🔴"If you jump, the devil wins!!✝️ Don't jump!! God has a message for you. God's advice today!"😢 - Free AI Voice Generator

🔴”If you jump, the devil wins!!✝️ Don’t jump!! God has a message for you. God’s advice today!”😢

God’s advice today God is sending many

signs but it seems like you are ignoring

all of them so do not ignore this video

because it is a message from God’s heart

to bless your life today before we

continue please leave your like so that

more people can be reached by this

message subscribe to the channel and

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like this don’t ignore this video and

stay until the end I invite you to click

on the first comment where you will find

a special prayer the second best

manifestation offer in the world God

said my dear son I want to speak

directly to your heart to connect with

you on a deep and emotional level I know

that life can be overwhelming at times

but I want you to know that everything

will be resolved no matter how

frightening the situation may seem it is

within my reach and I will grant you

Victory please do not let fear consume

you I am sending these words to

strengthen your faith in this

challenging moment remember the words I

shared with you in Proverbs and

trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding

acknowledge Him in all your ways and he

will make your path straight this verse

is like a Divine Light guiding you in

moments of uncertainty trusting in me

even when everything seems to crumble is

the secure Foundation that will sustain

you in addition to these words I want to

remind you of Matthew

where Jesus says come to me all

you who are weary and burdened and I

will give you rest I am here to offer

you rest to calm the storm that may be

raging in your heart by embracing Jesus

promise you will find relief for your

weary Soul understand that in Proverbs I

am calling you to trust in me to place

your unwavering faith in my hands this

trust goes beyond human understanding

and requires a total surrender on your

part by acknowledging me in all your

ways you allow me to guide you toward a

divinely ordained purpose as you trust

your paths will be straightened by my

sovereign hand

in Matthew Jesus extends to you an

invitation of love and compassion he

understands the burden you carry and

invites you to surrender that burden to

him this is an invitation to a deeper

relationship where you find rest in his

presence fear not for he is the source

of relief your heart longs for I want

you to understand that I take

responsibility for your afflictions at

the cross I conquered the tribulations

of of this world and Through My

Sacrifice I ignited a spark of life in

your heart every word I share with you

is like a Cornerstone strengthening your

life and providing shelter in difficult

times when I sense you are discouraged

when darkness seems to envelop your soul

I want you to remember the promise I

gave you in Psalms


the Lord is near to the

Brokenhearted and saves those who are

crushed in spirit I I am always close

ready to save restore and renew your

hope my son when I encourage you not to

be consumed by fear it’s because your

faith is the armor that will protect you

in Ephesians

the word says take up the shield of

Faith with which you can extinguish all

the flaming arrows of the evil one your

faith is a powerful weapon capable of

extinguishing the enemy’s arrows as you

deal with problems afflictions and

challenges I want you to remember the

story of Joshua when he faced the

immense wall of Jericho he followed my

guidance trusted in me and witnessed the

fall of barriers that seemed

insurmountable in Joshua I

encouraged him and This Promise is also

for you have I not commanded you be

strong and courageous do not be afraid

do not be discouraged for the Lord Lord

your God will be with you wherever you

go however I acknowledge that the

journey can often feel lonely therefore

I want to remind you of Hebrews

I will never leave you nor forsake

you I am always with you even in moments

when you may feel alone Solitude is not

your destiny for I am the god who walks

by your side when I ask you to keep

plowing the soil it’s as if I’m telling

you what Paul said in Galatians let

us not become weary in doing good for at

the proper time we will reap a harvest

if we do not give up do not be

discouraged for at the right time you

will reap an abundant Harvest

persistence in faith is a seed that will

blossom into blessings when you least

expect it when I call you to confront in

my holy name it’s because the authority

you have in me is capable of overcoming

the forces of Darkness

in James it is said submit

yourselves then to God resist the devil

and he will flee from you do not

surrender to the adversary for your

victory has already been secured at the

cross the desire to see you move away

from emotional turmoil is to protect the

peace that is your divine right in

Philippians I promised and the peace

of God which transcends all

understanding will guard your hearts and

your minds in Christ Jesus do not let

emotional turmoil take you away from

this piece when I mention the importance

of distancing yourself from those who

harm you it’s because I want to Shield

you from negative

influences in Corinthians

I advise do not be misled Bad

Company corrupts good character choose

your companions wisely for they will

influence your path I want you to

understand your Priceless importance to

me in Isaiah verse I declare since

you are precious and honored in my sight

and because I love you you are more

valuable than you can imagine keep this

truth in your heart and never doubt your

worth in conclusion I want to reiterate

the message of eternal love and

commitment I have for you in Jeremiah

I affirm I have loved you with an

everlasting love I have drawn you with

unfailing kindness my love for you is

eternal unconditional and incomparable

there are no words that can fully

Express this Divine emotion I feel for

you I hope these words strengthen your

faith encourage your heart and remind

you of the unwavering love I have for

you continue to trust in me seek me in

prayer and walk in the path of faith

I love you my dear son more than words

can express with love God I hope this

message has been an inspiration to you

if you liked it please write amen and

share this message with someone who also

needs to hear it I invite you to click

on the first comment where you will find

a special prayer the second best

manifestation offer in the world don’t

forget to subscribe to our channel for

more more inspiring content like this

until tomorrow

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