This is My Last Attempt To Talk To You - Free AI Voice Generator

This is My Last Attempt To Talk To You

my beloved child declare your love for

me as I am hastening the times to bestow

blessings into your hands and Grant the

answers you’ve long awaited the changes

I’m bringing about in your life are for

your ultimate good prepare your heart

and mind open the doors of your home

allowing my presence to occupy its

rightful place within your Abode just as

you hear it today I promise that your

life will transform I know your needs

even before you do but I desire Clarity

in your thoughts and desire desires that

you may be certain of your aspirations

and goals if you seek Triumph it comes

at a price true Faith fervent prayer

hard work and personal sacrifice I shall

Grant you success that brings Eternal

blessings to your family and yourself I

shall not bestow upon you anything that

brings sorrow or separates you from me I

do not wish for your absence to bring

suffering to your family may you Triumph

in the world shining as a beacon of


but when you return home May Darkness

Never follow you forget not those you

love and avoid the strains that might

compromise your well-being I desire true

peace for you sincere Faith a life lived

in Tranquility unburdened by material

concerns Earthly possessions are

fleeting you brought nothing into this

world and you shall take nothing when

you depart however the love and kindness

you’ve sown in those who cherish you the

faith you’ve shared the assistance

you’ve offered to those in need and your

unwavering loyalty shall bring you a

true spiritual

reward I shall tell you my beloved Child

come faithful one a great blessing I

have sent and one day you shall receive

a crown upon your head which I shall

place with my own hands I possess the

power to change times and Seasons to

transform hearts and to set everything

in its rightful place so that you May

Revel in my blessings though you may

suffer know this I stand at the door and

knock open it now for I wish to dwell in

your home and I pray that all in your

family may be filled with my wondrous

peace you are on the brink of receiving

the blessing you’ve yearned for so long

that is why the enemy has come with all

its Fury attempting to pull you away

from my side if things are not unfolding

as you expected do not grow disheartened

or Surrender today I understand your

feelings look into my eyes we shall

Rectify matters do not distance yourself

from me do not hide how could you ever

doubt my existence where did you gather

the notion that I cannot love you why do

you underestimate yourself so your

thoughts have brought tears to my eyes

for I too possess a heart that feels

indeed I love you deeply and I never

wish for you to stray from me you are my

cherished child and how could I not love

you when you were submerged in

depression and Oblivion believing your

final day had arrived it was I who

sought you out you did not seek me first

I came to where you were and held you in

my arms with great tenderness I cleansed

your soul and heart forgave all your

transgressions comforted you healed you

and stood you upright you walked a new

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