🛑 God Says; My Child Why Are You Ignoring My Message✝️ | God Says Today... - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑 God Says; My Child Why Are You Ignoring My Message✝️ | God Says Today…

Lord’s words for you
today my sweet child the sky will change
the earth will
exchange however my words will never if
I said I will shield you I will guard
you if I state it I will offer you I
will provide you if I state it I will
deliver what you’re praying for I will
supply what you are praying for if I
stated I will guide you I will manual
you if I state it I will heal you I will
you if I state it I will make the manner
for you I will make the manner for you
don’t worry about something whatever I
said and promised may be achieved in the
proper time within the way you didn’t
expect what you need to do is trust me
like this video if your faith is strong
and Bible voice Isaiah
– always says go and tell Hezekiah
this is what the Lord the god of your
father David says I have heard your
prayer and seen your tears I will add
years to your
life rejoice in me always no remember
what goes on you may have fun for your
relationships with me this is the name
of the game of being content material in
circumstances so many humans dream of
the day after they will eventually be
glad when they’re out of debt when their
kids are out of trouble when they have
more enjoyment time and so
forth while they Daydream their moments
are trickling into the floor like
valuable bombs spilling wastefully from
overturned bottles fat aside in about
future happiness will in no way bring
success because fantasy is
unreal even though I am invisible I am a
long way greater real than the global
you spot around you my truth is
Everlasting and
unchanging bring your moments to me and
I will fill them with colorful Joy now
is the time to have a good time in my
to receive it type then send this
message to people who believe in
Lord lovely child in moments of guilt
and disgrace it Smiles importance to
recollect that I am a god of forgiveness
compassion I am here to remind you that
mistakes are a part of the human journey
and they do not lessen your well worth
cost embrace the opportunity for growth
and study that comes with acknowledging
your movements and recognize that I am
right here to guide you each step of the
way to overcome these emotions my child
it Smiles critical to exercise
self-compassion treat yourself with the
same kindness and understanding that you
could offer to a cherished
one understand what you are deserving of
forgiveness and Beauty just as another
individual has release the weight of
guilt and disgrace by acknowledging your
errors making amends were vital and
committing to personal
increase comment on men if you believe
Jesus addition Al are looking for solace
in prayer and meditation connect with
your inner self and with me for I am
always here to pay attention and provide
steerage pour out your heart and release
your burdens in those moments of quiet
reflection allow my divine presence to
fill you with peace love and
acceptance remember my baby which you
are not alone in this battle seek aid
from the ones around you friends family
or even experts who can offer guidance
knowhow share your feelings with them
for they are my vessels of compassion
and empathy placed on your life to
provide love and
support lastly my treasured infant
recognize that I am usually here for you
I am your constant companion geared up
to pay attention in your prayers and
preserve you near my Divine
heart trust in my love for it’s far
boundless and
unwavering together we will navigate
this adventure of healing and self
acceptance with me with the aid of your
f it there’s not anything you cannot
over God claims bless someone’s Day by
sharing this
video great child I’ll apprehend the ACH
and now not having your way that’s a
pleasure and ego trouble I recognize
what it feels like to combat love and
try to be wanted by the man or woman you
want but the feeling is not mut
Mutual that’s a self- problem never live
in a scenario where you’re sad that’s
how humans use you for their
gain when you wake up every morning God
sends you a unique shipping of Joy it
comes knocking at your
door when you arise in religion and make
the Declaration that this is going to be
an excellent day do you understand what
you simply did you simply answered the
door you simply acquired the gift of
pleasure that God sent to you the
problem is that a few humans never
answer the door Joy has been knocking
for months and months years and years
saying come on let me in you may be glad
you can enjoy your existence make up
your mind that you are going to reply
the door for pleasure wake up each
morning and say father thank you for
another beautiful
day I’m going to be glad I’m going to
enjoy this present day I’m going to
brighten someone else’s Lifestyles I get
hold of your gift of Joy
today to confirm type to
listen up now I simply felt to
encourage those of you who are feeling
hopeless helpless and on the verge of
depression right now it’s so hard to
hold trusting believing or hoping when
you experience disillusion betrayed
heartbroken misunderstood rejected
abandoned neglected or
undesirable when your strength is
depleted your thoughts is tormented you
have lost your joy and and you cannot
even don’t forget whilst you remaining
felt any semblance of Peace you simply
want to
surrender giving up appears a great deal
less complicated than getting back up
letting pass appears less difficult than
preserving on and going lower back
appears easier than shifting
ahead the enemy has been operating over
time to take you out because you rely
and so does your motive the purpose you
are still right here is because Jesus is
maintaining you
tight you don’t ought to maintain on
simply fall into his loving fingers he
were given you and he’s now not letting
cross typ how man in the comments also
subscribe to this
channel the God Jesus are keep keeping
watch come to me requesting peace that
simp plasy can offer you need more of me
invite me into each part of your
existence I will help you rely upon Me
Greater absolutely and completely give
me all your worry and fears I will help
you stay stressful for not anything
through relying on
me trust me I will give you all you need
in its best
time do you have got performed something
in your Lifestyles that you’re feeling
you cannot come again
from something you stated or did at such
Bleak and disheartening outcomes that
you don’t have any concept how I should
ever forgive you well true information
to is why I dispatched my
son type I love you for
father Jesus called his disciples to
him and gave them authority to drive out
impure spirits and to heal every disease
and sickness Matthew
: Dear listener join this powerful
prayer with me and repeat after me I’m
the present lordy come to you in prayer
understanding that I am your toddler and
you constantly listen to me once I
pray father if I have sin toward you in
any way and feature now not ask for
forgiveness I apologize properly
now please forgive me for whatever that
I may additionally have carried out that
became not ey catching to you and assist
me no longer to maintain and sin father
today today I will ask for your help as
I begin something
new God the enemy Whispers terrible
thoughts because he desires to ship
discouragement I will withstand and
rebuke the one’s mind right now in Jesus
call God I know that if you are for me
who can be towards me I am reaching to
better myself and as I step out in faith
to attempt God God I understand that I
do not step
alone I ask you to bless me with the
knowledge braveness and staying power
that it takes to obtain my goals God I
know what you care about each area of my
Lifestyles I know that I can pray to you
about everything I praise you for
me I understand that you make inent
continually guide me God my confidence
is not in my capacity but in you you
have by no means failed me I surrender
all to you and I thank you for all which
you have achieved and all that you may
do in jesus’ name I pray
amen our Channel needs your regular
support our aim is to bring happiness in
your life and to develop the spirit of
Devotion to almighty God we will
continue to make continuous efforts for
this you can show your support by
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