my precious and cherished child I reach out to you now with an Urgent Message you have been chosen yes you my beloved

one in the vastness of creation among countless Souls my gaze has fallen upon

you with special purpose and intent do not doubt or question this Truth for I

have known you and loved you since before time began you are no accident no

Cosmic happen stance you were formed with exquisite Care by my own hands knit

together in your mother’s womb according to my Perfect Design I have watched over you every moment of your life seen every

tear you’ve cried heard every laugh that’s escaped your lips I know the innermost depths of your heart your

fears your dreams your regrets your hopes nothing about you is hidden from

me and in my infinite wisdom and love I have chosen you for a special purpose

purpose in this pivotal moment the time has come for you to fully awaken to who you truly are my beloved child heir to

my kingdom carrier of my light too long have you slumbered unaware of your

Divine Heritage and the power that lies dormant within you but now I call to you

with urgency awaken arise step into the fullness of who I created you to be why

do I say answer me as soon as possible because the hour grows late my

child great Darkness spreads across the Earth and many of my children stumble

lost in the shadows they cry out for Hope for purpose for Love and You My

Chosen One have a crucial role to play in bringing my light to them every

moment you delay in answering my call is a moment others remain trapped in despair your yes to me could be the key

that lock someone else’s prison of pain or addiction or loneliness do not be

afraid of this calling I know you feel inadequate unworthy

unprepared but did I not form you with my own hands did I not breathe my very

life into you all that you need to fulfill your purpose is already within you placed there by me before the

foundations of the world were laid my strength will be made perfect in your weakness my wisdom will guide you when

you feel lost my love will sustain you when the path grows weary what exactly am I calling

you to that my child will be revealed in the Journey of Faith we will walk

together for now simply say yes to me open your heart fully to my love attune

your ears to my voice watch for the signs and wonders I will use to direct

your steps be ready to go where I send you speak the words I give you love the

ones I bring AC cross your path you may be tempted to look at others and compare

yourself to think surely they are more qualified or gifted for this calling but

I tell you the truth I have chosen you not them for this specific task the

unique blend of experiences personality and giftings I have given

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