Your Life Is Over If You Ignore Me | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

Your Life Is Over If You Ignore Me | God Message Today |

I’m here to remove the unexplainable

anguish that sometimes haunts your soul

I want to uproot any source of sadness

in your life I love you and I hold your

letter of Liberation sent directly from

heaven in my hands give me your

desperation and worries right where you

are as you listen to me feel my gentle

touch on your head and let the healing

power of my Holy Spirit flow over you

every illness mental Affliction and

torment in your soul is cleansed from

head to toe you don’t have to keep

suffering you have direct access to my

Throne I am your father and I gave you

the gift of life to enjoy with those you

love listen closely I’m giving you the

energy and encouragement to wake up with

a new spark in your eyes let the sun’s

Rays illuminate your face embrace the

fresh Breeze and Proclaim to the world

that I am your Shepherd your provider

your healer your strength know that my

word is a lamp to your path guiding your

way it’s the map to a supernatural land

of opportunities but first you must heal

your fears must dissipate and your

emotions stabilize you can’t Embrace new

blessings with a soul weighed down by

anxiety or fixated on the past I am the

only remedy for all your troubles come

to me with confidence when you feel down

give yourself a fresh start your sadness

pain and distress are behind you today

you are free and you are healed allow me

a moment to embrace you and speak words

that strengthen your spirit wake up each

day with a heart full of joy and

unwavering faith in my boundless love no

one can bring you down for I lift you up

no one can defeat you for I protect you

no one can curse you for I bless you no

one can discourage you for my Holy

Spirit fills you with confidence

enthusiasm and joy every morning if you

trust in my love completely if you

believe with all your heart that I am

always with you if you remember these

words then when despair threatens

surrender everything to me painful

moments will

pass when the world’s attacks push you

into a pit of despair listen carefully I

am your almighty God the Creator your

father your guide your friend the Lord

of your life I extend my helping hand

when you need me all I ask is your

loyalty your faithfulness stumbles

happen in moments of weakness but I see

your goodness and sincerity I understand

your desire to grow and stay on my path

you won’t return to the Past nor

associate with those who do wrong seek

out those who encourage and uplift you

know me in a new and profound way

understand that my love for you is

greater than you’ve been told and that I

am not angry with you change for your

own benefit I will give you the strength

to control your temper and keep your

emotions steady you will be transformed

unrecognizable to many your joy will

shine fear will vanish your steps will

be firm and your words kind unshakable

faith will fill you each day upon waking

remember my promises and feel my

guidance on blessed paths I will clear

your way and protect you from hidden

enemies from those who deceive and

malign you you will sleep safely even

when a thousand may fall at your side

for you will remain in peace full of

life and health I ask for your faith

your heart your loyalty your complete

surrender you are deeply loved my child

and your heavenly father walks with you

every step of the way embrace the

blessings awaiting you your time has

come those who have hurt you will seek

forgiveness closed doors will swing open

and those who once rejected you will

value you I will bring new genuine

friends into your life banishing

loneliness and sadness feel what I’m

saying deep within your soul my words

have the power to change things for your

benefit to turn the tide on the

challenges you face don’t be frightened

by unexpected obstacles don’t let

hurtful words bring you down and don’t

weep over misunderstanding

ignore the criticism and insults of your

enemies I will shield you from their

attacks awaken each day with my words on

your lips you dwell under the shadow of

the almighty sheltered by the arms of

your heavenly father share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the God Message Today

channel to stay connected with my voice

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