Why You Should Stay Silent When God Blesses You | God's message - Free AI Voice Generator

Why You Should Stay Silent When God Blesses You | God’s message

how would you react if someone pointed out that you tend to talk excessively would it be hurtful or taken

as an insult or would you seek to understand their perspective could it be that this person

is being used by God to help shape your character for the challenges you may face in the future it’s important to

recognize that God is always at work bestowing blessings but when these

blessings come it’s one wise not to hastily share every detail Ecclesiastes reminds us that

there is a time for everything including a time to be silent and a time to speak

while sharing testimonies of God’s goodness is encouraged in the Bible it’s crucial to exercise

discernment Psalm – emphasizes proclaiming God’s saving acts yet there

are considerations for the timing audience and motives behind sharing

these testimonies notably your personal testimony while meaningful is not

equivalent to the gospel as emphasized by RC Sproul talking too much about blessings

can lead to potential pitfalls excessive speech may result in

lying or exaggerating details undermining the authenticity of your

testimony additionally there’s a risk of inadvertently Shifting the focus from

Jesus to oneself turning a testimony into a self- glorification

opportunity it’s essential to examine motives and ensure that the intent is to

glorify God rather than prove a point or seek personal validation silence at times of blessings

is also advocated to avoid premature sharing of immature testimonies blessings are likened to

fruit on a tree with some requiring time to mature prematurely sharing a blessing

may attract unwarranted attention and potentially lead to parasitic relationships where people exploit your

blessings without genuine need discernment is crucial in determining

whether a blessing should be kept private until it matures and gives rise to further

blessings in summary while sharing testimonies is encouraged it is

essential to ex excise caution considering the timing audience and

motives behind sharing to avoid pitfalls such as lying self- glorification and

premature disclosure of immature blessings furthermore maintaining

silence when God blesses you serves as a safeguard for both yourself and the

bestowed blessing not everyone in your life is a true friend some may act as

agents of negativity sent by the devil to hinder the flow of goodness into your

life while God promises protection for his children he also encourages

responsibility in wisdom in Matthew Jesus advises his followers to be

as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves practicing self-control over your

speech is essential to protect both yourself and those around you whom your life is meant to bless whether you’ve

recently received a promotion or Another Blessing it’s crucial to be selective

about whom you share these blessings with some individuals in your circle May

Harbor feelings of resentment or believe they deserve the blessing more than you

did sharing such news enthusiastically May inadvertently seow seeds of jealousy

hatred and malicious intentions against you the cautionary tale of Joseph who

faced animosity from his brothers for openly discussing his dreams and his father’s favor emphasizes the need for

discretion it’s imperative to remember that whatever God gives you is not about

you it’s for his glory boasting about your achievements or blessings

disregards the fact that everything you have is a gift from God Corinthians

underscores the idea that everything you have is received not

earned therefore share your testimony to build others up and encourage them

ensuring that it aligns with God’s timing and guidance some blessings may seem too

extraordinary to be true and God will guide you on when and how to share them

as they unfold in this journey of life where blessings abound exercising wisdom and

discernment is crucial not everyone one who appears friendly has your best

interests at heart and discernment is not negativity but a necessary

precaution Psalm encourages acknowledging that God blesses us even

in the presence of adversaries it’s essential to recognize that adversaries exist and their

manifestation may vary requiring us to walk with discernment the call to love and pray

for enemies as stated in Matthew underscores the reality that both

allies and adversaries coexist in our lives the presence of adversaries should

not instill fear but a reminder to walk with discernment while spreading love and praying for those who may Harbor

negative intentions sharing blessings wisely preserves the Divine favor bestowed upon

you despite the Perfection embodied by Jesus Christ even he faced adversaries

serving as a stark reminder that encountering opposition is an inherent part of the human journey in the

intricate tapestry of Life painted with the Hues of Envy jealousy and

misunderstandings sharing blessings requires measured wisdom and discretion the complex nature of human

emotions and motivations necessitates guarding your triumphs not out of fear

but from a place of wisdom system your Prosperity May uplift some while fueling

resentment in others making it essential to witness God’s blessings with discernment and restraint in a world

steeped in malevolence trust becomes a precious commodity shared only with

those truly worthy navigating the complexities of life on Earth unveils

the omnipresent reality of evil the Bible underscores this truth as we

journey through life showered with God’s blessings it is crucial to approach

these blessings with humility wisdom and discernment recognizing that while your

victories May Inspire they may also incite Envy testify to God’s goodness

but exercise caution for not everyone is entitled to the depths of your

blessings in a world where deceit often obscures truth cherishing God’s

blessings quietly can be a wise choice when God blesses you maintaining silence

becomes a valuable practice the story of Joseph in the Sacred Scriptures imparts

a powerful lesson emphasizing the importance of discretion when receiving

God’s blessings Joseph’s brothers driven by Envy failed to comprehend the divine

plan behind his destined greatness what they intended for even evil turned out to be a transformative

Journey elevating Joseph into an influential leader the question arises

with whom do you share your blessings carefully consider whether you

Reveal Your victories to those who might belittle your achievements or celebrate your Divine gifts with those harboring

resentment and jealousy Earthly desires often seow seeds of strife Discord and bitterness

aligning with such individuals and expecting them to rejoice in your blessings may prove

futile God’s blessings are a sacred trust and not everyone can appreciate

them those filled with malice May conspire against you akin to Joseph’s

brothers Discerning the intentions of those around you becomes

Paramount do they walk in alignment with the Divine Spirit or are they driven by

Earthly desires Paul’s letter to the Galatians outlines the fruits of the Flesh and the

spirit warning against indulging in Earthly desires those who seow seeds of Envy

hatred and strife cannot partake in the kingdom of God hence when God showers

His blessings upon you exercising wisdom in sharing this good news becomes

prudent celebrate joyously but remember Joseph’s tale and choose

discretion let God’s work in your life be revealed in his time the intention

here is not to instill fear but to encourage wisdom and understanding God’s

blessings are a testimony of his love and when the time is right they will

speak for themselves until then keeping silent when blessed is a prudent Choice

Samson’s story a mighty champion of the Old Testament serves as a cautionary

tale his openness driven by overpowering love led him down a path of

blindness Samson entrusted delilo with the Divine secret of his strength

disregarding the danger beneath her inquiries his downfall revealed with

tragic consequences underscores the lesson that blessings can turn into

challenges when shared unwisely if Samson had held his tongue

his path might have been vastly different by sharing his Divine secret

he crafted his own catastrophic downfall Delilah’s persistent inquiries served as

clear warnings that Samson consumed by love chose to ignore are there signs in

your relationships much like Samson’s that you may be overlooking are you

sharing God’s blessings with those who secretly Harbor animosity the tale of Samson prompts

reflection on whether we are observing Divine warnings about those we consider

friends our lives are sacred a testament to the Divine love and mercy showered

upon us it’s essential to be Discerning about what we share and with whom the

story of Samson serves as a reminder not to Ray our blessings for Calamity let

your life reflect the transformative power of the Lord’s salvation subtly but

profoundly Our Savior Jesus Christ never advocated flaunting Earthly

accomplishments boasting about material wealth holds no weight in the kingdom of

God what truly matters is sharing the testimony of the journey from spiritual

desolation to an abundant life life in Christ The Gospel stands as a Beacon of

Hope For Humanity and it is vital to share this hope and the promise of

Salvation cease engaging in frivolous chatter and refrain from discussing

others Affairs in vain the wisdom in Corinthians – underscores the

importance of not being unequally yolked with unbelievers righteousness light and

Christ have no fellowship with unrighteousness Darkness or Beal you are

not obligated to keep company with those who don’t share your faith seek

companionship among those whose Hearts resonate with God’s love being in the

presence of individuals filled with the Holy Spirit can reignite your spiritual

flame they share in the joy of your blessings not out of Envy but to praise

God for for his benevolence these are the people with whom you should seek

fellowship do not let fleeting emotions dictate your choice of friends and do

not judge based on appearances trust in Divine wisdom to reveal the true nature of people and let

your faith in the Lord guide you toward the right companionship when the Lord showers His

blessings upon you remember it’s not an opportunity to flaunt but at a CH chance to humble yourself before his

magnanimity consider your blessings as precious pearls Best Kept safe from

those who might not value or even malign them let God’s blessings Sprout within

you like seeds in fertile soil manifesting subtly in your growth and

contentment recognize that there are people sent by the devil and exercise

wisdom by keeping your plans to yourself when God God wants to lift you up he

sends people into your life but the devil does the same to cause trouble it

is wise to keep your plans to yourself and not disclose them to just anyone

when God places a great dream in your heart he has made all the necessary

Provisions for you to reach it while you may have limited resources time and

space you must sit down learn unlearn relearn make plans and build strategic

relationships while depending on God to help you reach your destiny Proverbs

emphasizes that many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s

purpose that prevails no matter your plans Visions or

goals the Lord God is the most crucial person to talk to and rely on trust in

his plan for only he he has the power to bring your plans to pass it’s essential

to prioritize God over anyone else as he is the one who can help you succeed

unlike those who may be manipulated by the enemy three reasons are highlighted

for not telling anyone what you’re up to one differences in reasoning not many

people reason the same way you do even if you share a mutual understanding

while Paul encourages like-mindedness it is acknowledged that each person has

unique reasoning therefore keeping your plans to yourself ensures alignment with God’s

guidance two protecting interests people may see something different from what

God is showing you it is crucial to develop a heart interested in others

progress but not everyone will share this perspective by keeping your plans from others you

protect both their interests and your own three Divine timing and guidance God

may be revealing something great to you but Others May perceive something else

keeping your plans private allows God to guide you and when the right time comes

you can share your plans with others in summary trust in Divine wisdom seek

fellowship with those who align with God’s love and exercise discretion in sharing your

plans prioritize God’s guidance and timing recognizing that not everyone

reasons the same way and that keeping certain matters private can protect both your interests and the interests of

those around you two another compelling reason to avoid sharing your plans with

others is the inherent susceptibility of the human heart to be influenced by by the devil despite the notion that the

human heart is neutral leaning towards either light or Darkness the Creator

himself declares in Jeremiah that the heart is deceitful above all things

and Beyond cure understanding the human heart is beyond human

capacity people may profess neutrality but the reality is that the heart

inclines towards evil it requires more effort to choose good over bad and this

inclination can lead to Envy competition and hatred be cautious of individuals

who may pretend to like you but are only in your life to monitor your actions and

compete with you envy can arise even when people don’t know you

personally some colleagues May resist your promotion believing they deserve it

more certain family members may not wish for your happiness or Prosperity as they

desire to be the center of attention therefore exercise prudence

and refrain from hastily sharing your next plan of action the Bible advises

being slow to speak and quick to listen recognizing the potential for triggering

competition Envy or hatred by prematurely divulging your

intentions do not be surprised if someone dislikes you without reason or

pretends to to be supportive while harboring ill intentions it is essential to share your

testimonies after achieving results not the detailed plan of action some may

Fain interest but in reality wish to see you fail as the late miles Monroe

cautioned not everyone who observes your journey or knows your vision will lend a

helping hand be Discerning about whom you share your plans and dreams with

three finally refrain from disclosing your plans because not everyone can

perceive or encourage your vision as you do people may genuinely care about your

success but may not fully comprehend nor support the vision God has given you it

is not necessarily due to malicious intent but could be attributed to fear

laziness or familiarity even Joseph’s father Jacob initially rebuked him for sharing

his dreams because he did not understand them at that time despite his love for

Joseph friends and loved ones may not provide the expected support for your

plan of action not because they wish to hinder you but because they may find your goals seemingly

impossible those closest to you who love you the most might be unable to witness

you endure the challenges associated with with the process the ones who love you deeply May

unintentionally become obstacles to your success consider the example of Jesus

who had to undergo suffering to become Humanity’s Savior and attain a name above all

names the process is inherently challenging whether it involves returning to college getting married

raising a child starting a business or any other endeavor while those closest

to you may desire your success they may struggle with seeing you face

difficulties therefore exercise caution when sharing your next plan of action

with those closest to you ensure they possess the emotional and spiritual

maturity to offer the counsel and support you need in conclusion be

cautious with your dreams keep them within the boundaries of God’s light and

maintain unw wavering Faith Embrace Big Dreams that may initially scare you

trusting God with them avoid compromise and adhere to God’s plan for your life

do not settle for less based on advice from someone who may not fully comprehend God’s plan for you keep your

head high trust in God’s wisdom and commit to living out his purpose for you

as proverbs States many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the

Lord’s purpose that prevails commit to seeking and living out God’s purpose and you will find

yourself realizing the results of your dreams and plans when you study the Bible you will

discover that right from creation humans were intentionally created by God for

himself and his pleasure this means that you did not originate under some M or

come from Mars like some people may say the Bible tells us that each one of us

was created either male or female in the image of God Genesis

– says then God said let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so

that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and

over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created Mankind in his

own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them God

blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule over the fish

in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on

the ground I love how someone put this in one of the videos I came across one time

they said when God created every other thing he spoke to something for them to

appear for example he spoke to the Earth and plants and trees came forth he spoke

to the water and aquatic creatures were formed however when it came to man the

Bible says God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son and Holy Spirit

and it records that he made man after his image and likeness hence everything is made a

creature connected to a source which in turn becomes their natural habitat and

without which they would not survive God Is Man’s natural habitat and

that is why the Bible tells us that we are like dead beings without God as long

as we walk in our ways I love this because it helps us see how much we need

God in our Our Lives even more than we know you see after creating Man In His

Image God breathed his own life into him if you read further in Genesis you will

see that man was God’s Fellowship partner he frequently visited Adam and

was the source of Adam’s empowerment you will see that empowerment when Adam

named all the animals got brought to him knowing their names without God telling

him what they were supposed to be called he also demonstrated that even though he

was in a deep sleep when Eve was created when he woke up and saw her he could

tell she had come from him and even called her woman for the first time

however when they both fell from glory and lost their place in Eden Humanity

was plunged into a life without God’s presence and became subject to the Dominion and control of the devil but

through the death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible tells us that we are restored to

openness with God and the spirit of God can now live in us again you see the

holy spirit is the third person of the Trinity he is the demonstration of the multifaceted nature of God that is able

to step down and live in our natural bodies without completely consuming us I

believe all these things demonstrate the love of God for his most most prized possession mankind you and me you see if

you read through the Bible you will see how ordinary people became extraordinary

when the presence of God Came Upon them they became literal carriers of God

everywhere they went people could tell there was something extraordinary about them the Patriarchs of Faith Abraham

Isaac and Jacob demonstrated this even in the midst of famine they

thrived when pharaoh and aimc tried to take Sarah away from Abraham God took it

personally and came for them when laan went after Jacob to try to hurt him God

warned him in the night to be careful what he said to him when Joseph’s own

Brothers spilled him into slavery out of jealousy over his dreams of greatness

the Bible tells us that because God was with him he enjoyed favor even as a

slave and a prisoner I could continue but I’m sure you get the point I hope to

use the message in this video to encourage you to seek after God’s presence until you become a carrier too

please understand from that the moment you become a child of God his Spirit

comes to live inside of you however even though the spirit of God lives inside of

you you need to receive more of his presence so there there is an overflow to those around you so that you can be

considered a carrier let me give you an example the Bible says that we have the

spirit of God as a guarantee of our inheritance Ephesians – says you

also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of

your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the

promised Holy Spirit who is a osit guaranteeing our inheritance until the

Redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory this happens at the new birth but there

is another outpouring that creates an overflow of the same spirit that is beyond just us making our lives notable

to others this is what happened on the day of Pentecost when the disciples

gathered in the upper room and the spirit descended as a mighty rushing wind when he he rested on them the Bible

says that they began to speak in other tongues giving glory to God the same

timid Peter who denied Jesus a few days before stood before a crowd of thousands

and boldly proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is

evidence of the overflowing spirit of God in you then as recorded in Acts the

Bible tells us that they gathered to Pray Again the place shook they were

filled with the spirit again and they began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with boldness

despite being threatened by the religious leaders continuing with the signs of

carrying God’s presence number six when you carry the

spirit of God’s presence you will experience a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness and holiness

your desire to please God and live a life that reflects his character will grow stronger this hunger will drive you

to seek a closer relationship with God spending more time in prayer studying

his word and aligning your life with his principles number seven a sign of

carrying God’s presence is a heightened sensitivity to the leading of the Holy

Spirit you will find yourself more attuned to his guidance in making

decisions Discerning situations and Understanding God’s will for your life

this sensitivity will lead you to walk in obedience to God’s commands and follow the path he has laid out for you

number eight when you carry God’s presence you will experience a deep

sense of joy and peace that surpasses understanding even in the midst of

challenges and difficulties you will find an inner tranquility and assurance

that God is with you this Joy will radiate to those around you drawing

others to inquire about the source of your peace number nine a sign of God’s

presence is a transformation in your character the fruits of the spirit such

as love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and

self-control will become increasingly evident in your life others will notice

the positive changes in your behavior reflecting the work of God’s presence

within you number a person carrying God’s presence will exhibit a spirit of

humility recognizing the greatness of God and his Mercy in their life they

will remain humble avoiding pride and arrogance this humility will attract

God’s fa favor and the respect of those around them in conclusion carrying God’s

presence transforms every aspect of your life influencing your confidence

Supernatural manifestations relationships favor sensitivity to sin

compassion hunger for righteousness sensitivity to the Holy Spirit joy peace

character and humility it’s a journey of continual growth and surrender to the

work of the holy spirit in your life may you seek and carry God’s presence with a

heart full of passion and dedication the word of God provides a

clear guide on cultivating and embracing more of the spirit’s presence in our

lives engaging in practices like prayer fasting studying and meditating on the

word and sharing our faith opens us as channels for the spirit who imp impa the

world these practices should become a lifestyle pursued with a genuine love

for God seeking to be vessels for his use rather than Desiring power for

selfish reasons demonstrating God’s presence to others is just one benefit the main

advantage is enjoying constant fellowship with God where he protects teaches strengthens and

Comforts while the saying it’s the thought that counts is valid in some instances the scripture warns that the

heart can be deceitful accepting gifts should be approached with caution especially if

they come with strings attached or from a place of guilt selfishness or

control setting boundaries to protect spiritual well-being is a right and a

priority drawing from Samuel the message encourages Reliance on God

as the source of strength salvation and refuge from violence saying no to gifts particularly

those causing discomfort or spiritual conflict is emphasized prioritizing spiritual

well-being over physical well-being is encouraged and the power to decline gifts is highlighted as a right the

message also cites Titus emphasizing purity in Discerning gifts The Narrative

concludes with a cautionary tale illustrating the potential spiritual harm of accepting gifts from dark

sources it stresses the importance of discernment seeking guidance from the

Holy Spirit and exercising the power and authority to reject anything misaligned

with God’s will Believers are urged to be vigilant and Discerning trusting the

Lord to God guide them and staying blessed to be a blessing to others the overarching theme is one of caution

vigilance and awareness regarding the spiritual implications of accepting

gifts allow me to share a powerful testimony with you the pastor and his

father during a mission trip abroad received gifts from the locals some of

which turned out to be peculiar items it wasn’t until they tried tried

to burn these objects that they realized they were resistant to fire only through

the power of prayer invoking the blood of Jesus and speaking the word of God

were they able to destroy these items this narrative underscores The

crucial role of knowledge as the Bible warns that people perish due to a lack

of it vigilance Ain to a watchful Soldier is necessary to detect any signs

of danger we must also recognize the significance of our

homes as Christians our homes should serve as sanctuaries holy places where

the name presence and word of God Prevail it is essential to impart these

Commandments to our hearts and teach them to our children discussing them in various life

situations our homes should reflect God’s Commandments symbolically represented on our hands foreheads door

frames and Gates therefore my friends exercise

caution regarding what you accept from others be mindful of the objects

souvenirs and films entering your home do not be deceived by the devil’s

disguises instead BL on the full armor of God and stand firm against his

attacks remembering that you are a child of God and the one within you is greater

than the one in the world while receiving gifts is a joyous experience

it’s crucial to exercise self-control not all gifts have pure

intentions some may even be sent by the devil our homes as sanctuaries should

prioritize God’s word and we must be Discerning about the gifts we allow in

not every gift is equal and as Christians we need to evaluate the

motives behind each gift we give or receive as we lock our physical doors we

must also Safeguard our homes spiritually maintaining sobriety balance

and self-discipline we need to be alert and cautious recognizing that the devil

is constantly seeking ways to trip us up the reminder from first Peter

emphasized IES the devil’s predatory nature urging us to stay

vigilant therefore my friends assess every gift you receive especially during

this holiday season don’t accept them blindly inres and discern their

Origins is it an expression of unconditional love or does it carry

manipulative and unhealthy intentions not all gifts are equal and

it’s our responsibility to distinguish those from God and those sent by the

enemy let’s ensure our homes remain places of Peace Serenity and joy Elevate

God’s word within our homes be mindful of the gifts we allow and stay vigilant

against the schemes of the devil I trust this message has stirred a sense of

discernment in your approach to giving and receiving gifts it’s imperative to

refrain from accepting every gift as some may be sent by the Devil

Himself while the excitement of receiving gifts is understandable we

must exercise caution in what we embrace the devil in his cunning nature

utilizes any means to establish a foothold in our lives by getting us to

accept gifts not from God he aims to manipulate and control us consider this

when presented with a gift do you automatically assume it’s from God do

you take a moment to seek God’s wisdom before accepting or do you do so merely

to avoid offending The Giver it’s crucial to acknowledge that not every

gift originates from God the devil uses gifts to gain access to our lives

leading us astray compromising our faith and weakening our results

discernment is key in the gifts we accept seeking God’s wisdom and guidance

is essential we must be willing to decline gifts that aren’t from him

recognizing the devil as a liar and deceiver who employs any means to establish a presence in our lives when

it comes to our families extra vigilance is required the devil seeks to disrupt

families understanding that by doing so he can disrupt entire

lives he employs various tactics to divide and conquer families using gifts

as a means to access our homes and manipulat us yet the Bible assures Us in

First Corinthians no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man God is

faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability but with the

temptation he will also provide the way of Escape so that you may be able to

endure it we must stand firm against the devil’s schemes saying no to gifts that

aren’t from God prayer is vital for our families asking God to Shield us from

the devil’s attacks not every gift is from God and as Discerning individuals

we must be ready to decline gifts that do not align with God’s will let us

stand Resolute against the devil’s schemes keeping our families strong and

intact how would you react if someone pointed out that you tend to talk

excessively would it be hurtful or taken as an insult or would you seek to

understand their perspective could it be that this person is being used by God to help shape your

character for the challenges you may face in the future it’s important important to recognize that God is

always at work bestowing blessings but when these blessings come it’s wise not

to hastily share every detail Ecclesiastes reminds us that

there is a time for everything including a time to be silent and a time to speak

while sharing testimonies of God’s goodness is encouraged in the Bible it’s crucial to exercise

discernment Psalm to emphasizes proclaiming God’s saving acts yet there

are considerations for the timing audience and motives behind sharing

these testimonies notably your personal testimony while meaningful is not

equivalent to the gospel as emphasized by RC Sproul talking too much about

blessings can lead to potential pitfalls excessive speech may result in

lying or exaggerating details undermining the authenticity of your

testimony additionally there’s a risk of inadvertently Shifting the focus from

Jesus to oneself turning a testimony into a self- glorification

opportunity it’s essential to examine motives and ensure that the intent is to

glorify God rather than prove a point or seek personal validation silence at times of blessings

is also advocation to avoid premature sharing of immature testimonies blessings are likened to

fruit on a tree with some requiring time to mature prematurely sharing a blessing

may attract unwarranted attention that potentially lead to parasitic relationships where people exploit your

blessings without genuine need discernment is crucial in determining

whether a blessing should be kept private until it matures and gives rise to further

blessings in summary while sharing testimonies is encouraged it is

essential to exercise caution considering the timing audience and

motives behind sharing to avoid pitfalls such as lying self- glorification and

premature disclosure of immature blessings furthermore maintaining

silence when God blesses you serves as a safeguard for both yourself and the

bestowed blessing not everyone in your life is a true friend some may act as

agents of negativity sent by the devil to hinder the flow of goodness into your

life while God promises protection for his children he also encourages

responsibility in wisdom in Matthew Jesus advises his followers to be

as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves practicing self-control over over

your speech is essential to protect both yourself and those around you whom your

life is meant to bless whether you’ve recently received a promotion or Another

Blessing it’s crucial to be selective about whom you share these blessings with some individuals in your circle May

Harbor feelings of resentment or believe they deserve the blessing more than you

did sharing such news enthusiastically May inadvertently so seed of jealousy

hatred and malicious intentions against you the cautionary tale of Joseph who

faced animosity from his brothers for openly discussing his dreams and his father’s favor emphasizes the need for

discretion it’s imperative to remember that whatever God gives you is not about

you it’s for his glory boasting about your achievements or blessings

disregards the fact that everything you have is a gift from God Corinthians

underscores the idea that everything you have is received not

earned therefore share your testimony to build others up and encourage them

ensuring that it aligns with God’s timing and guidance some blessings may seem too

extraordinary to be true and God will guide you on when and how to share them

as they unfold in this journey of life where blessings abound exercising wisdom and

discernment is crucial not everyone who appears friendly has your best interests

at heart and discernment is not negativity but a necessary precaution Psalm encourages

acknowledging that God blesses us even in the presence of adversaries it’s essential to recognize

that adversaries exist and their manifestation may vary requiring us to

walk with discernment the call to love and pray for enemies as stated in Matthew

underscores the reality that both allies and adversaries coexist in our

lives the presence of adversaries should not instill fear but a reminder to walk

with discernment while spreading love and praying for those who may Harbor negative

intentions sharing blessings wisely preserved deserves the Divine favor bestowed upon you despite the Perfection

embodied by Jesus Christ even he faced adversaries serving as a stark reminder

that encountering opposition is an inherent part of the human journey in

the intricate tapestry of Life painted with the Hues of Envy jealousy and

misunderstandings sharing blessings requires measured wisdom and discretion the complex nature of human

emotions and motivations necessitates guarding your triumphs not out of fear

but from a place of wisdom your Prosperity May uplift some while fueling

resentment in others making it essential to witness God’s blessings with discernment and restraint in a world

steeped in malevolence trust becomes a precious commodity shared only with

those truly worthy navigating the complexities of life on Earth unveils

the omnipresent reality of evil the Bible underscores this truth as we

journey through life showered with God’s blessings it is crucial to approach

these blessings with humility wisdom and discernment recognizing that while your

victories May Inspire they may also incite Envy testify to God’s goodness

but exercise caution for not everyone is entitled to the dep deps of your

blessings in a world where deceit often obscures truth cherishing God’s

blessings quietly can be a wise choice when God blesses you maintaining silence

becomes a valuable practice the story of Joseph in the Sacred Scriptures imparts

a powerful lesson emphasizing the importance of discretion when receiving

God’s blessings Joseph’s brothers driven by Envy fails to comprehend the divine plan

behind his destined greatness what they intended for evil turned out to be a transformative

Journey elevating Joseph into an influential leader the question arises

with whom do you share your blessings carefully consider whether you

Reveal Your victories to those who might belittle your achievements or celebrate your Divine gifts with those harboring

resentment and jealousy Earthly desires often seow seeds of strife Discord and

bitterness aligning with such individuals and expecting them to rejoice in your blessings may prove

futile God’s blessings are a sacred trust and not everyone can appreciate

them those filled with malice May conspire against you akin to Joseph’s

brothers Discerning the intentions of the those around you becomes

Paramount do they walk in alignment with the Divine Spirit or are they driven by

Earthly desires Paul’s letter to the Galatians outlines the fruits of the Flesh and the

spirit warning against indulging in Earthly desires those who seow seeds of Envy

hatred and strife cannot partake in the kingdom of God hence when God showers

His blessings upon you exercising wisdom in sharing this good news becomes

prudent celebrate joyously but remember Joseph’s tale and choose

discretion let God’s work in your life be revealed in his time the intention

here is not to instill fear but to encourage wisdom and understanding God’s

blessings are a testimony of his love and when the time is right they will

speak for themselves until then keeping silent when blessed

is a prudent Choice Samson’s story a mighty champion of the Old Testament

serves as a cautionary tale his openness driven by overpowering love led him down

a path of blindness Samson entrusted Delila with the Divine secret of his strength

disregarding the danger beneath her inquiries his downfall revealed with

tragic consequences underscores the lesson that blessings can turn into challenges when shared

unwisely if Samson had held his tongue his path might have been vastly

different by sharing his Divine secret he crafted his own catastrophic downfall

Delilah’s persistent inquiries served as clear warnings that Samson consumed by

love chose to ignore are there signs in your relationships

much like Samson’s that you may be overlooking are you sharing God’s

blessings with those who secretly Harbor animosity the tale of Samson prompts

reflection on whether we are observing Divine warnings about those we consider

friends our lives are sacred a testament to the Divine love and mercy showered

upon us it’s essential to be be Discerning about what we share and with

whom the story of Samson serves as a reminder not to trade our blessings for

Calamity let your life reflect the transformative power of the Lord’s salvation subtly but

profoundly Our Savior Jesus Christ never advocated flaunting Earthly

accomplishments boasting about material wealth holds no weight in the kingdom of

God what truly matters is sharing the testimony of the journey from spiritual

desolation to an Abundant Life In Christ The Gospel stands as a Beacon of

Hope For Humanity and it is vital to share this hope and the promise of

Salvation cease engaging in frivolous chatter and refrain from discussing

others Affairs in vain the wisdom in Corinthians – underscore scores

the importance of not being unequally yolked with unbelievers righteousness light and

Christ have no fellowship with unrighteousness Darkness or Beal you are

not obligated to keep company with those who don’t share your faith seek

companionship among those whose Hearts resonate with God’s love being in the

presence of individuals filled with the Holy Spirit can reignite your spiritual

flame they share in the joy of your blessings not out of Envy but to praise

God for his benevolence these are the people with whom you should seek

fellowship do not let fleeting emotions dictate your choice of friends and do

not judge based on appearances trust in Divine wisdom to reveal the true nature of people and let

your faith in the Lord guide you toward the right companion ionship when the Lord showers His

blessings upon you remember it’s not an opportunity to flaunt but at a chance to

humble yourself before his magnanimity consider your blessings as

precious pearls Best Kept safe from those who might not value or even malign

them let God’s blessings Sprout within you like seeds in fertile soil

manifesting subtly in your growth and contentment recognize that there are

people sent by the devil and exercise wisdom by keeping your plans to yourself

when God wants to lift you up he sends people into your life but the devil does

the same to cause trouble it is wise to keep your plans to yourself and not

disclose them to just anyone when God places a great dream in your heart he

has made all the necessary Provisions for you to reach it while you may have lied limited resources time and space

you must sit down learn unlearn relearn make plans and build strategic

relationships while depending on God to help you reach your destiny Proverbs

emphasizes that many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s

purpose that prevails no matter your plans Visions or

goals the Lord God is the most crucial person to talk to and rely on trust in

his plan for only he has the power to bring your plans to pass it’s essential

to prioritize God over anyone else as he is the one who can help you succeed

unlike those who may be manipulated by the enemy three reasons are highlighted

for not telling anyone what you’re up to one differences is in reasoning not

many people reason the same way you do even if you share a mutual understanding

while Paul encourages like-mindedness it is acknowledged that each person has

unique reasoning therefore keeping your plans to yourself ensures alignment with God’s

guidance two protecting interests people may see something different from what

God is showing you if it is crucial to develop a heart interested in others

progress but not everyone will share this perspective by keeping your plans from

others you protect both their interests and your own three Divine timing and guidance God

may be revealing something great to you but Others May perceive something else

keeping your plans private allows God to guide you and when the right time comes

you can share your plans with others in summary trust in Divine wisdom seek

fellowship with those who align with God’s love and exercise discretion in sharing your

plans prioritize God’s guidance and timing recognizing that not everyone

reasons the same way and that keeping certain matters private can protect both your interests and the interests of

those around you two another compelling reason to avoid sharing your plans with

others is the inherent susceptibility of the human heart to be influenced by the

devil despite the notion that the human heart is neutral leaning towards either

light or Darkness the Creator himself declares in Jeremiah that the heart

is deceitful above all things and Beyond cure understanding the human heart is

beyond human capacity people may PR Fess neutrality but the reality is that the heart

inclines towards evil it requires more effort to choose good over bad and this

inclination can lead to Envy competition and hatred be cautious of individuals

who may pretend to like you but are only in your life to monitor your actions and

compete with you envy can arise even when people don’t know you

personally some colleagues May res your promotion believing they deserve it more

certain family members may not wish for your happiness or Prosperity as they

desire to be the center of attention therefore exercise prudence

and refrain from hastily sharing your next plan of action the Bible advises

being slow to speak and quick to listen recognizing the potential for triggering

competition Envy or hatred by prematurely d divulging your

intentions do not be surprised if someone dislikes you without reason or

pretends to be supportive while harboring ill intentions it is essential to share your

testimonies after achieving results not the detailed plan of action some may

Fain interest but in reality wish to see you fail as the late miles Monroe

cautioned not everyone who observes your jour Journey or knows your vision will lend a helping hand be Discerning about

whom you share your plans and dreams with three finally refrain from

disclosing your plans because not everyone can perceive or encourage your vision as you do people may genuinely

care about your success but may not fully comprehend nor support the vision

God has given you it is not necessarily due to malicious intent but could be

attributed to fear laziness or familiarity even Joseph’s father Jacob

initially rebuked him for sharing his dreams because he did not understand them at that time despite his love for

Joseph friends and loved ones may not provide the expected support for your

plan of action not because they wish to hinder you but because they may find your goals seemingly impossible the

those closest to you who love you the most might be unable to witness you endure the challenges associated with

the process the ones who love you deeply May unintentionally become obstacles to your

success consider the example of Jesus who had to undergo suffering to become

Humanity’s Savior and attain a name above all names the process is inherently

challenging whether it involves returning to College getting married raising a child starting a business or

any other Endeavor while those closest to you may desire your success they may

struggle with seeing you face difficulties therefore exercise caution

when sharing your next plan of action with those closest to you ensure they

possess the emotional and spiritual maturity to offer the counsel and support you need in conclusion be

cautious with your dreams keep them within the boundaries of God’s light and

maintain unwavering Faith Embrace Big Dreams that may initially scare you

trusting God with them avoid compromise and adhere to God’s plan for your life

do not settle for less based on advice from someone who may not fully comprehend God’s plan for you keep your

head high trust in God’s wisdom and commit to living out his purpose for you

as Proverbs States many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the

Lord’s purpose that prevails commit to seeking and living out God’s purpose and you will find

yourself realizing the results of your dreams and plans when you study the Bible you will

discover that right from creation humans were intentionally created by God for

himself and his pleasure this means that you did not originate under some mud or

come from Mars like some people may say the Bible tells us that each one of us

was created either male or female in the image of God Genesis

– says then God said let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so

that they may rule over the fish in the SE Sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and

over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created Mankind in his

own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them God

blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule over the fish

in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on

the ground I love how someone put this in one of the videos I came across one time

they said when God created every other thing he spoke to something for them to

appear for example he spoke to the Earth and plants and trees came forth he spoke

to the water and aquatic creatures were formed however when it came to man The

the Bible says God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son and Holy

Spirit and it records that he made man after his image and likeness hence everything is made a

creature connected to a source which in turn becomes their natural habitat and

without which they would not survive God Is Man’s natural habitat and

that is why the Bible tells us that we are like dead beings without God as long

as we walk in our ways I love this because it helps us see how much we need

God in our lives even more than we know you see after creating Man In His Image

God breathed his own life into him if you read further in Genesis you will see

that man was God’s Fellowship partner he frequently visited Adam and was the

source of Adam’s empowerment you will see that empowerment was when Adam named

all the animals God brought to him knowing their names without God telling him what they were supposed to be called

he also demonstrated that even though he was in a deep sleep when Eve was created

when he woke up and saw her he could tell she had come from him and even called her woman for the first time

however when they both fell from glory and lost their place in Eden Humanity

was plunged into a light without God’s presence and became subject to the Dominion and control of the devil but

through the death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible tells us that we are restored to

openness with God and the spirit of God can now live in us again you see the

holy spirit is the third person of the Trinity he is the demonstration of the multifaceted nature of God that is able

to step down and live in our natural bodies without completely consuming us I

believe all these things demonstrate the love of God for his most prized possession mankind you and me you see if

you read through the Bible you will see how ordinary people became extraordinary

when the presence of God Came Upon them they became literal carriers of God

everywhere they went people could tell there was something extraordinary about them the Patriarchs of Faith Abraham

Isaac and Jacob demonstrated this even in the midst of famine they

thrived when pharaoh and aimc tried to take Sarah away from Abraham God took it

personally and came for them when laan went after Jacob to try to hurt him God

warned him in the night to be careful what he said to him when Joseph’s own

Brothers sped him into slavery out of jealous y over his dreams of greatness

the Bible tells us that because God was with him he enjoyed favor even as a

slave and a prisoner I could continue but I’m sure you get the point I hope to

use the message in this video to encourage you to seek after God’s presence until you become a carrier too

please understand from that the moment you become a child of God his Spirit

comes to live inside of you however even though the spirit of God lives inside of

you you need to receive more of his presence so there is an overflow to those around you so that you can be

considered a carrier let me give you an example the Bible says that we have the

spirit of God as a guarantee of our inheritance Ephesians – says you

also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of

of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the

promised Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the

Redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory this happens at the new birth but there

is another outpouring that creates an overflow of the same spirit that is beyond just us making our lives notable

to others this is what happened on the day of Pentecost when the disciples

gathered in the upper room and the spirit descended as a mighty rushing wind when he rested on them the Bible

says that they began to speak in other tongues giving glory to God the same

timid Peter who denied Jesus a few days before stood before a crowd of thousands

and boldly proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is

evidence of of the overflowing spirit of God in you then as recorded in Acts the

Bible tells us that they gathered to Pray Again the place shook they were

filled with the spirit again and they began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with boldness

despite being threatened by the religious leaders continuing with the signs of

carrying God’s presence number six when you carry the

spirit of God’s presence you will experience a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness and

Holiness your desire to please God and live a life that reflects his character

will grow stronger this hunger will drive you to seek a closer relationship

with God spending more time in prayer studying his word and aligning your life

with his principles number seven a sign of carrying God’s presence presence is a

heightened sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit you will find yourself

more attuned to his guidance in making decisions Discerning situations and

Understanding God’s will for your life this sensitivity will lead you to walk

in obedience to God’s commands and follow the path he has laid out for you

number eight when you carry God’s presence you will experience a deep

sense of joy and peace that surpasses understanding even in the midst of

challenges and difficulties you will find an inner tranquility and assurance

that God is with you this Joy will radiate to those around you drawing

others to inquire about the source of your peace number nine a sign of God’s

presence is a transformation in your character the fruits of the spirit such

as love joy peace PE patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and

self-control will become increasingly evident in your life others will notice

the positive changes in your behavior reflecting the work of God’s presence

within you number a person carrying God’s presence will exhibit a spirit of

humility recognizing the greatness of God and his Mercy in their life they

will remain humble avoiding pride and arrogance this humility will attract

God’s favor and the respect of those around them in conclusion carrying God’s

presence transforms every aspect of your life influencing your confidence

Supernatural manifestations relationships favor sensitivity to sin

compassion hunger for righteousness sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Joy joy

peace character and humility it’s a journey of continual growth and

surrender to the work of the holy spirit in your life may you seek and carry

God’s presence with a heart full of passion and dedication the word of God provides a

clear guide on cultivating and embracing more of the spirit’s presence in our

lives engaging in practices like prayer fasting ing studying and meditating on

the word and sharing our faith opens us as channels for the spirit to impact the

world these practices should become a lifestyle pursued with a genuine love

for God seeking to be vessels for his use rather than Desiring power for

selfish reasons demonstrating God’s presence to others is just one benefit the main

advantage is enjoying constant fellowship with God where he Pro protects teaches strengthens and

Comforts while the saying it’s the thought that counts is valid in some instances the scripture warns that the

heart can be deceitful accepting gifts should be approached with caution especially if

they come with strings attached or from a place of guilt selfishness or

control setting boundaries to protect spiritual well-being is a right and a

priority ity drawing from Samuel to- the message encourages Reliance on

God as the source of strength salvation and refuge from

violence saying no to gifts particularly those causing discomfort or spiritual

conflict is emphasized prioritizing spiritual well-being over physical well-being is

encouraged and the power to decline gifts is highlighted as a right the

message also cites Titus emphasizing Purity in Discerning gifts The Narrative

concludes with a cautionary tale illustrating the potential spiritual harm of accepting gifts from dark

sources it stresses the importance of discernment seeking guidance from the

Holy Spirit and exercising the power and authority to reject anything misaligned

with God’s will Believers are urged to be vigilant and Discerning trusting the

Lord to guide them and staying blessed to be a blessing to others the overarching theme is one of caution

vigilance and awareness regarding the spiritual implications of accepting

gifts allow me to share a powerful testimony with you a pastor and his

father during a mission trip abroad received gifts from the locals some of

which turned out to be peculiar items it wasn’t until they tried to burn

these objects that they realized they were resistant to fire only through the

power of prayer invoking the blood of Jesus and speaking the word of God were

they able to destroy these items this narrative underscores The crucial role of knowledge as the Bible

warns that people perish due to a lack of it vigilance akin to a watchful

Soldier is necessary to detect any signs of danger we must also recognize the

significance of our homes as Christians our homes should

serve as sanctuaries holy places where the name presence and word of God

Prevail it is essential to impart these Commandments to our hearts and teach

them to our children discussing them in various life situations our homes should reflect

God’s Commandments symbolically represented on our hands foreheads door

frames and Gates therefore my friends exercise

caution regarding what you accept from others be mindful of the objects

souvenirs and films entering your home do not be deceived by the devil’s

disguises instead BL the full armor of God and stand firm against his attacks

remembering that you are a child of God and the one within you is greater than the one in the world while receiving

gifts is a joyous experience it’s crucial to exercise

self-control not all gifts have pure intentions some may even be sent by the

devil our homes as sanctuaries should prior PRI ize God’s word and we must be

Discerning about the gifts we allow in not every gift is equal and as

Christians we need to evaluate the motives behind each gift we give or

receive as we lock our physical doors we must also Safeguard our homes

spiritually maintaining sobriety balance and self-discipline we need to be alert

and cautious recognizing that the devil is constantly seeking ways to trip us up

the reminder from first Peter emphasizes the devil’s predatory nature

urging us to stay vigilant therefore my friends assess

every gift you receive especially during this holiday season don’t accept them

blindly introspect and discern their Origins is it an expression of

unconditional love or does it carry manipulative and unhealthy

intentions not all gifts are equal and it’s our responsibility to distinguish

those from God and those sent by the enemy let’s ensure our homes remain

places of Peace Serenity and joy Elevate God’s word within our homes be mindful

of the gifts we allow and stay vigilant against the schemes of the devil I trust

this message has stirred a sense of discernment in your approach to giving and receiving gifts it’s imperative to

refrain from accepting every gift as some may be sent by the Devil

Himself while the excitement of receiving gifts is understandable we

must exercise caution in what we embrace the devil in his cunning nature

utilizes any means to establish a foothold in our lives

by getting us to accept gifts not from God he aims to manipulate and control us

consider this when presented with a gift do you automatically assume it’s from

God do you take a moment to seek God’s wisdom before accepting or do you do so

merely to avoid offending The Giver it’s crucial to acknowledge that not every

gift originates from God the devil uses gift to gain access to our lives leading

us astray compromising our faith and weakening our resolve discernment is key in the gifts

we accept seeking God’s wisdom and guidance is essential we must be willing

to decline gifts that aren’t from him recognizing the devil as a liar and deceiver who employs any means to

establish a presence in our lives when it comes to our families extra vigilance

is required the devil seeks to disrupt families understanding that by doing so

he can disrupt entire lives he employs various tactics to

divide and conquer families using gifts as a means to access our homes and

manipulators yet the Bible assures Us in First Corinthians no temptation has overtaken you

that is not common to man God is faithful and he will not let you

be tempted beyond your ability but with the Temptation he will also provide the

way of Escape so that you may be able to endure it we must stand firm against the

devil’s schemes saying no to gifts that aren’t from God prayer is vital for our

families asking God to Shield us from the devil’s attacks not every gift is from God and

as Discerning individuals we must be ready to decline gifts that do not align

with God’s will let us stand Resolute against the devil’s schemes keeping our

families strong and intact how would you react if someone pointed out that you

tend to talk excessively would it be hurtful or taken as an insult or would you seek to

understand their perspective could it be that this person is being used by God to help shape your

character for the challenges you may face in the future it’s important to

recognize that God is always at work bestowing blessings but when these

blessings come it’s wise not to hly share every detail Ecclesiastes reminds us that

there is a time for everything including a time to be silent and a time to speak

while sharing testimonies of God God’s goodness is encouraged in the Bible it’s crucial to exercise

discernment Psalm – emphasizes proclaiming God’s saving acts yet there

are considerations for the timing audience and motives behind sharing

these testimonies notably your personal testimony while meaningful is not

equivalent to the gospel as emphasized by RC Sproul talking to too much about

blessings can lead to potential pitfalls excessive speech may result in

lying or exaggerating details undermining the authenticity of your

testimony additionally there’s a risk of inadvertently Shifting the focus from

Jesus to oneself turning a testimony into a self- glorification

opportunity it’s essential to examine motives and ensure that the intent is to

glorify God rather rather than prove a point or seek personal validation silence at times of blessings

is also advocated to avoid premature sharing of immature testimonies blessings are likened to

fruit on a tree with some requiring time to mature prematurely sharing a blessing

may attract unwarranted attention that potentially lead to parasitic relationships where people exploit your

blessings without genuine need discernment is crucial in determining

whether a blessing should be kept private until it matures and gives rise to further

blessings in summary while sharing testimonies is encouraged it is

essential to exercise caution considering the timing audience and

motives behind sharing to avoid pitfalls such as lying self- glorification and

premature disclosure of the mature blessings further more maintaining

silence when God blesses you serves as a safeguard for both yourself and the

bestowed blessing not everyone in your life is a true friend some may act as

agents of negativity sent by the devil to hinder the flow of goodness into your

life while God promises protection for his children he also encourages

responsibility in wisdom in Matthew Jesus advises his followers to be

as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves practicing self-control over your

speech is essential to protect both yourself and those around you whom your life is meant to bless whether you’ve

recently received a promotion or Another Blessing it’s crucial to be selective

about whom you share these blessings with some individuals in your circle May

Harbor feelings of resentment or believe they deserve deserved the blessing more than you did sharing such news

enthusiastically May inadvertently seow seeds of jealousy hatred and malicious

intentions against you the cautionary tale of Joseph who faced animosity from

his brothers for openly discussing his dreams and his father’s favor emphasizes

the need for discretion it’s imperative to remember that whatever God gives you is not about

you it’s for his is Glory boasting about your achievements or blessings

disregards the fact that everything you have is a gift from God first

Corinthians underscores the idea that everything you have is received not

earned therefore share your testimony to build others up and encourage them

ensuring that it aligns with God’s timing and guidance some blessings may seem too

extraordinary to be true and God will guide you on when and how to share them

as they unfold in this journey of life where blessings abound exercising wisdom and

discernment is crucial not everyone who appears friendly has your best interests

at heart and discernment is not negativity but a necessary precaution Psalm encourages

acknowledging that God blesses us even in the presence of adversaries it’s essential to recognize

that adversaries exist and their manifestation may vary requiring us to

walk with discernment the call to love and pray for enemies as stated in Matthew

underscores the reality that both allies and adversaries coexist in our

lives the presence of adversaries should not instill fear but a reminder to walk

with discernment while spreading love and praying for those who may Harbor negative

intentions sharing blessings wisely preserves the Divine favor bestowed upon

you despite the Perfection embodied by Jesus Christ even he faced adversaries

serving as a stark reminder that encountering opposition is an inherent part of the human journey in the

intricate tapestry of Life painted with the Hues of Envy jealousy and

misunderstandings sharing blessings requires measured wisdom and discretion the complex nature of human

emotions and motivations necessitates guarding your triumphs not out of fear

but from a place of wisdom your Prosperity May uplift some while fueling

resentment in others making it essential to witness God’s blessings with discernment and

restraint in a world steeped in malevolence trust becomes comes a precious commodity shared only with

those truly worthy navigating the complexities of life on Earth unveils

the omnipresent reality of evil the Bible underscores this truth as we

journey through life showered with God’s blessings it is crucial to approach

these blessings with humility wisdom and discernment recognizing that while your

victories May Inspire they may also incite Envy testify to God’s goodness but exercise

caution for not everyone is entitled to the depths of your blessings in a world where deceit often

obscures truth cherishing God’s blessings quietly can be a wise choice

when God blesses you maintaining silence becomes a valuable practice the story of

Joseph in the Sacred Scriptures imparts a powerful lesson emphasizing the

importance of discretion when receiving God’s blessings Joseph’s brothers driven by

Envy failed to comprehend the divine plan behind his destined

greatness what they intended for evil turned out to be a transformative Journey elevating Joseph into an

influential leader the question arises with whom do you share your

blessings carefully consider whether you Reveal Your victory iies to those who might belittle your achievements or

celebrate your Divine gifts with those harboring resentment and jealousy Earthly desires often seow

seeds of strife Discord and bitterness aligning with such

individuals and expecting them to rejoice in your blessings may prove

futile God’s blessings are a sacred trust and not everyone can appreciate

them those filled with malice May conspire against you akin to Joseph’s

brothers Discerning the intentions of those around you becomes

Paramount do they walk in alignment with the Divine Spirit or are they driven by

Earthly desires Paul’s letter to the Galatians outlines the fruits of the Flesh and the

spirit warning against indulging in Earthly desires those who seow seeds of Envy

hatred and and strife cannot partake in the kingdom of God hence when God

showers His blessings upon you exercising wisdom in sharing this good

news becomes prudent celebrate joyously but remember Joseph’s tale and choose

discretion let God’s work in your life be revealed in his time the intention

here is not to instill fear but to encourage wisdom and understanding

God’s blessings are a testimony of his love and when the time is right they

will speak for themselves until then keeping silent when blessed is a prudent Choice

Samson’s story a mighty champion of the Old Testament serves as a cautionary

tale his openness driven by overpowering love led him down a path of

blindness Samson entrusted Delila with the Divine secret of his strength

disregarding the danger beneath her inquiries his downfall revealed with

tragic consequences underscores the lesson that blessings can turn into challenges when shared

unwisely if Samson had held his tongue his path might have been vastly

different by sharing his Divine secret he crafted his own catastrophic downfall

delil as persistent inquiries served as clear warnings that Samson consumed by

love chose to ignore are there signs in your relationships much like Samson’s

that you may be overlooking are you sharing God’s blessings with those who secretly Harbor

animosity the tale of Samson prompts reflection on whether we are observing

Divine warnings about those we consider friends are our lives are sacred a

testament to the Divine love and mercy showered upon us it’s essential to be

Discerning about what we share and with whom the story of Samson serves as a

reminder not to trade our blessings for Calamity let your life reflect the

transformative power of the Lord’s salvation subtly but profoundly Our Savior Jesus Christ never

advocated flaunting Earthly accomplishments boasting about material

wealth holds no weight in the kingdom of God what truly matters is sharing the

testimony of the journey from spiritual desolation to an Abundant Life In

Christ The Gospel stands as a Beacon of Hope For Humanity and it is vital to

share this hope and the promise of Salvation cease engaging in frivolous

chatter and refrain from discussing others Affairs in vain the wisdom in

Corinthians – underscores the importance of not being unequally yolked

with unbelievers righteousness light and Christ have no fellowship with

unrighteousness Darkness or Beil you are not obligated to keep company with those

who don’t share your faith seek companionship among those whose hearts

reson with God’s love being in the presence of individuals filled with the

Holy Spirit can reignite your spiritual flame they share in the joy of your

blessings not out of Envy but to praise God for his benevolence these are the people with

whom you should seek fellowship do not let fleeting emotions dictate your choice of friends and do

not judge based on appearances trust in Divine wisdom to

reveal the true nature of people and let your faith in the Lord guide you toward

the right companionship when the Lord showers His blessings upon you remember it’s not an

opportunity to flaunt but at a chance to humble yourself before his magnanimity consider your blessings as

precious pearls Best Kept safe from those who might not value or even malign

them let God’s blessings Sprout Within you like seeds in fertile soil

manifesting subtly in your growth and contentment recognize that there are

people sent by the devil and exercise wisdom by keeping your plans to yourself

when God wants to lift you up he sends people into your life but the devil does

the same to cause trouble it is wise to keep your plans to yourself and not

disclose them to just anyone when God places a great dream in your heart he

has made all the necessary Provisions for you to reach it while you may have limited resources time and space you

must sit down learn unlearn relearn make

plans and build strategic relationships while depending on God to help you reach

your destiny Proverbs emphasizes that many are the plans in a person’s

heart but it is is the Lord’s purpose that prevails no matter your plans Visions or

goals the Lord God is the most crucial person to talk to and rely on trust in

his plan for only he has the power to bring your plans to pass it’s essential

to prioritize God over anyone else as he is the one who can help you succeed

unlike those who may be manipulated by the enemy three reasons are highlighted

for not telling anyone what you’re up to one differences in reasoning not many

people reason the same way you do even if you share a mutual understanding

while Paul encourages like-mindedness it is acknowledged that each person has

unique reasoning therefore keeping your plans to yourself ensures alignment with God’s

guidance two protecting interests people may see

something different from what God is showing you it is crucial to develop a

heart interested in others progress but not everyone will share this perspective

by keeping your plans from others you protect both their interests and your

own three Divine timing and guidance God may be revealing something great to you

but Others May perceive something else keeping your plans private allows God to

guide you and when the right time comes you can share your plans with others in

summary trust in Divine wisdom seek fellowship with those who align with

God’s love and exercise discretion in sharing your plans prioritize God’s guidance and

timing recognizing that not everyone reasons the same way and that keeping

certain matters priv private can protect both your interests and the interests of

those around you two another compelling reason to avoid sharing your plans with

others is the inherent susceptibility of the human heart to be influenced by the

devil despite the notion that the human heart is neutral leaning towards either

light or Darkness the Creator himself declares in Jeremiah that the heart

is deceitful above all things and Beyond Beyond cure understanding the human heart is

beyond human capacity people may profess neutrality but the reality is that the heart

inclines towards evil it requires more effort to choose good over bad and this

inclination can lead to Envy competition and hatred be cautious of individuals

who may pretend to like you but are only in your life to monitor your actions and

compete with you envy can arise even when people don’t know you

personally some colleagues May resist your promotion believing they deserve it

more certain family members may not wish for your happiness or Prosperity as they

desire to be the center of attention therefore exercise prudence

and refrain from hastily sharing your next plan of action the Bible advises

being slow to speak in quick to listen recognizing the potential for triggering

competition Envy or hatred by prematurely divulging your

intentions do not be surprised if someone dislikes you without reason or

pretends to be supportive while harboring ill intentions it is essential to share your

testimonies after achieving results not the detailed plan of action some may

Fain interest but in reality wish to see you fail as the late miles Monroe

cautioned not everyone who observes your journey or knows your vision will lend a

helping hand be Discerning about whom you share your plans and dreams with

three finally refrain from disclosing your plans because not everyone can

perceive or encourage your vision as you do people may genuinely care about your

success but may not not fully comprehend nor support the vision God has given you

it is not necessarily due to malicious intent but could be attributed to fear

laziness or familiarity even Joseph’s father Jacob

initially rebuked him for sharing his dreams because he did not understand them at that time despite his love for

Joseph friends and loved ones may not provide the expected support for your

plan of action not because they wish to hinder you but because they may find your goals seemingly

impossible those closest to you who love you the most might be unable to witness

you endure the challenges associated with the process the ones who love you deeply May

unintentionally become obstacles to your success consider the example of Jesus

who had to undergo suffering to become Humanity’s Savior and attain a name above all

names the process is inherently challenging whether it involves returning to college getting married

raising a child starting a business or any other Endeavor while those closest

to you may desire your success they may struggle with seeing you face

difficulties therefore exercise caution when sharing your next plan of action

with those closest to you ensure they possess the emotional and spiritual

maturity to offer the counsel and support you need in conclusion be

cautious with your dreams keep them within the boundaries of God’s light and

maintain unwavering Faith Embrace Big Dreams that may initially scare you

trusting God with them avoid compromise and adhere to God’s plan for your life

do not settle for less based on advice from someone who may not fully comprehend God’s plan for you keep your

head high trust in God’s wisdom and commit to living out his purpose for you

as Proverbs States many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the

Lord’s purpose that prevails commit to seeking and living out God’s purpose and you will find

yourself realizing the results of your dreams and plans plans when you study the Bible you will

discover that right from creation humans were intentionally created by God for

himself and his pleasure this means that you did not originate under some mud or

come from Mars like some people may say the Bible tells us that each one of us

was created either male or female in the image of God Genesis

– says then God said let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so

that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and

over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created Mankind in his

own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them God

blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule over the

fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the

ground I love how someone put this in one of the videos I came across one time

they said when God created every other thing he spoke to something for them to

appear for example he spoke to the Earth and plants and trees came forth he spoke

to the water and aquatic creatures were formed however when it came to man the

Bible says God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son and Holy Spirit

and it records that he made man after his image and likeness hence everything is made a

creature connected to a source which in turn becomes their natural habitat and

without which they would not survive God Is Man’s natural habitat and that is why

the Bible tells us that we are like dead beings without God as long as we walk in

our ways I love this because it helps us see how much we need God in our lives

even more than we know you see after creating Man In His Image God breathed

his own life into him if you read further in Genesis you will see that man

was God’s Fellowship partner he frequently visited Adam and was the source of Adam’s empowerment you will

see that empowerment when Adam named all the animals God brought to him knowing

their names without God telling him what they were supposed to be called he also

demonstrated that even though he was in a deep sleep when Eve was created when

he woke up and saw her he could tell she had come from him and even called her woman for the first time

however when they both fell from glory and lost their place in Eden Humanity

was plunged into a life without God’s presence and became subject to the Dominion and control of the devil but

through the death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible tells us that we are restored to

openness with God and the spirit of God can now live in us again you see the

holy spirit is the third person of the Trinity he is the demonstration of the multifaceted nature of God that is able

to step down and live in our natural bodies without completely consuming us I

believe all these things demonstrate the love of God for his most prized possession mankind you and me you see if

you read through the Bible you will see how ordinary people became extraordinary

when the presence of God Came Upon them they became literal carriers of God

everywhere they went people could tell there was something extraordinary about them the Patriarchs of Faith Abraham

Isaac and Jacob demonstrated this even in the midst of famine they

thrived when pharaoh and aimc tried to take Sarah away from Abraham God took it

personally and came for them when laan went after Jacob to try to hurt him God

warned him in the night to be careful what he said to him when Joseph’s own

Brothers spilled him into slavery out of jealousy over his dreams of greatness

the Bible tells us that because God was with him he enjoyed favor even as a

slave and a prisoner I could continue but I’m sure you get the point I hope to

use the message in this video to encourage you to seek after God’s presence until you become a carrier too

please please understand from that the moment you become a child of God his Spirit comes to live inside of you

however even though the spirit of God lives inside of you you need to receive

more of his presence so there is an overflow to those around you so that you can be considered a carrier let me give

you an example the Bible says that we have the spirit of God as a guarantee of

our inheritance Ephesians to says

you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The

Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit who is a

deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the Redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his

glory this happens at the new birth but there is another outpouring that creates

an overflow of the same spirit that is Beyond Justice making our lives notable

to others this is what happened on the day of Pentecost when the disciples

gathered in the upper room and the spirit descended as a mighty rushing wind when he rested on them the Bible

says that they began to speak in other tongues giving glory to God the same

timid Peter who denied Jesus a few days before stood before a crowd of thousands

and boldly proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is

evidence of the overflowing spirit of God in you then as recorded in Acts the

Bible tells us that they gathered to Pray Again the place shook they were

filled with the spirit again and they began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with boldness

despite being threatened by the religious leaders continuing with the signs of carrying

God’s presence number six when you carry the spirit of God’s presence you will

experience a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness and Holiness your desire to please God and

live a life that reflects his character will grow stronger this hunger will

drive you to seek a closer relationship with God spending more time in prayer

studying his word and aligning your life with his principles number seven a sign of

carrying God’s presence is a heightened sensitivity to the leading of the Holy

Spirit you will find yourself more attuned to his guidance in making

decisions Discerning situations and Understanding God’s will for your life

this sensitivity will lead you to walk in obedience to God’s commands and follow the path he has laid out for for

you number eight when you carry God’s presence you will experience a deep

sense of joy and peace that surpasses understanding even in the midst of

challenges and difficulties you will find an inner tranquility and assurance

that God is with you this Joy will radiate to those around you drawing

others to inquire about the source of your peace number nine a sign of God’s

presence is a transformation in your character the fruits of the spirit such

as love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and

self-control will become increasingly evident in your life others will notice

the positive changes in your behavior reflecting the work of God’s presence

within you number a person carrying God’s presence will exhibit a spirit of

humility recognizing the greatness of God and his Mercy in their life they

will remain humble avoiding pride and arrogance this humility will attract

God’s favor and the respect of those around them in conclusion carrying God’s

presence transforms every aspect of your life influencing your confidence

Supernatural manifestations relationships favor sensitivity to sin

compassion hunger for righteousness sensitivity to the Holy Spirit joy peace

character and humility it’s a journey of continual growth and surrender to the

work of the holy spirit in your life may you seek and carry God’s presence with a

heart full of passion and dedication the word of God provides a

clear guide on cultivating and embracing more of the spirit’s presence in our

lives engaging in practices like prayer fasting studying and meditating on the

word and sharing our faith opens us as channels for the spirit to impact the

world these practices should become a lifestyle pursued with a genuine love

for God seeking to be vessels for his use rather than Desiring power for

selfish reasons demonstrating God’s presence to others is just one benefit the main

advantage is enjoying constant fellowship with God where he protects teaches strengthens and

Comforts while the saying it’s the thought that counts is valid in some instances the scripture warns that the

heart can be deceitful accepting gifts should be approached with caution especially if

they come with strings attached or from a place of guilt selfishness or

control setting boundaries to protect spiritual well-being is a right and a

priority drawing from Samuel – the message encourages Reliance on God

as the source of strength salvation and refuge from violence saying no to gifts particularly

those causing discomfort or spiritual conflict is emphasized prioritizing spiritual

well-being over physical well-being is encouraged and the power to decline gifts is highlighted as a right the

message also cites Titus emphasizing Purity in Discerning gifts

The Narrative concludes with a cautionary tale illustrating the potential spiritual harm of accepting

gifts from dark sources it stresses the importance of discernment seeking guidance from the

Holy Spirit and exercising the power and authority to reject anything misaligned

with God’s will Believers are urged to be vigilant and Discerning trusting the

Lord to guide them and staying blessed to be a blessing to others the overarching theme is one of caution

vigilance and awareness regarding the spiritual implications of accepting

gifts allow me to share a power ful testimony with you a pastor and his

father during a mission trip abroad received gifts from the locals some of

which turned out to be peculiar items it wasn’t until they tried to burn

these objects that they realized they were resistant to fire only through the

power of prayer invoking the blood of Jesus and speaking the word of God were

they able to destroy these items this narrative underscores The crucial role

of knowledge as the Bible warns that people perish due to a lack of it

vigilence akin to a watchful Soldier is necessary to detect any signs of danger

we must also recognize the significance of our homes as Christians our homes should

serve as sanctuaries holy places where the name presence and word of God

prevail it is essential to impart these Commandments to our hearts and teach

them to our children discussing them in various life situations our homes should reflect

God’s Commandments symbolically represented on our hands foreheads door

frames and Gates therefore my friends exercise

caution regarding what you accept from others be mindful of the objects

souvenir and films entering your home do not be deceived by the devil’s

disguises instead BL the full armor of God and stand firm against his attacks

remembering that you are a child of God and the one within you is greater than the one in the world while receiving

gifts is a joyous experience it’s crucial to exercise

self-control not all gifts have pure intention some may even be sent by the devil our

homes as sanctuaries should prioritize God’s word and we must be Discerning

about the gifts we allow in not every gift is equal and as Christians we need

to evaluate the motives behind each gift we give or receive as we lock our physical doors we

must also Safeguard our homes spiritually maintain maintaining

sobriety balance and self-discipline we need to be alert and cautious

recognizing that the devil is constantly seeking ways to trip us up the reminder

from first Peter emphasizes the devil’s predatory nature urging us to

stay vigilant therefore my friends assess every gift you receive especially during

this holiday season don’t accept them blind ly introspect and discern their

Origins is it an expression of unconditional love or does it carry

manipulative and unhealthy intentions not all gifts are equal and

it’s our responsibility to distinguish those from God and those sent by the

enemy let’s ensure our homes remain places of Peace Serenity and joy Elevate

God’s word within our homes be mindful of the gifts we allow and stay vigilant

against the schemes of the devil I trust this message has stirred a sense of

discernment in your approach to giving and receiving gifts it’s imperative to

refrain from accepting every gift as some may be sent by the Devil

Himself while the excitement of receiving gifts is understandable we

must exercise caution in what we embrace the devil in his coming nature utilizes

any means to establish a foothold in our lives by getting us to accept gifts not

from God he aims to manipulate and control us consider this when presented

with a gift do you automatically assume it’s from God do you take a moment to

seek God’s wisdom before accepting or do you do so merely to avoid offending The

Giver it’s crucial to acknowledge that not every gift originates from God the devil

uses gifts to gain access to our lives leading us astray compromising our faith

and weakening our resolve discernment is key in the gifts we accept seeking God’s wisdom and

guidance is essential we must be willing to decline gifts that aren’t from him

recognizing the devil as a liar and Deceiver who employs any means to establish a presence in our

lives when it comes to our families extra vigilance is

required the devil seeks to disrupt families understanding that by doing so

he can disrupt entire lives he employs various tactics to

divide and conquer families using gifts as a means to access our homes and

manipulat us yet the Bible assur asses Us in Corinthians

no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man God is

faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability but with the

Temptation he will also provide the way of Escape so that you may be able to

endure it we must stand firm against the devil’s schemes saying no to gifts that

aren’t from God prayer is vital for our family asking God to Shield us from the devil’s

attacks not every gift is from God and as Discerning individuals we must be

ready to decline gifts that do not align with God’s will let us stand Resolute

against the devil’s schemes keeping our families strong and


1 thought on “Why You Should Stay Silent When God Blesses You | God’s message”

  1. No I don’t hurt.teach .me please iway of wisdom that you want me to be I mean it.You please I don’t hurt to take correction s.


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