone else is attempting to put pressure on

you my love is greater than theirs and my vows will not be unfulfilled even if

others claiming to love fail I will not let you down or jeopardize your family’s safety your health and the path to your

future are in my capable hands treasure and do not put at risk the blessings I

give you because you are Dependable with the simple things like the food I provide when you are hungry your

blessings will grow and increase into ever greater and everlasting gifts because of my word I pray that you are

well rewarded and I eagerly anticipate your further advantages I want to see

you continue to to grow spiritually since your unwavering faith has led you on the right path in addition to

avoiding the short-lived Hollow Ambitions that lead to the greatest dissatisfaction you should not let

worries about the future consume your thoughts let go of anything that is blocking our close Bond let go of those

responsibilities so that I might bestow upon you abundant advantages stay away from those who don’t share your religion

and keep praying since that’s when you’ll be closest to me do not give up hope just yet I have many blessings in

store for you and your unfaltering confidence is my perfect timing your current difficulties will soon be a

thing of the past remain resilient let go of fear and know that I will never

leave your side your needs the weights on your heart the anxiety that grows

when your bank account goes into the red and the fear that comes with any kind of illness are all things that I am well

aware of still I beg you to let my promises into your very Soul listen to

my advice and let the all pervasive energy of my presence wash over you when

the time is right I will bring Serenity into your life because you have placed your faith in me my blessings will come

pouring down on you keep in mind that I am the deity of innumerable mights and Marvels you will now experience healing

and blessings from me and my Grace will be multiplied for your family your descendants and those who came before

them are believed to be moving in sync with my time and to be Drawing Near to your patience do not give in to the

temptation to seek for easy ways out doing so will only drive you farther away from me and towards the brink of

collapse my capacity to dive deeply into my teachings is intact and I often

engage in conversation during Prayer by doing so you may protect yourself

against the Allure of transient material goods and the temptation of erroneous

teachings keep in mind that the service provided by the sector are temporary but

what I provide is permanent a source of endless advantages for your life hold on

to your faith in my promises the timing of events is everything I have an unfaltering memory and I am never tardy

I am a deity who gives great consideration to your desires for your goodness I have recognized you the Lord

holding your hand I can feel my grip on your life Shield you from harm and use

you as a beacon to the Nations a source of Yearning as evidence of my unwavering

affection maintain your awareness of my commands and allow my word to permeate

your being on an ongoing basis it has been a long and tiring Voyage but you

have reversed your course with unflinching determination letting the holy wind fill your sails because you

have changed your mind and want to change I am prepared to bestow an

extraordinary blessing on you these words that you hear are lifegiving proof

of my love and a signpost to lead you in the right direction defeat your enemies

every time I hide away your Consciousness raise your level of knowledge mold your character and give

you plenty of perseverance from head to toe my spirit is transforming every

aspect of your life you will not make mistakes or give into temptations that trap you because I will be with you

every step of the way I give you the strength to let go of the patterns that have ens snared your mind and from now

on your awareness the ideals of Justice fairness Beauty and kindness will take

center stage falsehoods and slander that forly poisoned your mind and heart can

no longer entangle you because you have the strength to confront them headon and include them in the incredible change

you’ve experienced a community of caring individuals will hold you in high esteem

helping you to forgive yourself and others for past trans transgressions because of the abundance

of my grace that has entered your heart New Opportunities have opened up and you

and your loved ones will soon be well provided for with the burdens and anxieties of previous mistakes lifted a

brilliant path opens up ahead a life of calm Serenity unburdened by anxieties

and fears awaits you in the future your freedom is granted to you by means of my

blood everything about you your soul heart lips and thoughts is organic to

those who aren’t afraid to paraphrase I offer my highest appreciation admit

their sins accept my pardon and seek my favor by humbly visiting my presence

daily embrace my words like a Priceless gem inside your being always remember

the Miracles I have performed for you both on the inside and the outside and hold them close to your heart you were

saved from your enemies by me I rescued you from the the jaws of death extended my hand and put you in Danger All

Because Of You Even when it seemed like there was no hope I would come with my powerful message and bring about

miracles infinite Marvels await you thanks to your abundant imagination let

me continue directing and safeguarding you all day and night and accept me as

truthful to the best of my ability my love for you is deep so please don’t let

Melancholy set in right now your eyes sparkle with tears as I listen

to your heartfelt prayers which are an ordinary intercessory request for the safety of the people you hold dear your

altruism usually stops with public please your attitude of reverence and

appreciation strikes aord with me being in your company fills me with an

overwhelming sense of affection a self-aware person is one who pays

attention to both the needs of others and the ways in which they may show their appreciation for the many gifts

they have received you never cease to amaze me with your respectful demeanor

even when direct demands fail to the truth that I am about to bestow upon you gifts of immeasurable worth is etched

within your lips to confront I picked your faith stand firm and unfaltering

when faced with obstacles even if there are obstacles in your path I will not

let you down by breaking any commitment I have made to you I I have your fate in my hands so you need not be discouraged

your heart’s wants will be fulfilled and your passions will be set free your

advantages are Untouchable but your faith devotion and honesty remain

crucial in our morning conversations when your eyes awaken let me hear expressions of appreciation and

admiration Grace your mouth does not let the darkness of Despair overshadow the

light of your days take advantage of the chances I provide you and I will give you the Superhuman capacity to see

beyond your current situation and into the good intentions I have for you no

harm will come to you and humiliation will not be a part of you I am aware

that recent days have brought you suffering and that confusion May envelop your head at times you will Vanquish

your enemies and Triumph over any danger that comes your way there will always be

a place in my heart for you and I will always fight for you you and your loved ones may rest easy knowing that I have

your back and my last word will stand your mission is to keep going even when

things have been tough refrain from lowering yourself to the level of your oppressors instead stand tall and proud

understand me in my role as the all powerful God ruler Over You Lord and heavenly father of

Trials even though I may lurk in the background ready to devour you you will

submit to my authority and with any luck ride out the unpredictable waves of

battle neither will you drown nor sink I’m always prepared to come to your rescue get a hold of my hand even when

you’re not sure by looking into my eyes you would be able to trust me knowing

that rejection isn’t part of my nature I invite you to approach me with confidence get out of your jams and I’ll

show you the way to Triumph feel the love I have for you even when the storm

cloud roll in overcome your fears with bravery and determination my favor and

Grace accompany you your success aligns with what I have in store continue forward like a conquered Soldier you are

powerful not weak you have company you have my unwavering support as I hold you

up as a role model for those closest to you demonstrate to them that it is possible to triumph over challenges and

diseases and most importantly to face and Conquer vicious enemies when those

closest to you see you for what you are a blessing get ready for a joyous season

I have anointed you given you my favor and designated you to be the chief executive of this

generation you will perform great Miracles and many will witness them stay

humble and protected from pride and vanity let your heart remain steadfast in its commitment to my word and love

your neighbor as yourself for it is through you that I will show the world my love this is the time for my plan to

come to fruition in your life as Nehemiah stated when tragedy struck do

not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength May the god of your hope fill you with joy and peace in your

unwavering belief so that you may abound and overflow with hope trials in life

cannot dim this joy as it transcends time it emanates from the Eternal Springs of my spirit within you which

sustain you through all circumstances your faith Journey brings this hope

which is more than just a desire it is your heritage and a reality in me this

hope overflows affecting every part of your life and the lives of others around you Despite All Odds May the knowledge

that I am beside you serve as a refuge from sadness and a rock from uncertainty

have faith in me not as an abstract God but as The God Who lives within you whose love is as near as your breath May

your words acts and quiet testimony to your unshakable faith be a living

testimony to the force of Hope shine brightly as a symbol of Eternal unity

and hope because I am in you and you are in me you deserve the best and I don’t

mean in a monetary sense what I mean is the pure beautiful love that surrounds

you and sustains you through every moment this extraordinary love is what

keeps the Fire Burning Brightly in the depths of your being a radiant feeling

grows giving you the strength to face any challenge headon with unwavering

faith and determination you must now see your value for what you are a loving child of a powerful God get the better

of you everyone is trying to stop you but you have already triumphed over every obstacle Embrace and revel in your

Victory keep moving forward with unfaltering confidence you will Ascend

and I will move mountains I will answer your requests so you may pray with

confidence stroll with a spirit of unwavering will and inner fortitude you

are indestructible when it comes to disappointment and suffering the pain and suffering are real to you taking

care of family business May provide peaceful times of relaxation recuperation and prayer in which you can

commune with my Holy Spirit and find comfort for your spirit we did not design you to wallow in misery

lamenting your mistakes or failings during your grieving process even when you feel like giving up my love for you

will remain I will support you you are not doomed to destruction you possess an

Exquisite and innocent Soul leave the Shadows behind you emerge into the sunshine let your joyful countenance be

a source of inspiration for others inspiring them to joyfully Proclaim my name Jesus you my dearest child are a

living testimony to the pleasure that is in my name Jesus you are the embodiment

of My Affection darling I have done much for you and I will do much more managing

miraculous miracles to emphasize how important you are to me there is no longer any room for despair and

withdrawal I implore you to get on the bandwagon that will lead to Victory you

are going to succeed so take comfort in my love’s promise even before you were born I had already meticulously planned

your Destin the lovely hopes and dreams that have been a part of you for a long time are now in my possession my holy book Bears

witness to your fervent prayers for your departed loved ones my heart’s aim is to

bless you abundantly open doors for you and help you become wiser I have

purposefully placed you in an environment that is Rich with opportunities for development and

prosperity because you are my beloved child you have the key to unlocking

these gifts this is my sacred and powerful word get behind it with all your might and

passion and carve out a special place in your heart say these lines with me my

past is behind me if your history is filled with setbacks and Times of surrender from this point on blessings

will shower on my life my loved ones and my future declare these affirmations

with confidence because the past is a closed chapter and benefits will shower upon your life life family and future

from this point on tell everyone you know about my word because it offers hope for a better life solutions to

apparently impossible problems the Supernatural and ascended wonders you

will be granted the knowledge to Triumph through the power of a holy phrase

always keep in mind that I am here with you my precious child tenderly guiding and blessing you as you travel this path

we are always here for you put your faith in me your steadfast friend your father and your God believe and

persevere and you will see miracles happen get out your Bible and read it with a burning passion for spiritual

growth feel me standing by your side leading you with every word my love’s

unwavering commitment will Vanquish whatever doubts you may have had and you will no longer entertain destructive

Notions I’m excited to shower you with blessings as I reveal the depths of your

spiritual wisdom you are like a spear head piercing through the winds and Paving the way you will learn that you

are a parent to Generations woven into the vast fabric of life not just a person ignore it if today flies by and

you remain unfazed by any challenges you experience no matter how painful then you must not waste the Priceless favors

I bestow upon you every part of your life is intricately connected to the divine plan every part of your life is

within my control but your attitude is important you saw to new heights on the

wings of your faith and belief indulge in my wisdom in times of Despair when

you feel like giving up bow down if the burden is too much look up at the sky

for I am there in your heart my favor is not some abstract idea it is right here

in front of you within your grasp an end to your suffering is near and all of

your difficulties will vanish I have already vanquished your adversaries now

I ask you are you believing and are you loving me as soon as I hear from you I

will perform a wondrous Miracle inside of you to calm your spirit and remove all worry do these three things today

and allow these words to sink in and bring you Serenity all day long as you

join me in the Heavenly regions surrounded by many benefits immerse yourself in my word accept my promises

and live in harmony with my will understand that I want to reveal myself to you like a painter painting on a

canvas as a witness to my infinite love and power the Luminous Beacon of Glory

that is Christ inside you is a Wonder to Nations throughout the globe you are a

conduit for the divine presence and a Covenant of Grace and the light you have inside you is a Priceless gift that

guides others with an abundance of compassion and empathy in my heart I

speak to you imploring you to hold tight to your faith and cultivate patience within

yourself put an end to transitory meaningless wants that bring you nothing but misery and don’t let worries about

the future control your thoughts so that I might bestow blessings on you let go

of whatever is hindering our relationship keep your distance from those who don’t believe what you believe

keep praying because I am closer to you when you do believe in the perfect time

that I have set I am about to shower you with blessings so hold on to hope your current issues

will quickly Fade Into the past hold firm to your patience let go of your

fears and know that I am here for you every step of the way never forget that

I am acutely aware of anything that you need despite the heavy loads you’re

carrying the worry that comes with impending financial troubles and the terror that disease brings I beg you to

open open your heart to my promises take my advice to heart and let me be

all-encompassing when the time is right I will welcome you with calm and Tranquility when you put your faith in

me good things will happen to you I am the God of endless power and miracles so

keep that in mind I will extend my grace to your family and cure you I have taken

up residence in your heart bringing blessings divine power and a meaningful

purpose for your family family your children and parents will understand this even when they mess up those

terrifying times are over the Devourer is no longer welcome here I have driven

him out let yourself be Sanctified by me have unwavering faith and I will shower

you with abundant Joy I made this pact long before you entered this world I

will protect you from any danger because I love you with my help you will find

relief from your problems and the answers you have been seeking get ready

for happier days as you witness the mystical manifestation of my Limitless love for you instead of pouring words of

Despair into the cup of your dreams pour words of optimism avoid succumbing to

defeat turn away from the condemnation of the night and let the Majesty of the Holy promise light up your life your

hour of need is rapidly approaching and the agony is beginning to recede the the

day when you respond is near your freedom is on the way patience and non-c complaints will pay off in the end you

will soon see the results of your labor and the tributes you have paid for them keep in mind the words I tell you

darling as the years pass by at a dizzying pace you can always rely on my

affection for you since it never changes my grace will never leave you and my

kindness will always flow toward you enjoy life as it is right now get ready

to be pleasantly surprised by my reaction you are unbreakable because I will strengthen you in times of trouble

I will stand by you you will get benefits and not curses you may count on my unwavering support and the comfort of

my hug to keep you safe I will intervene from on high to stop anybody who dares

to hurt you or talk ill of you my children are under my constant supervision have no fear you have

companions get over your fears believe in yourself and Chase your aspirations

find solace in the timing of my actions and hold on to your patience sha Beware

of the temptation of Quick Cuts they may lead you astray from me and ultimately to your demise keep digging into my

teachings and keep praying by doing this you will find protection against the Allure of erroneous ideologies and the

temptation to become engrossed in material Goods what the world offers is temporary but what I provide is

Everlasting a Wellspring of endless gifts for your life be steadfast in your

trust in my promises the timing of events is everything my memory is Rock

Solid and I am never late the words of Isaiah are just as relevant now as they

were when they were first pronounced I am a deity who is concerned about your welfare and who is ready at all times to

give you Grace and love the Lord has righteously summoned you in times of

need I will be at your door but when you accept my hand you will feel my grip on

your life as I lead protect and use you as a Beacon of Hope for the Nations

never lose heart because the joy of the Lord will sustain you Nehemiah

the difficulties we face in life cannot diminish our Eternal Delight it

emerges from the wells of Eternity in the depths of my being at your side no

matter what may the God who gives you hope fill you to the brim with happiness and serenity in your unfaltering faith

so that you led by the Holy Spirit may have an abundance and an overflowing of

hope you are an heirloom and a reality to me so this isn’t just a desire this

hope overflows permeating your whole being and the lives of those around you

as you embark on a journey of faith my darling I beg you to stand up to resist

and to allow the certainty that I am beside you to serve as a shield against hopelessness and a weapon against

uncertainty first and foremost give me your whole undivided attention without

any hesitation or fear get this I came into this world to provide you with

Everlasting joy and peace no matter how bad things become for you I will never

intentionally put you through any kind of trial or punishment my dreams for your life include a life brimming with

love and care a life of Plenty and blessings my written word will be the

unwavering anchor of your faith giving you the power to persist so bow down

before me on your knees and humbly submit to my will I will nurture your soul with my word and entrust you

completely but if you only give me half of your heart or when it’s convenient your faith might not be strong enough to

withstand life’s challenges you are are not what I seek it will not be one less day but rather one more for you will be

with me forever experiencing The Marvelous marvels of the universe if you dedicate your heart to me and retain

unfaltering devotion and Faith to sacrifice your life for eternity

infinite benefits will shower upon you as events develop with greater Beauty and abundance than you can imagine my

benefits will come to you as a family and those who want to hurt you will go away because you will face obstacles

together a predetermined and everlasting Triumph is the prize for my dedicated

followers to play my role you must show me your undivided devotion if you want

to develop in faith trust in larger possibilities and walk confidently ahead

I beg you to start this journey now I the creator of all things have

created every person equal in my image and likeness so you should not be afraid of or put down by those who falsely

assert their superiority those who love me will seek me out and have faith because they are

self-aware and know who to trust even if your enemies see you as a common person

on the outside they can feel my holy spirit’s influence in your faith and

grasp your identity wealth and goals on the inside what really makes you special

is your will to do what I say and to become better every single day a fearful

person will not stand up and fight for what is right if you put your trust in my word then it will come to pass

protect your heart against the taint of external influences you should never allow your age to diminish your

determination to achieve great things and follow your aspirations instead of giving into the idea that setbacks have

sapped your ambition refuse to believe that such views are painful and insulting to me conquer these challenges

and embrace the resilience that is inside you after seeing so many miracles

you shouldn’t rule out the chance that they’re destined for you too no matter how old you are I want to bring about

remarkable changes in your life people will notice your inner change and flock

to you for advice even sharing their darkest secrets with you you’ll guide

them towards me like a lighthouse keep working hard toward your goals be firm

in your trust in the goodness you want to accomplish I will never leave your side no matter how great the threat we

will reach new heights of miraculous blessings as a united front it is my intention to alleviate the unexplainable

pain and sometimes despair that you are experiencing in your life right now I am

here to destroy the very Foundation of whatever is bringing you misery as you

listen to Envision I have a true and Heavenly Delight in my hands I gently

patted the top of your head with my hand I send you the indwelling of my Holy Spirit to cure you physically mentally

and spiritually as well as to loosen any chains that have bound you and tormented

you I promise to cleanse you even in the depths of your mind your plight is over

you may approach my throne with ease now I am your father bestowing upon you and

your loved ones The Gift of Life have faith in me not as an abstract God but

as The God Who lives within you whose love love is as near as your breath in

your words and actions may your life be a testimony to the power of Hope may your faith which is often unseen shine

brightly as a symbol of the hope that is in me because we are one and everlastingly

interdependent I should bestow upon you the finest not monetary wealth but

rather my love the most Exquisite and pure love that surrounds and sustains

you at all times inspiring a wonderful feeling inside you this miraculous love

lights a fire of resolve in your heart giving you the power to confront any Challenge headon and with unwavering

confidence listen to my voice I will speak to you clearly Envision yourself

in the Heavenly Realms with me surrounded by incalculable benefits to accept them you have to trust that even

if you don’t understand or can’t predict them right now I am real and definite

more real than the air you breathe and more bright and pure than the sunshine that shines on your days from the crack

of dawn till the wee hours of the night I have been and will continue to be by your side doze off when your heartfelt

supplications reach my Throne I listen attentively immerse yourself in my eternal Grace bestowed upon you out of

my love for you not due to your goodness or Perfection I say you deserve nothing

less because you already possess the greatest blessings to earn the favor of the Merit greeter is in my realm you do

not need to win a thousand Wars or endure many trials winning battles requires faith and receiving benefits

requires thankfulness and modesty as a second piece of advice I think it would

be a beautiful Act of surrender to just shut your eyes and take a deep breath to show how grateful you are make sure to

include all of the good things happening in your life both now and in the future by taking the time to make a detailed

list regardless of whether you think you have enough blessings to list it is important to reflect on the past and

acknowledge even the Apparently minor things that strengthen your strength and purpose giving thanks is a powerful act

that may mend broken hearts so take the time to be grateful for that ability and

express your appreciation wholeheartedly the abilities I’ve given you aren’t for showing off and trying to

get attention rather they are for being humble and helpful to others my true followers show me that they

don’t care about popularity accolades or status in this world their goal is not

praise but rather to share the love they have received in order to enter my mystical realm guard your spirit from

the shackles of arrogance because the bigger benefits are intended to make you humble so that you may offer a helping

hand to others less fortunate if one performs this act of generosity from the

depths of their heart it will yield yield numerous blessings I have given you my authority so that you may safely

navigate disagreements and overcome difficult obstacles it is already certain that you will win get back on

your feet and keep going ahead with unshakable faith please refrain from

saying anything that might make me feel bad so that you may rid your life of unnecessary anger and bitterness put new

hopes and Ambitions in their place and let go of old regrets and memories turn

your past into a hopeful future by letting my healing forgiveness Encompass you completely I will ignite a fire

inside your spirit Illuminating everyone around you especially those you care

about behold the change that comes over their faces as they look at you my Holy

Spirit a gift of Grace and love shines through your radiant eyes however to

fully benefit from this gift you must feed yourself with my word and seek me

out in prayer delving further into this ethereal world will awaken a growing

desire to see me in your dreams more often with this Priceless gift comes

immense responsibility and I will use it with care as I disclose my will to you I

beg you to walk humbly treating people with the respect and dignity that you want to receive from them embrace the

role of an authentic and caring friend Every Act of compassion and gentleness you provide sews new Supernatural seeds

Miracles healing and power as you lift the veil that may have covered your eyes

the expansive Horizon will reveal itself revealing the abundance of benefits that

have already come your way these gifts sustain your life by giving you reasons to endure and strengthening your will to

confront each day’s problems and difficulties may it endure upon further

inspection the knowledge and development gain through every re encounter as well as the current flowering of your faith

will become apparent please tell me how much I mean to you in a personal way

speak and sing with genuine emotion no matter how far you stray from your ideal

route you should be grateful for the gift of Life the oxygen in your blood the company of loved ones and the events

that have shaped your present path thank goodness you can quickly express your gratitude as you go I will show you

updated maps and fix the wrong turns to get you where you’re going but for the

time being just be grateful for what you have you can maintain gratitude through

life’s highs and lows so remember to practice it even when you’re feeling down Express gratitude for the obstacles

setbacks and difficult experiences that have shaped your path pause gaze in the

mirror and tell yourself how grateful you are appreciate the impact that a

grateful mindset can have have you are about to experience life-altering Miracles and Transformations as a result

of this practice of self-improvement starting now lastly I strongly encourage you to

share these thoughts with others even if there may be many around you who are going through tough times their Spirits

may be heavy with pain and ready to give up and they may not have a true reason to keep going The Wonder of Love is

happening within you go out and reveal it feel free to tell me how much my

presence has improved your life and how much joy I have brought you in the love

you share I will surround you with joy Harmony wealth and blessings that are

free from worry and debt people may laugh at your antics but they will feel

pain in their hearts when they hear you speak you have discovered the realization that they are beloved and

valued like the soft murmur of the wind disseminate this enormous message of

love and hope to all parts of the world recognize that your fervent prayer which

you murmured before falling asleep last night has reached me the almighty the

pillar was damp with your tears as you prayed for the fortitude Serenity and

unfaltering Faith to face the difficulties life throws at you take a look at yourself when the Sun rises now

that you’re stronger and less defeated you can face any giant that that may appear in the places where you formerly

felt afraid shining a light on a canvas that was once filled with Terror where

there was once just mystery faith has taken root your resolve today remains

strong unlike yesterday when it shook in the face of hardship you are standing firm today prepared to overcome any

challenge that comes your way stand up and push on I have sown a fierce will

for victory in the depths of your soul just as I have led you to this point point so too have I given you the

capacity to face and Conquer every obstacle that comes your way have faith in my infinite power even when the

obstacles seem overwhelming keep in mind that my strength is unmatched throughout all your trials tribulations and

conflicts I will always be here to support you the one who led you to this point you become more than just a Victor

because of my love and power you become an overcomer your unflinching determination will crush any enemy that

dares to stand in your way whatever your goals may be or whatever challenges you

may face in the future I have given you the strength and will to accomplish them

I promise you that no matter what you do you will succeed in addition to releasing whatever burdens you may be

carrying I will shower you with many blessings and open doors for you you

your loved ones and your brothers and sisters will experience the Splendor and unity that I bring about when we seek me

together when people reject me and there is constant turmoil and division my Holy

Spirit does not remain it hurts me when people claim they love me but then Trash Talk other people sometimes without

realizing it with the same mouth we practice complaining about other people all the time but when it comes time to

compliment someone we keep quiet Faith kindness patience and humility are the

four pillars upon which a life of great miracles May stand because no good can

arise from a dry Spirit trapped in the Sands of negativity have an optimistic

outlook on life and a sincere desire to help other people by sharing what you have because you are deserving of the

finest you have already achieved it because you deserve the best truthfully

I adore you and no amount of sacrilegious love will ever separate us rest easy and have trust in me do not be

afraid I am the one who will watch over and protect you from harm as you open

your eyes each morning I keep a constant eye on you be there for yourself I want

you to sense my presence in the first moments of your day as you open your eyes allow your mind to go to other

matters come hear what I have to say listen as my soul communicates with you

listen I’m telling you to trust me because I’ve got this remain resilient

amidst challenges I will safeguard you from harm you will be astonished by the

Swift resolution of many of your worries today you will receive the answers you

seek through prayer at the right time I am charting your course and crafting your narrative my knowledge and

determination are impenetrable you have prayed earnestly for this door to open and the blessings you have requested of

me are making it happen I will use my heavenly power to persuade your loved

ones superiors and everyone else in your sphere of influence to look at you favorably and do what is best for you

have no dread of what other people may do do not be afraid of other people’s Deeds so long as you have faith in the

people around you to treat you well and look out for your interests whether that be friends relatives judges or

authorities nothing can harm you or your loved ones if you put your faith in me

and act with unfaltering honesty never forget that I’m at your side every step

of the way my words have a profound and life-altering healing effect the

mystical power that rises up with my words may lift you beyond your difficulties and give you New Life your

faith and modesty have captivated me even if you don’t think I’m worthy of being a part of your life I want to be a

part of your life to cure You by speaking words of wisdom into your soul

and to release you from the bonds that bound you by the power of my touch because even even the skies will listen

to my speech your suffering worries and problems will go away I want nothing

more than to see you happy at peace with yourself and looking forward to a bright future so I talk to you clearly spending

time with me allows me to envelop you in my arms and reassure you of my tangible actuality deep love and unfaltering

protection from danger I’m about to bestow upon you an immense bequest a blessing from on high

that will enrich your life you must have faith in me and this bequest which is

beyond all comprehension I am ready to shower you with my Limitless love and send my Holy

Spirit to heal and change you my reservoir of power is ready and waiting

for your relief with my Holy Spirit enabling you stand up and go forth no

power on Earth will be able to stop you from overcoming the obstacles you encounter your strength is not

determined by your Frailty but by the unfaltering trust and eternal love that I have for you as you embark on a

journey toward a new beginning where your circumstances will transform I’m strengthening your faith and here to

encourage you keep your head held high be a person of faith and don’t let the

thoughts and feelings of others bring you down no amount of poisoned Envy from jealous others can change my view of you

all that matters is how I see you in my eyes you are a remarkable human being

with an authentic and wonderful spirit whenever you feel overwhelmed by the difficulties in life my love remember my

words and find solace in my presence regardless of the Triumph tragedy or

setback I have been there for you every step of the way this is your chance to shine and take your life to the next

level get over the past and into the future with a sense of Triumph and

rebirth a new chapter in your life is about to begin as I change everything embrace the

knowledge and rewards that I will show you along the way may your spirit and mind discover Serenity and completely

embrace it as I shower you with my love and peace if you let me into your heart

I will show you miracles and help you overcome your problems but only I can

rescue you from the mess you’re in right now you’ve made the right choice by coming to me in times of need

I pray that you will seek me not only on this special day but always without fail

and that you will love me with all your being at this special event please prioritize me in your heart and love me

with all your might your spirit and your intellect it is my deepest desire to be

the center of your Universe make a lifelong commitment to me now witness

the profound and life-altering impact that my mere presence in your heart has on you you’ve felt it coming on for a

long time now a void in your life that needs filling come live in your heart with me and see how everything changes

those who have harmed you may come back to you apologizing and asking for your forgiveness people will now truly value

your presence and previously closed doors will reopen for you in times of Sorrow I will fill your life with new

and beloved companions removing loneliness and misery fatigue and a lack

of clarity regarding your next move work against you keep in mind that I’m here

to Stand By Your Side and defend you when you pray through your anguish I will remove barriers and open doors for

you so that you may win never forget that I am right here with you wiping

away your tears and turning them into something beautiful I understand you

better than anybody else while Others May judge you based on how you look your

social status or your limitations I know exactly what you want and what you

intend I look at your chest your power and intelligence will grow in proportion

to the amount of Faith you have in me and your dedication to my plan and purpose you amaze me as my kid and as my

reflection in the mirror tenacious enterprising astute and brave when your

goals are clear and unwavering nothing and no one can stand in your way there can be no denying this fact never in a

million years years will you question that you are my child having said that keep in mind that you are still a human

being for the believer in the infinite potential of the human intellect this is an everlasting reality you have my

unwavering support and I know that you will succeed in the end have faith in me

because my time is perfect as I am about to bestow blessings on you I arrange

everything so that you may receive them easily I bestow upon you the qualities of Tranquility and patience when the

time comes be careful when you use them keep your emotions in check and do not

respond hastily do not make any major DC choices without first checking with me I

pray that this heavenly word does not lead you into confusion or into the arms of untrustworthy allies I can guarantee

that I will be of service you should be patient and not rack up debt since you have been through enough stay clear of

anything that might ruin your future I will will not budge from my position my mercy and Grace will soon shine a light

into your life Breaking Free all the shackles that have held you back and setting you free to be yourself

unfettered by the will of others as a team we will set out on an adventure to

find a better future for you you and I have made a secret agreement at least

for the time being defend your heart Sanctuary with your Ambitions and projects people around you may be

jealous and unscrupulous so it’s best not to let them know about our plans too soon they may try to discourage you by

making fun of your mistakes but that time has passed because of the radical

change I’ve brought about in your heart you can trust no one other than me

embrace the wisdom inside my words because they have the ability to transform your situation for the better

no matter how difficult things become don’t let unanticipated difficulties

discourage or torment you disregard the hurtful things said or done to you don’t

cry over missed opportunities and don’t listen to the naysayers and haters who are jealous of you and want you to fail

so badly that they would do everything to bring you down I hold you close

protecting you from their wicked claws get up every morning and speak my words over yourself hiding in the shadow of

the powerful lovable and all powerful God take refuge in the protection your

heavenly father offers because I am standing at the doorway of your heart softly tapping on its door could you

just let me in so I may shower you with love as a longtime lover of you I am

Overjoyed to finally meet you please feel free to confidently embrace my devotion I’m not here to point out your

shortcomings or place blame on you for your mistakes you asked for my forgiveness and I’ve given it to you if

you ask my forgiveness I will also put your transgressions out of your mind please do not tarnish in my

mind the lessons you have learned from your failures I trust that you will not make the same mistake again permit me to

lead you through the Brilliance that exists within you pay close attention while I speak softly in your ear guiding

you in the correct direction success and good fortune will be yours this is the

result of your astute Choice today I come to you with many blessings and wonderful gifts that I want to give you

even though I want to remain by your side and take up residence in your home as your number one priority I also need

your obedience my teachings are like medication for your bones they soothe

your spirit and your soul needs my words I pray for a life free from heavy

burdens in the end it will be to your advantage if you comply with my

suggestion my goal in directing your actions is to Prov provide you with everlasting life your house is where I

want to be and I’m determined to claim my proper position there pray that your loved ones may always be aware of your

benevolent hand in their lives and the Bounty from which they may benefit

please do not ignore or disregard me be steadfast in your belief that you are

under my Sheltering Wings being in my presence is all you need so there’s no

need to go elsewhere for pleasure calm and joy whenever Terror threatens to

engulf you and your loved ones know that I’m holding them close keep in mind that

I’m protecting you even when it appears like there’s no way out of the Sea of problems you’re facing in whatever you

do you will not only succeed but Prosper just as I have said and blessings will

pour down on you you will painstakingly lift the heavy burdens you’ve been carrying and previously closed doors

will suddenly open I swear to free you from everything that binds you bringing in a time of Plenty

joy and serenity where worry and debt have no place be unmoved by the Deeds of

others for as long as your faith in me is solid and your Deeds are pure I will defend you and your loved ones know that

I will always be with you no matter what from now until the end of time my words

have the power to heal and Inspire freeing you from the grip of Hope lessness you don’t have to carry around

the hurt from the past or Justify the terrible things that have happened to you as a result of your

transgressions though I am a child of a powerful God and I live in a world full of pain keep in mind that I have already

overcome this world you were born to win you may put your faith in me with each

step you take have faith in me you will discover strength and victory among the

trials and tribulations of this life TR truths are not easily manipulated I have

brought your life back with my blood you may use it to remove the marks from your previous from this Safe Haven I want you

to know that nothing can ever separate us nothing can move you and nothing can break my love for you you are and will

be the same beloved kid forever my darling you have not succumbed to defeat

you stand strong and alive in the fight you have the strength to persevere because you have decided to trust in the

blessings I provide guide you this Faith empowers you with an inner fortitude

that surpasses All Odds rendering you Unstoppable fix these words in your mind

and refuse to succumb to the Relentless pressure from your enemy who will never succeed in getting you to give up on

your aspirations you are mine my all powerful hand will protect you and my

brilliant sword will fight for you my word will always be your refuge in times of need look into the mirror of my my

powerful promises and know that I cherish and appreciate you do not give

up on this path it is immeasurable I pray that this message finds you in a state of unfaltering

trust Unstoppable bravery and Limitless strength be patient even when your

strength seems to be fading due to the prolonged strain try to stay calm

reassure your inner self that there is no need to be afraid your loving father

has complete control over your your life your goals and your fate therefore you

must respect him the world’s turbulent winds want to wash away the memory of those times when I always came to your

rescue but I am now telling them to stop my love for you has no bounds I am quite

precise and will never fumble my hand is outstretched ready to save you right now

you reply to me from the depths of Your Love which surpasses mine yes even in

childhood’s naive the world may be cruel you looked at the world with an

optimistic and inquisitive gaze you once beamed with joy at the prospect of

spending time with people you thought would become friends but the cold hard truth of lies and betrayals crushed your

optimism dampened your humor and ultimately killed you you started to put

your faith in me and trust me and our love took a darker turn but trust me I

am now fully aware of you I know you as well as I know the sky itself down to

the individual stars and their names every hurt you’ve ever felt from the most obvious ones to the most subtle

ones is familiar to me I can tell exactly what will make you feel better

since we speak the same language as we journey together allow me to present you

with a world that cherishes you adorns you with Regal regalia and where everyone knows and loves your name day

and night a kind glance nourishes your spirit in this Hall area and you feel

loved here it is the place where you really live as a beloved child of God

made in the Soul’s likeness of the one who made the cosmos rest assured even in

the midst of the universe’s most breathtaking Cornucopia you hold a special place and from this Vantage

Point nothing can ever surpass you no matter how unworthy you may feel my

heart protects you and as my child you have the right to have honest talks with me first thing in the morning what I

want is not sporadic searching but an ongoing quest in your heart I want to be

the most important person give me your undivided attention affection and power

make a solemn vow to be with me forever and watch as my presence in your heart brings about a powerful and

life-altering transformation for a while now you felt that something is missing from your life

let me live in your heart and see the incredible changes people who have wronged you will eventually realize

their mistake and ask for your forgiveness things will eventually turn around and those who passed you by will

see your value I will provide you with new friends who will stand by your side no matter what my words contain truth

and you should embrace it because it has the power to transform your life for the better never allow unforeseen challenges

to discourage you and disregard the venomous comments and attacks from your enemies and jealous friends each morning

when I place my lips on yours I hold you close protecting you from their evil schemes amen I also add my voice to

Yours by acknowledging that your heavenly father whom you adore Shields and protects



  1. I with you still Jesus no matter what I just going through rough patch and I don’t period want to be here in California waiting to die with earthquake when hatman should be one in it he still behind me now stabbing me with needles and doing quake Iwant way to leave here asap I got one day left without excuses lord I have right to live


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