listen up my friends this video is very
important if you don’t care about going
to heaven you can skip it but if you
want to be with God forever you need to
watch this video Until the End my child
you can’t just say Lord Lord then expect
to go to heaven you have to do what God
wants you to do when the day of judgment
comes many people will say to me Lord
Lord we did amazing things in your name
we drove away evil spirits and did
Miracles but I will say to them I don’t
know who you are go away from me you who
disobey God these people thought they
were close to me but they were wrong
they were shocked when I turned them
away we are not saved by what we do for
God but by what God does for us he lives
in our heart heart and changes us from
the inside if you want to go to heaven
you have to let him in but maybe you are
wondering how can I let Jesus into my
heart how can I be sure that he will
save me well my friends it’s not hard
you just have to do three things first
you have to admit that you are a sinner
you have to say to God I’m sorry for all
the bad things I’ve done
I know I can’t make it to heaven on my
own I need your help second you have to
believe that Jesus died for you you have
to say to God I believe that you sent
your son Jesus to die on the cross for
me I believe that he paid the price for
my sins I believe that he rose from the
dead and is alive today sir you have to
ask Jesus to come into your heart you
have to say to God I want you to be my
Lord and my savior I want you to forgive
me and change me I want you to fill me
with your love and your spirit that’s it
my friends that’s how you can be saved
that’s how you can go to heaven it’s not
complicated it’s not difficult it’s a
gift that God offers you freely all you
have to do is accept it but don’t wait
too long don’t put it off until tomorrow
you don’t know what will happen tomorrow
you don’t know if you will have another
chance today is the day of salvation now
is the time to make your decision so
what will it be my friends will you
choose Heaven or Hell will you choose
life or death will you choose Jesus or
the world the choice is yours but
remember the conse quences are Eternal
so please Choose Wisely choose Jesus
before you go give me your answer in the
comment below