God is Begging For Your 1 Minute, Don't Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God's message today | God Helps - Free AI Voice Generator

God is Begging For Your 1 Minute, Don’t Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | God Helps

my child I know that life can be tough
there are times when it feels like the
weight of the world is on your shoulders
there are moments of doubt and fear but
I want you to remember this I am your
Refuge I am your strength when the
storms of life rage around you I am the
solid rock on which you can stand in
times of Darkness I am your light
when you feel lost I am your guide
when you are weary I am your rest when
you are broken I am your healer I am
with you in every moment in every
circumstance offering you my love my
grace my peace
type Amen in the comments if you believe
I know that you have dreams and desires
hopes and aspirations I want you to know
that I am not indifferent to your dreams
in fact I have placed those Desires in
your heart I have given you gifts and
talents not to tease you but to empower
you I want to see you flourish to see
you reach your full potential but I also
want you to understand that your journey
may not always be smooth there will be
challenges obstacles and setbacks there
will be moments when you feel like
giving up but I want to encourage you to
keep going
pressing forward you see it’s often in
the face of challenges that your
character is refined your strength is
tested and your faith is deepened just
as a diamond is formed Under Pressure so
too are you shaped and molded through
the trials of life you are stronger and
more resilient than you realize when you
encounter difficulties don’t see them as
roadblocks but as stepping stones on the
path of self-discovery and growth
embrace them as opportunities to become
the best version of yourself remember
that I Am with You guiding you through
every Challenge and that I will never
give you more than you can handle type
Amen in the comments and get blessed

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