MY CHILD YOUR END IS...| Gods message today | God blessings message | Gods Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

MY CHILD YOUR END IS…| Gods message today | God blessings message | Gods Message Now

my beloved Child open your ears and listen attentively as I your lord God

speak directly to you I am ever faithful never failing to

fulfill every promise I make when I pledge my word it is a solid

a stone and when I vow to bless you no force in heaven or Earth can prevent it

from coming to pass the desires of your heart that you have longed and waited for with great patience are about to

transition from Mere hopes into concrete realities as I look upon you now

steadfast in your faith even amid a world full of complaints and Lamentations I want to assure you beyond

all doubt that the blessing you have been anticipating is racing toward you at this very moment you can take my word

as fact that you will soon be holding that very blessing in your hands once and for all bidding farewell to all

worry distress and anxiety you have chosen to put your complete trust in what I have spoken and

from the first instant your voice cried out to me from the moment your heart poured out its deepest longings I set

events in motion to provide you the exact answer that your soul was craving many lose heart as they wait

expectantly for their prayers to be answered they grow impatient with me and my timing but my ways and thoughts are

far above yours my child I specialize in working profound

transformations in people’s lives molding their character with masterful wisdom and ordering every detail to

ensure that the blessings I bestow do not become unwanted burdens when you simply request what you

believe you need from me rest assured that I am the kind of God who Delights in lavishing you with far more than what

you ask for I keep your future well-being in view as well as that of your

family my desire is is that the blessings I pour out on you will usher in not sorrow hardship or conflict but

rather cascading waves of peace and joy Without Limits our covenant bond is etched

indelibly upon your mind and heart your sins are wiped away forgotten forever so

come and find your rest in my presence here at my altar you will discover healing for your soul Limitless strength

for each new day and the full fruit of your faith as you wait with patience for my promises to Blossom before your

eyes banish all bitter complaints from your heart and cast off doubt from your

mind pay no heed to scoffers and mockers who deride your faith when weariness

creeps up on you and anxious thoughts return call out to me and I will impart

fresh perseverance and endurance to your spirit I will endow you aresh with the

gift of patience ensuring your emotions remain untroubled and

Serene you will receive a special measure of heavenly Prudence to control

that unruly tongue of yours so no foolish or rash words emerge from your

lips that would grieve my spirit I shower blessings upon your life with profound tenderness and affection like a

loving father or mother nurtures their Precious Child all I ask in return is

that you remain thankful and never dare presume to demand demand anything from me out of arrogance or Pride this world

is filled with those who dishonor and disrespect me yet I meet them with great patience and pursue them with

unconditional love I know you have grown deeply frustrated because circumstances

often fail to unfold according to your plans and expectations but this is simply the

nature of things my child you pray I respond you take action opposition

arises conflict and adversity suddenly assail you from every side obstacles block the

way making it appear that my responses are delayed yet if I open your spiritual

eyes you would see clearly that the realities before you are far different than you

suppose the blessings you long for are directly within your grasp merely waiting to be seized at the appointed

time but in order to lay hold of them you must press forward without looking

back or wavering discarding every attitude or emotion that threatens to leave you paralyzed and

stationary you see if you truly desire to be blessed then testing and trials

must come first in order to prove the true metal of your character I am watching closely to see how you will

react when situations fail to meet your expectations what words will proceed

from your mouth will you persist in your waiting with resist iant joy in your heart

without inserting a single complaint or will the acid of bitterness begin seeping in stealing your precious time

and effort as it has with so many others I want to see Rock Solid

steadfastness demonstrated in your life a spirit of fierce loyalty and dedication to me even when I seem silent

and you are forced to wait in definitely I am forging within you a strength of character more valuable than purest gold

what I prize above all is your unwavering devotion and Trust I want your absolute Allegiance proven by

actions and Not Mere words you will not betray me when times get difficult nor

will you sell out your spiritual convictions for a poultry sum you will not stoop to dishonest

actions or thinly veiled lies in order to escape trouble for victories attained

by such means are Hollow indeed as you wait with Resolute faith

and undiminished confidence the blessings you long for will surely manifest at the proper time so do not

allow gnawing doubts to freeze and paralysis your patience and pay no heed to the scornful opinions of unbelievers

who mock your faith hear now my Earnest appeal spoken to you in deepest love

take my words and store them up in your heart like prized treasure return here daily and fill up on the truths I am

imparting which will nourish your faith and Surround your mind with my peace

have no fear for I love you with an everlasting love the awaited blessing rushes toward

you even now so speak these words aloud with conviction both in your voice and

actions beloved God with all my heart I wait eagerly for

you my precious one I am your heavenly father your dearest friend and companion

your your Good Shepherd who leads and guides you if up till now you have never

realized I existed allow me to introduce myself properly at

last I knew you and set my affection upon you before you were formed in your

mother’s womb I planted deep within your soul that persistent sense of Destiny

and purpose that drives you onward I am the living presence of love that fills your world and showers

boundless mercy upon you each moment I am love itself I am tenderness I am

peace that transcends understanding I am the way the truth the light that

illuminates your path even in the midst of confusion and darkness this day shall

burst forth with Miracles as my words ignite Living Faith and confidence inside you beside you always stands my

Holy Spirit guiding your steps and perfectly orchestrating every detail of your life according to my gracious

purposes open wide your inward being to welcome the precious promises I have embedded deeply in your spirit ready to

rise up within you whenever urgent need demands the Gateway is open wide to all

the riches of my grace and mercy welcoming you to draw near without any fear of being rejected so come with

boldness and Assurance into this realm of power and transformation here you will discover

healing for the lingering wounds and secret pains that scar your past the destructive chains of guilt and regret

that once gripped you relent their hold this day once and for all I absolve you

completely of each fault and failure and obliterate all record of Sin from before my face so refuse to be troubled or

forfeit your peace any longer where past errors can still be corrected have a

humble willingness to apologize seek forgiveness repay debts and purify your

legacy through restitution if others remain locked behind walls of bitterness denying you

any chance to make amends then release that burden to me for my blood has cleansed you white

as snow and my Declaration of forgiveness stands forever over your life break away from stagnancy and leave

behind those who refuse to reconcile now take a deep breath and

surrender completely to me every source of pain every negative memory Phantom

voices from the past that keep you emotionally entangled release each thought word

action or event that you have obsessed over for too long be set free even from

recent wounds and offenses for I will surely transform these evil seeds into

Redemptive outcomes full of meaning and virtue watch now as I demolish and smash

to Pieces every chain that has held your soul captive to anxiety anger Pride lust

hatred addiction greed anything that imprisons you still and in place of your

bondage I now plant my Living Word inside which will grow and produce an abundant Harvest of Peace joy and

righteousness my grace will flood the barren places of your heart until blessings are all that remain flowing

from your life enveloped completely in my Mercy and transformed by goodness

itself you will enter the realm of the spirit and discover wonders beyond

imagination this day the shackles that have too long restricted the flow of my

spirit are decisively shattered I am breathing new life into Worn out Places depleted of Hope and

vision anger that has festered for years will be supernaturally quelled and fury

completely dispelled from your mind no longer will insult criticism and

harsh language emerge from your lips instead I will fill your mouth with messages of praise and words overflowing

with creative power to heal restore and impart freedom to all who hear your

voice you have never walked alone through this life though at times you felt

forsaken countless times I have spoken to you wooing you with Whispers of love

all to awaken confidence that with me as your guide no obstacle can overpower you

no battle defeat you as your faith is strengthened by trusting me through dark valleys of

uncertainty you will discover Wellsprings of renewal gushing up from within and yes you will Touch the Hem of

my garment and behold Miracles Unleashed through your life beyond anything you dare imagine possible for I see and

value you as far stronger and Bolder than even you perceive yourself to be I

have destined you for greatness in the kingom Kingdom of Heaven receive this by

faith the seeds of possibility I plant today though small in appearance will

grow into a towering tree providing shelter and shade to multitudes as you learn to surrender

control more and more into my hands of Grace relinquishing your tightly held plans you will witness me moving

mountains and Shifting The Very course of history itself to shower favor upon your life so see your anxious striving

and fretful worrying over tomorrow leave it in my hands I rule the future so

abide in me and my peace will be your guard concerns beyond your control May

Loom on the horizon but refuse to let imagined troubles steal your rest you

deal only with today leaving unknown eventualities with me until I deem them

relevant for your attention right now your charge is simply this meet the challenges and

battles today with calm confidence secure in the knowledge that I will never fail to empower you at the needed

moment my beloved child hearken to my voice I am the one true God who formed

you and knows you better than you know yourself since before time began I set

my affection upon you designing you in my image to be my treasured

possession when darkness enters your mind remember it is only a passing storm CL cloud my light ever shines upon you

trials will come to strengthen your character as flames Forge fine steel meet them with courage and cling

to me your shelter in life storms I will never abandon you my

angels encamp around those who rever me as a mighty Army guarding a king call

and they will bear you up lest your foot strike a stone as a sculptor envisions the

finished statue lighten in crude Stone I see the person you shall become though currently

imperfect let not small setbacks dishearten you for my hand guides your

life toward greatness concern yourself less with what others think I know you and love

you as none other can the world promotes fleeting Trifles and crowns Kings of

vain Glory ignore such and fix your gaze upon richer Treasures stored for you in

my kingdom name Fades like Morning Mist wealth takes wings as an eagle toward

heaven but my rewards for faithful Souls endure forever why muddy your garments

pursuing Earthly prizes when Celestial Robes of righteousness await all who

love and trust me stadiums may not Echo with cheers for your name but hear Heaven’s chorus when one repentant Soul

finds salvation that Everlasting trophy outshines temporary tinsel refus to

judge your worth by the flawed measuring sticks of this realm I determine your value and it

immeasurably exceeds rubies or rivers of oil you are made in my image my

one-of-a-kind original Masterpiece even if diamond mines were yours and endless wealth flowed into

your coffers like the sea it could not purchase your true Worth to me when all

other lights go out and the cold void of space yawns before you remember you can

always come home I keep the porch light on and will welcome you with open arms my smile

outshines newborn galaxies and my laughter Rings like infinite chiming

Bells if Earth despises you Heaven celebrates you if people reject you

Angels rally to you if Darkness scowls Dawn Smiles sorrow and sighing will one day

flee forever never to return When I transform the flawed world into a perfect

Paradise until then weather the storms I send them to test foundations and reveal

what lies hidden in Hearts build upon me the one sure unshakable foundation and

you will withstand anything my love undergirds those grounded in me when floods Surge and

winds batter look beyond the present fur to Behold a Placid sea and cloudless sky

child I know right now now you face raging squalls but hear my voice gently

Whispering peace be still though Thunder yet rumbles in the

distance already I have commanded the storm to cease soon silence will fall

and all will be calm again fret not that others misunderstand you and cause you

grief the world rejected and despised me too if self-righteous scoffers scorn you

are you greater than I that you should Escape their scorn be glad not sad reproaches

intended to wound may sting initially but for those allied with me they transmute into Badges of honor my

servant keep your chin High whatever slings and arrows hostile forces hurl at you duck to let them pass overhead then

press on undaunted no weapon formed against you can ultimately Prosper when I Shield you

my angel’s wings make an imp impenetrable umbrella stand beneath them and not one arrows flick will touch you

raise your head high beloved one and be not ashamed no earthly power prevails

against those I defend with my heavenly hosts you shall pass through this fire

unscathed as Shadrach mhach and Abednego did long ago the son of righteousness

arises with healing in his wings when life grows darker till all seems hopeless remember hope shin shines

brightest in the darkest night a long road May lie before you with no end

visible but I guide your steps take them one at a time trusting me to choose each

inch of the path tomorrow’s Grace suffices not for today each day I rein

fresh Mana gather only enough for the present do not worry about the future or

hoarde in Barns my storehouses brim with blessings for Seasons yet unseen some friend may

walk ways with you then bid farewell when your path diverges from theirs let

them go with a warm embrace instead of harsh words all Journeys differ judge

not the roots others take always leave doors open for future friendship new

companions will join you sent by me to refresh your spirit do not look back but

welcome those I add along your onward way the stream of fellow sojourners

sharing your path is ever changing but I have ordained since ancient times those who walk with you now in this leg of

your sojourn cherish our friendship too do not neglect meeting with me in prayer

and steep your mind regularly in my word carve out quiet spaces and noisy days

for us to converse seek me first every morning to align your will with mine so

you may walk in step with me throughout the day I have much to speak to you in the silences listen my child do not

recoil because my words discomfort your flesh they must for I see what you

cannot all that obstructs your vision of my glory I love you enough to prune and

shape you even against the grain of your natural tendencies trust me to know what must be

removed so you can grow straight and strong will clay say to the Potter no

reshape me not far less should my servant presume to instruct the master in his craft I formed your innermost

being and know how to skillfully apply each tool do not resist me but yield softly to The Potter’s hand even when my

knife Cuts deep soon you will understand and thank me for the beauty taking shape

in you beloved many claim to speak for me yet mingle errors with my truth test

all you hear even these words against my Flawless standard let scripture refine them as

fire purifies metal hold fast to what aligns with me and discard the dross so

my pure word alone takes shape in your heart I am authoring your story my child

the pages already written tell of my love lavished on you my nurture and discipline to guide your growth yes some

chapters recount missteps and tears where you stumbled by disregarding my

words yet consider how with my gentle correction fresh mercies and wisdom to

avoid Future Falls you learned from those mistakes shall I not continue

writing the master writer never abandons his unfinished Masterwork the story is

unfinished its conclusion still Unwritten Heaven’s unchecked Applause

not fickle fame’s fleeting Kudos await all who play their role well in my

unfolding epic through history act your assigned part with passion

leaning always on me when uncertain how to proceed I prompt you through my spirit

When lines you must speak come do I am redeeming your past child to

open your future path where Treasures yet unseen await Discovery my glory

shall exalt you in due time Grace sufficient for each scene infuses you

some chapters hold trials requiring perseverance and Trust in my goodness despite appearances later you will grasp

why they were essential for now endure them courageously upheld by my hand I

will never abandon my story mids sentence you fear the road ahead disappears into Gloom yet I illuminate

each forward step tomorrow’s provision suffices not for today sufficient is the

grace dispensed to meet present needs as Mana sustained my people in the

wilderness day by day my daily bread nourishes you on your journey to the promised land where milk and honey ever

flow that distant Horizon glows imperceptibly brighter with each step you take keep

walking every hero is transformed by tests passed through faith in the author’s Providence your transformation

will then come to perfect completion well done my faithful

one enter now your Master’s inexplicable peace and rest from every labor the full

meaning of your unique role in my epic will grow clearer in time sufficient for

today is knowing you are dearly loved and walk the path I chose for you from the first I will never forsake you now

lift up your head beloved and press on trusting me my beloved child do not be

troubled listen to my voice each day come sit with me and Delight in this

precious time together I do not wish you to be disturbed or afraid when you are calm

and still your Splendor shines through your thoughts flow clearly your words

hold meaning and your actions align with your faith when you abide in me your

despair melts away and the anxiety that consumed you is banished for

good in my book I have recorded all your emotions and I have seen the outcome of

your prayers when distress gripped you you knelt before me and I came to your

rescue depression no longer has claim over you you felt strengthened got up

and continued on the path when sorrow returned another day and you came back to my feet anguish spilling over like a

cup filled too full your prayer was nearly drowned in your tears your

despondency so heavy that your lips could not form the words but I know your

soul I brought healing and restored your joy you kept fighting bravely you face

Giants without fear and here you stand in my presence again ask what you will of me I will

grant it from your innermost being flows a Wellspring of Life your thoughts are

untainted and all you need has already been given have courage and stand firm

May the very ground Beneath Your Feet tremble striking awe and Dread into the hearts of your enemies the clamor within

will be calmed by my might hand even now blessings R upon you and

your troubles and discouragements will vanish when you need encouragement I will speak it if weariness overtakes you

come sit with me burdened and spent you need this love that brings rest pause

for a few moments in the quiet listen to The Whisper Of The Wind do not speak just yet let the Restless stirrings of

your soul grow still the onslaught of your own thoughts assails you take my

hand hand close your eyes now be still and trust me even if today it feels as

though armies of Despair have surrounded and pierced you do not be afraid do not

lose heart these are but fleeting Shadows that must flee at the sound of my voice

even as you listen healing balm Rises up within to make you whole body Soul and

Spirit mended as you commune with me day by day you will feel an ever increasing

Joy brimming From the Inside Out streams of abundant life flow freely

from you none on this Earth can give the peace and fulfillment you seek entrust

your heart only to me do not repeat past mistakes by handing over parts of

yourself to others thinking they will satisfy you were created for me I love

you I am faithful to you and cannot withhold love or life from you

because you have given yourself fully to follow me serve me obey me and live for

me I will provide all you need do not be anxious I know your longings and will

meet them relief from debt freedom from Habits that destroy a companion to walk

with you tell me again you have unshakable confidence in me vow here and

now that I will retain highest place in your heart declare your love for me this moment and

let my joy overwhelm you even now in Realms seen and unseen Miracles are

unfolding on your behalf new acquaintances open doors of

favor circumstances that feel difficult yet will soon reveal blessing peace in

your home provision healing Above All My Love a treasure that outshines every

everything else you could possibly desire or acquire on this Earth You possess my delight my affection my

pleasure rewards that last for eternity I delighted in you even when you were

far from me I kept on loving you as you returned home if lies ever taunt you

that I rage against you or distance myself because of your failures do not believe them your sins do not repel or

frighten me I will never cast you off or forsake you beloved one time after time

you have come to me with a sincerely repentant heart speaking truth allowing

my light to expose where you lost your way I know you love me when you stumble

I understand how and why it happened your honesty touches me profoundly I

cherish your heart so genuine unaffected and open before me even now miraculous

Transformations are occurring around the globe key connections opportunities

Beyond imagination situations that appear inconvenient yet will soon unveil

blessing favor for your family financial relief Revelations of my purpose that

change everything the most Splendid gift of all is already yours my unwavering

unconditional love and Delight tell me you believe with all that is within you that I am intimately

involved in every aspect of your life gently tenderly lovingly I hold you

close my protective presence surrounds you shielding you from evil I fully

understand what you face how heavy your burdens how demanding the tasks before you I see I know your efforts do not go

unnoticed you are seen known cherished my beloved child I speak these words to

you from the depths of Eternity for I am the Alpha and the Omega since before time began I set my

affections upon you for you are fearfully and wonderfully made when darkness enshrouded the void and

creation slumbered I already saw you in my mind’s eye I beheld your Radiance the

goodness I would fashion within you and was filled with joy I delighted in you

before you took your first breath [Music]

bre my child you have endured many tribulations yet my spirit remains with

you when anguish grips your heart do not despair for I shall never forsake

you you may feel forsaken in your hour of need as though your prayers Echo

unheard across a yawning Gulf yet even in your darkest night my light shall

shine upon you I will Infuse you with strength from on high that you may

weather the fiercest storms the tempests that assail you cannot withstand the bullworks of my

grace flood waters may rise to unimaginable Heights yet I will bear You

Up On Eagle’s Wings you shall not drown beneath tumultuous waves for I hold you

fast in the shelter of my hands beloved when you walk through fires of Affliction the scent of smoke shall not

cling to your reignment no flame Shall Set upon you for I quench the smoldering

ERS with gentle Dew the Searing tongues that encircle you on every side recoil

at my Approach I bid them touch not my anointed one Do no harm to the apple of

my eye in Stillness my voice Whispers come to me when weariness

drapes your shoulders like a cloak unburden yourself before my Throne of

Mercy lay bare your Brokenness and I will make you whole the evils that haunt you shrink

from the light of my presence persevere in seeking me through prayer and humble

supplication that you may find rest beneath these Sheltering Wings my child I formed your innermost

Parts I knit you together with Divine skill and purpose you emerged from the

womb as a tapestry of Many Colors fearfully and wonderfully made I call

you by name for you are mine I named you where I placed you in your mother’s womb

and the name I whispered in that secret place shall remain your own in

eternity you are a display of my craftsmanship the Pinnacle of my

creation within you I have kindled the light of my glory that men may see your good works and glorify me yet the enemy

schemes to Snuff out that Radiance to dim the luminance of your soul and draw a veil of Gloom about you his minions

Circle you like ravenous wolves seek to Rend and devour but greater Am I who resides

within you the darkness shall not overcome the light that blazes from your spirit no weapon formed against you can

prosper my guardian angels encamp around you and bear you up lest you strike your

foot upon a stone you shall March from Victory to Victory with garlands of Triumph gracing your brow when you pass

through Raging Waters my staff and Rod shall Shield you from harm the undertoe

cannot rest you from my grasp its pull is impotent next to the might of my strong right hand the crests that Tower

high above you collapse into foam at my decree thus far and no more The Tempest

spends its Fury and disperses like fleece blown upon the wind in its wake

comes a profound Stillness and you find yourself on Solid Rock once more upheld

by my hands from this V Vantage I will show you wondrous things beyond the furthest

sea New Horizons will unfold before you as you gain the summit of each uous

climb the breathtaking Panorama that greets you then shall Eclipse all memory of storms now past lift up your eyes my

beloved take heart and fear no evil the forces Allied against you

Retreat Into Darkness at first light of dawn the new day Heralds glad Tiding upon its wings Liberation is imminent

as the heaviness of night takes flight so too shall your Sorrows the Gloom that shrouds your spirit will lift giving way

to cloudless Skies you shall bask beneath heavens resplendant and

Serene hardship and heartache will fade into distant memory as my restoration

washes over you in healing waves like rain upon thirsty ground my spirit will

penetrate and renew parched places within your soul strength will course

through your veins as the Vitality of my living water mingles with your blood you

will go out in joy and be led forth in peace as one who dreams all creation

Will Rejoice over you mountains and hillsides will break forth into song

forests will clap their hands in Ovation you are the crown jewel of my

heart a Priceless treasure I Safeguard with eternal vigilance never doubt that

I hold you firmly anchored in my unwavering grip you will not slip through these Almighty

fingers my Everlasting Arms shall not grow faint or weary they will uphold and sustain you

to the end I will never forget neglect or abandon that which I have taken pains to create and

preserve my purposes for you Tower higher than the heavens run deeper than the sea span broader than Horizons edged

by farthest Starlight the plans I have prepared for you transcend human comprehension yet

even now they begin materializing before your [Music]

eyes [Music]




do you perceive their first tender shoots emerging from arid soil behold verdant New Life springing forth the

seeds I have scattered will yield a Bountiful Harvest in due season until then nurture the fragile

saplings tenderly Shield them from harsh winds lest their stalk snap before they take

root but soon they shall mature into stately Oaks of righteousness that all nations will seek for shelter their

leaves will neither wither nor fade but provide Bountiful healing for multitudes

stand watch and witness this unfolding transformation the landscape now Barren

will flourish abundantly Beyond Your Wildest imaginings beloved child steep yourself in the

promises I have spoken over you this day may they Infuse your soul with boldness

to pursue all I have prepared for you according to the power at work within you the very same might and Majesty that

raised Christ Jesus from the dead nothing lies beyond the scope of my

reach Heaven’s inexhaustable resources stand at the ready to supply your every

need no word of mine shall ring Hollow or return void but magnify my glory as

it fulfills its purpose for you unhindered therefore set your face like Flint towards the destiny which I

ordained before time’s first breath though forces may arise to oppose

you take courage for no weapon formed against you can hinder my advancing

Kingdom The Battle Belongs to the Lord and I shall surely claim the

victory as I cleave the sea to lead you through on dry ground who can imp imped

your Crossing to that Fair Haven Forge ahead unfettered and lay claim to every

inheritance prepared for you since worlds began

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