God’s advice today God is sending many
signs but it seems like you are ignoring
all of them so do not ignore this video
because it is a message from God’s heart
to bless your life today before we
continue please leave your like so that
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like this don’t ignore this video and
stay until the end I invite you to click
on the first comment where you will find
a special prayer the second best
manifestation offer in the world God
said my dear son I feel compelled to
record these words filled with affection
and tenderness because my heart
overflows with love for you from the
moment I breathe life into your lungs I
have been a Vigilant spectator of every
step you take every smile that brightens
your face and even every tear that
emanates from your eyes today my desire
is to express what often remains
implicit but is of utmost importance for
you to internalize my love for you is
eternal unconditional and unshakable
since the dawn of time you have been the
embodiment of my dreams every detail of
your being was meticulously planned with
love and care you are a unique
Masterpiece a singular manifestation of
my creativity every delicate feature of
your face every intricate Nuance of your
personality is an expression of my
infinite love for you even in moments
when you feel lost I want you to
understand that you are an invaluable
part of my divine plan throughout your
journey keep in mind that I am always by
your side in the joys that warm your
heart and in the Sorrows that make you
feel overwhelmed I am there when you
find yourself lonely know that you are
never truly forsaken as my love
envelopes you like a warm embrace even
when you unintentionally drift away my
love persists unyielding and constant at
times I perceive that you question the
purpose of your existence I want you to
understand that you were created for
something Grand something that
transcends human understanding every
challenge you encounter every obstacle
that seems insurmountable is an
opportunity to mature and discover the
intrinsic strength within you fear not
the adversities for I Am with You
guiding your steps and fortifying your
spirit on your journey you will
encounter other human beings each one a
creation of mine remember that each
person is unique with their own battles
and triumphs cultivate love and
compassion in your heart for it is
through these virtues that you will find
the true essence of life loving others
is a way to express the love I have
bestowed upon you radiating it into the
world around you do not neglect the care
of the temple that is your body it is a
gift I granted you to experience the
wonders of existence treat it with
kindness nourish it with goodness and
respect and it will become a valuable
instrument to achieve great feats during
your Earthly joury Journey even as you
strive to the utmost I know there will
be moments when you feel overwhelmed in
these times remember that you can seek
refuge in me I am always willing to
listen to your prayers to reach out and
calm the storms that may arise in your
life do not hesitate to seek guidance
for my love for you is also a safe guide
uncertainties along your path you will
encounter numerous blessings celebrate
each one and be grateful for what you
receive simultaneously be prepared to
learn from challenges as they will shape
your character and strengthen you every
experience whether positive or negative
is an opportunity for growth and
transformation finally my beloved Son
know that the essence of my love for you
transcends the boundaries of words it is
a love that surpasses the limits of time
and space an expression of affection
that knows no barriers when in your
contemplations you gaze upon the night
sky and Marvel at the vastness of the
universe remember that you are an
intrinsic part of something magnificent
Something divinely Beautiful with love
God I hope this message has been an
inspiration to you if you liked it
please write amen and share this message
with someone who also needs to hear it I
invite you to click on the first comment
where you will find a special prayer the
second best manifestation offer in the
world don’t forget to subscribe to our
channel for more inspiring content like
this until tomorrow