your time has come and you will see this
coming very
remember God designed us to be in close
communion with him he created us to
share in the Divine Fellowship to
establish a deep personal connection
through heartfelt
communication his intention was for us
to bask in His blessings on Earth with
the ultimate goal of rece receiving the
gift of Salvation in
heaven however the unfortunate reality
is that human actions which Trace back
to the earliest days in the Ken of Eden
created a rift between Mankind and
God nevertheless there is a Beacon of
Hope We Are Resto to God through Christ
who allowed us to die to sin and be
reborn with
him you should never let your hurs be
troubled because God through the work of
Christ on the cross has lined up the
most incredible blessings for
you always remember when the almighty
God places his hand of blessings on your
head it signifies his favor and
greatness upon you
it equips you to conquer any obstacle
and assures you of your chosen
status today through this message he has
personally handpicked you to receive
blessings others may attempt to hinder
you but remember they did not Grant
these blessings so they cannot take them
away from you dear child of God take a
moment to close your eyes and imagine
the creator of the universe laying his
hand of blessings upon your
life fear his touch as he best us favor
healing strength and breakthroughs upon
you your life is about to be filled with
Abundant Blessings in every area where
you once
lacked the hand of God’s blessing is
Drawing Near all you need to do is allow
it let the almighty place his hand of
blessings upon your life this
month I declare that this month will be
your best month so far in Jesus name you
can affirm your faith in this message by