🔥GOD SAID- "YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO E....." | God's Message Today #Prophecy #god | Lord Helps Ep~1208 - Free AI Voice Generator

🔥GOD SAID- “YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO E…..” | God’s Message Today #Prophecy #god | Lord Helps Ep~1208

do you believe that you are destined for
great things and a
purpose in a world where it is very hard
to have hope in
people we have a strong reason to keep
hoping not in people but in
God this video has come to you today
appearing on your screen as a message
from a family member who now resides in
the Eternal Refuge of
God I firmly believe that everything is
unfolding according to God’s perfect
plan for each one of
us and the message you are receiving
today plays a crucial role in this
divine plan
an unknown family member is the
messenger behind this
message sharing insights about your
life this is information of great
significance that you need to be aware
of right
now they are
saying our beloved child
we are your ancestors
foremost know that we are at peace
here surrounded by a profound sense of
Serenity and an overwhelming love that
words cannot fully
Express the bonds of love and
connection which were forged to during
all time together on
Earth continue to exist even in the
life it’s a love that transcends the
boundaries of time and
space in the celestial realm we are
granted a
perspective that allows us to see the
intricacies and inter connectedness of
life more
clearly it’s a place we understanding
and insight
about from this vantage point we can
offer you guidance and
support as well as a glimpse into the
future that awaits
you as a collective of your ancestors
from the Beyond we wish to guide you and
impart wisdom regarding your future
life life on Earth is an extraordinary
journey of growth and
self-discovery and it’s a Paramount
importance to saver each and every
moment from from our Celestial AB we
have been that
moments of Joy are Treasures while
periods of adversity serve as
opportunities for growth and
resilience life on this Earthly plane is
often a roller coaster of
unpredictability one moment you may be
soaring to great Heights and in the next
you may find yourself pluming into
despair in one moment tranquility and
Safety Surround you and in the next
chaos appears to
stream you might experience moments of
Triumph only to suddenly find your s
navigating through the most
challenging and prelest of
situations the one undeniable truth that
we have come to understand about life is
its inhand
unpredictability however what we want to
convey is a message of profound
gratitude for the the
constancy we have discovered in this
Ever Changing
Life a steadfast presence in God in
Christ he Remains the Same unaltered by
time ever
unchanging he performed miraculous
healings on this Earth thousands of year
and his healing power contined to endure
in the present
day he extended boundless love to those
Society deemed
unlovable outcasts and rejects and that
Love Remains
unwavering he uttered the words peace be
still and the danger storms yielded to
commands we firmly believe that he can
and will speak those very same words
into the midst of your life storms
today this is why when life’s trials and
tribulations unfer before you you can
stand rolate in the
Lord to not let life’s challenges weaken
your unwavering faith in
God stand strong in the Lord and allow
him to Champion your
battles he has promised that the Deep
Waters will not enul you and even as you
pass through the fiery
trials you shall emerge
so whether you find yourself
metaphorically in a line stand today or
anticipate facing your own personal
pharoh in the days to
come we beseech you to stand strong in
the one who
dels and his name is Jesus
place your unwavering trust in him rely
on him depend on him and stand firm in
admittedly we do not suggest that this
path will be without its
challenges it will not always be smooth
sailing and there will be tough moments
along the
way there happen instances in our own
lives when we have
wondered am I really going through this
again the truth is that standing strong
in the Lord does not guarantee a life
devoid of
difficulties however what we intend to
convey is
this wouldn’t you prefer to fall into
the loving arms of the L rather than
stumble while attempting to navigate
life solely by your own
understanding when life pushes you
against a war wouldn’t you rather lean
on God’s wisdom than your
own we comprehend that when faced with
challenges the initial
might be to surrender or simply give
up we also understand that you may reach
a point where you
question why me why have I not found
love why must I Endure this
ailment why do I struggle
financially in such way moments of
pished we offer a piece of
Guidance just consider always this
principle stand strong in the
Lord he is the one who goes before you
he will not abandon you or let you
down Mark our words
your future is bright you hold a unique
and glorious
Destiny you are capable of achieving
greatness and you are heading toward
your extraordinary
Destiny now please say this prayer only
times and the blessings of God will
reach you much quicker than
this dear heavenly
father we come before you today with
hearts full of gratitude and
reverence we wish to offer a prayer of
appreciation for the guidance and wisdom
best Upon Us by our ancestors who have
crossed over to the heavly
man their love and wisdom continue to
illuminate her path and for this we are
thankful in their Collective voice they
have spoken to us about the
unpredictable nature of Life on this
earth and the
unchanging constant presence of of a
divine grace in our lives through Jesus
Christ we acknowledge that enduring
power of your healing the boundless love
you extend and the strength we find in
our unwavering faith in
you as we continue to navigate the
uncertain journey of life we ask for
your blessings upon our ancestors who
watch over
us may they find peace and joy in your
presence and may their Eternal Spirits
know the comfort of your
love father we also ask for your
blessings upon Our Lives guide us
through the challenges that lie
ahead and grant us the strength
to stand unwavering in our
faith just as ancestors have
consult help us to lean on your wisdom
when we Face
adversity and to place a trust in your
love we acknowledge the wisdom and
support that our ancestors provide and
we humbly ask for your continued
guidance in our
lives may we find the courage to walk
the path you have laid out for us and to
embrace the lessons life
offers in this moment of reflection and
prayer we express our heartfelt
gratitude for the love and gu guidance
from our
ancestors and we look to you our
heavenly father for continued blessings
strength and unwavering
amen now please show the power of
Christianity and your faith in God by
subscribing to this
God bless

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