You will Cry Later If You Ignore Me, Child - Free AI Voice Generator

You will Cry Later If You Ignore Me, Child

beloved child I am your father and

Creator I know what is best for your

future your family your spiritual life

and your heart if you ask me for

Prosperity I will cancel your debts be

thankful now you are living in Freedom

perhaps at this moment you have no money

in your accounts but no one will come to

your door to collect if you ask me for

abundance I will provide employment and

dignified work for everyone in your

household do not complain I am providing

you with the means and the way to earn

your bread do not be afraid I will open

doors for you go to the place I send you

for there you shall prosper with your

dedication and honor I desire to pour

Abundant Blessings into your life

because I want you to learn how to

manage them combine your grateful heart

with the wisdom you have received and

you will receive many great and

marvelous things I also want peace in

your home let the Miracles you witness

serve to promote your spiritual growth

however do not lose sight of my word do

not focus solely on material things

above all maintain a sincere attitude of

gratitude within you this is the first

step toward a supernatural life these

are the keys that unlock the door to a

time of abundance your devotion worship

Thanksgiving faith and your commitment

to bless those around you and your

desire to receive my word your

persistence in prayer and your eagerness

to be be an instrument of my grace to

Build a Better World all of these things

please me listen once more to the words

I’ve just spoken to you let them be

etched into your soul for you will need

to remember them when the tongues that

seek to discourage you attack you know

that I am the one who heals you prospers

you and rescues your life from the pit I

cover you with love and mercy I open the

door to a supernatural world it is my

will that you receive the Miracles you

ask of me but I also command you to

cherish them you please me I appreciate

your way of seeking me and I love

hearing your prayers and words of

gratitude it makes me happy to see your

courageous attitude listen to these

words once more for they shall remain

inscribed in your soul later when

tongues that seek to dishearten you

assail you you will need to recall them

know that I am the one who heals you

prospers you and rescues your life from

the pit I have covered you with love and

mercy drawing the very air you breathe

from your heart your life and your

family are a Divine Testament to my love

take a moment to reflect on the places

and times the pains and sufferings from

which I have saved you you were not born

surrounded by luxury but from the day

you first saw the light you became one

of my messengers one who would bring

healing to this world however I come to

reveal something to you the enemy sought

to snatch away your calling my heavenly

Angelic armies flew to defend you and it

was a cruel battle you were struck by

the Relentless lashes of hatred

attacking your very being but I arrived

with love your true father the only one

who supports and lifts you up so that

you may fulfill your purpose and Mission

I myself came and with the sword of my

word I rebuked the enemy and his armies

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