The Journey of Faith | God Says | God Message Today | God's Message Now | God Message | God Say - Free AI Voice Generator

The Journey of Faith | God Says | God Message Today | God’s Message Now | God Message | God Say

my beloved child you are blessed and will receive great favor your strong

faith has placed you on the right path I am pleased to see your focus on my

teachings letting my words fill and guide you your journey to Improvement has been

challenging but you’ve steered your life with determination toward a Divine Direction your shift in attitude and

your Yearning For Change are deserving of extraordinary blessings these words you hear are full

of life showing my love and leading you to succeed in your endeavors I bless you

in extraordinary ways granting you wisdom enhancing your carefulness and

shaping your character I give you an abundance of patience transforming your

life thoroughly and completely my spirit surrounds and fills

you touching every aspect of your being you won’t want wander off into

wrongdoings crave sinful Acts or fall for The Temptations that previously

dragged you down I’m giving you enough strength to let go of bad habits that imprison your

thoughts from now on your mind will focus on what is good beautiful pure and

right you will resist the urge to see hear speak read or spread gossip and

falsehoods that pollute your mind and weaken your spirit you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve

changed and how blessed you’ve become people will notice and respect you no

longer dwelling on your past mistakes they will forgive you because I’ve filled your soul with my generous

Grace starting today new opportunities will come your way bringing blessings

and job possibilities that will support your family and bring you Prosperity I’m

creating a new path for you you towards a brighter future one where you’re no

longer haunted by past errors a life filled with peace and calm free from

Fear And distressing Dreams through the strength of My Sacrifice you are liberated no deceit or

dark Forces can touch you nor do their bearers have any influence over you you

are cleaned in spirit Soul speech mind and heart this is the gift I give to

those who boldly spread my teachings turn away from their sins seek my pardon

follow my advice and approach me daily with humility to receive my grace I

cherish you you are aware of this I am steadfast and observe your endeavors

your willingness to yield to my guidance and pursue righteousness I acknowledge your deepening faith and even when you

don’t see all my answers your devotion remains steadfast

I liken you to my Faithful Servants of old those earliest Believers filled with

my spirit who endured thefts persecutions imprisonments whippings and

pain yet remained unbroken you are akin to them you have

witnessed my glory in your own life experience that I am the way the truth

and your life you know that Miracles are real that Supernatural events occur in the

Heavenly Realms Fierce battles we shall face together and emerge Victorious so

you may receive even greater blessings I will always be true to you even if you

stumble I will give you extra strength during tough times so you won’t

fall I won’t let any trouble be too much for the strength I provide you if I

allow a challenge I’ll also Supply the solution if I guide you down a path path

I’ll show you the way out when you feel trapped remember this firmly in your heart if you make a mistake I won’t cast

you aside or destroy you I understand you don’t want to live in wrongdoing

forever just as you’ve turned away from Bad actions and repented I will give you

the same dedication and endurance that my Apostles had those who saw me in

person and now witness my true nature greatness and the Marvels I perform





of ill feelings I forgive you cease to believe you are alone I’ve never

forsaken you distance yourself from those who still believe they are solitary beings unwilling to trust in my

promises I promise to always be present and if they choose not to believe let

their lack of faith not infect you I reiterate I am here with you believe and

feel I am your father think deeply I’ve always been by your side reflect on this

you’ve survived terrible days and even darker nights full of struggle when have you ever been truly

defeated look at yourself in the mirror feel your face s see your heart beating

your spirit is intact you have the freedom to make choices and think for yourself missing material things doesn’t

change my love for you I have been with you I am with you and I will always be

with you my promises are steadfast and you feel this truth in your heart my love

for you is profound on a cross I declared it is finished showcasing the

ultimate Act of love a declaration forever recorded in history a love that cannot be stripped

from you a love that few truly grasp but is the key for those who hold fast to my

enduring love to overcome any hurdle and stand firm against any storm understand that I know what I have

planned for you my intentions toward you have never

changed I loved you yesterday I love you now and I will love you

forever trust in these words and find shelter In My Embrace hand over your worries to me

your faith has stood strong continue to to trust in my word and remain in my

presence I shall remain by your side here I have never left I love

you as I beheld your downcast countenance I realized you needed strength on your journey after all I am

your father and I do not dwell in a distant place where you cannot reach my

affection I am here beside you where I have always been though sometimes you may forget

just a little give me your hand now rise for I wish for us to walk a while through the

pathways of your thoughts tell me what do you fear why do you no longer wish to

live why do you wish to discard your destiny it is true the world is cruel

when you were a child your eyes opened eagerly expecting the best from Life your pure smile offered in Friendship to

those who claim to be friends but then lies and betrayals crushed your hope

extinguishing your smile and your desire to live shattered into pieces Your Love

darkened you ceased to trust and you cease to believe in

me let’s walk together and I’ll tell you about a place where you are deeply

loved in this place you’re dressed in Royal attire your name is known held

dear and respected there every moment of your life is watched over day and

night in this special place your soul is fed and fortified like a bird finding

its nourishment here you’re truly yourself a child of the almighty crafted in the

image and likeness of the creator of all remember this always and if you falter

remember you have a reserved spot in the most treasured place in the universe just for you no one can ever take that

place from you see peer into my heart’s depths where you’re safe here as my child you’re entitled to talk with me to

share even if you feel undeserving ignore those deceiving lies with My

Sacrifice I’ve saved your life and I assure you again nothing can displace

you from here even if the cosmos itself Quakes nothing will pull you apart from

me nothing will separate us in my heart you’re forever cherished

my dear child I love you and you can feel it

I’ve come today to reach out to you especially when you need me most my love

for you is deep real and never ending no mistake or sin of yours can break the

bond of love I have for you even when you strayed I was there

extending my hand to pull you from the things that trapped you and stole your zest for life

whenever you call I’m right here when you’re desperate and you reach out I

open my heart to you seeing you kneel I look at you with kindness and my love

wraps around you even as you navigate tough and bitter roads my light will

shine in your darkest times before you were even formed in your mother’s womb I

knew you I picked the exact time and date you were to be born and nothing nothing in

your life is outside my will or knowledge though you might not

understand or like what I’m doing in your life right now one day you’ll see it was all for

your benefit to strengthen you and help you grow as I always plan for your

betterment my aim is to lift you to a greater level of existence in faith and

dedication I wish to hand you my glowing sword so when you speak my word in

incredible Miracles will unfold around you never think you’re Unworthy of what

I plan to accomplish in you enough of that look at yourself as what you truly

are a child of the almighty God Brave a warrior filled with strength determined

and Victorious believe this it is the result of receiving and accepting my

love you are not destined for defeat after these tribulations which you will

overcome with your faith the beautiful blessing of Victory awaits you engrave

this in your mind I your God am stronger than all your problems and all your

afflictions I want you to cast out fear from your soul and face all those situations with courage I’m aware you’re

facing tough challenges right now I’ve noticed your secret tears and heard you

say you’re exhausted losing the will will and zest for life but I urge you to listen closely

and make a transformative decision commit to seeking believing in and

steadfastly following me embrace my guidance and adhere to my teachings this

won’t be too hard or burdensome for you I assure you your reward for obedience

will be peace your faith will yield patience tranquility and calm by holding

firm to my teachings and living by my Commandments you’ll be Beyond reproach watch as your adversaries

scatter unable to stand against my shield around you they’ll cease their slander their maligning and their

falsehoods against you my presence will guard you day and night from those who

deceive so eliminate any doubt focus on my instructions and Let My Words fortify

your spirit and bring Wellness to your body say goodbye to stress anxiety fear

and unease my power is all you need my love for you is

unmatched in this new chapter of your life you’ll be liberated from the burdens that caused you anguish free

from anything that might pull you back into despair I look forward to your life

being abundant with peace and joy my dear child do you already feel better

I have come to offer you the answer you sought in prayer your family I hold them protected within my hands I cherish all

those who love me my guardian angels watch over their plans and lives whether

by day or in Slumber upon their beds in the wondrous purpose I have for

your children I am diligently working I am orchestrating change in their

surroundings shaping their character much like you desire I too wish for their Triumph for

them to navigate life with wisdom and revel in my blessings may they not mingle with those

who could lead them astray from the Divine path they must tread I am vigilantly observing the

company your children keep and the intentions of those who approach

them therefore I shall thwart certain schemes to prevent them from entangling

themselves in conflicts or stumbling into troubles I understand your worries about

your family’s well-being their jobs and their immediate needs what they’ll eat

where they’ll live and the possessions they might lose these concerns weigh

heavily on you but I urge you to keep praying to delve into my teachings and

to keep your faith in me just like Psalm says I am your Shepherd your caring

father your healer and the one who provides for you I hear your prayers and

respond to your requests with joy my blessings are always available to you I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with

worry when you see mistakes or wrong actions in your family be careful with

your words avoid yelling or getting angry and don’t insult those you love instead

continue to pray for them putting them in my hands I’m still at work in their lives

don’t be afraid to address their wrongdoings or step in during their arguments or conflicts you can help guide them away

from mistakes save them from danger and keep them from getting caught up in

worldly things that is why I have placed You by their side keep praying ceaselessly for

all that you request of me with love and affection I shall provide my dear child know that I’m

always is here to Aid you do not let doubt hinder you from feeling the love with which I envelop you I will also

assist you in your life performing great Miracles tell me now do you

believe feel how your heart fills with my love my presence and my power you need not wander your path feeling

empty yesterday today and forever more I remain the same even in the days when

you did not seek me I loved you and rescued you now more than ever as you seek me and love me I am with you I’m

here to help you stand by you make you stronger give you hope and lift your spirits see how my divine power

transforms your life you’ve reached a new level of Faith it’s time to witness

the extraordinary things I’m about to show you I’ve made promises in my word

and now it’s time for them to unfold be open to hearing my voice and

pay close attention to my scriptures heed the Divine intentions in your heart

and get ready for a year filled with immense blessings While others may feel

downhearted and close to giving up you will stand out as a Beacon of Hope for many offering encouragement and strength

not just for yourself but also for those around you people will be amazed to see the

incredible ways my power is revealed in your life the pain that your family and friends

have felt will be replaced with joy the difficult times one challenge after

another will transform into moments of witnessing remarkable and joyous

Miracles it will be clear that I am in command I’m here to assist and support

you I won’t let you down continue to seek me cherish me and you know well my

love for you is endless I am healing and restoring your life giving you patience

to wait with faith offering you the peace you need and inscribing my powerful word into your

mind so you always think of what is good pure and future of well-being that I will give you I also cleanse the windows

of your soul so your vision is clear without impediments to obstruct your

sight I want you to learn to see The Marvelous things I desire to accomplish in your life from now on approach

everything you do with energy strength and High Spirits if a day comes when you

feel down remember these words I give you take a leap of faith stand up and as

you move forward my spirit will come upon you providing the happiness you

need to carry on believe in miracles for they are real if you

trust understand that nothing is beyond Reach For Those Who rely on my might

even when you can’t feel or see me remember I never abandon you you won’t

be left disappointed I’m always by your side in times when you feel you can’t go

on my mighty hand will raise you you will flourish and gain strength start

with the Small Miracles and step by step you’ll step into the supernatural you’ll walk on water calm

storms with your words summon fire from the sky and any barriers to your way

will be eliminated you’ll witness with your own eyes the celestial forces that protect

you the moment you’ve longed for is here take up your sword and step into The

Fray with The Bravery of a Victor you have an omnipotent Celestial

father who lifts your arms and removes all your fears I desire for you to learn and

strengthen yourself for your faith to mature and grow for you to be nourished by my my teachings and to contemplate as

I do you love your family and possess Faith thus there are numerous Deeds you

can undertake for them I shall bestow even more blessings upon you this is

indeed part of the process of restoration and healing the agony shall

cease as you immerse yourself in my love fear shall dissipate replaced by peace

and Solace your heart shall heal and with much affection and gratitude you shall

come each morning day after day you shall receive increasing doses of Peace Love

tenderness sweetness and Tranquility I’m here waiting for you ready to fill you with

joy you’ll start feeling better today I’m wrapping your life and your family in my love when you listen to these

words with your heart they Infuse you with faith and the certainty that my my blessing is already in your grasp your

vision is renewed and you are blessed I have removed sadness from your heart and

am healing your body I’m writing soothing words in your mind removing the

roots of your sadness in the spiritual world you’re dressed in Royal clothes sitting next to me showered with many

blessings but I need you to truly believe and accept these promises with

faith I have raised you with my powerful ful blood and you carry my strength

within I have broken all your chains nothing can hold you down anymore you

are free but I want you to truly live out this freedom and when you pray

embrace the Divine encouragement I give you from now on you’ll start seeing

blessings spring from the issues that once’s troubled you your face will show

Joy not Gloom because you now walk in faith my word and your emotions are no

longer swayed by the negative things you see I am with you and merely knowing

this shall instill in you the desire to keep fighting each day you shall rise with

new desires to live to stay on the right path and to take your place as a hero of

Faith leading your family forward and not retreating to the place

of failure where people wish to confine you these words breathe life into your

soul as you hear them daily your heart leaps for joy as you remember and speak

them aloud I am your provider and you trust that despite the difficulties all will

be well even better than you expect this is the strength of which I always speak

to you you have control over your emagin through my Holy Spirit you can master

your your tongue and no longer utter murmurs of complaints or phrases of

defeat this flame burning within you is reducing to ashes all the obstacles that caused you to

stumble open your eyes stand up let me embrace you and whisper in your ear once

more my child do not fear I love you you shall feel better everything will be

fine trust in me all will be well you’re waiting for good news and it will arrive

soon my might is shown to those who truly believe in me without any

fakeness Miracles unfold when you give me your whole heart not letting doubts

or discouraging words take hold I wish for your happiness and

envision a future filled with peace and wealth for you I long for your household to be

clear of negativity free from arguments or splits I can work wonders in your pure

and gentle heart and that’s how I wish you to remain you’ll consistently see

with your own eyes how your foes and insincere friends fail around you they

might ridicule you thinking they are wise wealthy and safe yet they dwell in

spiritual lack filled with malice and jealousy you shall always have my

blessing but you shall also face opposition wherever you go someone will

come to challenge you and engage you in battles but remember this never fear them they boast of what they do not

possess and flaunt what they are not they are filled with sin yet they

pretend otherwise you are my child and there is nothing and no one who can stand against

you because I am your Defender You are not alone you are not trusting in a god

conjured by your imagination I am a living powerful real and Majestic God my

love is true and I have already shown you all that I can do for you do not distress yourself do not cry

nor surrender to depression because of threats and lies I am with you I shall deliver you

from the assaults of evil from danger scarcity death and disease accept my

word receive my blessing tell me that you believe I love you and I want to

help you I am listening attentively to you when you feel down as if everything

is falling apart unable to see a way out in tense I urge you to listen and let me

talk to you sense my presence my love is always with you I have feelings too and

what I feel for you is love vast steadfast and strong inspire inspiring

me to be in tune with your emotions to comfort and Safeguard you no one loves

you as I do which might be why it’s hard for you to grasp if you truly grasp my love despair

wouldn’t chain you so often I know you’re facing tough times and it’s natural to

worry yet even with the hurdles in your path you shouldn’t let your mind be overrun with overwhelming thoughts or

negative words don’t think that I don’t love you or care about what happens in your life

I encourage you to open your eyes wide and just like you welcome each New Day begin to notice my presence all around

you I want you to feel deeply loved whether it be in the brightness of day

or the darkness of night during times of Joy or moments of

bitterness my love for you transcends transient emotions that wrestle within you challenging your

faith my promises are genuine and eternal regardless of the negativity

surrounding you the adversary is testing you urging you to lose Faith to abandon

hope and to sink into despair therefore when the time comes

know that my love endures but the choice is yours whom will you

believe if you believe in me you will have eternal life complete peace un

yielding strength and immense happiness if you listen to the enemy you’ll stay confused desperate and hurt

but I believe you’ll trust in me which is why I’m reaching out hold on to my unending love and the

words I give you now I love you endlessly and will never

leave you remember this always I’m here to help you through your struggles to

beat despair to look ahead and keep moving with faith so you can succeed and

Thrive rely on me your heavenly father feel open to talk to me share your needs

because I also want to be known and felt as your close friend I’m extending my hand to you

always ready to listen to your concerns take time to sit and talk with me express your thoughts out loud tell

me about your plans your heart’s wishes and your emotions speaking with me will calm your spirit and clear your thoughts

giving you peace by expressing your feelings aloud you activate your faith

and miracles will begin to unfold today is the day for you to express everything you wish to tell me but also to listen

when I speak to you I am not here to judge or reprimand you nor do I wish to

remind you of your past failures my spirit gently Whispers to your ears

affirming my love for you I eagerly await each morning’s light anticipating your acknowledgement of

your need for me and your love for me these beautiful words of yours are

your worship your praise which Ascend to my Throne as the sun

rises my presence fills your life your family and your entire household with

love and protection therefore do not forget that in the face of your challenges I am

ready to assist you I won’t deny you the good things you seek from me when you

ask in faith for blessings I’ll swiftly answer wrapping them in my love it’s not by your might but by mine

that wonders will unfold in your family your finances your health and your

life be courageous and put forth effort but don’t lose hope trying to change

what’s beyond human reach with me everything is possible I’ll act on my

timetable and according to my plans the seeds you’ve sown will Sprout

and Bloom into marvelous Miracles that will boost your faith and Amaze you I

need your patience I instruct you to wait and I expect your obedience don’t

be scared or discouraged keep going keep pushing forward but also find Rest in Me and

look forward to the incredible Miracle I’m about to do when the time is right you’ll witness

it as the moment draws near you’ll recognize it you will sense my presence

and small changes will begin leading to a sudden moment when least expected you

will receive the surprise laughter will fill your mouth

and Supernatural Joy will fill your being before your eyes the long- awaited

miracle will unfold your health restored your finances

transformed a change in the hearts of those you love and finally you will receive what you have longed for and

needed child feed on my words in them you’ll find your strength and hope seek

me every day spend a few moments alone with me in your room in silence because

praying is also about persisting prayer is a battle a fight a

rigorous effort for those seeking a miracle in their lives and for those who cherish love keep praying I will fill

you you and your family with my presence I will hold you gently and my love will

continue to manifest in your life remember what I tell you I will

come and perform that significant Miracle you await wait patiently listen to me ignore

the distractions that cloud your mind and breed anxiety listen to me Focus

solely on my calm voice as you feel moved to tears by this clear and potent

message that stirs your heart today you’ll realize how deeply I love you

you’ll grasp the magnitude of my Everlasting Love and genuine care you’ll recognize how cherished you are and that

no foe can ever pull you away from me today you’ll find renewed Vigor today

you’ll Embrace Life again today you’ll be reborn I love you you feel it you

believe it I understand you I comprehend you you I am your creator my powerful hand is always ready to help you when

you feel you need me even when you are distant or discouraged because you have made a

mistake I continue to love you to protect you to care for you close your

ears to negativity remember that my word has commanded you not to faint do not

let your emotions dominate your thoughts your behavior your actions do not allow the discouragements of life to destroy

your faith in good times and bad I’ve been by your side and even when you feel weakest

and most distant your task is to maintain your faith however small it may seem even when your emotions tell you

otherwise my spirit and my word tell you today do not stop believing do not fear

men I am your helper a person like you does not cower you are brave even in

difficult times affirm your face though an army en camp against you do not

fear do not faint I will go with you and be with you wherever you go I will

always be by your side I will never leave you abandon you or turn you

away I am everpresent ready to listen to understand to forgive and to let go of

your past errors blessing you beyond your wildest dreams this is my unending promise to

you my love is forever yours the hardship you’re enduring now

will lay the groundwork for a tremendous blessing I encourage you to seek me out

you need to pray to stay vigilant prepared to battle because the adversary stands against the good I intend for you

but ask yourself who holds greater strength Proclaim with your voice write

it with your hands ponder it in your mind and trust it in your heart

who holds the Dominion who has the capacity and the desire to assist you it

is I I have shown you compassion I do now and I always will I’m aware of your

thoughts and recognize the goodness in your heart these challenges serve as

your training ground you will discover plentiful blessings once this trial passes I want to speak to you I want to

reveal wonders to you that will strengthen you and your family

I want you to believe without doubt and tell this to all those you love gather

your family join hands ask for forgiveness pray sincerely to me and

after that tell them all that I have spoken to you all that I will do in you

do it if you dare to believe and you will see how I will bless you where two or three are gathered in

my name there I am I’m here to assist you to bless you and

to bring you Prosperity it has always been so it remains and it will

continue tell me you believe are you scared there’s no need to be the world

is indeed changing full of Trials and troubles but my love for you

endures while alarming news may try to overwhelm you with worry you’ve chosen

wisely by turning to my presence and immersing yourself in my

peace you will trust in me and not be swayed by the world’s chaos you will

hold on to my words and not allow any despair to weigh you down hold tightly to my hand during

tough times and I assure you I won’t let go I will embrace you I will shield you

with my cloak of love every day I replenish you I have the strength to look after you to to

Shield you to Foster your growth even amidst turmoil and to heal

you my Everlasting promise stands with you you’ve shown resilience and have

stayed the course even when it seemed your dreams were crumbling you kept your

faith in me ignoring those who tried to tell you that you were beaten this is why in these times you’re

facing you’ll grasp the truth of my words that all things work together for

the good of those who love me truly you’ll comprehend why I act as I do and you’ll

witness with your own eyes how I bless those who call upon my

name continue to believe pray immerse yourself in my word bear witness and

assure your whole family of My reality and Truth Heaven and Earth diseases crises

all will pass but my word is Everlasting even as the world trembles my promises

stand firm you’re on the verge of witnessing my power’s reality soon you’ll see incredible Miracles unfold in

your life don’t lose Faith or confidence keep fighting immense blessings are on their

way to you the Gates of Heaven will swing wide open and you’ll witness the Fulfillment of many dreams and prayers

even amid Global chaos and troubles you’ll feel deeply within you

my love for you



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