WARNING! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SKIP JESUS | God's Message For You today | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

WARNING! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SKIP JESUS | God’s Message For You today | Jesus Affirmations

my beloved child I want you to take a
moment right now as you read these words
to close your eyes and take a deep
breath inhale slowly feeling the air
filling your lungs and then exhale
releasing any tension or worry that may
be waning on your heart in this moment I
want you to know that I am with you
right here right now
You Are Not Alone life as you well know
can be a journey filled with ups and
downs twists and turns there are moments
of great joy in moments of deep sorrow
there are times of clarity in times of
it’s in these moments in the ebb and
flow of life that I want you to remember
one fundamental truth I love you type
Amen in the comments if you believe my
love for you is beyond measure Beyond
Comprehension it is a love that knows no
bounds no conditions it is a love that
is constant and unwavering even when you
may doubt yourself even when you may
question your worth know that you are
loved beyond all imagining you see you
are not just a random collection of
atoms and molecules
you are not a mere accident or a product
of chance you are a beautifully crafted
being a unique and precious creation you
are here for a purpose a purpose that
only you can fulfill I have woven a
tapestry of life and you are an
essential threat in that tapestry every
experience you have every person you
meet every challenge you face they are
all part of the intricate design of your
life even when things don’t make sense
even when you can’t see the full picture
trust in the beauty of the design type
Amen in the comments and get blessed

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