🛑 God Says; Never Miss Out This Video If You True Believers‼️| God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑 God Says; Never Miss Out This Video If You True Believers‼️| God Message Today

God is speaking to you right now my dear
little children if you’ve ever felt
annoyed by using an unsure season that
lasts longer than you predicted you’re
not on my own you can grow to be so
targeted on your disappointments which
you overlook Kaya nonetheless and manage
that’s why it is crucial to don’t forget
that you’re ready is never wasted
even even though the Israelites couldn’t
see it on the time I wasn’t withholding
my promises from them I become making
ready them for that like the video of
assurance and supreme god
so in case you locate wary from waiting
do but the Israelites forgot to do
search for evidence of my presence and
look again on a watch I already
accomplished my timeline may be distinct
than yours but my faithfulness does not
when you are ready I am preparing you
for my plans my functions and for my
promises that I even have for you trust
God says type on man if you believe in
my words my
heart I am with you and for you when you
determine on a course of action this is
consistent with me will nothing in
heaven or on this planet can force to
owe you you come across many obstacles
As you move in the direction of your
goal however do not be discouraged in no
way surrender
with my help you may overcome any
impediment do now not expect an easy
route as you Journey hand in hand with
me but do remember that I your very
pleasant helper I am omnipotent
much plenty pressure results out of your
trying make things show up before their
times have come one of the main methods
I assert my sovereignty is in the timing
of activities
live close to me and do matters my way
ask me to expose you the root forward
second by means of moment instead of
rushing headlines towards your aim allow
me to set the tempo slowed down and
enjoy the journey in my presence
really do watch this Divine video till
the end my children I want you to
remember that I will be with you always
five life-changing verse from the Bible
that God wants
you two listen it right now
one I can do all Matters by him who
strengthens me Philippians .
two the Lord is my shepherd I shall no
longer want Psalm to .
. trust within the Lord with all your
heart and do now not lean for your
personal understanding Proverbs to .
for and allow us to no longer grow weary
of doing true for and due season we are
able to obtain if we do no longer give
up Galatians to .
five come to me all who labor and are
heavy encumbered and and I’ll come up
with relaxation Matthew
comment amen if you agree
let’s pray heavenly father it’s time for
me to overlook the Beyond Overlook the
mistakes and recognition on what you are
doing in my Lifestyles these days I
recognize you are doing a new thing you
are putting the right people in my life
and eliminating the wrong ones
you are closing old doors and making
ready me for bran spanking new
possibilities the pruning process can be
uncomfortable and painful but I
understand it’s for my good I agree with
you in Jesus name Amen to firm right I
am thankful the supreme god claims when
we make mistakes in life there are three
foremost things that we want to do
ask for forgiveness number two receive
God’s mercy and range three circulate
ahead with your existence Let It Go and
press in advance
so many people nowadays are nevertheless
themselves down over something they did
five years ago they’ve requested God to
forgive them a thousand instances but
cannot permit it pass they pass around
living pressed defeated and feeling
unworthy if it really is you recognize
these days that the charge has already
been paid first time you you requested
God to forgive you he forgave you
type I love you father now you have got
to get hold of God’s mercy and press
beforehand that mistake did not
alternate to your to God my children
have in no way once gotten up within the
morning as in Austin after which
executed something wrong and long passed
to bed that night time with a specific
final name
no depend what they did they may be
still my children you may have made
mistakes today but because of the blood
of Jesus you’re nevertheless your
father’s child you are nevertheless the
apple of God’s eye
you are nonetheless his maximum prized
possession God won’t be thrilled with
every movement but use please whilst you
obtain his forgiveness through religion
receiving it by typing .
God declares when Abraham prayed to me I
spoke back what he prayed for when
Daniel Prayed to me I spoke back what he
prayed for when Hannah cried out to me I
replied what she cried out for when
Elijah prayed to me I responded what he
prayed for
even while you prayed to me I even have
spoke back what you prayed for remember
the days for the matters you have got
prayed for the things you have got now
and I recognize you’re praying for some
things and looking forward to it to be
always take into account if I actually
have spoke back you before then believe
me I will answer you again there is a
time and motive for the entirety if a
prayer’s answer is getting not on time
that does not suggest that I am no
longer hearing you
it can be due to the fact you are not
prepared for what you are praying for or
else I even have the quality thing for
you better than you asked or else the
time has no longer come for it
so in no way prevent praying trust me
your prayer will end no way be a waste
if you’re convinced enter .
always bear in mind when you pray for
one thing agree with and live as you
have already were given What You Prayed
For Always recollect one extra thing
while you begins believing there will
come doubts confusion you recognize
approximately it higher
at that time maintained directly to me
without dropping your faith don’t you
recollect what I said whatever you
requested for in prayer in case you
believe what you have received then it’s
Fargo on to be yours my words will by no
means ever trade I am continually the
equal for all time
you can accept as true with me.type
thank you Father
listen carefully there Comes A Time In
which you need to determine to circulate
on once you have tried the entirety you
know to do have prayed earnestly about
it waited patiently for matters to
alternate sought smart counseled
processed obsessively ruminated about it
wept approximately it or maybe yelled in
frustration about it you may need to get
on with transferring on
can’t do something greater about it
because there may be nothing extra to be
finished for now it’s for what it is it
is tough however not not possible to
select to get off that treadmill
something element of life that can be
and begin shifting forward
it needs to be intentional it not often
takes place otherwise it may take a
little time to get your bearings
discover your feet set up a new stride
and maintain going however with the help
of the Holy Spirit you’ll jump again and
you end up wondering what took you
type on man if you believe in Lord
heavenly father as I bow my head in
prayer I additionally bow my coronary
heart you are God and your methods
aren’t my approaches everything that you
do is best I thank you for all that I am
you created this International with your
spoken word and you made me in your
I thirst to realize you extra and I need
to walk in your plan and idea will
father every so often I fall quick and
make errors I do no longer need anything
to face among my dating with you so I
ask you to forgive me for any sin that I
have committed knowingly or unknowingly
help me forgive all people who has
wronged me Father take away any
bitterness or drawback that would
preserve me from a deep relationship
with you please watch me smooth thank
you on your forgiveness and mercy father
every now and then it is simple to go
through my day-to-day routines wondering
approximately my purpose it may be
disheartening or even difficult while in
my heart
to do amazing things for you however I
am now not positive of my root you
aren’t the author of bewilderment I
realize that you created me with a
purpose and you are guiding me like a
Good Shepherd closer to my destiny I
believe that you have ordered every of
my stuff
to live trustworthy and grow I ask you
to help me be patient in the method
thank you for watching this video I hope
the message has touched your heart and
we will continue to do more you can do
so by subscribing to our Channel or
donating to us through super thanks

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