God's Message Now: HAVE FAITH IN ME || God Message For You || God Message Today || God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

God’s Message Now: HAVE FAITH IN ME || God Message For You || God Message Today || God Says

my cherished child as you rise each morning your Vigor and Faith bring a

smile to my heart you face challenges with unwavering determination never

faltering in your resolve you bear a striking resemblance to me in your heart I see a burning desire

to do what is right I am here to support you to keep your family United and harmonious to

bless you with each new Dawn’s first light I implore you to continue down

this path to never let go of that Faith your way of living is a beautiful

devotion a praise that fills my heart with joy your virtuous actions Inspire and

Elevate me I long to open doors for others to witness Someone Like You

someone with genuine Faith someone who truly loves me I hold you in the highest

regard you face the fiercest winds without responding with hatred or resentment to those false friends who

have harmed you who may have taken material possessions but could never steal what truly matters your faith

dedication and unwavering commitment to follow my will no matter the

trials you are undoubtedly my child the word I planted in your heart

has borne much fruit and there are still still countless blessings and gifts for you to

harvest your future shines brightly and rest assured I Stand By Your Side in

every circumstance you can come to me with confidence and pour out your soul at my

altar whenever doubts or mistakes weigh on you my faithfulness will never waver my

presence will surround you and you will feel it in your very being with a

multitude of heavenly armies at your disposal ready and willing to Aid you I will grant you victory over those who

may try to oppose you I will provide healing banish

illness and Empower you when you speak my word the forces of

Darkness shall be defeated your life your family your health your finances

and all those under your roof shall know freedom and live in Victory your home will radiate with my

Majestic glory and miracul ulous wonders will become a daily occurrence you will be surrounded by families of

good-hearted people who will also be blessed by your loving spirit I urge you once more to stay the

course to resist straying into the land of disbelief seek me learn grow and be

filled with my Holy Spirit which will reveal my love and affection to you daily embrace the peace I offer the

peace that strengthens you my beloved child you are forever loved you’ve already

thanked me today for the gift of life so why wait it cost you nothing to open

your heart and express your gratitude I know your needs even before

you voice them trust in me come and spend a moment of serenity with me find

a quiet moment and reflect on the countless reasons you have to be grateful today your life your family

your health the air you breathe the nourishment on your table the shelter over your head my

Supernatural protection that envelops your home the Vigilant Warrior Angels

who stand guard watching over your dreams and ready to wage

battle you have so many reasons to feel blessed so fill your mind with positive

thoughts and open your eyes to the goodness I place along your path rest assured that I hold your

destiny in my hands I dwell within a grateful heart

one that recognizes its need for me one that seeks me with Faith and Hope because it knows it is profoundly

blessed I understand that at times worries about life’s events May consume

you but that’s perfectly natural don’t fret excessively I comprehend the weight

of your responsibilities you desire everything to go smoothly to provide for your

family to maintain their health and to safeguard the peace and stability you

all require however there are also days when darkness clouds your gratitude when the

enemy Whispers Insidious thoughts into your mind turning concerns into fears

surrounding you with lies and transforming fear into dread and

despair I watch and wait for you to raise your arms high and speak the words

that will make the enemy flee thank me for your life your family

your health and all that you are and possess your unwavering faith and

grateful heart act as Shields sustaining you in times of

trial when you walk through the fires of Affliction know that I am there waiting

for you to open your eyes I yearn to hear the first words of your

day flowing from the depths of your grateful Soul uttering thank you thank

you for life come to me today if you feel unwell pour out your heart to me I

will take those feelings into my hands and transform them one by one sorrow

into Joy remorse into peace guilt into hope I am dispelling the darkness that

gnaws at your mind making you listen to voice voices from the past that deceive you I am the almighty God you are my

beloved child obedient and steadfast in belief today I wish to Grant you freedom

from all mental Affliction through the power of my pure and holy

blood when you hear my powerful word receive complete healing from head to

toe wherever you may be rise lift your hopes from the ground and walk forward

follow this path that will lead you to the Pinnacle of the Sacred Mountain to the place of your

Victory the emotions I am sowing in your heart are sealed by my Holy

Spirit this blessing I place before you is genuine and true you shall receive it

as you believe in me and my Eternal Word you are not making a mistake by

surrendering your heart to your heavenly father who loves you immeasurably you

are not imagining it powerful and Supernatural Miracles will happen for all who listen to me and humbly and

simply dare to believe those who respect my word acknowledge their shortcomings leave

behind evil and resolve to walk forward without looking back I love you deeply my beloved

child I wish to heal you break your chains and shatter every curse and enchantment that led you to believe that

some someone in this universe possesses greater power than I an utter falsehood

among falsehoods Heaven and Earth tremble at the sound of my

voice the forces of Darkness fall defeated in the presence of my manifest

glory in this world no Being Human or spiritual can oppose you harm you or

bring you down because you are no longer alone my arms encircle you my Holiness

envelops you and the power of my blood Shields you day and night no more sorrow there will be no

more tears of Despair except and feel the peace and happiness I bestow upon

you now declare to me that you are receiving it profess your belief in me bow your

knees and thank me for the love and wonders you are about to witness I have marvelous news for you

the news you’ve longed to hear I will resolve every burden that weighs upon

your soul I will bless your family your health and your finances you’re entering a season of

restoration so pay close attention for I will provide the guidance for all to go

well give me time and commit to me humble yourself and return to my word

decide once and for all to release your fears and burdens to fortify your spirit

with myay presence and to listen to The Voice of Love in Your Heart the voice

that speaks to you with tenderness I wish to lead you along the right path to help you regain all that

you have lost I desire to hold your hand on the journey toward peace and

Tranquility so you may ReDiscover the happiness you crave leaving behind the

seemingly insurmountable problems that have troubled your life I aim to liberate you from the the anxieties that

have plagued you to banish your fears do not cling to them do not hide them I no

longer wish for fear to drive you into poor decisions you have paid a heavy toll for

your mistakes but that chapter ends today it will end today I forgive your sins I cleanse your

soul the chains you have been dragging are breaking guilt and uncertainty are being left behind my desire My loved

child is to bless your life my plans and purposes are for your welfare and

prosperity it won’t all be easy at times you may face battles but I Will Stand By

Your Side fortifying your spirit until the end if you believe tell me I

believe if you accept me into your soul declare it I open my heart to you if you

allow me to reign in your life Proclaim it my God God you are my king and Lord

whenever you approach me with your requests come with confidence show me

your faith your gratitude is the finest offering you can bring me this moment we share today is the

most beautiful occurrence so come without fear I shall never reject you your sins have been

washed away and paid for with My Precious Blood you have no reason to

feel ashamed in my presence even when you were distant and never thought of me

I had compassion on you I dispatched thousands of angels to rescue you from the clutches of the evil one to clear

the obstacles from your path allowing you to return to [Music]

me you will come back tomorrow and bring me joyful Tidings you will share how you have

gradually discovered Miracles that eluded you before you will recount all the changes

and beautiful occurrences in your life you will affirm Your Allegiance and

I shall listen with boundless Joy this is why I have brought you here

once more to transform your life I do not want you to return to a place where

only hatred disdain sorrow and despair reside I am speaking directly to you

tell me if you will believe me or those who place obstacles in your path obstructing your return to Faith

demanding Perfection from you when they themselves bear their own sins and wrong

thoughts in this world no one can boast of perfection in my presence so do not

lose Faith or Spirit due to those who shut doors in your face here you are

dearly loved and there is only one true way one open door for you to enter and

receive eternal life unending happiness and everlasting

Joy with me you will always encounter love acceptance and pure holy affection

you can approach me confidently day and night whether you are unwell or struggling or if you believe your

weaknesses LED you astray into vices errors and sin you are embraced here regardless of

your state or situation I always heed your prayer of repentance and I offer you another

chance if you accept my forgiveness and desire a fresh start come and surrender

your heart to me you need not offer explanations I understand that what you

truly need is my love I am here I love you good morning how are you feeling

share everything this remains between us speak from your heart and let it out

here and now after hearing my powerful and healing word my Healing Touch will

reach your soul ease your tearful lies and shatter every chain binding you

these emotions that pierce your heart like steel nails can only dissipate through my power I wish for you to

reclaim peace renew your faith and begin to spread your wings once more soaring

high to reach your dreams I want you to feel good it is essential that you enter

my presence each day together you and I will erase the dark chapters of your

life and crack a new narrative I wish for you to see yourself as you truly are loved by me a

triumphant individual who awakens each day with a profound purpose to live your age presents no barrier to

finding happiness a new to realizing that you are a tremendous blessing to many and a significant support to

others the enemy has tormented you since your childhood seeking to clip your wings and keep you confined in a cell of

resentment it nearly convinced you that you were worthless inflicting wounds that appeared small but caused your

heart to bleed with each one you nearly lost your way but you

heard my word you were receptive you acknowledged your mistakes and you repented for your

sins your prayer of repentance was beautiful and here in the Heavenly realm

we celebrated with joy that you had returned home to today with the fervent

Faith burning within you you are forging your path in the Journey of

Life Embrace this moment my beloved child it is time to let go of the past

to release the burdens that have weighed you down allow me to guide you towards the light towards the path of love peace

and joy you are not alone I am with you every step of the

way I am Overjoyed that you have chose chosen to confide in me to share your heart’s deepest

troubles you are once again savoring the beauty of life yet you are also

confronting the hidden burdens within your soul know that speaking with me daily

will Infuse you with great strength fortify your faith and free you from the heavy burdens weighing down your

soul your spirit will soar and joy will overflow within you I see the joy

filling your heart and now it is your turn to speak fear not to pour out your heart to

me for I love you deeply I am elated to witness you seeking affection and

nourishment through my words and it’s perfectly fine you are

already noticing the transformation within yourself if there are still concerns

Weighing on your heart remember that I am here for you I understand that sometimes life’s

challenges can leave you breathless overwhelmed by countless thoughts but each morning come to me in

prayer and together we will mend your circumstances allowing you to face life

with renewed Happiness unburdened by the weight you no longer need to

carry reflect my child on the greater things that require your attention do

not fret over scenarios that may never come to pass for I am watching over you

have faith and uplift your spirits kneel or simply stay where you are close your

eyes and Express gratitude for your family work and

health sometimes you need not even ask but I Delight in your

requests I encourage you to ask with unwavering confidence without doubt my ear is attentive and my angels

stand ready as soon as they receive my command and they will hasten to your

side for they were created to obey me and serve you are my cherished child and I

am the one who Graces your life and blankets you in Mercy do not hesitate to ask of me I

eagerly await your petitions I will provide you with the finest wheat honey

from The Rock and I will open the windows of Heaven to shower you with

Abundant Blessings overflowing and holy invoke your

faith for I possess the power to move mountains of Sorrow dismantle the

barriers of evil and shatter the chains of sin Vice and destructive habits

request from me all that is good sweet kind and uplifting even if it seems

impossible if it contributes to your Eternal growth and Earthly well-being

ask of me and in my perfect timing I shall lovingly respond I will bestow it upon you I am

acutely aware of your struggles your worries and your emotions I closely monitor your needs

desires and Sorrows I am present when you should tears experience discouragement or feel

the panks of lonliness rest Asher I shall never release your hand I know you need me

once more today not long ago you were despondent crying out my God where are

you today I offer you the sign to resure you of my attentive presense as you

prepare for what lies ahead persist in your daily prayers sense my proximity

beside you and learn to know me intimately I am your loving father and

my love is perfect when I declare my love for you believe it for I speak the truth I love

you deeply and I desire your well-being your strength and your enjoyment of each

day of life that I have granted you prepare yourself for the journey ahead

for I shall persist visiting you every morning with words of encouragement and messages of affection that I will plant

within your heart this is your time your hour has

come you were born to experience Victory it was never my intention for you to

live defeated and disheartened I’m aware that some around you have criticized you diminished your spirit

labeled you a failure and a lost cause proclaiming that you will achieve

nothing but take heed their misguided words hold no power and cannot alter

your destiny pay them no mind and assign them no [Music]

importance in my hands I hold Triumph I am your hope today all negative thoughts

all negativity and all feelings of inadequacy are dissipating and my holy word heals inspires motivates and

rekindles your joy it fills you with fresh dreams and beautiful

aspirations I wish to see that beautiful smile on your face that heart brimming

with happiness your journey is far from over your path stretches long adorned with

delightful surprises and benevolent Souls tell me do you believe me do you

trust that you are valuable that you will grasp my hand and never let go I

pledge to love you eternally and care for you this holy love I bestow upon you

no one can snatch away today I shall visit your Abode and alter your

destiny your fervent prayers infused with faith and sincerity have summoned me to your rescue I possess the power

and I’m eager to wield it the key that unlocks the door to Miracles is your faith yet even more

than that I cherish you and in any circumstance you shall always have my

unwavering presence you are suffering and you require my assistance my love

that heals and covers you without judgment my tender presence that envelops you in silent Embrace free from

reproach you need my sympathetic ear that listens patiently without interruption share with me your deepest

desires for that is your truth your strength alone has reached its limit this is the moment to acknowledge

your need I understand that you and your family Traverse a harsh desert where Solitude desiccates hope and your soul

thirsts for love amidst disdain the journey is scorching and you

cry out in pain when your feet tread upon searing stones that cause you to weep I comprehend your struggle it is

challenging to persevere and believe that even amid this suffering my hand supports

you nonetheless I have come to Shield you from the adversaries that assail and wound you everything you are enduring

today is part of a purifying process just as gold only shines after enduring

the fire so too shall you shine and be purified from the remnants of negativity

within you I only wish to convey that I shall not Elevate you to let you belittle your

brethren rather I aim to teach you to extend your hand to Aid those who have

stumbled I implore you to release anger vanity fear doubt and

faithlessness do not dwell on the past for nothing you have experienced there

can compare to the joy that awaits you hence forth search your life for both small

and Grand reasons for gratitude walk with a clear conscience carrying my

virtues within your heart you are worth more your family is worth more and your

future is worth more than riches possessions careers fame or

popularity do not fear the loss of material possessions nor mourn them

prioritize what truly holds value love me and seek me with unwavering

determination I am your provider and now I shall supply your needs abundantly I

shall satisfy you with true blessings open numerous doors before you and

present you with extraordinary opportunities blessings will re upon you

abundantly so remain Vigilant to the unfolding events remember that I can transform

adversity into your favor so do not despair if you initially encounter

challenges that perplex you beyond every problem and frustration I hide

prosperity and blessings a plenty prepare yourself to wisely manage

what I bestow upon you seek guidance from my holy word to enhance the gifts

and talents I have bestowed upon you but do not be enticed by material

possessions do not succumb to the Allure of fame or burden yourself with debt to

acquire frivolities concentrate on what truly matters elevate your spiritual journey to new

heights strive to gain wisdom from my word and deepen your knowledge of me I

shall unveil wondrous Revelations to you I want you to witness magnificent

Miracles attend to your health and address familial matters without delay

leave nothing unresolved I have endowed you with the strength and intelligence to resolve

numerous situations today I do not not wish for you to face desperation at the th Hour gripped by

fear of failure arise and take action dare to do

so your heart brims with courage regardless of your inner doubts engage

in virtuous Deeds fulfill your obligations and cast aside

apprehension you shall receive abundantly and lose nothing even if you forfeit something or

incur the displeasure meure of others due to your commitment to improving your life and making righteous choices

entrust these individuals into my care pray for them but heed not their

counsel or grievances for they cannot Aid one who knowingly Treads toward an

abyss I am with you to assist you in all matters however prioritize me and I

shall not only assist you but also Propel you towards prosperity showering you with blessings more precious than

gold even when you feel defeated and weakened I shall resurrect your zest for

Life fortify you and raise You From the Ashes those around you as well as future

Generations shall witness the Abundant Blessings I bestow upon you I shall

clothe you in honor clear your paths and saturate your home with my glory believe me for it shall come to

pass I love you dearly and I yearn to enter your Abode I desire to perform a

wondrous powerful and Supernatural miracle in your life I have witnessed

your plight and I shall never allow scarcity to encroach upon your home or

your family for many years to come I shall shower your home with

blessings you have been faithful to me praying fasting sh in tears and placing

me at the Forefront of your actions and thoughts therefore I declare the time

has come for you to reap the Harvest of all that you have sown I shall enrich your home with

abundance happiness encouragement and health rest assured in my holy word for

I shall fulfill all my promises to you prepare yourself for a significant

transformation and cast aside the mantle of Perpetual worry and discouragement with my blessings come

wisdom power and the ability to make judicious decisions to safeguard and multiply all that I bestow upon you

turning it into a blessing for others be grateful and Trust for I am altering

your life I am preparing you to encounter Myriad opportunities for a prolonged period you

have swn seeds of Faith within your heart through arduous trials and complex

tribulations you never wavered in your belief in my power and my unwavering presence beside you this is why you

triumphed you placed your trust in me and I aided you my grace and mercy have

enveloped you and today with my mighty hand I shall cause these seeds you have

planted to flourish bountifully in your life and in the lives of those around

you the time has arrived for you to reap the rewards of of your steadfastness for what I shall bring

into your home is immeasurably greater than you can fathom you deserve the finest and even

more your faith is invaluable and your humble demeanor shall take you

far prepare yourself for I shall unlock new doors and you shall discover New Horizons I shall bestow abundance upon

your home I love you how do you feare today

no obstacle shall overcome you as long long as you stand firm in faith assured that I hold your future in My Loving

Hands your provision flows from me and I shall supply all your needs I fill your

heart with courage to Embark upon the journeys you must undertake to engage in

conversations that need to transpire and to confront challenges that require your

resolve I shall be with you your dreams shall be realized I am your almighty God

and in possessing me you possess everything I love you I am here you

cried out to me called my name in desperation and I am here to console you

and provide the answers you seek you have placed your trust in me and that brings me great joy you have prayed and

knelt invoking my name in every circumstance of your life and this speaks volumes about your

character even though I knew your petitions before they past your lips I

am delighted by your growth for your words are akin to Sacred incense a

fragrant offering that reaches my Altar and touches my heart I am moved by your

unwavering faith and your firm belief in my love for you should you desire My

assistance quiet your heart for you shall receive that which you seek you

and your family shall no longer endure such tribulations I shall bestow upon you

wisdom enhancing your intellect further and Grant you the gift of foresight to

discern the enemy stratagems before they manifest maintain your faith step

forward and seek the blessings I have prepared for you I shall imprint the names of

individuals upon your heart some you may not have seen or spoken to in quite some

time yet I send you to them for through them I shall bless you and you shall

likewise be the answer to their supplications such is my way my child my

blessings are for all who believe in me and seek me with a sincere heart I am opening a door of great

magnitude in your life one that will necessitate your continued humility to

prevent Pride from entangling you in the future delve into your Bible immerse

yourself in my holy word word and your faith shall flourish ever more your

confidence shall radiate come and listen to me each morning open your ears treasure the

words I impart and engrave my promises upon your soul your prayers offered upon

bended knee hold immense power so persist in praying with that demeanor my beloved when you feel that you touch the

ground in reality with such a posture you touch the heavens

my hand shall caress your head with love and the entire Celestial realm shall Echo Amen to your heartfelt

supplications now go forth my child and face your day with courage my angels

accompany you my love Shields you I love you

amen my beloved child I see the depths of your heart the hidden Corners where

you think your secrets are safe but remember you and I share those sacred

places and nothing is hidden from my gaze if you feel this message is not

just for you but for someone else in need share it with them for in sharing

you can save a soul I deeply bless those who spread these words without shame

let’s have a conversation you and I when you wake each day don’t let your

thoughts plunge into chow and worry instead begin with gratitude D for your

family for your life for the time you still have and for the longing in your

soul to make things right I love you and I’ve shown Mercy for a long time I

haven’t punished you for your mistakes nor have I abandoned you because of a single act of Disobedience to my

Commandments Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not bear false witness Thou shalt not lie Thou shalt not slander Thou

shalt not humiliate nor shall you live in Perpetual betrayal there are many things we could

discuss and no sin is greater than another each transgression can bring

heavy consequences adultery and fornication can harm your body and life but so can

slander lies pride and discrimination they too can be destructive causing pain and tearing

families apart if these words resonate with your soul if you feel it’s my Holy Spirit speaking

to you today then strive to seek me daily to receive my word and to obey it

do it now for I am always near to seek me is to come with faith

believing I will answer and patiently awaiting the blessings I will bestow in my perfect timing come into my presence

today and confide in someone you trust pour out your heart your burdens will be

lifted your guilt and anguish will be Cast Away From This Day Forward nothing

shall hinder the blessings the future of goodness and peace I have prepared for

you today you have felt my love and there’s someone else in your life who

needs to hear these words please share them with all your heart I love you with

all my heart good morning and thank you for listening to these words

they gift you with peace listen to them once more letter by letter and you will

feel my presence beside you caressing your heart and soothing your soul Dear Heart You are not alone and if

you stay with me no harm shall befall you be still close your eyes and weep no

more for every tear carries a message and your tears convey your needs but my

voice heals and comforts you easing your anxieties My Embrace dries your tears and envelops

you in Serenity it’s not your time to depart

yet stay a while longer I want your soul to leave here

strengthened unafraid to face the world to walk through shadowy valleys and

deserts with confidence knowing you are surrounded and protected by my eternal love day and night feel it embrace it

believe it my Holy Spirit infolds you with affection and guards you from The Perils of the world declare aloud my

heavenly father is with me no enemy has power over me guard your tongue speak no

evil share No false Tales never humiliate those who serve you faithfully

and never lie to those who employ you if you’ve veed in this come before my

presence I forgive your transgressions purify your heart but seek me in prayer

each morning I desire to free your soul from guilt and remorse I gave my life upon the cross

and rose again so you may be liberated from mental and spiritual suffering you are human and in this

world your body soul and mind can grow weary even my devoted servants who led

holy lives experienced fatigue and made mistakes yet they humbly acknowledged

their sins and returned to this altar of forgiveness they Rose to battle and

triumphed without faltering come to me now if you are weary if you believe you have failed if

you have spoken thoughtlessly if you have wounded a loved one without thought

or if you are ens snared by a harmful habit whether physical or mental if you truly love me and believe

I want to help you come I touch your lips cleanse your heart you

are forgiven never return to those same sins I am renewing your spirit and

motivation You Will Rise Like A Champion leave behind guilt and moments

of Sorrow if you wish to remember something remember the times of

Happiness your past victories as you did before with

unwavering Faith you will conquer again with this loving Embrace I

offer I command you to face life with faith and determination I am with you I love you

my Champion you must exercise patience through all that unfolds in your life

you need to calm yourself amid the storm remember I honor your faith everything

happening now even if it seems incomprehensible has a purpose though

you may may not understand it at this moment when it concludes and you attain the blessings I have prepared for you

you will comprehend trust in me believe have patience and learn to wait you have

received many good things because you persevered and even more awaits I know

you are disheartened at times overwhelmed by the trials that test your faith but do not yield instead stand

firm I will soon reaffirm your steps in the the direction you must tread the

path leading to my blessings I know you are weary at times

feeling that everything is taking too long you may believe there are too many reasons to give up but I ask you to keep

believing this trial you are experiencing today is making you stronger no one can steal the blessings

that are coming the gifts I bestow upon you do not give up my child keep waiting

patiently and trusting in me for I am your God I am preparing a blessed and

wonderful future for you I will deliver you from these trials and place you in a Haven of Peace joy and honor you can

wait a little longer can’t you tell me that you will I love you I understand

how you feel I know your heart intimately and nothing can be hidden from me no matter how hard you try you

know you can come to me with confidence day or night whenever you wish you can

share your situation tell me how you are feeling for I am attentive to your

emotions and needs it has always been this way how could you think you don’t matter to me I

rescued you and gave you a new life you know you cannot expect love and

understanding from this world but with me you have everything you need and more

to satisfy your yearning for peace to fill your life with my love to overflow

your heart with that powerful emotion born of the Assurance of being

profoundly loved because I love you and that has been the truth even when you doubted

during times of adversity my love for you never wavered I loved you love you and will continue

to love you cease trusting those who betray you stop giving your affection to

those who do not value it do not Place anyone else above me the primary place in your heart is

mine give it to me acknowledge me respect me hold me in the reverence I

deserve in your life I alone must be your God your lord your

king no one else should occupy my place this is one of the reasons you

have been feeling unwell lately sensing something within you that you cannot

explain let me tell you what is happening there is a void in your heart

that will grow immense if you reject my love that’s why you feel sad why you

wake up in the night weeping you long to be loved but you’re seeking it in the wrong

place no one in this world can love you as deeply as I do come to me for peace

love and rest what are you waiting for do you prefer to continue giving your

life and affection to those who make you suffer will you wait until you’re hurt

again before returning to me in tears even so I will welcome you with

open arms because my love surpasses your mistakes and poor decisions however you don’t have to wait

for that suffering to come before Drawing Near to me come to me now and let me hold you close with tenderness a

demonstration of my infinite love today I am right here waiting for

you do not let despair consume you I am here to assist you even before your

words reach your lips my ears are always ready to listen know that I cherish you

deeply and I yearn to lift you from the trials and challenges that weigh you down you’ve come to me today because you

trust that I will extend my hand mend your wounds erase the scars of the past

and restore the blessings you once held understand that I love and admire you

your courage in the face of adversity fills my heart with joy keep believing and trusting for I am

your real faithful and mighty God Forever by your side I urge you to distance yourself

from those who Mock and seek to steal your joy they are not your friends but

individuals who have forsaken fi and envy the brightness of your destiny they

recognize the depth of my love for you but cannot accept it the primary place in your heart is

mine give it to me acknowledge me respect me hold me in the reverence I

deserve in your life I alone must be your God your lord your

king no one else should occupy my place this is one of the reasons you

have been feeling unwell lately sensing something within you that you cannot

explain L let me tell you what is happening there is a void in your heart that will

grow immense if you reject my love that’s why you feel sad why you

wake up in the night weeping you long to be loved but you’re seeking it in the wrong

place no one in this world can love you as deeply as I do come to me for peace

love and rest what are you waiting for do you prefer to continue continue

giving your life and affection to those who make you suffer will you wait until you’re hurt

again before returning to me in tears even so I will welcome you with

open arms because my love surpasses your mistakes and poor decisions however you don’t have to wait

for that suffering to come before Drawing Near to me come to me now and let me hold you close with tenderness a

demonstration of my infinite love today I am right here waiting for you do not

let despair consume you I am here to assist you even before your words reach

your lips my ears are always ready to listen know that I cherish you deeply and I

yearn to lift you from the trials and challenges that weigh you down you’ve come to me today because you trust that

I will extend my hand mend your wounds erase the scars of the past and restore

the blessing ings you once held understand that I love and admire

you your courage in the face of adversity fills my heart with

joy keep believing and trusting for I am your real faithful and mighty God

Forever by your side I urge you to distance yourself from those who Mock and seek to steal

your joy they are not your friends but individuals who have forsaken fi and

envy the brightness of your destiny they recognize the depth of my love for you but cannot accept

it do not waste your precious time trying to convince them or seeking their

approval I will remove those who harm you from your path and bring into your life those who genuinely love you leave

despair behind and do not let worry occupy your thoughts or negativity

invade your soul guard your mind with the helmet of Faith Shield your heart with the armor

of righteousness take hold of the sword of my holy word and prepare for a battle

that you will undoubtedly win you shall not be defeated and you will never

suffer defeat again even in moments of weakness and stumbling I promise to lift you up once

more Embrace this challenge do not allow anxiety to imprison your future prepare

to fight with all your might against discouraging judgement and fear declare

your faith in me and your Readiness to Triumph I will bless your home heal your

body soothe your soul and mend your family’s situation you will witness my

Supernatural power unfold before your very eyes listen carefully I love you

and I want you to genuinely and wholeheartedly believe it I also ask that you come to me every morning

nourish your soul with my word and ignite the flame of Faith within

you let that flame burn away the fears that hinder your progress you cannot enter your Promised

Land If you still fear false Giants that terrify you with lies you cannot reap the fruits of

Victory unless you dare to take a step of faith and entrust all your abilities

struggles and failures into my hands at this stage of your life do not waste

time outing the blessings I am about to pour upon you remember that on that cross your

enemies were defeated and I bore the punishment for all your sins your debt has been paid and there

are no more sins to account for you are seated beside me in the Supernatural

realm Anointed with Heavenly oil and sweetness like honey know this you are

not a feeble insignificant being destined for failure resigned to a life plagued by emotions

that Rob you of your right to succeed I speak of true and tangible

Triumph of Liberation from debts Financial healing forgiveness Harmony in

your home wisdom and discernment in your soul and Supernatural peace within your

mind keep walking your path without constantly seeking validation from others I command you not to be enslaved

by the opinions of negative individuals who covet your potential and attempt to steal what I wish to bestow upon you

believe in me wholeheartedly rely on my promises and distance yourself from

those who Harbor ill intentions Victory is within your grasp

and Triumph awaits you strength joy and peace will be yours

every morning I am here waiting to whisper words of tenderness and affection in

your ear filling you with immeasurable strength and happiness I am blessing your life in

your home do you believe will you receive it will you love me more each

day come my child today is a new day and you are destined for great

blessings and never forget I am your Shepherd and you shall not lack anything

I your provider everything you need will be supplied I am your shelter I will

envelop you in my love I bestow healing upon you I am your protector under the

shelter of my peace you will find safety my word is truth my promises are

unwavering and everything I have spoken to you will come to pass for I am God

and I am steadfast I will fulfill what I have declared declared I will guide you

handin hand along the path I have chosen for you regardless of the circumstances you encounter even when you think a

miracle is beyond reach trust in me with all your heart commit your plans to me each day

prioritize me in your endeavors I will always be with you ready to

assist I have displayed my love to you even on the darkest days when you

believed your sins had driven me away way While others may have abandoned you criticized you wounded you or belittled

you I approached you with understanding Grace love forgiveness and tenderness

lifting you from the pit of despair do not doubt do not waver

profess with your lips that you will trust me no matter the trials that come your way regardless of the obstacles you

will emerge victorious in all your endeavors eternal I love you if I did not abandon you

yesterday I will never abandon you today I have always been with you through the good days and the bad in

times of joy and sorrow I have not rejected you I have not forgotten you stand firm and if you

feel your faith faltering Proclaim aloud the promises I have bestowed upon you declare them to those who trouble

you let them know that I I am with you every day until the end you rely on me

hold fast to my grace do not dwell on doubts regarding whether you deserve

these blessings if you believe in me accept this blessing I offer you when

you receive it in your hands it will multiply into abundant gifts you will have all that you need to bless your

family and share with those in need abundance of provision health

strength and peace will be yours however you must exercise your

faith and come to receive these blessings doubt no more do not Retreat

Into Darkness I speak to you because I want you to come and I desire to answer your

prayers I will remove curses and ailments from you and your family I am not here to take from you if it appears

so it is because I have even greater blessings in store you are entering a crucial and

decisive moment you have transformed so profoundly you are not the same as

yesterday you are prepared you will make decisions with confidence do not seek

approval from those who only Harbor negativity towards you do not strive to

please those who do not wish for your prosperity for when you share your plans with them they will try to discourage

you coaxing you back to a place of defeat and disp spare but it shall not come to pass for

I am with you you will walk ceaselessly and when the doors swing open you will

step forward with faith and I will enter with you all the troubles that once burdened

you will be heard and I will bestow wondrous blessings upon you but I want you to guard them

carefully use them wisely so that they may multiply and serve as the foundation

for even greater blessings when the time arrives you and your family will take giant strides towards a

brighter future encourage your children in their education Inspire them to dream grandly

they too can serve me in countless ways with their talents and intelligence they can transform entire

families and Nations right within your home many will come and you will lay

your hands upon them in response to your prayers I will personally heal the sick

solve their problems and mend their wounds a magnificent spiritual Revival

is commencing within your family you are living in the last days and many are proclaiming it seeking to

unravel the mysteries of my return but in their hearts they do not truly seek

me I will only reveal my love to those who believe in me wholeheartedly with

Integrity those who are unafraid to surrender their souls carry my word and

give their lives for this message and the love of

others this is the powerful seed that I am planting within you now pay attention to where you are

hearing it and engrave the day and the hour in your heart stand tall and gaze upon the

Horizon as far as your eyes can see I will use your life to radiate my

glory to distant lands foreign soil where unfamiliar languages are

spoken but I will touch you and my Holy Spirit Will manifest through you and

your family a spiritual Revolution is beginning since the Inception of this

journey I have held your hand guiding you through the valleys of Shadows so

you need not fear regardless of the challenges that meet your gaze and the

trials you encounter believe wholeheartedly in my written word because this year you will

be blessed prospered acknowledged and respected as long as you act and stand

strong unwavering in your faith in the one who sacrificed his life for your

Triumph even if you feel unworthy or believe you do not deserve it cleave to me discard condemning thoughts accept my

forgiveness I have chosen you to be a blessing to your family banish thoughts

of defeat from your mind for I will assist you in all things Embrace this

opportunity to Triumph and renew your life leave behind the old battles and step into a new season of Victory and

renewal this is the moment when I will transform your life and a new story Begins for you allow me to guide you

along a path of blessing and wisdom and I will bestow upon you my love and peace

so your soul and mind remain tranquil will you receive it



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