God Says➤ Your Last 7 Hours Left | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says➤ Your Last 7 Hours Left | God Message Today |

my beloved child you love me I chose you

before your birth gave you a strong

heart that has withstood so much

disrespect once again you shall be brave

you shall emerge from the situation

unscathed I give you my peace you shall

not falter this is how it has always

been and always will be you are one of

those who Triumph not one who loses not

one who fleas or shrinks back I will

provide you with the strength and

resources you need to conquer the

wonderful land that lies ahead of you

you have asked me many times to bless

and prosper you and now before your eyes

a great opportunity awaits don’t lose

heart if you can’t yet grasp the full

extent of this marvelous blessing clear

your mind refine your heart and as I

always say return to my word there lies

the foundation and source of all the

wisdom you need at this time I am with

you do not hesitate walk firmly do not

fear problems or enemies who seek to

defeat you with lies deception and

schemes I want you to know that you are

never alone I hear your prayers and I

feel the sincerity of your heart keep

praying never stop let your tears flow

freely they are a testament to your

faith and love your children the

precious Souls you cherish must witness

your devotion they need to understand

that a mother of Faith kneels daily

before me pouring out her heart and soul

remind them always that I love them

deeply that I am real and that I hold a

Divine and perfect plan for each of them

express your love to your children

tirelessly don’t be disheartened if they

seem indifferent at times but never hide

your tears from them let them see that

their actions weigh heavily on your

heart it’s all part of the journey

believe in me and trust that each of

your children has a unique path to walk

they will make mistakes but your prayers

will shield them from the enemy’s lies

and accusations show them your

unwavering love don’t be afraid to

correct them when they air but always

keep your arms open free of judgment

they must know that you accept them that

your love is unwavering and that your

prayers are a constant intercession for

their lives declare that your motherly

prayers are potent and effective the day

you witness the fruits of your vigil and

effort your heart will overflow with joy

trust me for I am with your children and

I am with you I love you your mistakes

are not the end they do not Define your

life your dreams your talents or your

potential they do not Mark the end of my

plans for you if you have stumbled here

is what you must do seek forgiveness for

your errors tune out the lies and

accusations of the enemy rise up shake

off the dust spread your wings and

fearlessly soar

to the world failure may seem final but

for my children failure is a valuable

lesson a path they should not tread

again remember the past is behind you

forget what lingers there lift your eyes

and focus ahead for I am entrusting you

with a wonderful Mission I am calling

you I will extend my hand placing upon

your head the crown of the highest

calling for those unashamed to share

these words and follow me fear not when

facing enemy forces for no harm shall

befall you I will shield you in all your

battles walk confidently on any path I

send you let my promises dwell in your

heart nurture your faith through my

Commandments I want you to be strong and

courageous do not fear do not be

discouraged with my mighty hand I shall

sustain you recognize your strength even

in moments of weakness even when you

feel you are falling I will not allow

you to be utterly defeated I want you to

understand how much you matter to me

I Want You To Live to Rise and to

Triumph in things of Eternal value lost

blessings will return to your life

forgiveness and family Harmony will

reign you will find security in yourself

free from shame you have heard me

declare my love for you many times and I

reiterate it now to assure your heart I

love you your restoration has already

been decreed and approved I am the one

shaping your future I have shown you

Mercy I have forgiven your sins no one

has the right to accuse discriminate

despise or trample upon you I have given

you my love and my grace now you are

worthy of the blessings I long to bestow

upon you do not devalue yourself or Cast

Away the worth I have bestowed upon you

do not look in the mirror with disdain

or rejection it Grieves me to see you

pay more heed to lying tongues and the

words of people than to my love and


as your heavenly father share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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