🛑 God Says; Only 1% Will Choose Haven‼️| God Message For You Today | God's Pray - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑 God Says; Only 1% Will Choose Haven‼️| God Message For You Today | God’s Pray

God says I know you are facing many
events in your life right now give me
even one minute I promise after this
message I will definitely bring
happiness in your life
dear cherished child I wish to emphasize
today the strength and surrender
yielding to me isn’t a display of
feebleness but an expression of
and yielding control to my Flawless
on your path you might face instances
where you sense doubt overwhelm or
inadequacy and host times I encourage
you to relinquish your tone to me let go
of your concerns worries and loads into
my capable grasp not have faith that I
am orchestrating all things for your
benefit if you have faith in me so watch
this video
dear child I need you to recognize that
you are
in no way by myself and your moments of
distress or ache the pleas of your heart
Echo throughout the vastness of my being
and they’re met with countless love and
in the tapestry of life there are
moments of warfare pain and Melancholy
however these moments are intertwined
with threads of Hope strength and
renewal your prayer for healing and
healing in each measurement of your
being bodily emotional
and religious as a testimony to the
resilience and braveness that live
within you type if you believe
I am with you in every heartbeat and
each tear should and in each breath you
are taking the challenges you face are
however temporary in the grand
scheme of things and with time they will
supply a manner to brighter days trust
and Adventure even when the direction
appears and clear
embrace the power of Hope and Faith let
them manual you toward the recovery you
are trying to find remember your spirit
is boundless Your Capacity Limitless and
your essence Divine
allow yourself to be enveloped by my
love for it is a pressure that can
rejuvenate and repair even the deepest
wounds you are loved Beyond degree and I
will always be here listening guiding
and loving you unconditionally
God says type yes if you want to follow
my will in Romans says and we
recognize that God works all matters
together for the coolest of folks who
love him who are known as according to
his cause here are four things presently
God desires you to recognize this today
one God has set you up for a miracle dot
this week you are getting your
to make room for what you prayed for
it’s at the manner three you’re
approximately to be happier than you’ve
ever been Watch God’s subsequent move
for your quality days aren’t behind you
however before and of you
type amen if you believe
dear listener hear this carefully when
you make a decision too Consciousness
ahead and circulate on anticipate to
satisfy resistance the enemy does no
longer want you to step into the
promises of God on your life or to
satisfy your cause so he will do
anything it takes to deter distract
delay disappoint or distract you you
could have to combat to govern your mind
protect your heart and toughen your soul
it’s frequently simpler to surrender
than to preserve believing hoping and
awaiting in your leap forward to happen
this is called a combat of Faith because
that’s exactly what it Smiles the enemy
plays dirty it’s why you sense like
throwing within the towel it’s tough
It’s messy it’s laborious it’s
but I am right here to remind you that
extra is he who’s in you than he who’s
in international the enemy is a defeated
foe fix your eyes on Jesus who is the
author and the finisher of your faith
type yes if you agree and if you desire
Miracles watch this video all the way
through to the end
dear listener join this prayer with me
and repeat after me Almighty Lord my
mind feels troubled and my heart
overwhelmed I’m stressed affecting me
physically emotionally mentally I
struggle to focus except on worry
Forgive Me ease my worry guide me to
release anxiety help me cast worries to
you teach patience
rather than hurried prayer Grant faith
that in due time Duty will emerge in my
life in Jesus name amen
God we come in opposition to any family
curses nowadays any generational curse
within the form of sicknesses
misfortunes or poverty is destroyed
today inside the call of Jesus we
disconnect ourselves from any hyperlink
with a generational demonic spirit
see all strains which have carried those
curses this far we destroy all chains of
depression and illness these days we
free up all prisons of drunkenness and
bad luck these days Christ has paid all
our debts and we will now not go through
to any extent further
deliver and free us from all oppression
expensive Lord let us live our lives in
ample Grace and prosperity let your
riches be plentiful on us and
generations to come thank you Covenant
keeping God for placing Us free in Jesus
potent name
if you agree
but those who wait upon the Lord will
renew their strength they’ll Mound up
with wings like eagles they may run and
no longer grow weary they may stroll and
no longer faint Isaiah –
as God said only a few loyal people will
stay connected to this video till the
Jesus declares release it cease dwelling
on it any longer pondering over why
things didn’t unfold as planned will
merely Foster bitterness resentment and
self-pity before long you’ll shift the
blame to others to yourself or even to a
higher power
you might not fully comprehend the
events that transpired fairness might
not have been present however when you
let go it becomes an expression of your
you declare Divine I place my trust in
you I acknowledge your sovereignty even
though my path to Verge from my desires
your promise is that all events will
ultimately align for my benefit thus I
hold on to the belief that positivity
awaits in my days ahead
if you have faith in God right amen
God is saying don’t even consider
quitting you are going to make it
irrespective of what it looks like right
now I realize you’re concerned about
your price range your Fitness and your
circle of relatives remember I always
work in your want
I Will Bless You nowadays with peace
recovery and victory if you do not give
up I am going to carry something
terrific out of the scenario you’re in
get ready for your benefits
typel embrace my power to affirm
Lord claims you are entering pivotal
moments of Destiny I am here to guide
you where you couldn’t go alone the
upcoming events will be extraordinary
your heartfelt desires are on the brink
of realization that challenges scarcity
and ailments are fading a way of fresh
air has dawned
transformation is imminent the
impediments that held you back are
currently shattering favorable
opportunities are on the horizon and the
right individuals are about to appear
you are poised to conquer illness
conquer despondency and Conquer
adversity restoration advancements
breakthroughs and blessings root stay
type yes if you agree and share this
video with nine people who trust God God
has spoken I recognize there may be lots
in your thoughts taking care of your
family retaining your peace coping with
your finances and selling your
profession the weight of the Arena
appears like it is pressing down on you
always consider that you are not alone
through prayer bring all of your issues
to me I will offer I will make a manner
for you Heavens assets are at the back
of you you do not want to fear I even
have your lower back
I’m here for you through it all standing
by your side without a full dot in times
of struggle when you’re weary I’ll help
you march on strong and steady keep
pushing forward don’t let go I’m working
for you this you should know
if you watch this video till the end
then type on man if you believe and
supporting our channel to make a
donation to us through super thanks

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