WARNING‼️A serious Danger Is Coming Towards You Open This Now to Avoid It | God's message today #god - Free AI Voice Generator

WARNING‼️A serious Danger Is Coming Towards You Open This Now to Avoid It | God’s message today #god

this is your biggest mistake if you

ignore this video because this will

change your life make sure to watch this

video till the end because I have

something special for you God’s word for

today the cosmos is attempting to inform

you that this is an opportunity to reach

New Heights rather than a test the

lesson is coming to an end and I’m

opening doors for you you may be sure

I’ll take care of whatever you need and

more you may trust that I won’t let you

down respond yes if you

concur the crystals tell you that fresh

ideas are fermenting hand that you

should extend your thinking plant the

seeds without thinking twice the life

you’ve always dreamed of is being built

by the fire within you we give you you

the ability to take advantage of the

great opportunities that lie ahead this

video should appeal to you if you

believe in God I am confident that you

will have great success this month to

start of a new month is a great time to

take stock of all that you have

accomplished this year you have so much

achieved and worked so hard that you

have so many new opportunities days

ahead of you the wisdom you have gained

will help you make the decisions that

will make you the happiest you are going

to have amazing experiences in

January just enter yes to make it yours

you’ll always be happy that you were

open to being vulnerable because you’ll

unexpectedly meet someone who will treat

you with such kindness and compassion

your worst experiences weren’t in vain

for instance enduring abuse increased

your sense of selfworth and encountering

in polite people prompted you to voice

your opinions since your past and

stability taught you that quiet is one

of your basic needs you might heal while

holding on to the development it gave

birth to you’re building a new life

while embracing everything that brought

you here which shows that you’re strong

send in I am evolving to make sure

reaching your full potential and

learning new skills will enable you to

become the best version of yourself

proceed at your own speed to reach your

destination. just keep going

miraculously the stars are lining for

you the world is shaped by the ideas you


your entire focus is on sending out Good

Vibrations and helping people along

their Journey Good Vibes usually find

their way back things begin to come

together for you at an incredible Pace

when you at last have a clear

understanding of what it is that you

want the universe begins to range all

the elements in order for you to realize

that vision at this very moment your

persistence is paying off your source of

energy is urging you to enjoy yourself

while working when you try to be

grateful for the journey you are

currently on you will experience more

joy click yes if you believe in the

existence of God there are going to be

big changes in a month the end of the

year is the ideal time to finally put

the finishing touches on many of your

outstanding tasks you’ll feel

revitalized and prepared to go for your

goals in the interim the objective is to

maintain your equilibrium while

continuing to ascend trust the energy

web that is guiding you and remember

that the best is still to

come this is God’s way of saying to you

I know you’ve been questioning your own

abilities and whether you can truly

complete the task I’ve given

you you will succeed because Christ has

given you the strength to accomplish

anything so don’t be scared to pursue

your goals or give upon on them I’m here

to support you see my bio for the secret

to attracting money you can do it in the

comment section type the you

L you have already received unimaginable

blessings healing the Fulfillment of all

your dreams and Abundant Health and

cleanliness Envision a world in which

all these things have simultaneously

come to pass your only task is to

identify and bring them to

life everything you could possibly want

is here you have to have a different

approach to things in this Quantum World

rather of using your eyes to view things

you should start to sense your way

towards the frequencies you seek choose

yes for your degree of belief I

recognize your busy schedule and the

amount of work you have on your hands

it’s normal to occasionally feel behind

and need to put an extra effort to catch

up that that’s how life is you will make

progress and encounter obstacles it’s

not necessary for your thoughts to move

at the same speed as you do on the

inside rushing things won’t help you at

all the universe has been telling you to

be patient for while now fire

conversations songs and dreams it has

been leaving hence for you every

experience you have with was meant to

accelerate rather than to impede your

growth when it looked like nothing was

working out for you your attitude was

really being prepared for a tremendous

breakthrough at this moment you will see

the results of your

transformation accept that you are

genuinely protected from harm and

ultimately say goodbye to the old you

all you need to do is wait it’s far past

time for you to go through the same

Cycles again now is the moment to

synchronize may your soul triumph over

all attempts of the past to trap you

once more allow your intuition to lead

you in making decisions today so that

you don’t have to deal with anything

later on because you deserve to feel

grounded remain rational and your


as you step into this new space of


creativity allow gratitude to seep into

everything you see allow inspiration to

guide you from the bottom of your heart

speak keep your attention on the prize

you put all you’ve learned into practice

today hand open the door to an entirely

new perspective on life you have all you

need right here to expedite your

travels one please go I have faith in

the plan you have for me please make a

way if that’s meant to be thank you two

I implore God to make me better I

beseech you to change my attitude

approach ideas and actions on behalf of

Jesus Christ I make this request thank


three please God take away my fear heal

my Wounded Heart and give me peace of

mine thank you for I ask that you God

guard my happiness peace Clarity and

focus in the name of Jesus

Christ I know you have a beautiful plan

for my life so I pray that my heart will

be in line with yours and that that you

will get me ready for whatever it is I

am asking for I ask that you in the

person of Jesus Christ show me your plan

for my life and enable me to reach my


potential enter yes to confirm your

affirmation this time you’re going to

discover something today that will alter

your course in life for a split second

you fear that you won’t have enough care

cash to cover your bills and all of a

sudden you find yourself drawing money

like a magnet God please keep my family

and me safe this week as we begin a new

week I request that you to guide us and

protect us doubt Lord please give me the

discernment to make the right decisions

and I have to I pray that you would

fulfill your promises and Guy me in the

correct roote even though I know this

coming week will be full of challenges

and disappointments I ask that this week

in the name of Jesus Christ you bring me

closer to yourself so that I might carry

out your will I humbly ask for release

from the burden I’ve been carrying for

far too long I give you complete control

over all my fears and anxiety

and put all my faith in you I ask that

this week in the name of Jesus Christ

you bring me closer to yourself so that

I could imitate you I am aware that I am

not able to accomplish this alone but

that you will be my strength as I face

the challenges ahead to assert your

claim just type I’m abundant give

yourself over and let the universe work

through you remind yourself that less is

more by acting with greater flow and

less Force desperation anxiety problem

and resistance accept the things that

come your way the soul unwinds and

brings you into peace with what it

deserves while the ego is constantly

looking for more this means that you

should balance being in doing

not that you should give up on practical


entirely you attract blessings more when

you act on your inspiration just as when

you are fully present you are

communicating too the universe your

trust by doing

this make sure to do more of the things

that bring you Joy since your intuition

should be your guidance for every

decision you make throughout the day day

you’ll follow your intuition when it

leads you down the right route this week

you’ll acquire Clarity and focus and

feel more confident in who you truly are

and what you do well maintain a

steadfast belief in yourself you are

becoming more capable of manifesting

your dreams and will attract more luck

into your life keeping a grateful

mindset allows you to attract all good

things that align with your energy and

opens your awareness to the light of

your true

nature simply right I welcome the new to

emphasize you have a -Day window of

opportunity to make a significant change

in your life life will reveal itself to

you if you pay attention to your inner

voice it is this kind of of reasoning

that you can trust take chances and

don’t ever feel bad about leading the

life you desire a fresh and exciting

chapter in your life is about to begin

as it approaches a turning point you

will find hidden talents within yourself

that you are not aware of it’s the best

tool for personal development and

self-awareness accept that you might be

re born live really being aware of your

own requirements passions and abilities

dot in the next stage you will overcome

challenges surpass outdated programs and

assert your power prepare for fresh

opportunities and spiritual gains once

you’re prepared press yes your life is a

message unto itself and you are magn

nificent manifestation of your desires

your spirit is directing you when you

sense a tug in that direction your

spirit is the one with the most wisdom

do it’s all part of the magic of the

unknown so let go and accept what has

happened even though life’s unexpected

turns are

sometimes difficult to understand

accepting what has happened can provide

you Peace of Mind life is full of

unexpected turns so keep your head up

and keep pushing yourself because that’s

what makes it so

beautiful enter I embrace my power to

make sure if you want to write the story

of your life instead of portraying

yourself as the victim see yourself as

the one who Rises over adversity and

become stronger

acknowledge that your inner treasure

cannot be taken away by anybody or

anything outside of you instead open

your eyes to the world within and give

up looking for yourself outside of

yourself type yes to verify this a small

tweak to your daily routine could lead

to an abundance of Happiness fulfillment

freedom and confidence you may you find

the link to the article in the comments

section below if you’re interested in

finding out how to attract wealth’s

secrets we kindly request that you

subscribe to our Channel if you love God

have trust that you will reap the most

amazing rewards from the unknown give up

on your worries and focus on the here

and now and Trust life to give you all

the experience iences you need to grow

you deserve nothing less after all

please input I claim it to reply to this

statement Things become more difficult

demanding and infuriating as one chapter

draws to an end yet anytime your soul is

overcome with anxiety that is the

universe’s way of telling you that your

next big breakthrough is about to happen

because of this it’s imperative to have

a positive Outlook Express gratitude for

what you have and focus on the path

ahead right now you have to decide

whether to take the one that leads to

more of the same or the one that takes

you into a world of new beginnings

whatever you do go with your instincts

and allow your faith to carry you

through every day brings you one step

closer to Greatness you will soon be

amazed by the sudden and amazing turn of

events and your current situation was

merely preparing the way for a

blessing something is going to happen in

your life a striking transformation in

the upcoming months write an affirmation

such as I am ready to shine on paper

your prayer have been answered and you

will experience an amazing

unanticipated event every moment of

every day offers you a chance to learn

and reflect on the pleasures of life

look out for projects and opportunities

that could grow into something bigger

than you can now Envision please type

yes to verify this you will finally

treat your body body with the respect it

deserves in January and you’ll have

enough motivation and energy too finally

accomplish the goals you’ve been

daydreaming about for years this month

embrace your sexual energy and make the

most of it as you let go of your

perfectionist upbringing and discover

your true self this month is a stepping

stone from where you were last month to

where you are now all you believe to

have lost is soon to be replaced

restored and rebuilt by God all you are

experiencing is a job experience this is

a season of change but don’t grow weary

of it or curse it tits for your good

remain steadfast in your faith

understanding that you are experiencing

these events for a cause only only God

knows what is ahead and sometimes

hardship serves as a window into his

purpose God will not withhold anything

good from us all we need to do is pass

the test of faith if you remain focused

on God and his faithfulness everything

will be made right Mark you ask if you

agree with this oh boundless father I

thank you for the kind

you show me every day your grace and

love know no bounds I am thankful that

you give me the strength to keep going

when I’m exhausted the hope to keep my

faith while I’m hurting and the cess to

unwind when everything around me is in

disarray I have complete affection for

you the best present I have ever

received is you and I am eternally


Amen to show that you agree

tys I humbly pray that you Lord look

after my loved ones and myself as a new

week approaches and lead the way I ask

that this week in the name of Jesus

Christ you bring me closer to yourself

so that I might carry out your will dear

God I don’t know what to do and I’m lost

and bewildered but I have faith that you

are guiding me and that you will be by

my side at every turn please God you

have my complete trust I pray that

during this season you will envelop me

in your loving presence shine your light

upon me and give me comfort knowing that

I am walking in your footsteps not any

less capable even on the bad days I am

thankful for your blessings every day

amen hope does exist the almighty is in

charge here and there the Lord allows

you to sink to your lowest point in

order to deliver you from destructive

habits recall who you were and how if

only just you manage the rise above the

lowest point of Despair to continue on

remember the times you defied your

innate Tendencies and carried on the

time you held everything together till

everything around you fell apart these

are the moments when you were wiser and

stronger than you seem to have been thus

keep in mind the Survivor within of youa

next time you feel like you’ll need a

wildfire rather than a match to get

through the night recall how when you

thought nothing remained you actually

contained a Galaxy kindly select yes if

you believe in God success wealth and

the change of another person do not

imply the need for you to find inner

peace and fulfillment neither do they

imply the need for you to love yourself

you can have faith in your abilities and

self before everything is perfect when

things are going well you can tell

without having to wait for the stars to

align all you have to do is believe and

trust father I can never convince you to

stop being so compassionate your love is

unwavering and your mercy Knows No

Limits every time my heart needs to be

reminded of your generosity must I keep

your Fidelity a secret over the ages

your kindness has remained unwavering

dot my soul is tired without your touch

Lord and my spirit yearns for it today I

ask that you remind me of all of your

goodness to me and to others so that I

will have the courage to Hope again you

will meet me where I am at this moment

according to your boundless love and

boundless compassion I don’t have to put

on a front or act like I believe

anything other than what I already know

to be true and happy and sad times like

holy one you are the one I turn to since

you see my heart right now. Lord I’m not

going to act as though I don’t need your

love please come to me where to reassure

yourself just typ I’m gentle with myself

here me little one though adversity may

bring you low I know know that your

predicament issues and setbacks sap your

happiness you have allowed him to

exaggerate the

difficulties and make you blind to

everything we have given you even though

the temporary Dage of your circumstances

would hide the vast ocean of everlasting

gifts that my father and I have placed

upon you as long as you close your eyes

to the father to me and to everything we

have provided for you you can never

truly be unhappy but your relationship

with me and your salvation are Eternal

regain the ability to feel the power of

my words let them to uplift your soul

and be thankful for everything that I

have done for you go then and Proclaim

to the world the good good news of your

salvation take care of yourself press

yes if you’re willing and share this

video with five people who believe in



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