Why Satan Challenged Jesus to Jump from top of the Temple | Bible Mystery Resolved - Free AI Voice Generator

Why Satan Challenged Jesus to Jump from top of the Temple | Bible Mystery Resolved

why Satan wanted Jesus to jump from the
top of the temple if you are the Son of
God throw yourself off of here for it is
written he shall give his Angel charge
you and in their hands they shall bear
up lest you dash your foot against a
stone again it is written you shall not
tempt the Lord your
God in the Hebrew Bible Satan is
referred to as ha Satan the adversary
who serves as an accuser or tester in
Court he is a fallen angel who rebelled
against God and became the embodiment of
evil tempting Believers and opposing
God’s will at every opportunity so it
was not a surprise when Satan confronted
Jesus as reported in Matthew for the
purpose of tempting and separating him
from the connection with his
father after Jesus have fasted for
days and nights he was hungry and
physically exhausted then Satan appeared
to tempt Jesus at his presumably
physically weakest State however
physical exhaustion is not the same as
spiritual weakness in fact Jesus was
probably at his most spiritually
elevated state in human form as the time
of the Temptation because he had just
gone through more than weeks of
fasting and constant communion with God
in the
wilderness Satan wanted to catch Jesus
at his weakest point but found him as
always at his default state of
spiritually optimal strength Faith
humility and
love Satan employed three strategies in
his attempt to tempt and derail Jesus’s
first Satan approached and said to Jesus
if you are the Son of God command that
these stones to become loaves of
bread but Jesus knowing the trick of the
deceiver said in reply it is written one
does not live on bread alone but on
every word that comes forth from the
mouth of
God when Satan failed in this first Ploy
he took Jesus to the holy C
and made him stand on the top parapet of
the temple and said to him if you are
the Son of God throw yourself down for
it is written he will command his angels
concerning you and with their hands they
will support you lest you dash your foot
against a
stone Jesus answered him saying again it
is written you shall not put the Lord
your God to the
test what is the point of this
temptation what purpose would Jesus
jumping from the height of the temple
serve for Satan why did Satan want Jesus
to prove himself as the Son of God by
jumping the story of Satan tempting
Jesus to jump from the top of the temple
comes from the gospel of Matthew :
to this temptation is meant to test
Jesus faith and obedience to God it is
an attempt to manipulate Jesus into
testing God’s
protection Satan quotes scripture and
tells Jesus that if he is the Son of God
he should throw himself down because it
is written he will command his angels
concerning you and they will lift you up
in their hands so that you will not
strike your foot against a stone Matthew
: quoting from Psalm :
to however Jesus responds to this
temptation by quoting another scripture
saying it is also written do not put the
Lord your God to the test Matthew :
referring to Deuteronomy
: in other words Jesus rejects the
idea of putting God to the test by
deliberately engaging in a dangerous act
to see if God will rescue him instead he
reaffirms his trust and obedience to
God this story demonstrates Jesus
unwavering faith and his refusal to
succumb to Temptation even when
presented with the opportunity to
perform a spectacular miracle
the story has several important lessons
and messages for us as Christians one we
should trust in God’s plan and timing
Jesus response to Satan’s Temptation
demonstrates his unwavering faith in
God’s protection and guidance it teaches
us that we should not test or manipulate
God to prove his existence or power
instead we should trust in him and his
plan for our lives and not use our
relationship with him to fulfill
unwarranted personal desires or
demonstrate power for power’s
sake two we should resist temptation
jamus : says resist the devil and he
will flee from you Jesus rejection of
Satan’s Temptation serves as a model for
resisting temptation in our own lives it
shows that even in difficult
circumstances we should remain faithful
to our beliefs and values resisting The
Lure of immediate gratification or
power three
we should rely on the scripture for
guidance the word of God is a lamp unto
our feet and a light unto our path Psalm
it is a sure Foundation that we can
build our lives upon Timothy :
Jesus responds to Satan’s temptations by
quoting scripture this highlights the
importance of knowing and using God’s
word as a source of guidance and
strength when faced with challeng Alles
temptations four we should avoid
for those who exalt themselves will be
humbled and those who humble themselves
will be exalted Matthew
: the story cautions against seeking
self-exaltation or using one’s
relationship with God to gain personal
recognition or exert unnecessary power
it reminds us that Faith should not be
used as a means to achieve worldly
Ambitions but as a path to a deeper
relationship with
God why would Satan ask Jesus to jump
over the Pinnacle of the temple to test
his power of resistance undercut his
faith in God’s plan test his
understanding of the scriptures incite
his sense of self-exaltation
he wanted to stop Jesus mission to
redeem hum kind most importantly Satan
wanted to instigate the dangerous sin of
pride in Jesus as this was the same sin
that got Satan thrown out from the
presence of the almighty
God thank you for watching please do not
forget to support us by subscribing
liking and sharing our videos May the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue
to lead us away and through Temptations
in Jesus name God bless

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