🛑 God Says; You're Taking A Big Risk By Skipping This‼️| God Blessings | God's Pray - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑 God Says; You’re Taking A Big Risk By Skipping This‼️| God Blessings | God’s Pray

God says
my precious child do you know the way
glad I am once I say you are my child I
Am So Satisfied to create you and and
send you to this International for
gratifying my motive Through Your
Existence don’t suppose that you are
don’t get depressed by means of
questioning no one loves you or via
questioning your alone do you understand
one element you’re well worth extra than
something this is why I created you I
love you plenty I am hearing your
prayers and seeing the tears you are
like this video if your faith is strong
from God when I see your tears I cry
loads but even then what makes me robust
is the happiness for the blessing that
you’re going to get through your tears
which I actually have deliberate for you
trust me I actually have a plan for you
which I will fulfill in the right time
and I am so eagerly looking forward to
the day to see you face to face and to
present a kiss on your forehead and to
be with you I love you a lot I will
bless you
God says type amen if you believe in my
Sweet Child in this substantial Universe
I apprehend that life can now and again
sense overwhelming filled with
uncertainties and challenges that take a
look at your spirit
but let me remind you that I even have
bestowed upon you the electricity and
resilience to conquer any obstacle that
comes your way
know that Wish isn’t always lost my
child it may appear elusive at instances
but it resides in the depths of your
being it is a flame that Sparkles ready
for you to nurture it with notion and
perseverance trust in yourself and your
talents for you own the power to form
your own future
write if you agree
optimism my expensive one is a beacon of
light that guides you via the darkest of
nights embrace it with an open heart for
it’ll light up the direction ahead
remember that even in the face of
adversity there’s usually a silver
lining waiting to be located
I am right here to remind you that you
are never buyer myself for your journey
Lean on Me lean on your family and lean
at the Splendor of this International
seek Solace and Nature’s Embrace and
discover Comfort inside the warmth of
human connections
to leave in the magic of existence my
toddler for miracles manifest each day
trust that the universe is conspiring in
your want aligning the celebrities to
Grant your innermost dreams Embrace
every day with gratitude and interest
for inside them lies Limitless
man if you believe
rest confident my treasured baby that I
am here listening and guiding you
alongside this wondrous course referred
to as Lifestyles hold on to all hope and
let optimism be your Guiding Light
together we shall Forge a destiny full
of joy love and boundless possibilities
as almighty God said only a few loyal
people will stay connected to this video
till the end and you are a True Believer
child who connected with God till the
end and now your life will always be
oriented towards progress
in Bible verses Romans to says and
we recognize that in all matters God
works for the coolest of folks that love
him who have been known as in step with
his motive
Supreme Lord says as difficult because
the typhoon is do not leap ship don’t
second bet what God has located in you
too do regardless of the Waves crashing
all around you ignore the lies of the
enemy the enemy needs you to stop and
give up God knows it is tough
he isn’t there for your cries nor blind
to your tears a harvest is coming your
way a harvest of Peace a harvest of
blessings a harvest of healing a harvest
of abundance everything which you were
waiting crying looking and praying for
is about to come your way
a harvest of Peace a harvest of
blessings a harvest of healing a harvest
of abundance everything which you were
waiting crying looking and praying for
is about to come your way the simplest
Factor you must do isn’t always
surrender don’t throw inside the towel
persevere and remember all that pleasure
you will reap the entirety that you have
sown in religion if you faint no longer
enter to now
to the only struggling proper na to the
one who may be having a tough day week
or even year so far too the only who
appears like the typhoon will never quit
to the one who is hanging directly to
Faith by using a thread keep fighting
for you
don’t worry approximately your buddies
or your own family proper now focus on
you keep holding on due to the fact deep
down you listen to whisper that assert
you had been supposed for a long way
greater than this disappointment and
pain you are feeling
keep preventing due to the fact the
enemy doesn’t get to win not these days
not ever
keep fighting due to the fact you’ll get
there and it will all be worth it
if you have faith in God type amen
dearest child of mine and the widespread
sea of life with its Heaven doe with the
flow I am your steadfast anchor When
Storms rage and waves threaten to pull
yundernath find Solace within the
unyielding love I hold for you this love
isn’t just promise
it is a tangible force that centers and
grounds you and every breath each
heartbeat since my presence reminding
you that regardless of how too mulch was
the waters you are continually anchored
in unwavering love
I need to remind you that I made this
world with the intention to enjoy take
care of this beautiful creation of mine
and always recollect to wish for it this
world is a get from me to you and it is
important what you cherish it and admire
I want you to know that if I can create
the world then I also can wreck it in
seconds if you do not take care of it so
I urge you to be accountable and
conscious of your moves towards this
world I understand this month has been
tough there were days when you felt like
giving up it can seem like the world’s
weight is on your shoulders remember I
am here for you share your burdens and
I’ll provide rest I’ll support you and
pave a path forward
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today’s scripture says one element we
have to understand is that God isn’t
going to Deliver Us from every problem
is not going to maintain us from every
if he did we would never develop
the scripture says our faith is
attempted within the Hearth of Agony
when you’re in a tough time that’s an
opportunity in your religion to shine
anybody can get negative and sour blame
God or lose their harder that’s easy
but in case you need to pass the check
if you need God to take you to a brand
new level you cannot be a weakling you
should be a warrior
you should be a warrior take your heels
and and say as the Apostle Paul elk and
take care of it I am geared up for it
I’m saying to it I realize God continues
to be on the throne he is combating my
conflict and on the alternative facet at
this issue it’s a new level of my future
man if you accept God blessings
listen carefully I want to offer
encouragement to those grappling with
disappointment and various aspects of
life to those who suddenly find
themselves blindsided by circumstances
or individuals
you had envisioned a different outcome
to leave certain people were in your
corner yet they’ve left you feeling let
abandoned or betrayed that unexpected
blow feels like a punch in the gut
leaving you winded disoriented and
it’s undeniably challenging to muster
the strength to press forward when you
didn’t foresee such a turn of events
it’s not that you lack the ability to
rise again it’s more about the
apprehension of what might lie ahead
fearing a recurrence
even if it takes a different form
the enemy seeks to rob you of your
courage and confidence I implore you not
to allow it make a Resolute choice to
maintain trust in God firmly believing
that he is by your side and for your
March boldly into your future refusing
to permit the disappointments of today
to deprive you of the Divine
appointments awaiting you down the road
keep forging ahead with unwavering
type I love you Almighty Lord
dear listener join this prayer with me
and repeat after me dear God and Haven
today is a day to consider your son’s
pain and demise he needed to go through
a lot of discomfort and pain and it
became in his pain that he known as out
to you
assist me in following this example when
life hardships and sufferings in
addition to the demanding situations I
am experiencing end up too much for me
to handle please strike a chord and me
to call on you
remind me to name on you whilst grief
overwhelms my spirit and by him broken
please don’t abandon me my hour of want
look down on me with sympathy and
provide me the courage to persevere
strengthen my religion and confidence in
you in order that with you through my
aspect I may additionally optimistic
declare that its miles completed thank
you Father for hearing my prayer amen
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