What is todays daily verse? - Free AI Voice Generator

What is todays daily verse?

What is todays daily verse?

Genesis verse .

in the beginning God created the heavens

and the Earth

Psalm verse .

create in me a pure heart o God and

renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me

Hebrews verses to .

therefore since we are surrounded by

such a great cloud of witnesses let us

throw off everything that hinders and

the sin that so easily entangles

and let us run with perseverance the

race marked out for us fixing our eyes

on Jesus the Pioneer and Perfecter of


John verse .

Jesus said I am the way and the truth

and the life

no one comes to the father except

through me

Psalm Verse .

I sought the Lord and he answered me he

delivered me from all my fears

Psalm verse .

God is our refuge and strength and

ever-present help in trouble

Proverbs verses to .

trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding

in all your ways submit to him and he

will make your path straight

Colossians verses to .

whatever you do work at it with all your

heart as working for the Lord not for

human Masters since you know that you

will receive an inheritance from the

Lord as a reward

it is the Lord Christ you are serving

first John verse .

so we have come to know and to believe

the love that God has for us

God is love and anyone who abides in

love abides in God and God abides in


Psalm Verse .

the righteous cry out and the Lord hears

them he delivers them from all their


John verse .

for God so loved the world that he gave

his one and only son that whoever

believes in him shall not perish but

have eternal life

Psalm verses to .

I Love You Lord my strength

the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my

deliverer my God Is My Rock and whom I

take refuge my shield and the Horn of my

salvation my stronghold

First Corinthians verse .

therefore my dear brothers and sisters

stand firm

let nothing move you

always give yourselves fully to the work

of the Lord because you know that your

labor in the Lord is not in vain

Psalm verse .

the Lord is gracious and righteous our

God is full of compassion

Psalm verse .

the Lord is my strength and my shield my

heart trusts in him and he helps me

my heart leaps for joy and with my song

I praise him

Philippians verses to .

do not be anxious about anything but in

every situation by prayer and petition

with Thanksgiving present your requests

to God

and the peace of God which transcends

all understanding will guard your hearts

and your minds in Christ Jesus

Isaiah verse .

so do not fear for I am like you do not

be dismayed for I am your God

I will strengthen you and help you I

will uphold you with my righteous right


Psalm verse .

May the words of my mouth and the

meditation of my heart be pleasing in

your sight O Lord my rock and my


Psalm verse .

the Lord is my light and my salvation

Whom Shall I Fear

the Lord is the stronghold of my life of

whom shall I be afraid

Psalm verses to .

I lift up my eyes to the mountains where

does my help come from

my help comes from the Lord the maker of

heaven and Earth

Matthew verses to .

therefore go and make disciples of all

Nations baptizing them in the name of

the father and of the son and of the

Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey

everything they have commanded you

and surely I Am With You Always to the

very end of the age

Psalm verses to .

blessed is the one who does not walk in

step with the wicked or stand in the way

that Sinners take or sit in the company

of mockers but whose Delight is in the

law of the Lord and who meditates on his

law day and night

Psalm Verse .

taste and seek that the Lord is good

blessed is the one who takes refuge in


Psalm verses to .

the Lord will keep you from all harm he

will watch over your life the Lord will

watch over your coming and burn both now

and forevermore

Philippians verse .

and my God will meet all your needs

according to the riches of his glory in

Christ Jesus

second Corinthians verse .

but he said to me my grace is sufficient

for you from my power is made perfect in


therefore I will boast all the more

gladly about my weaknesses so that

Christ’s power May rest on me

Psalm verses to .

I cried out to him of my mouth his

praise was on my tongue

if I had cherished sin in my heart the

Lord would not have listened but God has

surely listened and has heard my prayer

praise be to God who has not rejected my

prayer or withheld his love from me

second Timothy verse .

for God has not given us a spirit of

fear but of power and of love and of a

sound mind

Romans verse .

and we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love him who

have been called according to his


Psalm Verse .

the Lord is my strength and my song he

has become my salvation

Psalm verse .

the heavens declare the glory of God the

skies proclaim the work of his hands

Psalm verse .

how good and pleasant it is when God’s

people live together in unity

Matthew .

in the same way let your light shine

before others that they may see your

good deeds and glorify your father in


Hebrews verse .

now Faith is confidence in what we hope

for and Assurance about what we do not


Jeremiah verse .

for I know the plans I have for you

declares the Lord plans to prosper you

and not to harm you plans to give you

hope and a future

Psalm verse .

give thanks to the Lord for he is good

his love endures forever

Galatians verses –

the fruits of the spirit love joy peace

patience kindness goodness faithfulness

gentleness and self-control

Psalm verses to .

the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing

he makes me lie down in Green Pastures

he leads me besides Still Waters


Ephesians verses to .

for it is by Grace you have been saved

through faith and this is not from

yourselves it is the gift of God not by

works so that no one can boast

First Corinthians verse .

let all that you do be done in love

Philippians verse .

I can do all this to him who gives me


Psalm verse .

the Lord is gracious and compassionate

slow to anger and rich in love

Isaiah verse .

you will keep in perfect peace those

whose minds are steadfast because they

trust in you

John verse .

in this world you will have trouble

but take heart

I have overcome the world

James verse .

blessed is the one who perseveres under

trial because having stood the test that

person will receive the crown of life

that the Lord has promised to those who

love him

Psalm verse .

your word is a lamp for my feet a light

on my path

Psalm verse .

he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up

their wounds

Psalm verse .

the Lord gives strength to his people

the Lord blesses his people of peace

Psalm verse .

I will praise you Lord with all my heart

I will tell of all the marvelous things

you have done

Romans verse .

be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction

faithful and prayer

Matthew verses to .

come to me all you who are weary and

burdened and I will give you rest

take my yoke upon you and learn from me

for I am gentle and humble in heart and

you will find rest for your souls

Joshua verse .

have I not commanded you

be strong and courageous

do not be afraid do not be discouraged

for the Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go

Psalm verse .

I keep my eyes always on the Lord

with him at my right hand I will not be


Psalm verse .

the Lord is near to all who call on him

to all who call on him in truth

Isaiah verse

but those who hope in the Lord will

renew their strength

they will soar on wings like eagles they

will run and not grow weary they will

walk and not be faint

Proverbs verse .

commit to the Lord whatever you do and

He will establish your plans

it is verses to .

The Ten Commandments which include

instructions to worship God Alone honor

parents not murder steal commit adultery

bear false witness or covet

Psalm verse .

why my soul are you downcast

why so Disturbed Within Me

put your hope in God for I will yet

Praise Him My Savior and my God

Psalm verse .

you are my Hiding Place you will protect

me from trouble and Surround Me with

songs of Deliverance

Psalm verse .

the Lord is good to all he has

compassion on all he has made

Deuteronomy verse .

love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with

all your strength

first Peter verse .

and the God of all Grace who called you

to his eternal glory in Christ after you

have suffered a little while will

himself restore you and make you strong

firm and steadfast

Revelation verse .

he will wipe every tear from their eyes

there will be no more death or Mourning

or crying or pain for the old Order of

Things has passed away

Psalm verse .

delight yourself in the Lord and He will

give you the desires of your heart

Romans verse .

do not conform to the pattern of this

world but be transformed by the renewing

of your mind

then you will be able to test and

approve what God’s will is his good

pleasing and perfect will

Matthew verses –

Jesus Commandments to love God with all

our heart soul and mind and to love our

neighbors as ourselves

Psalm verse .

the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my

deliverer my God Is My Rock and whom I

take refuge my shield and the Horn of my

salvation my stronghold

first Peter .

cast all your anxiety on him because he

cares for you

Philippians verse .

I press on toward the goal to win the

prize for which God has called me

heavenward in Christ Jesus

Psalm verse .

you are forgiving and good O Lord

abounding in love to all who call to you

What is God saying about me today?

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