your archangels are warning

you asking you to be

careful be careful of a courier you are

about to receive wrapped up in a red

box because it may contain some kind of

energies that would creep into your

life as soon as you will open this

box remember that Angelic messages are

deeply personal and tailored to each

individual’s unique

circumstances therefore it is essential

to tune into your

intuition and inner wisdom before we

proceed ahead with the message your

archangels have for

you dear Chosen

One your archangels are asking you to be

careful because

red is a color that catches the eye and

stirs the

spirit signifies passion energy and the

pulse of

life when as consed in a box it becomes

a container of

transformation a vessel that holds the

potential for change

both subtle and

profound the

archangels messengers of the Divine have

chosen this Vivid symbol to alert you to

an upcoming

delivery this rat glad parcel isn’t

merely a physical

object it’s a cosmic CER carrying

energies that transcend the material

Realm it serves as a harbinger of

change urging you to approach its

contents with heightened

awareness your archangels are

saying you are about to beward a


gift we say it

again you are about to beote a


gift we have have told you that a red


Courier will be delivered to you

soon but it is up to you whether you

accept this gift only after testing the

intentions behind it or

not this will possess both kind of

energies evil and pure but only the

energies that you allow can creep into


life while receiving this red box

Courier you need to use your

intuition and test the spirit and the

intentions behind the

gift yes you can do it

easily your intuition has the power to

discern what is good and what is

not you are a kind-hearted

soul and you possess a unique gift a

special connection with the

Lord the Holy Spirit reveals secret to

you unveiling truths about certain

people your spiritual discernment is so

profound that those around you cannot


you the holy spirit being your guide

leads you into all truth as John

addresss your relationship with the Lord

is a daily communion filled with fear

obedience and

loyalty your repentance and denial of

self-align you with God’s

will because of these qualities the Lord

calls you a friend dwelling in your

midst as stated in John chapter

the divine presence is a full habitation

within your life affording you spiritual

discernment certain individuals around

you are

apprehensive because they recognize your

ability to discern the

truth the Holy Spirit alerts you to

their deceit fulfilling the promise in



that the Lord Will Conquer your

enemies when they

attack even though they may scheme

against you they will

scatter because the Lord is on your

side Deuteronomy

emphasizes that obedience and walking in

God’s ways lead to his establishment of

you as his holy

people the nation s will see that you

are claimed by the Lord instilling awe

and in some verions

fear this Divine protection is evident

in verse where all peoples of the

Earth shall see that you are called by

the name of the Lord prompting them to

be afraid of

you your gifts shaped by God’s fever

are opening doors for

you those who witness your gifts are

aware that you are attuned to the Lord’s

guidance despite their lack of complete

understanding they cannot deny your

connection with the

Divine some have even attempted to stand

against you but the holy spirit

continues to reveal their true

intentions for some these

oppositions come from family members who

fail to comprehend your spiritual

discernment they may label you a liar or

crazy dismissing the Divine favor upon

your life nevertheless your purpose

aligns with God’s anointing

and his favor is very

evident the Lord may be calling you to

pray for these

individuals recognizing that you are

instrumental in bringing certain issues


light in this season do not be

disheartened by word curses or the

negative opinions of those who oppose


the Lord’s calling for you is to

continue praying for these

individuals trusting that his perfect

will is being

accomplished while it may not be an easy

Journey God is using you to bring

healing to those who might otherwise

avoid facing their

issues so take this message to the Lord

for confirmation

for he has blessed you with a gift of


discernment Matthew verse

says if you sinful people know how to

give good gifts to your

children how much more will your

heavenly father give good gifts to those

who ask

him so be aware of the gifts you receive

from the people around you and trust

that God will bless with many wonderful

gifts to those who

ask so I urge you to join me and let’s

ask God to bless us with a lot of

Supernatural gifts through this

peer Heavenly Father we come before you

with gratitude in our hearts for your

boundless love and


you are The Giver of all good gifts and

we seek Your Divine favor

today Lord bless us with an abundance of

Supernatural gifts that align with your

will and purpose for our

lives grant us the gift of discernment

that we may clearly recognize your voice

amidst the noise of the

world bestow upon us the gift of wisdom

that our decisions May reflect Your


guidance shower us with the gift of

faith that we may trust in your promises

even when faced with

challenges hand over us with the gift of

love that our actions May mirror The

Compassion you have have shown

us L as we open our hearts to receive

your Supernatural gifts we also seek


protection God us against the snares of

the enemy who may disguise harmful gifts

meant to lead us as free Shield us from

the deceptive earlier of worldly

Temptations and equip us with the

discernment to distinguish between your

BL blessings and the enemy

schins may your Holy Spirit be a

fortress around us deflecting AR Arrow

aimed at our spiritual

well-being grant us the strength to

resist any gifts that do not align with

your purpose for Earth

lives your word assures that no weapon

formed against us shall

prosper and we claim that promise over

our lives

Lord as we walk in the light of Your

Love let your Supernatural gifts

manifest in us and through us for the

glory of your

kingdom may we be vessels of your grace

shining beacons of your Truth and Love

in a world that desperately needs your

light in Jesus name we pray

amen now as you have come this far I ask

you to subscribe to this channel

consider sewing a seed in response to


message know that every seed is prayed

over and the desire for the right people

to receive these messages at the right

time may the Lord continue to guide you

going before you and leading you into

his perfect will for your




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