As You have given me this responsibility, I shall love my wife... | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

As You have given me this responsibility, I shall love my wife… | God Message Today |

in this heartfelt prayer we invoke the

promise of divine provision and

protection seeking abundance for

ourselves and our loved ones with faith

and determination we declare our

commitment to serve the Lord and Lead

our families according to his word

through every Challenge and obstacle we

trust in the Lord’s strength and

guidance knowing that he is ever present

by our side join us as we lift our

voices in praise and thanksgiving

confident in the knowledge that God’s

blessings will overflow in our lives as

Believers in Christ Our perspective

evolves profoundly as we deepen our

relationship with the Lord initially

characterized by Earnest petitions for

guidance our prayers gradually shift

towards profound gratitude for the

transformative Journey we’ve experienced

this shift signifies a deeper alignment

with God’s Will and our willingness to

serve him join us as we explore this

transformative journey and commit

ourselves to a life of gratitude and

service in his kingdom as Believers in

Christ how do we perceive our journey

this question becomes increasingly

relevant as we deepen our relationship

with the Lord and expand our spiritual

understanding initially our prayers may

have revolved around seeking guidance

and direction from God however as we

grow in our faith our perspective

naturally shifts towards one of profound

gratitude Philippians says my God

shall supply all your need according to

his riches that are found in Jesus

Christ I received this promise for my

life and my family and declare that your

abundance is flowing into our lives we

desire your blessing in so that we may

have more than enough to meet our needs

and meet the needs of others you came to

give us life and to give it in abundance

and we say let your will be done in our

lives we refuse to live below what you

intended for us no longer will a lack of

finances stop us from fulfilling our

Earthly mandates the Earth is Yours and

the fullness thereof and so is our

father we ask you to bless us with all

that we need my children shall never let

any good thing in jesus’ name and now

Lord I declare that no weapon fashioned

against me or my household shall ever

Prosper I declare today that me and my

household Shall Serve you all the Days

of Our Lives I commit to being the

spiritual leader in my home and raising

my family according to your word as you

have given me this responsibility I

shall love my wife as you love the

church to glorify your name my wife is

blessed and I decree and declare that

her life will bring you glory in jesus’

name she shall be like the Proverbs

Woman Who honors you and takes care of

her family she will be rooted in

righteousness live a life of virtue and

be an example to younger women her name

shall be known in the nation as a woman

of virtue her husband will be proud to

call her his wife our children shall be

blessed and bring you glory on the earth

they shall be obedient to their parents

as you instruct in your word O Lord they

shall be Quivers that will be sent out

to do Great and Mighty exploits on the

earth to glorify your name whatever they

put their hand to shall prosper

because you shall be their God no weapon

fashioned against them shall ever

Prosper my children’s Offspring shall be

Mighty upon the Earth and will know that

our family serves a mighty God they

shall carry these same values embody

them in their lives and walk in the fear

of the Lord they shall pass them on to

their children who will perpetuate them

in the future Generations they shall be

Mighty on the earth and point other

people to your son Jesus Christ our

family will be blessed for thousands of

generations and bring glory to you oh

God we shall never be moved as your word

promises and so we believe and receive

that promise heavenly father today marks

a new day for our family and the

generations to come I seal this prayer

and Declarations of the blood of Jesus

Jesus and ask that they be recorded in

heaven Our Lives shall never be the same

again and we shall see your goodness in

the land of the living May Our Lives

continue to bring you glory as your

blessings flow into our lives in Jesus

name amen Shield Me O Lord from the

mations of evil forces and saveguard me

from harm and danger enveloping me in

the protective Embrace of your your

loving care grant me O Lord a spirit

imbued with courage and resilience

capable of overcoming every obstacle and

adversity that dares to stand in my way

may I be empowered by your strength to

confront and dispel every doubt fear and

uncertainty instigated by the enemy

standing firm in the Assurance of your

unfailing promises with unwavering faith

and St steadfast resolve may I press

forward undeterred by the challenges

that lie ahead knowing that you oh Lord

are ever present by my side guiding and

sustaining me through it all I pray that

the Holy Spirit Will Empower me and

enable me to overcome the challenges

ahead Lord please keep me alert and

sober minded so that I do not fall into

the enemy’s traps as he Pro cowls around

seeking whom he may devour Holy Spirit I

ask for your protection from his schemes

today Lord I pray for a shift in my

perspective although I may see only the

Giants of impossibilities around me I

Turn to You almighty God in faith I

place my trust in you Jehovah believing

that your word is true and that the one

who is in me is greater than the the one

who is in the world as your word

declares I am the head and not the tail

through Christ who strengthens me I can

accomplish all things remind me oh God

that I am no longer a slave to fear but

a child of God and therefore I can

already claim victory over today’s

trials and temptations guide me in my

decision making process and help me to

make the the right choices I rely on you

ABA father because you are always

faithful I trust you to grant me a

spirit of discernment so that I can

accurately distinguish between good and

evil and discern your will for my life

versus my own selfish desires as I begin

this day I pray that you will fill every

Gap and meet every need in my life make

me complete and provide for me wherever

I lack just as David proclaimed in Psalm

I have been young and now I am old

yet I have never seen the righteous

forsaken or their children begging bread

though I am advanced in years I have

never witnessed the righteous abandoned

nor their descendants begging for

sustenance father I affirm This Promise

over every need in my life today Lord I

trust that you will not forsake me or

leave me as I seek peace and guidance in

you I praise your holy name and thank

you for hearing this prayer in Jesus’s

name I pray amen

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