God Says➤ Your Last Hours Left | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says➤ Your Last Hours Left | God Message Today |

my beloved I want you to feel the warmth

of my presence like a comforting Embrace

in your moments of need I hear your

cries your hopes and your fears You are

not alone I am right here with you

offering my love and guidance in your

times of trouble know that I am here to

lead you out of the darkness all I ask

is for you to open your heart to me to

let me in when you do you’ll witness

Miracles unfolding in your life

I don’t want just a fleeting visit from

you I long to be at the center of your

heart loved with all your strength soul

and mind I want to be the focal point of

your thoughts make a lifelong commitment

to me today and you will see how my

presence transforms your life that

emptiness you felt that longing to be

filled invite me into your heart and

watch as everything changes those who

have hurt you will seek forgiveness

closed doors will swing open and those

who once rejected you will value you I

will bring new genuine friends into your

life banishing loneliness and sadness

feel what I’m saying deep within your

soul my words have the power to change

things for your benefit to turn the tide

on the challenges you face don’t be

frightened by unexpected obstacles don’t

let hurtful words bring you down and

don’t weep over

misunderstandings ignore the criticism

and insults of your enemies I will

shield you you from their attacks awaken

each day with my words on your lips you

dwell under the shadow of the almighty

sheltered by the arms of your heavenly

father you seek my help because you know

my love for you is unwavering and my

promises are true rest assured I will

indeed help you face life with strength

peace and the joy of knowing I am by

your side even in moments of weakness

when you think you failed remember my

boundless Grace and UNC additional Mercy

I’ve never failed you before and I won’t

fail you now when you need me most when

your heart aches and your soul cries

wake up each morning with hope listen to

my voice once more and you will find the

strength to face the day believe in me

for I have a future of peace and joy for

you hold on to my love with all your

might you must live you must keep moving

forward keep walking despite the

obstacles fix your Gaze on my promises

and don’t be discouraged when challenges

arise when problems surface remain

undaunted in moments of threat recall

the courage you have in me believe with

all your heart great spiritual and

eternal riches will emerge from the

lessons you’ve learned where you are I

will bless you with prosperity because I

have chosen you seek me in prayer humble

your heart daily and Delight in my

presence I will grant the desires that

reside within you you’ve heard these

words for a reason remember and never

forget this is your time seize this

moment I will bless you and your family

today you are my beloved child and I

have bestowed upon you the power to

conquer any foe that arises these

enemies will scatter in the presence of

the light I have placed within you a

light that dispels darkness and guides

you toward great victories and blessings

an army of angels watches over your

every step ensuring you do not stumble

even amidst storms and darkness rise now

and claim the anointing upon your

shoulders nothing and no one can stand

against you for I am your Mighty God

your protector your source of strength

Always by your side supporting you in

Victory know this my dear one as you

make your dreams come true you are

fulfilling my Divine will I have

magnificent and wondrous plans for you

life has tested you with its trials and

the enemy has tried to break you in

every way possible they sent people to

discourage you people who ridiculed you

laughed at your faith and questioned

your resolve but do not fear no person

or situation holds power over you for I

am your Shield your healer your strength

I will lay my mighty hand upon your life

mending every wound and soothing every

sad memory in your heart you remained

steadfast through every trial the enemy

attempted to seow Discord in your family

your work your

home but you held on Resolute in your

determination not to give up I

understand that these trials are complex

and challenging often leaving wounds

within you affecting your emotions

weakening your thoughts and draining

your resolve to move

forward that is why I am here today to

mend all that has been broken in your

life you must continue to walk to stand

and tall and to hold your head high the

enemy tried time and time again to halt

your progress but if you are still

standing today it is because my grace

strengthens you my dear child You are

not alone I am here to restore what was

lost to rebuild what was shattered and

to renew what was taken from you have

faith stay strong and walk boldly in the

knowledge that I am your God The Winds

of the world may try to erase the

moments when I came to your aid but I

command those winds and storms to be

still I love you deeply I have never

failed you and I will never delay I am

here ready to extend my hand and rescue

you in the depths of your journey

through every trial and tribulation I

want you to know that this is not the

end for you you won’t lose this battle I

promise even when it feels like the

whole world has turned its back on you

remember I’m here with my mighty hand

and a legion of Angels by my my side and

I say unto you rise I’ve heard your

prayers every single one of them your

life is about to change in ways you

can’t even imagine I know it can be

tough and I see that many doubt me

despite witnessing Miracles every day

some still question my existence my love

and my power but you my dear you are not

one of them my word alone has the power

to heal you the supernatural power that

flows from my lips can breathe life into

you and lift you up you might think

you’re Unworthy of my presence in your

home but right now I want to enter not

just your dwelling but your heart as

well there I will inscribe the words

that bring healing there I will break

the chains that bind you with a Simple

Touch of my hand I will take away your

pain your fears your anxieties and your

afflictions will flee even the heavens

themselves obey the sound of my voice

I’m speak speaking to you in simple

words because I want to see you happy at

peace and secure in the knowledge that a

bright future awaits you when you spend

time with me you give me the chance to

hold you close to make you feel my

tangible presence and to reassure you

that I am here loving you deeply

protecting you from all harm on this day

I have renewed your joy strengthened

your faith and ited Promises of trust

upon your heart I have given given you a

new vision a fresh desire built upon my

word don’t waste precious time trying to

convince those who seek to discourage

you their hearts may be closed to your

perspective and faith and they may mock

you once more but you don’t need their

approval on this path for you are moving

towards Victory while they March towards

defeat they have already chosen their

Destiny if loneliness surrounds you if

you yearn for support remember that you

have me Trust and be patient for I will

send the right people into your life you

are not insignificant to me you are of

great interest I cherish you care for

you and love you deeply in just a few

days Victory will be yours to hold I am

never late I arrive precisely when you

need me the most I understand the weight

of waiting and the burden of endless

pondering about the future that can

unsettle your soul that’s why I implore

you to release that heavy load that

weighs you down living in constant fear

of the unknown is not the life I have

destined for you do not lower your gaze

or be consumed by worries and anxieties

I have promised to work miracles for you

to open doors I am always with you and

my word is unwavering the days and

nights are under my Dominion I see you

when sleep eludes you when your mind

races with concern concerns that I

already hold in my hands when anxiety

assails you speak boldly to it and

declare that there is no fear in your

heart because you trust in your dearest

friend your God your Lord watch as your

fears scatter never to return and your

soul basks in the liberating light of my

peace share this video with your

contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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