SOMETHING SERIOUS IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN NEXT 2 HOURS.... । God message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator


you mean a lot to me my beloved baby and I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart just for a second please put

everything else aside and focus intently regardless of what else occupies your

thoughts I must tell you something really crucial stay a little longer let

your heart open and let me help you with any sorrow or sorrowful thoughts allow

me to bestow tranquility and opulence on you give yourself to your emotions and

let yourself feel loved I believe you I am reliable and always there to lift

your spirits first thing in the morning please understand how much your well-being means to me if I could make

it so that you could feel it instead of just hear it I could bring you Joy again

keep in mind that I will not abandon you or ignore you in any manner my word is law so you can rest easy while we’re

together as a rule I have my fingers crossed for you please feel free to pray

for me or share your concerns with me take a minute to feel my presence as you

start each day getting a morning message from you is nice think of me as someone

who can listen to you and maybe even Grant your wishes praying for your own family’s little problems brings me joy

find solace in me when times are difficult I’m here to lend you a hand while you go through the crushing I hope

you are not worried or distressed have faith in me I will not disappoint you

kindly make direct reference ref to my Expressions keep them near your soul in the past I have saved you from trouble

and helped you through tough times don’t forget those positive things in The Darkest Hours When Hope seemed lost I

came back with my powerful word and performed Miracles I can still paint numerous Miracles even beyond my

artistic abilities you trust and believe in me give me the chance to keep my word

and assist you no matter the hour I will stand guard over you don’t let

depression consume you I deeply care about you for my Tranquility to come to you and for our pleasure to endure you

are essential my heart aches for the people you care about and I hear your

prayers for their safety while you shed tears you often go down on your knees

and pray for other people but you seldom pray for yourself I greatly appreciate

your reverence and appreciation as you stand before me realize I ation of one’s

Merit and gratitude for one’s many benefits thank you for being so

respectful thus even if you don’t ask directly know that I can provide you

with more and more incredible advantages than you can imagine I rely on your

unfaltering trust I will keep all of my promises to you do not allow obstacles

to discourage you your fate is entirely under my control your dreams will come true your heart’s desires will find

fulfillment your blessing is invaluable and unborrowed however what really matters are your

honesty faithfulness and Faith join me first thing in the morning gaze at the

world make yourself thankful and praise the first words that come to mind never

allow Gloom to overshadow the sunshine that illuminates your days the opportunities I provide for you are ones

that I hope you will seize the Superhuman ability to see into the future and understand the good

intentions I have for you is within my power to bestow on you I understand that

the last several days have intensified your suffering and at times perplexity

it could make you forget it but I’m telling you right now that nothing bad will happen to you shame can no longer

befall you defeating your foes and becoming Victorious is within your reach

you have triumphed Against All Odds now cherish your health and take note of who you are because you are the adored child

of a powerful God there is no one who can defeat you or obstruct your path

despite the difficulty of the circumstances you have already prevailed your Triumph saddens me give up when

you’re down even if you’re religiously steadfast I can move mountains I promise

to answer your deeply felt prayers enabling you to walk with passion and determination Despair and despair may

have no place here any longer things related to one’s family may cause C stress and even physical injury as I

recall there are times when you just need a break to recharge relax say a

prayer and be quiet for a while you will find Solace for your soul in times of solitude and communication with my Holy

Spirit we did not design you to dwell in self-pity misery or defeat even if

you’re going through hell I will never stop loving you even when you feel like giving up I’m here to support you no one

can stop you you have a beautiful innocent heart never keep it hidden when

you step into the light and let your face radiate Joy people will call out my name Jesus from the depths of their

hearts you are the embodiment of my affection and my favorite kid I have

accomplished much for you and I can continue to do miraculous things just so you know how amazing you are to me your

time for discouragement and Retreat is over as I have been warning you you’re like a sharp spearhead that slices the

through the storm clouds blazing trails to the promised land of benefits I can bestow upon you you are a father to many

generations of people and I can help you recognize that by expanding your spiritual skills you don’t need to

engage unless you want attention even if the hits you get are dangerous you

should not let them discourage you everything I give you has a purpose so

don’t waste the benefits and talents I provide everything is within control what matters is your perspective embrace

your faith and beliefs they will lead you to Greater Heights indulge in my expression kneel when you feel exposed

and gaze at the sky if you feel you can’t go on my benefits are not far away

they stand before you and I am here and will always be in your heart Deliverance

is near your pile of issues will eventually crumble your foes have been vanquished I need to know whether you

love me and if you believe in me now I can do a wonderful miracle for you once I hear back from you in order to soothe

your spirit and release stress here are three things you should do immediately breathe deeply and let these words

reverberate in your spirit all day long they will calm you first and foremost

give me your whole heart online and offline without any doubt or hesitation

my goal is to provide you with eternal life and joy to make matters worse I never intended to subject you to trials

penalties a long loving life is one of my goals for your success and happiness bow down before my throne and surrender

your heart to me I am ready to accomplish my will feed your soul with my word and have your complete trust my

written word will act as a solid foundation for your trust providing you with the resilience to persevere through

doubts and challenging times however your faith will be weak and your life

might be tossed about by the Seas if you choose choose to give me merely a piece of your heart or when it suits you as

tempests rage and your emotions run wild you can find solace in the ups and downs

your welfare is my first priority now you have my unfaltering devotion and I

beg you to give me your heart make a choice right now because you will be with me always seeing the marvelous

marvels of the cosmos each day will no longer seem like one less when you give up your life for eternity infinite

advantages may be yours and everything may be more beautiful and Superior than

you can imagine live through difficult times as a United Family and experience

Harmony in your own home those who want to harm you may go away when my

advantages reach you those who follow me will receive Eternal triumph which they

have already achieved giving me your undivided devotion trust and love is

your part these days I beg you to do it D if you are able to

do so bring your hands to your heart or bring them close to your eyes and take a moment of quiet to express your Eternal

appreciation make a tally of all your benefits both current and future as well

as those you’ve earned in the past make up anything no matter how little that

gives you power and purpose thank people openly and without reservation even if

you feel you’re getting nothing out of it it make use of your capacity to Express gratitude by removing the veil

that covers your vision this act of gratitude will bring healing to your spirit as the Horizon opens it will

reveal the vast benefits that have already encircled you sustained Your Existence and provided reasons to hold

on and battle these advantages may even inspire you to get out of bed every morning and keep going although there

may be difficulties if you take the time to reflect you will be able to recognize

the wisdom and progress you have made through each experience as well as the blossoming of your faith please convey

your appreciation to me give me the chance to listen to your genuine speech

even if things aren’t going the way you’d want them to you should still be grateful for the Breath You Take in your

loved ones and the present moment thank you as soon as possible in terms of your

itinerary I can provide some pointers for the time being however just be

grateful I can show you updated maps and precise routes that will get you to your

holiday site Express gratitude regardless of how much it hurts

appreciate the good times while they last Feel gratitude even while your heart hurts we appreciate your patience

and understanding through all of the difficult times mistakes and

hardships praise yourself when you see yourself reflected in the mirror you seem to be in a really thankful mood

today day it may trigger tremendous shifts in your life and perhaps Miracles will begin to happen share these

sentences with others as a last step many people around you may seem happy on

the outside but they are really struggling within and are on the verge of depression they will fight to find

meaning in life this act of Love is happening in your heart and you should

know about it divide the joy I bring into their lives by the amount of Joy I

bring into yours in the warmth of your affection I may surround you with Tranquility peace

plenty and advantages unfettered by worry or indebtedness people may laugh at your

antics but they will feel immense Agony in their hearts if they listen to you

what you’ve uncovered is essential for them they yearn for love and adoration

we should spread this message of love and optimism be mindful that I overheard your hushed prayer before you drifted

off to sleep last night tears soaked your pillow as you prayed for the strength wisdom fortitude and Assurance

to face life’s obstacles behold who you are right now as you rise to a new day

brimming with determination and strength neither are you helpless nor discouraged

any big thing that comes your way you can confidently tackle where there was once dread you now possess trust you now

have determination where there was doubt before you would have sunk to to the ground in fear at the thought of

hardship but today you stand firm prepared to rise above any obstacle and

go forth a fierce will to succeed has been implanted in your soul by me have

faith in my power I brought you here because I have not only shown you the way but also given you the strength to

face and overcome any challenge although the challenges might be immense I know

that my strength is unmatched I took great pleasure in bringing you here and

I promise to stand by your side no matter what you are not only a conqueror

but you are doing it with the help of my love and energy you have the will and

courage to overcome any challenge because I have given you these qualities you will achieve success in all your

attempts no matter what your dreams are or how difficult the road ahead may be

blessings New Opportunities and relief from your burdens will be yours via my

intercession everyone from friends and family to judges and authorities may be swaye to do what you want them to by

speaking directly to their emotions ignore the possibility that other people

may harm you you and your loved ones will be safe from harm so long as you believe what I say and do what’s right

keep in mind that I will be by your side every step of the way the healing power of my words is like electricity it the

divine power that emanates from my words will raise you and give you life you may

feel undeserving of my presence in your lives but I can promise you that your faith and modesty have captivated me you

have given me permission to enter not only your life but also your heart there

I can break the bonds that ens snare you and carve forth phrases of Liberation your pain worries and problems will melt

away with the gentlest Touch of my palm because my voice reaches even the clouds

I want to see you happy at peace within and with a bright future ahead of you

therefore I speak to you clearly in the course of our time together you give me

the opportunity to reassure you of my authenticity my deep love and my willingness to Shield you from danger

this is the Legacy I’ve been hoping to leave you join me in fully agreeing and receiving it I am prepared to clothe it

with my love and change it via the restoring and transforming Touch of my Holy Spirit and your electricity is

prepared to do just that get up and go forth now because my holy spirit is your

armor even when you face difficulties no one may be able to defeat you you are

strong and courageous and you have my undying devotion and affection keep this in mind for those who think anything is

possible my love for you is unwavering and you could just be okay think about

me I am getting ready to bless you and the timing couldn’t be better I am setting things up in a way that will

make it easy for you to obtain those benefits when the time comes I give you stamina make good use of it do not

respond to emotionally driven situations with haste stop making Hasty judgments

without first talking to me I would prefer that you not get confused or caught up in any kind of trouble do not

make deals with phony Friends by sending you this email I confirm that I am fully

capable of assisting you kindly refrain from pursuing collection efforts your fair share has been consumed I would

prefer that you not create obstacles on your path to success in the future my love and grace will soon shine a light

on your lives releasing you from the bonds of others and allowing you to live freely we can refocus our efforts and

find a way for you to follow our new path here is our little secret something we only told each other for a while keep

your ideas and projects dear to your heart keep your true feelings hidden from the many jealous and unscrupulous

people in your life just as in the past they will make fun of you and try to discourage you by bringing up all your

past mistakes however that age has passed as I previously stated you will receive

blessings and your heart has transformed to such an extent that you now depend on

me you will thrive in anything you do possibilities will arise and the

difficulties you’re now facing could find Solutions I have the power to break

bindings and chains ushering in a time of calm and plenty of freedom from worry

and debt you will no longer be influenced by the behavior of other people you can overcome any obstacle if

you believe in yourself I have the power to break bindings and chains ushering in

a time of calm and plenty of freedom from worry and debt the behavior of

other people people should not influence you no one can stand in the way of you or your loved ones as long as you have

faith in me and do what’s right know that I will be by your side every step

of the way my speech has the power to mend wounds you are no longer able to go

for walks since the mystical energy that emanates from my words is sufficient to sustain and Elevate you your broken mind

can no longer insist that you are deserving of the bad things that have happened to you

you are free of your sins you are not living in a conquered World rather you

are living in a world of misery this is a promise from the powerful God who is

your parent you must always agree with me and trust in me despite the

challenges of this life you will ultimately achieve Victory still every

once in a while I notice that you weep for hours on end and I no longer know why please inform me of the source of

your issues I profoundly want to be back with you you miss my presence with all

your heart you know deep down that you’re apart from me and your soul aches

for my presence life seems to be slipping away from you and you still haven’t found the Serenity and joy

you’ve been seeking so you may as well do nothing it seems that your family is becoming farther away from you every day

but take note I am here in status with you and there may be a spring where benefits flow it soothes your spirit

spirit and fills your life with joy banishing any sadness soak in this water

to quench your thirst and flush away your disappointments believe me when I say that your trust is paid off I think

my statement says it all you have been cured by me these days you were the one who let me in I am now inside your home

this is where I shall remain bestowing blessings and protecting your own family I can shower you with more blessings

than you can ever fathom there seems to be a trace of melancholy about you lately I can sense that you’re angry you

want strength so that you may maintain your excitement for your quest and I get that bring confidence I am not some

distant relative whose love you cannot reach therefore there’s no need for you to go through life without purpose or

hope despite your occasional negligence I am right here by your side just as I

have been from the beginning give me your hand and then raise it high I want

us to take a leisurely walk through your thoughts and share with me your deepest fears reasons for not wanting to live

and reasons for rejecting your fate even if you feel worthless don’t let falsehoods made with my blood fool you

I’ve given you my life use it to erase your mistakes again at this very moment

I want you to know that you are in my heart and that nothing or no one can ever take you away from me my precious

cherished baby you will never change in my eyes you have not lost the battle you

have a chance to survive if you keep fighting your decision to believe in what I promised you has given you a

supernatural and Heavenly charge and that’s why you’re still standing it is impossible to win against anything you

remember these Expressions well and keep fighting the enemy’s dogged attempts to convince you to give up on your dreams

even if they may fail you are mine I will protect you with my powerful hand

and my brilliant sword I will never stop thinking about your Triumph check that

you are much appreciated and treasured by Me by evaluating yourself in light of

my successful promises the hardest battle is the one you fight with your

own emotions which may make you believe and feel things that aren’t right and if you’re not careful bring you crashing

down stay rational and detached from your feelings the difficulties you

encounter should not make you feel helpless do not let yourself be paralyzed by dread in the face of

seemingly bad news or circumstances I am always in charge of your life I change everything for the

sake of my loved ones and you are one of them you have been Anointed with my spirit cleansed with my blood and

empowered to conquer any challenges always find solace in my affection and

keep me by your truthful side you may now relax knowing that even your own

mistakes will work out for the best since you have grasped my words you will be free of pain your loved ones will be

healthy and the passage of time will allow you to remember the steps you took to achieve your long-awaited

goals you may experience fatigue at some undefined point in the future but this

is to be expected when problems are so overwhelming that they obscure your vision and make it difficult to see your

path maybe you’re feeling downtrodden but that’s not real even when it’s dark

I will guide you with my hand calm down my little one no matter what your loving

father will never leave you having placed your faith in me you now tell me that you will be secure in my care if

you are sick there is no Divine miraculous solution other than me I am

the one who can cure you open doors and clear your path I am also your God I

hold your life your future and your family in in my arms I am your companion

and your Shield you are shielded from harm by the love I have for you and right now you can sense my presence more

than ever you’ve been patiently waiting for me to speak and you’ve brought an attitude of gratitude and humility that

is ready to listen keep those words close to your heart give them control of

your mind and let go of the concentration that caused your pain up until now you walk confidently as if you

could feel my Pres presence even if your eyes couldn’t see it with me you can take it at face value you can

acknowledge the a inspiring changes I can make to your way of life along the path of love where my will is supreme

take my hand and I will guide you softly and patiently through your family’s lives the waves and storms subside as

soon as they hear my voice under the protection of a cloak you feel safe enough to stroll about unconcerned by

the sounds of the night don’t allow the chaos of this world to overtake you and erode your sense of

propriety never ever shall I avert your gaze or release my grip on you problems

that arise are only discouragements and the events of the past are nothing more than a distant memory each day brings a

new opportunity to keep fighting eliminate them from your mind you are

under no obligation to transmit an impediment that renders the renewal of your thought process difficult choose

your words carefully be careful not to injure yourself with your claims stay

strong in your own territory careless words can ruin innocent people’s lives wear out homes and Lead many to

depression let wise sayings flow from your mouth as words of encouragement and development stay strong and refuse to be

swayed by the enemy’s lies about your inability to change your fate being filled with setbacks and problems and

your future being characterized by depression and fixation trust in me since with me nothing is impossible keep

this truth in mind whatever happens keep in mind that your life future

individuality finances and marital status are all interconnected I will resolve any family

disputes no matter how difficult they seem and if you ask me I will begin

immediately no longer am I claiming it will likely be spotless I am promising you that you will have my support my

assistance and my energy I hope you stay healthy because I like you I must and

may bring about the miracle you want do what I say and agree with me back on my

feet and motivated I set off on foot defeating the worst kind of torture on a

cross became something that wasn’t pointless anymore someday you will be born and I knew the road of ridicule and

lashing would be ahead of you you’ve been through a lot due to other people but I can Lift Every weight of Despair

and annoyance off your shoulders now today I may remove any disappointment

and discouragement from your heart even if I have already sacrificed my lifestyle and Rose for you so that you

might have become a product of humanity I have already sacrificed my life and Rose for you so that you might have the

chance for a full free and happy life if you want your thoughts to undergo a real

metamorphosis and a river of Calm Mind to flow where there was wants the greatest chaos then you must believe my

promise there may be happiness when there is sadness a strong will to live

love and forgive oneself May coexist with depression your blunders have long ago slipped my mind give me your Beating

Heart my darling look at my methods all you eyeballs in this world where you are

a traveler you may fight and seow all you want but my blessing is for your

future my love is a road that I would want your feet to travel please I beg you again this time with all the

sincerity in the world give me your heart now and I will make you happy heal the diseases that have plagued you and

give you the strength to overcome the obstacles you faced since you were a little girl what I mean is already clear

to you a distant object becomes clear to you I have loved you just the way you

are but I also wanted you to be strong and successful so that others would follow your your example and see that my

will can be fulfilled by someone as humble as you maybe you have a hard time receiving

spiritual riches still what I produce isn’t worthless money embrace it with

humility and be brave because I can bring about many changes in your life I embody your lifestyle prove to me that I

can alter you so drastically that others won’t recognize you by making me a threat they will be amazed by your

resilience strength and joy give me your heart if you accept my

offer Harmony tranquility and blessings will envelop you as I initiate a

profound change in you and your family today I was able to save you from the hurricane and emerge Victorious I want

you to feel my love for you right now wherever you are you would feel a weight lift off your shoulders receive Renewed

Energy to continue on and experience excitement and ecstasy as this deep and

breathtaking sens ation surges through your coronary heart it is time for you to stand up you must not surrender now

when you are about to achieve success I will protect you and my hand will keep you safe no matter how bad the storm

gets or how much the winds blow aches are also familiar to me I know what it’s

like to have those you trusted leave you when your adversaries attack you from all angles tearing you apart with their

callousness and cruelness even in the face of of scorn I know what it’s like to love deeply and

provide for your needs you are valued by me I completely empathized with how you

feel you are important and I want you to know that in the depths of your despair

when your emotions are running High I may not choose you when you’re at your weakest remember that I will warn you

when danger is near while applying dangerous procedures erase all thoughts of failure or loss of life from your

mind the night has passed and you can perhaps make it on foot now I have revitalized your joy and sped up your

faith today my promise is to think deeply about them have renewed your creativity foresight and desire they may

not see things from your point of view and if they do they will likely ridicule you again so there’s no need to try to

convince them you won’t need those pesky naysayers to get you where you’re going

you’re on the road to Victory while they’re already planning to fail if loneliness is getting the best of you

remember that I’m here to lend you support but be patient because I’ll soon

be able to deliver the right character you’re important to me and I care about you value you guard you and love you in

just a few more days you’ll be holding the key to victory in your hand I’m never late and I always show up on time

but right now you need me more than ever you’ve been fretting over what might

occur the weight is substantial and it’s internally tearing you apart therefore I

want you to dump all the stress that you’ve been carrying on to me I don’t see a life for you where you wallow in

self-pity about fate in addition you are unable to lower your eyes or divert your

attention to your problems or ideas I am the one who can open doors accomplish

Miracles as you want be by your side at all times and tell the truth no more

the days are mine it is I who make the night from time to time I see that you

have trouble sleeping because your mind keeps racing with things that I already have under control when anxiety hits you

have to be strong even if it yells at you speak to it and make it known that

you are not afraid because you have resolved to believe it to be true for your trustworthy friend your God and

your lord you could see firsthand how fear dissipates and how much Freedom

your spirit gains you may experience the Pinnacle of my Tranquility live your life to the

fullest and be content I assure you that even if you are going through a tough

time I will be there to reassure you with my calm voice that I am standing by

your side and that I will give you the strength to withstand any attack by just reminding you that I am right and that

you must follow me I hope I’ve persuaded you to return to my phrase if so take heart in my

assurances and put your faith in me to get you through the challenging times ahead keep going all your hard work will

be rewarded in the end continue on this day I must must the faith courage and

vitality to motivate you remember that I am here for you no matter how difficult

it is to attend keep your cool speak from the heart and don’t freak out your loving father

holds the keys to your life your dreams and your destiny even though he hopes you’ll forget how I assisted you I must

warn you of the challenges that lie ahead I will not let you down since I like you if you need someone to lean on

I’m ready to be that person think back on all the times you had to overcome obstacles your bravery in letting me

lead your life has been very inspiring you have never lost a battle do yourself

some harm put your trust in me rest assured in instances where issues arise

I am cognizant of the fact that it is no longer pristine attempt to assume control at certain periods keep your

fears and uncertainties at Bay keep going on and have faith in my word I

always knew I wanted to do great things for you and I still do and that was before you were even born I may not

leave you behind I have been paying close attention to every de detail as I’ve been taking extra care of you most

of the time I’m here resist the urge to give up bring pleasure to your coronary heart religion must be preserved the

outcome will be excellent and my plans for you are far loftier than you imagine my beloved child you can be confident

that I’m completely on your side if I am standing by your side and fighting you while you stubbornly reject my advances

still this vow wouldn’t guarantee a trip without difficulties rather it would

Proclaim that having me by your side is the most crucial part of your life as

you go on your journey you are unwaveringly committed to success even

in the face of overwhelming odds the fact that I was able to overcome death and Resurrection is proof of this

Everlasting Victory a victory that you actively share in because no matter how

hard things get on your Earthly Journey no power or obstacle can ultimately defeat you because you are mine always

embraced by the warmth of my love this profound fact might significantly alter

your perspective on life you learn to walk fearlessly in my footsteps not hiding from pain but charging headlong

into it embrace the fact that my guidance goes beyond only directing you to seek me out and follow my path it

begs you to rest easy on this heavenly journey and do everything I say your

steadfast support in difficult circumstances has my full support having

your future in my hands changes everything it removes all fear and lets

you live life to the fullest secure in my promises embracing adversities as

opportunities to observe my style and energy materialize is more important

than just surviving this trip with me at the start of each day you seek me out in

prayer and devote yourself to my teachings letting my spirit fill your heart with encouragement and strength

that way you may face life’s challenges with confidence and bravery in your heart when it comes to your advantage I

am coordinating aligning and setting things in motion by clearing the way

eliminating obstacles and settling disputes that have been holding you back

the fact that I’m involved in your life your struggles and your victories is something you must accept as truth you

don’t need your strength or to win what matters is my unfaltering character and

Limitless affection with my help you may rise beyond the status of a mere

conqueror and discover true strength happiness and serenity in light of this reality I pray

that you know how much I care about you and how close I am to you in spite of

the fact that you may feel alone on your journey I am there to witness every challenge you encounter just know that

even when those who want you harm raise their weapons against you I will be right there protecting you behind my

heavenly canopy please understand how profound my love for you is and how careful I am no event no matter how

difficult occurs in your life without a reason if you put your trust in me I can

transform your problems into opportunities your Triumph may be so great that everyone will be Green With

Envy as they see the abundance of advantages that are waiting for you

believe me when I say that your trip will not end in defeat in fact I guarantee it in the end my Divine will

will prevail and I am always there for you resist the urge to let the pessimism and threats from people with malicious

purposes weigh you down keep in mind that you are unstoppable nothing or no one can stop you hold tight to your

faith certain that your enemies have already lost the battle against you long before they launch an attack dive head

first into the traps set by your naysayers get a grip on yourself and resist the Dreadful emotions that are

trying to devour you every morning start your prayer Life by seeking me out and

letting my love fill you the chains of dread have taken root in your head I can free you we are guaranteed Victory not

just given the chance here I am in all my guises ruler Liberator friend Creator

Shepherd and God the Father stay optimistic instead really engage with my

statement peace and healing will be bestowed on your spirit as I carve those vows into your own being I have the

power to reignite the fires in your heart and bring back the incredible longings you once had changes are being

orchestrated and barriers are being disposed of benefits will begin to pour into your life as soon as you clear your

route and resolve problems that hinder your progress however there may still be

challenging circumstances along the way have faith that I am actively working to stop it going up against your enemies

and making sure you win give me complete control and have faith that I will protect your family in order to lift you

up and make sure your steps are regular I may send my angels your hardships the

hurt you felt and the doors that have been shut are all things I’m aware of

anyone who has stolen from you will return contrite and ashamed because you have addressed them and we have heard

your prayers stay away from grudges because I’m here to bring Justice your

Triumph is Drawing Near and your family will reap the benefits putting their worries to rest stay out of fights and

keep your distance from evil people resist giving into the Temptations of evil leave sin behind regardless of your

current situation I will greet you with repentance pray and meditate on my message with your family and friends

direct your energy into projects that strengthen you and I will grant your desires do not go back to the chaos from

which I delivered you as long as you keep my promises accept my love and

submit to my sovereign control the knowledge you seek via prayer will be yours both the Miracles you see and

perform will be of the highest quality praying before my throne of grace is the first step on the path to Triumph when

it seems like nothing is changing it may be extremely scary to establish an unshakable perspective and trust that

everything will be taken care of during your worst times ignore those who still

have doubts focus on my sentence pray meditate and be thankful for the

blessings around you the clouds will part your agreement will be stronger and

my promises will be engraved deeply in your heart make sure our connection stays strong my morning calls are no

longer ignored avoid interruptions that can take away from your meditation time

make the most of the energy you have first thing in the morning to come to me in prayer when you talk to me lovingly

my God even when you’re weak and exhausted I will shower you with Benefits please know that I am always

taking advantage of your strength that I am well-versed in your deepest thoughts and the challenges you encounter and

that I will shower you with Benefits both today and tomorrow you are showing

remarkable courage courage and determination even though you are going through a difficult period I hold you in

the highest regard and I pray that you will quickly comprehend the message from your heavenly father despite the fact

that other people may have told you differently my Holy Spirit has prepared you for adversity and I am speaking

directly to your heart filling you with extraordinary courage as you embrace it

and hold fast to the love words I have spoken to you throughout the years the time has come for you to arm yourself

and become the champion put your trust in me now there should be no delivery in

the midst of your challenges I can stand by your side listening to what you have to say and applauding your perseverance

your unwavering determination and bravery in the face of adversity inspire

me daily and it gives me immense joy and respect there may be no need to conceal

the hidden sadness and exhaustion that I detect in you though when you start to sob during those

restless nights I listen My Embrace will provide the comfort you seek leave your

troubles in my capable hands everything from aches and pains to sickness and

disappointment I am only here to lend a hand not make a judgment you can find Solace trust and love in me if you rely

on me I am not alone with you I will overcome any obstacle and alleviate any

hardship beloved I beseech you to to put your faith in me bring your problems and

desires to my table of Grace and when I say that you will be prosperous I will guide you to Restoration protection

peace and success in all that you do imagine self-awareness and personal

development be courageous have faith and have the strength to face and Conquer

your obstacles in order to succeed as an artist or business person I can provide

you the knowledge and safety net you need in times of uncertainty know that

my unfaltering support is always there for you through your love and support and that the abundance you reap will be

shared with your own family this will fulfill my desire to quench The Thirst of the hungry and the needy I write this

sincere message mainly for you the person who engages with my words on a daily basis you can still look forward

to a new season of blessings no matter how bad things get in the world my hands are safely in circling you and you are

my own family hold fast to your faith courageously overcoming difficult times

and I will shower you with Abundant Blessings always remember that I’m here to help you no matter how big or small

the challenge may seem because I know that the world and life can be unpredictable and

complicated my imploration is that you contact me I am certain in my reaction I

am calm I care deeply about you and my love for you knows no limits

your life should be filled with accomplishments and joy and I want to show you the way to that there is pure

delight in your fullsize desires let no constraints hinder you every Endeavor

presents an opportunity for development and education my word gives you the ability to conquer any obstacle forget

about your problems and focus on your dreams throughout the best and worst of times my love will always be there for

you please take my wish for your life and your your family’s future a wish based on Hope rather than despair as

fact I won’t ever stop caring about you or let you know my thoughts on any subject you are not really mine when you

need love energy Harmony or Tranquility you can find it with me should you truly

be attempting to locate me I assure you that I will respond leading you towards a future filled with optimism there is

no end to my love for you enjoy my written word which which I crafted with the help of my servants you can find

Solace and knowledge in its boundless Pages you can see the Limitless style and love I have for you in my words

within my purposeful will I provide you and your family with the Practical guidance you need to live a full and

meaningful Life encircled by Divine prosperity and utilizing pleasure my

word is alive and transforms you it will never return to me empty it will contain

your prayers and desires even in the the hard times I want you to know that you are always supported I swear by this

statement my unfailing love gives you hope and my Holy Spirit Will fortify

your convictions by my side you will never fall take my words to Heart view

it commit it to memory and rate it as refreshing as drinking water on a hot

day it can do wonders for your mental and spiritual well-being no matter how low you’ve Fallen my messages will lead

you back to those comforting arms that are waiting to wrap you in peace this is a Priceless gem that will always add

depth to my words as you read them your comprehension along with the intensity

and certainty of their veracity will grow as you delve further into the text

every morning as you bow down in my presence take in my words and listen to

my voice a fire is kindling in your heart emotions carried a River of Tears

I am not one to leave you or forsake you instead I am by your side every step of

the way in me you find strength and Tranquility here are the assurances I

offer this is your chance to prove your faith and stand firm in the face of adversity I will be by your side

providing resources that will be useful in the coming battles so no enemy can win arrive at my side while my heavenly

armies watch over you victory is yours my hands are a ha Haven for you after I

have looked upon you with enormous compassion and decided to be your Everlasting father I will release you

from your pain and implant those beautiful powerful words of love into your heart your location is irrelevant

to my incessant need to see you I am anything but distant put your hands on

your chest close your eyes and feel the fire of your emotions burn through you

dispelling fears placing doubts to rest and making anxiety go out of your life I

am releasing your spiritual eyes letting you see through the clouds soak up the sun and see the guardian angels from

above with their help you can ward off enemies and protect loved ones from harm

you will soon be visited by visions not for the sake of Fame but to demonstrate my mystical power hold in secret the

Wonders you hold in your heart and let them shine a powerful anointing has

given you command over your emotions and words and you also have a wealth of knowledge anxieties won’t hold you back

from escaping the wicked’s attacks or provocations anymore by the power of my word I can now lead you to a place where

miracles happen every day where you can express yourself in prayer and where blessings praise the works of magic I

design inside of you with me you can find healing and fulfillment of all your

heart’s desires stay focused on what I’m offering and ignore anything that tries to diver divert your attention in my

words are found the answers to your problems the alleviation of your concerns and the entrance to a world

apart from the secular show nowhere else think about those words deeply and

repeat them to yourself until you’ve absorbed them the conditions are your

idea and attractiveness along with gratitude so please do not miss out on the wonderful gift I want to give you in

the right hands it can grow and dispel the belief that you will always fail

soak it up tend to it and interact with it intelligently as you well know my

love for you is warm and loving and I shower good fortune and health on those I care about would you kindly affirm

your faith in me my love for you is Everlasting and my faithfulness is Limitless unmistakably I your

everlastingly loving God am staring you down those who follow in my footsteps

can be certain that this guarantee is more than just words on paper I understand if you feel abandoned as your

life’s connections shift to focus on your friendships and the future looks

bleak it is in times of difficulty that you should affirm a truth that cannot be

changed my support and presence will never waver in your life there may be days of success and days of failure of

kindness and rejection but through it all one constant remains my love and

support for you my knowledge and genuine belief that I’m always by your side can

calm your anxiety give you peace when times get tough and Foster resilience based on God’s promise you gain the

confidence to push through the hardest times in life when you realize that I can’t leave you my love and admiration

for you my darling are unwavering and eternal regardless of your successes or

failures they are based solely on the fact that you are mine nothing can break

our connection or diminish the worth of my love for you not even a person a situation or a task

in the face of the inherent challenges and unknowns of life’s unpredictable Journey this love serves as a shield a

source of strength and a compass let yourself be led by those sentences quiver in my arms as they seek Solace

famously you can expect to face unique challenges with each passing day

whenever you find yourself caught up in your thoughts trying to figure out how to handle the challenges that lie ahead

remember that I’m here with you right now worrying about your problems brings you more misery it’s not always the joy

you should experience find solace in my presence and let my Tranquility envelop

you instead of getting caught up in the web of impending difficulties worries transform into sure consideration in the

Holy space of communion with me all the power to face each day and the greatest

Comfort to ever be found here you can rely on me to fortify you and get you ready for whatever the future

brings lay aside your worries and let my love and Tranquility envelop you should

you let yourself get bogged down by the tasks at hand or should you try to live through your hardships in advance for me

the best approach is to welcome each day as it comes free from worry about what’s to come and instead to let the wisdom of

my love and Direction nourish me find the strength within that will will handle the challenges that life throws

at you a transformation of apprehension into trust nervousness into assurance

and uncertainty into firm consensus someone must make note of this

crucial fact in the religious Adventure you cannot serve two masters the thing

you desire most in the world may be to make me happy if I am really your master

there is a breathtaking metamorphosis that takes place when I am the absolute ruler of your life as opposed to the

dangerous path that can be taken in pursuit of Attractive people I love you very much and I love you unconditionally

therefore I’m not driven to be your carrier out of fear or obligation intimate relationships are a

natural progression from humbling yourself before me there is no greater source of genuine pleasure than this

relationship it surpasses all worldly pleasure my goal in selecting it was to

help you maintain a deeper connection with me while also making my joyful gentle presence evident in all parts of

your life as we grow closer this intimacy will change your life even

though it isn’t always perfect my love for you can overflow into your life and affect not just your actions but also

your thoughts and priorities you may find that you care less about other people’s opinions of you as you submerge

yourself in my love enjoy the liberating Joy of being wholly mine as you break

free from the constraints imposed by interesting humans in this heavenly exchange as our intimate courtship

progresses your service to me blossoms into a passionate Declaration of love an

herbal outpouring follow this Sacred Space as a compass in its surrender and

devotion you may discover the highest kind of happiness and success on your path ahead Do You Want To Thrill Me in

particular and let your carrier reflect our intimate connection even though you’re worried about death do not be sad

for the joy of the Lord is your strength as Nehemiah put it this happiness is not

fleeting it Remains untarnished by the trials of this world it flows out of the

Everlasting Wellsprings of my spirit that are within you giving you strength in times of need consequently May the

god of your desire also shower you with an abundance of joy and peace in your

unchanging perspective allowing the Holy Spirit to overflow you with hope your

wish is more than just an aspiration it encompasses miles of your inheritance

and your reality in me your adventure of Faith brings this wish to fruition and

it overflows touching every aspect of your existence and others the certainty

that I’m with you can protect you from Despair and uncertainty so hold fast to

this desire God is not some farway God but the God who lives inside you and his

love is as near as your next breath I ask for your acceptance because I know that we are one make your life a living

testimony to the power of your words your actions and your unshakable faith a

testament to the efficacy of your wishes the two of us are one eternally bound

and one for all time thus you must emerge as a brilliant light of desire

you are worthy of the best and I don’t mean material atal riches so much as my natural spectacular love which surrounds

you and keeps you alive every single second anger and despair are fuel for

This Magnificent love set your heart Ablaze with a beautiful Sensation that

will give you the strength to face any challenge headon with unwavering confidence and determination I haven’t

given you these abilities so that you can flaun yourself or get attention rather you should use them to be humble

and helpful to others the people who get me show me that they aren’t interested in superficial things

like titles reputations or fame they are genuine and authentic and that’s how

they remain true to themselves they aren’t trying to win praise rather they

want to use the love they’ve received to enter my magical country avert the

enchantment that threatens to consume you it is my deepest belief that all the

blessings in your life are a means to a higher purpose to teach you humility so

that you can use them to serve those less fortunate with an honest and selfless

Spirit lots of miraculous things will happen when you’re nice to other people

my authority has been bestowed upon you enabling you to safely Traverse conflicts and Triumph over ambitious and

demanding situations your Triumph is already guaranteed keep moving forward with

faith and unshake a able self-confidence put a stop to saying things that annoy me leave all trace of unjustified

animosity and animosity from your life substitute new hopes and Ambitions for

those old memories and feelings of regret I offer you my forgiveness as you heal a power that can transform your

history into a bright future light a fire in your heart and I will extinguish

the Shadows that surround you especially the ones you care about just watch their faces change as they look at you your

spiritual illumination is a gift from God given to you by his grace and love but you are fully responsible for

nourishing yourself with my word and seeking me in prayer if you want to maintain this gift experiencing this

spiritual realm to its fullest will stimulate your desire to dream about me more often according to my will you are

to use this Priceless present with great care and responsibility now that I’m not

shouting it from the rooftops I let you taste Paradise be humble and treat

people with the respect you would like to be treated with maintain a genuine and caring friendship growing more

compassionate and gentle is like planting a new Supernatural seed in your soul it’s a great way to thrive and

bring forth energy healing and miracles get over the idea that you can’t benefit

from the opportunities I’m offering you give up on those thoughts get in touch with who you really are this is the

result of accepting and embracing my love and as a child of the all powerful God you are a brave and strong warrior

with power resolve and Triumph you will not be defeated once you have overcome

the trials by the power of your faith a beautiful Boon of Triumph is on its way to you my presence is an integral part

of your journey and you welcome it think of it as a bright blanket of light that

encircles you and everything around you in times of Doubt or isolation I can

show you how to keep your focus on the task at hand just like a canopy of stars in the night sky my presence is a

constant source of comfort rest on a stone in a desolate area like Jacob did

in the biblical account he was assured of my Everlasting presence in his dreams and he saw angels from Heaven I was

ignorant that this Revelation goes beyond biblical examples it’s miles of Eternal Truth for everyone who seeks me

with with all their heart when they feel estranged or distant his Awakening led

him to believe that plainly the Lord is in this region it is my Earnest desire

that you would open your eyes and heart to my Everlasting guidance and I command

you to Proclaim with confidence that the Divine is here I am filled with excitement by your heartfelt request and

I will joyfully respond at some point in each step of your life’s journey at your

side I will remain remember that my presence is a constant companion while

you face challenges and celebrate times of delight this is the first stepping stone on the path to unmatched greatness

I have led you to this point so that you too may not turn a blind eye spread your

wings and so to new heights so you may enjoy the benefits I desire to shower upon you your evenings may be painfree

from now on and sorrow will no longer be your friend some Ms may be free of sadness and

loneliness unfaltering and vibrant faith will permeate Your Existence with the

rising of the Sun every morning you have the power to choose pleasure over sadness to refuse to allow bad news or

anxieties to dampen the radiant grin that lights up your face I love you

dearly my darling the uniqueness you possess is a result of your complete surrender to me and the indwelling of my

Holy Spirit you don’t have to behave or say anything similar to other people

While others may also falter at the smallest whisper having their dreams dashed and their souls consumed by

Terror you remain steadfast you possess an Indescribable capacity for love

unfurl your wings because your faith is immense and your prayers and words are filled with power enjoy these

Expressions to the fullest and share them with those you care about being a

part of your vibrant life and seeing how you greet each day with an awareness of my presence through you is something I

am very proud of seeing you humbly bow in prayer brings tears of delight to

your eyes and your thanks warm my coronary heart you have an incredible amount of Courage patience dignity and

respect for other people your kindness has touched my heart lift up those who

guide you those in need and those seeking recovery let your choices victories and triumphs Inspire and

Elevate others with the Holy Spirit at your side and a strong Shield protecting your

emotions you can do all of these things Divine lines that break every Bond flow

from your lips and your heart is a Wellspring of vital force even if you aren’t perfect right now remember that

your power originates with me the one who writes your benefits and guides you to Triumph in every struggle be humble

and take it as truth as you protect your coronary heart seeking a claim or

proudly displaying human titles that pretend to be authoritative is pointless

using your hands I can do Marvels like none that the naked eye has ever seen

rivers of vital water flow and healing showers are falling on your land as you

see the life-altering journey they are about to embark on a moment of pure delight is sure to come those who were

formerly disoriented will find their way to the Blessed end point I’ve predetermined for them and their

character will change as a result consequently I urge you to remain steadfast and unfazed by the terrible

things that may happen to you then you can rest assured because I have a plan that always comes to fruition immune to

any obstacle however I have entrusted this sacred task to someone in your home

someone who believes in me fiercely prays with unfaltering religion and devotion and that someone is you pray

earnestly for your loved ones and see miraculously all your problems vanish your prayers will reverberate across the

celestial spheres clearing the path for your eventual success to you and your

whole family my deepest sympathies go out I hold your future your present and

the blessings meant for you so find comfort in My Embrace I have chosen you

so this is proof of my favor in the event that you remain in the company of the riches contained in my word

those who want to embarrass you will be amazed when I perform miraculous healings inside you on these designated

days with a gentle touch I wipe away the tears that may have marred your path and I bestow upon you an Indescribable

Serenity that is beyond knowledge you will feel closer to me as Joy fills your

life every single day come listen to my promises my beloved find peace in quiet

contemplation by opening your bible let the words feed your ravenous heart as

you read as I strengthen you from the inside out you will feel a rush of power

that leads to your whole existence there were moments today when you might have looked up to the sky in hopes of

receiving a sign from above however I am telling you to look ahead because I am already responding to

your requests and prayers lifestyle currents flow through your Fields as the

restorative waters on your property already Cascade all all of your dreams will come true loved one be strong and

fearless the gates and doors of Heaven may swing wide open to your liking as you Teeter on the brink of viewing the

amazing unfold before your eyes the power of my words is mine and I know

that you will hold this incredible Discovery close to your heart you warm my coronary heart with your reciprocal

devotion and my love for you is strong every time you express your love for me

the joy in your voice fills my heart with excitement the words that flow from my mouth to comfort and protect you

reveal my love for you I am the one who keeps promises and is the god of strength I strengthen the weak and the

oppressed I provide joy to those drowning in grief Heaven’s Gates will open for those who pledge unwavering

loyalty and truly adore me the immense power of being kind to others being

patient offering advice to avoid squabbles and rumors speaking well of others and keeping ones cool under

pressure is something they understand no matter what happens I will always hold

you and your loved ones close do not react angrily or loudly when faced with

hardship instead be kind your house will be a Haven of Tranquility amazing things will happen

to you you will get benefits you didn’t expect and your faith will become stronger infinite happiness will

overflow from you and your loved ones rest assured my love for you is unfaltering and I will always be by your

side have faith I can do Miracles that will blow your mind therefore my beloved

child you no longer need to give up on your desire I am by your side lovingly

guiding you and I have wonderful things planned for your life for those who are brave enough to think of those who are

unshakable in faith and who stay firm in times of trouble there is hope for a

better tomorrow people who seek my forgiveness Grace and the Incredible strength to

overcome obstacles will see Miracles no matter how many times you fall my love

for you will always be stronger give into repentance avoid engaging in

wrongdoing cut ties with toxic people and let go of the vices that bind you in

my presence you scream with all your might and faith and my powerful blood

can break and destroy your bonds I would rather get up every day free from any any kind of shackles and do it with

enthusiasm let your eyes and lips be filled with thanks and praise as you listen to my words live out my promises

and submit to my will then you will sit with me in the Heavenly Nations surrounded by many benefits I want to

reveal the glory of this holy secret to the arena and you are the canvas upon which I intend to paint it as a witness

to my infinite love and power the Christ inside you shines brightly drawing all

Nations to Amazement this Priceless artifact a conduit for divine energy is

inside you being present a Covenant of Grace helps others see the way with an

abundance of love and wisdom I relate to you telling you to hang on to your faith and cultivate patience deep inside to

not let anxiety about your future control you and to give up on transitory meaningless Ambitions that lead to

nothing but misery get rid of whatever is blocking our connection in order for me to shower

you with Benefits you must lay down your cares distance yourself from those who do not share your faith and continue to

pray because it is at these times that you get near to me take into account the

Heavenly time and hold on to Hope since I have plenty of blessings in store for

you you will quickly forget about the difficulties you had today keep going

let go of your fears and know that I’m right here with you every step of the way nearly every day I remind myself

that I am fully aware of your wishes despite my pleading I know that you are under a great deal of stress due to

impending financial difficulties the anxiety that that infection causes and the heavy loads on your heart adhere to

my guidance and allow yourself to embrace me I promise that if you put your faith in me I will eventually bring

you calm and contentment keep in mind that I am the deity of all electrical Marvels you will not be the only ones to

receive my favor and healing your parents siblings and extended family

will also feel my kindness you are rooted deeply in the path of flowing streams and your life produces fruit

that brings blessings to many not just your own family physical attractiveness is not a factor in finding true and

enduring love you find solace in my affection your only shelter and I am

here for you on days when tears fall for no apparent reason nothing else in this world can match the unselfish gifts I

can bestow unconditional love Tranquility healing and faithfulness

request this favor it is yours at no cost I am not after your material

Prosperity so much as your emotional stability spirituality unfaltering commitment and strong desire to leave

the past in the dust and embark on a New Journey embark on a journey of Faith

with me proclaiming your determination via your words as we guide your faith toward a better future to receive your

faith and to believe your message with all my being is my commitment I’m going

to shower you with blessings my precious baby get ready you have my undying love

no matter what other people think I can treat you with kindness and concern I’m good at finding simple ways to show my

love you have finally reached the conclusion of your trials today the storm no longer affects me my love has

no limits and nothing is out of my reach I can’t even begin to explain how much

weight I can lift for you the arrival of a new day signifies the beginning of an

era filled with boundless benefits and possibilities opportunities will present

themselves and bonds will flourish you might expect Financial relief and an

abundance of good fortune in your daily life you may expect many blessings on your prayers Endeavors and belongings I

usually follow through on my promises I am drawing strength from your Shield your source of Solace and your

protective aspect if you ask me I can show you the way to Justice and put your

doubts to rest typically I am the one that brings you endless peace and Beauty

whenever you think about me the things that used to hurt you will no longer do so and your heart will be full of

reasons to smile there is no end to my advantage over you I adore you no matter

what I am here volunt arily pray to me first and I will grant your requests may

you be blessed with freedom peace wealth and success in everything that you do in

the days of healing and prayer when lost blessings will find their way back to you I will unlock doors that have

remained closed reigning blessings down from heaven to bring you prosperity and

peace in your spirit the days ahead will be filled with walking confidently in

the knowledge that your heavenly father father who is both Mighty and filled with love for you and I the Lord your

God will be with you at all times let the fire that burns inside you shine

brightly driving you to live a life of Purpose with passion and strength enjoy

the joy of witnessing miracles in your life and the lives of your family as you bravely follow your King’s Commandments

and never feel ashamed to think of me those who believe in me have the

privilege of speaking to me face to face and their faith and obedience will flourish as a

consequence amazing Marvels are on the way even if you may face periodic challenges know that I will never leave

your side I promise that your family’s lives will undergo enormous changes that

will bring you Delight in every situation you can count on my unwavering

support you have my whole attention speak to me confidently and trustingly

and make sure you’re prepared prep to listen the moment you read my words my spirit will fill you and they will speak

directly to your heart you may be certain that the strength I have given you is unbreakable you swear on your

lips that you will seek me daily in love and religion and I will be looking forward to seeing you I want you to know

how much I Adore You permit your prayers to never cease for you even while the

globe Swirls and tales of upheaval come in write down the names of the people

you care about and the things you want for them in your prayer Journal I know

everything about their lives and thoughts but I want you to put your faith into action so that you may find

ways to pray for what really matters in the middle of everyone else’s fear over the approaching

signals I hope you and your loved ones are not afraid I can’t leave you anymore you can no longer be allowed to move

around me maintain order despite overwhelming anxiety you will witness

amazing amazing Miracles unfold before your very eyes pray furiously agree

unswervingly fight heroically and live with passion and anxiety without thinking about what may unfold for the

trumpet’s ReSound is signaling the near Advent of your emancipation you might also put your

faith in my assurances I can handle any challenge that comes my way there are no limits to my love for you tell me you

love me my love is like a BAL for hurting Souls my gentle touch offers

comfort as we float down a river of pristine Crystal my hand will assist and

lead you to Greater Heights your Delight now transcends any you have had before

even in the face of transcendent challenges the water is engulfing you in a joy that has escaped you for quite

some time you will soon forget the days of Despair which were filled with Solitude

and the feeling of Abandonment present yourself to me right now now and seize the ability to

Vanquish the darkness that has burdened your spirit my promises will be a constant companion on your journey a

refrain you can’t help but repeat scream out when you feel alone I will be right

there with you every day when you’re feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges I am here to offer you comfort as your

Shepherd I will meet all your needs and more when you come to me you will find

Salvation and you will no longer have to worry trust in the truth that is in my

words because they have the power to change your circumstances for the better do not allow unforeseen obstacles to

haunt or dishearten you even in the face of surprising challenges dismiss the

ill-spoken words or wounds inflicted upon you shed no tears over misunderstandings and pay no heed to the

criticisms and insults of adversaries who Envy you and relentlessly seek to wound your spirit craving your downfall

I cradle you in my fingers protecting you from their malevolent assaults upward push each day with my phrases

upon your lips residing within the shadow of the almighty the one you love and all powerful God and embrace the

safe haven supplied by means of the arm of your heavenly Father for I stand at the brink of your heart lightly knocking

on its door will you supply me with entry and permit me to include you with

love I have eagerly awaited this you asked for for forgiveness and I’ve given

it when I forgive I also forget your sins don’t hold it against me now your

mistakes have become valuable lessons I believe you won’t make the same mistakes again let me be your light listen

closely to my soft words as I whisper in your ear directing you to the right path

you will prosper and blessings will pour down on you that’s the outcome of the wise decision you made today I stand at

your door beckoning you to open your heart to me now I want to live in your home and I

desire My Transcendent peace to sit in every corner of your family’s Hearts

very soon you will be able to see my power unfolding in your life I have

observed the profoundness of your faith and your prayers reverberate in my ears

your genuine personality fills my heart with joy and your honesty goes deep into my soul your vibrant Fai is a continual

presence in my sanctuary as you enter it daily unlike others who come and go afraid to put their plans in my hands I

chose it so that you may be a light and an example for your loved ones may the

Abundant fruits of your faith shine brightly on them because they strengthen your body Mind and Spirit greater

blessings are ahead but they are not without heavy responsibility I will place you at the

Forefront so that others may see the abundant blessings that come to those who follow me with humility and

obedience when things don’t go according to plan let out any remaining anger or

impatience I am thankful that I have your lives your family’s lives and all

your endeavors under my control but I’m also constantly afraid of what some

people call crises true things come to those who love me so endure my will and agree with

me you are one of the faithful who have stood steadfast the doors are wide open for you and

blessings and pleasure will pour out in every area stay alert because the it

saddens me to watch as some people claim to love me while simultaneously speaking ill of others often without fully

understanding the gravity of their words it’s as if they practice bad memories of others all the time but when it comes to

speaking well of someone they remain silent no goodness can rise from a dry

Soul entangled in negativity religion and gentleness so endurance and humility

are always important let others fantastic Minds flourish while you enjoy

the fruits of your labor sowing greater blessings you deserve the best because

the Ness is already yours I love you that rest in my embodied presence and

have faith I am your guardian and protector so worry not I watch over you

every day as you wake up I Stand By Your Side Long in for you to feel my presence

as you open your eyes let your thoughts wander to different things in the morning listen to my words and my

spirit’s guidance I tell you that everything is under my control and you must also have faith in me have no fear

of difficulties with your strength nothing can harm you you can resolve some of the things that are bothering

you right now faster than you think you may uncover all the answers you seek

When you pray Penning your tail nothing escapes my wisdom my will and the

blessings you’ve requested of me I’m opening that door for which you have fervently prayed I sacrificed my

lifestyles on a cross and Rose from the lifeless in day so you too May additionally upward thrust and live

perhaps you could not completely draw this close today but my actions make it bigger than your dreams and knowledge

I’m able to touch your heart and monitor it for you igniting a conviction so

effective that that it propels you to make pivotal decisions it is time to behave in order

to comprehend the supernatural strength that permeates your existence no matter

your age or Beyond no one will diminish your value they will Marvel and tremble

at the Abundant results you are producing today realizing that my spirit has been working within you all along

offering this lovely and holy love to everyone the world’s love is limited

many offer Promises of affection but only if you reciprocate in the end they

bring betrayal falsehood pain distress rejection and loneliness there is no

greater love than mine I will assist you in healing within the safety of my arms potentially dispelling all your sorrow I

like you express to me that you love me too do not succumb to Melancholy if

these days you are susceptible and drained of electricity I beg you to listen closely

to my words open your heart wide to me and embrace the serenity I provide you

in this moment as the creator of the massive Universe I command the winds

that can shake you you realize that I will calm those storms and silence the threats that aim to hassle your Global

preserve your faith unwavering permitting your imaginative and precient mind to regain

Clarity launch the weight of what you understand as accomplishments and no longer long reside in your perceived

weaknesses as a substitute direct your entire attention towards me it’s been a

long time since you mentioned your own struggles and now you want me to conquer them too you get an invincible Aura

Boundless Energy and an unbreakable will when your faith is in harmony with my

power by speaking a Word of Faith your weaknesses vanish and you may confidently declare I’m walking with a

desire fighting and continuing my climb to the peak where I impatiently await

your arrival at this peak your own dreams might become a reality a place

and a time to submit to my will and let me beautify your lives take on your duties with delight bolstered by the

energy I will provide get back to the work on the projects you put on hold and give new life to the Ambitions you’ve

set aside believe what I say and agree with me I found you at a place where

happiness is within reach while these moments May sometimes be difficult they

are also the most opportune for your success and realization your soul flourishes inside

the embodiment of My reality and my greatest goal is that you prosper in all

elements of your existence confirm your impression of me before you stop

sleeping my heart’s desire is to teach you to believe and to hold you in my hands like a newborn baby so that you

may rest and feel safe my love for you is deep your faith may now be as pure and

innocent as a toddler’s because I have cleansed your heart because I wanted to be your friend I contacted you and you

know that you can spend all the time you want with me we may have many talks

where you tell me your hopes and fears and I’ll tell you on the flip screen that I’m your dad swearing I’ll be there

for you no matter what and that I’ll never leave or return no matter how bad the loneliness becomes I will always be

here for for you keep in mind our chat since I always tell you the truth and I’m unflinching in case you ever think

I’ve abandoned you I came to you pouring my Holy Spirit into you purifying your

heart and crowning you with Triumph all motivated by my profound love for you a

Relentless accuser who won’t let go of your peace digging up your history looming in the shadows and Whispering

Your transgressions to weave guilt into your being I have converted you

even if he tries to make you feel embarrassed about your past neither of you is the same stay calm and let

nothing disturb your peaceful Slumber I will always be with you Whispering my promises and precepts no one or object

on this planet can guarantee you Eternal Tranquility let me elaborate on what you

asked for while I listened intently to each of your prayers the compliments lawsuits and apologies struck a cord

inside me your sincere Sentiments of appr appreciation during difficult times

really impact me truly you have persisted a great deal as you raise your fingers in the midst of life’s

challenges and say father I really like you I wish to face the methods that have

caused your suffering and sleepless nights and to encourage your unfaltering trust everything is much appreciated

although you can’t keep it near I keep in mind that everything works out for the best and that’s why it deserves my

adoration dear friend friend I’m grateful for the trust you have placed in me when you talk to me my ears are

open and your heartfelt emotions inspire me to keep going on this journey with you you are capable of achieving great

things feel the dry valleys of your lives blossom into a kaleidoscope of life and plenty As You

observe as quickly as they run out ideas pour in in droves keep alert for the

enemy’s cunning tactics can no longer influence you the unending stream of my benefits will no longer be hindered by

your sentiments do not give into despair if problems in your life arise again I

will respond to your call if you reach out to me rest assured security and

confidence will be bestowed upon you because I have sent my angels to guard you because you were there you know this

to be true remember those words they can give you the strength to triumph over

your enemies if you let them give them reason to be afraid when they see my handiwork through you stay here

you are a legitimate part of the flock within my protection stay tight to the unbreakable Shield I provide and pay

attention when I tell you what to do pay close attention to my words and keep

your heart open to the joy that is inside I make the conscious decision to maintain my inherent modesty and lack of

pretention now is the moment to rise above previous errors give Faith permission not to look down

as your heavenly father you should hold your head high and relish the excellent opportunities that lie ahead in my

presence you will inherit My Perks which I have personally selected after

carefully taking in my promises you will find rest and power if you believe it to

be true you may demonstrate it by persevering through difficult times with a strong faith and a dogged drive you

may have faith that I have a master plan since I’m your Creator and the one who has painstakingly made everything around

you as we walk handin hand I will guide you with my Holy Spirit who will shine a

light on your way via the words I have said the place you are in right now and the moment you are in Are Holy Show

Respect by bending down backwards as a consequence of my efforts you and your

loved ones will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor at just the right moment G G access to your hearing and

know that they may be messages intended just for you to the floor underneath you

and to the very moment you are here I bow in reverence I wish to do miraculous

Deeds for you but I need your unfaltering devotion faith and Allegiance

first those words are a physical manifestation of my love for you please do not forget them what a treasure you

are to me everyone around you including yourself will begin to walk more humbly

in your spiritual lives gazing more intently at the sky chorus from looking

back at those who tried to bring you down I hold you close in my hands and will not let you encounter the obstacles

they put in your path do not back down or be intimidated your enemies will only

become more fearsome if you do their adversaries are feudal so even if they see you as weak and prone to damage I

will reveal their treachery and cowardice your future is already packed with victories so keep Faith be

steadfast and be honest remain tranquil and give no attention to those who are

unable to understand your love encroachment from Evil will end the moment you dangle from my affection let

go of your cares and embrace each day with delight you have my unending love

and the support of my mild Legion of angels I will never leave you because

nothing in this world can ever take my love away from you I am the source of strength that you need to face your

challenges gain access to your vacation place and enjoy the benefits I’ve outlined for you you shouldn’t allow the

impending dangers or the proclamations of a doctor disrupt your Serenity or

your sleep because of major life circumstances your life is in my hands

your health is in harmony with my intentions and your future is bright and

carefree regardless we won’t hold you down these affirmations are important so

listen carefully and let them sink in as soon as you’ve heard my words come sit

with me and tell me everything that’s on your mind everything that worries you I am fully aware of your transgressions

and I’m eager to Pardon you washing away any trace of sin with my powerful blood so that you may go on free from the

burden of needless shame and regret no matter how brief or lengthy your remarks are I value the delightful conversation

you have with me the real value lies in the heartfelt meaning and purpose behind your statements there is nothing more I

need when I was younger I made reference to the idea that a mustard seed of Faith

had the potential to move mountains in response to prayer I will ship you consolation and show you my love from

the Heavenly Throne where your destiny is shaped I am aware of your desires and

will act in accordance with my heavenly will while simultaneously relentlessly pursuing your truth in times of trouble

be calm remember what I have said and declare that God is the one who will provide for Me Guide Me and act as my

shepherd as always he comes to my rescue and I have faith that he will do the same today do not budge stay steadfast

on my road free from distractions and concentrate on the goal I have set for you immerse yourself in my sentence and

your mind may be strengthened with nothing and no one will lead you wrong the following day may bring new

diversions to hunt for diverting your sight and filling your thoughts with meaningless

Illusions eliminate uncertainty and negative thinking by following the path

I’ve chosen for you your desires are my whole attention and I value your sentiments very much not only do I go

with a portion of the spirit that I can provide but also with a Tranquility that extends beyond the sector’s services

when you said you wanted to be in my presence I could hear you SOB your adoration is

mine keep in mind that the way it is presented is the basis for my response

embrace it wholeheartedly and revel in the Delight of the miracle I am going to perform in your lives today you are

certain to experience even greater blessings in the future your steadfast faith has led you to the right path and

I applaud your commitment your progress is commendable and I hope that you continue to remember my commands and let

my word indwell you even though it was difficult you have continued to let the Divine winds lead your ship’s course

correction and reorientation you should be proud of yourself for making that mental change

and wanting to change I am here to guide you every step of the way so never

forget that the depth and permanence of my affection for you are Limitless today

I am your provider your Shepherd and your father so please agree with me

with you at all times a blessing Beyond human understanding has come to you from me pray for your family I beg you you

are more than just a mouthpiece for God you are an influential testimony in your

presence at my altar how have I responded even when your loved ones are

smiling they may be going through tough times inside which makes it hard to see the hardships they’ve been through on

the outside bow down before my altar pray on your knees and I will hear your

supplications I will surround your own family with a protective hedge making it impossible for the enemy to attack them

I will Infuse wisdom into their hearts and shield them from harm as you find

solace in your loved one’s company extend gentle touches toward their heads and magnify this gesture my blessing

will flow from your arms like a gentle wave lifting their burdens from the depths of their souls every every bond

that ties them will break and the healing balm will fill their hearts make sure they never lose sight of the

promises I’ve woven into their lives fabric by speaking to them my sentence

and a soothing song at such times listen reverently as my voice reverberates

through your home and watch as your problems gradually Fade Away giving way to the easy Dominion of my presence

among your family I can fortify you provide you with benefits and magnify

those benefits every time you return to talk to me stay focused on your work I can assist you with your Ambitions and

successes you are capable of a great deal give in to no one’s attempts to discourage you the core of my message is

clear to you confirm your impression of me now a religiously inspired remark May

men broken hearts and provide hope get ahead quickly it’s within your reach

it’s the right choice today make up your mind to believe with all your heart that

I am able to change you by means of my Mercy Grace patience love commands and

guidance transform this period of difficulty into a time of Abundant Blessings and Delight you are very

important to me and a lot of other people even if some people don’t bother to tell you how much they love and

appreciate you your efforts are inspiring and I admire your lack of selfishness I make sure to document

everything you do for them you have many witnesses who are rallying behind you both in heaven and on Earth and I am by

your side the warrior angels are all set and ready to engage in combat get rid of

your enemies and clear the way for your path you are loved and prayed for by other humans in my presence your name

reverberates daily in the midst of trials in the days to come I gave my life so that you would have salvation

Liberty peace and joy I will show your family how my blood can benefit them

your perspective and genuine desire for growth Are Much appreciated but I would rather lend you a hand I am proud of

your determination to succeed you will believe what I say I promise you that

every morning I make the conscious decision to seek out my original Self I

let your wide eyes see the latest and pressing issues developing around you the time has come for you to learn my

identity and welcome me with all your Beating hearts with the hope of a new begin

I reach out to you my pricey kid rest assured that your prayers spoken in

jesus’ name may be heard and answered since I have not ignored your unfaltering opinion of me New Beginnings

hold great potential and I would want to share it with you your life and household will be filled with Abundant

Blessings and pleasure as you patiently wait for the success of the advantages you want which are within reach for

those who have steadfast faith in my teachings my in intention is to heal the scars of your hopelessness and set you

free from the chains of failure whether you let me or not it is obvious that

this is my mission in spite of ongoing fatigue Channel your inner energy into

an upward drive and get closer to your blessing rejoice in the knowledge that

miraculous healing is waiting for you the second you put your confidence in me no matter how long the suffering

continues Rejuvenation and a surge of energy await you with with every step

your life is about to undergo a radical change and you can feel the upward surge happening right now is it held near you

is it because my love for you has never wavered no matter how long we’ve been together realizing that is your only

objective despite the fact that today may also bring sadness and despair I pray that my words may fill your heart

with pleasure peace encouragement and religion also I have a request I beg you

please don’t let let go of my sugar love even if you think about it often since those awful memories that have plagued

your life for the last year have pushed them to the back of your memory your own family is waiting for you in a bath of

Love protection and many blessings on my last night here I asked

that you celebrate my faith while you yearned for sleep I deduced that you were struggling with memories and

thoughts seeing my children remember my love and accept the gifts I give them

even even in the midst of their busiest and tiredest times melts my heart please

know how much I appreciate your kindness and the special place you have in your heart for me your unwavering faith is

more than just a wall hanging or a decorative item it’s like having a life fireplace it burns away negativity

strengthens your resolve and gives you the strength to overcome obstacles it

Comforts your soul in times of sorrow and offers consolation to people who are suffering it broadcast cast to everyone

around you the top facts that I like you wield religion like a weapon and you

speak with the authority of a philosopher I have placed the solution you are seeking to discover within the

reach of your arm my statement has the power you seek and your faith is the key

that unlocks the door to miraculous occurrences your technological impact

could be long-lasting thanks to these wonders I will always cherish and defend

you and your family because of your unwavering dedication permit me to provide you

comfort while you lie safely in my hands let my warmth envelop you my robe to dry

your tears I have the power to cleanse your spirit of any resentment by

showering you with the a inspiring kindness and boundless love that I have for you you must console me let my

warmth soothe your weary Soul envelop You In My Embrace and dry your tears I

come to bring healing and all I want is your fear and agreement not when your heart hurts my darling have unfaltering

faith in me because I can overcome any difficulty perception should be deeply

ingrained in you and your actions should reflect that belief believe in yourself

and know that I am with you every step of the way encouraging you to break through by strengthening your faith I

have given you the strength to face and conquer any evil that comes your way even when the going gets tough you are

no longer fighting alone fear no longer consumes you and the Darkness of your

fears has faded hold your sword high as you bravely Traverse the battlefield the

benefits that await you are great and you will triumph over the land that lies before you in every situation I am able

to shed light on the situation and give Solutions you are being transformed into

a tool of healing and inspiration for many many people’s lives as my spirit anoints you an air of Harmony and

Tranquility will fill your home as word of my benefit spreads throughout your family in my presence a transformation

is on the horizon attain Supremacy by driving away evil forces that have

attempted to bring misery if you seek me with all your heart I will give you peace within the safety of my promises

and the shelter of my word the place where your mind finds a permanent home I

am the one who will save you who will keep you fit and who will provide you with power because I am your Defender

your ruler and your healer if you firmly grasp my hand the ground beneath you

will remain unmoved Proclaim with absolute certainty that your opinion of

me remains unchanged hold fast your trust in me because my affection for you

knows no bounds throughout this whole ordeal you can count on my unwavering

support let no one bring shame upon you I see your enemies boiling over with jealousy as they sit on their hands and

listen to your success while they spread false accusations their hearts refuse to

repent they have rejected the atoning blood and must now decide whether to stand or repent my enemies avoid those

who spread false accusations against my brethren who use their tongues as Weapons their eyes as instruments of

Shame and who destroy innocent homes while aiding the growth of Evil under

the pretense of sound Doctrine they hide their transgressions which they call

virtues if you long to listen to the sound of my voice resonating within you

you are probing my written words for it open the pages fill them with love and

faith hold them close in your heart with longing and follow the path they light with unfaltering commitment and resolve

Also may your spirit be strong and your heart be full of of Joy right now you’re

back to being yourself no more nightmares that keep you up at night your thoughts are free from all

constraints from this day forward and you will be able to close your eyes with a peaceful and calm Spirit your enemy

curses will no longer harm you because the traps they set will catch them my

angels I am a watchful parent who watches over you every moment during your sleep and when you awaken embrace

you arming ing yourself with blazing swords to protect your life and honor I give you the power to walk on scorpions

and serpents making you Unstoppable on a daily basis I am seeking my word praying

swiftly and kneeling at my feet in order to obtain my benefits my guidance and my

protection people who try to push you up may feel my hand on theirs which will

make them feel ashamed and make them think twice before doing anything to hurt you again no one can slander my

holy name and they will know that religion is an important issue prove that the truth Vitality honor and

integrity that make up your faith are there my purpose is to strengthen your

faith and encourage you as you Journey towards a fresh start and a life that is

Uniquely Yours keep your head held high live your life according to your faith

and don’t care what other people think it is my firm belief that you should rely on the fact that resent people will

always speak sick poisoned by the poison in their hearts to me you are an

extraordinary human being with an authentic and caring heart even though you’re trying to find solace in my love

stay true to my words because life is full of obstacles I’ve been keeping track of every fall defeat Victory and

hassle by utilizing your facet throughout each battle Triumph is ready

to take your life to the next level right now get over the the past and into

the new where there will be Victory and renewal a new chapter in your story can

begin now that I have the power to alter your current circumstances allow me to lead you on a

path filled with wisdom and advantages I pour out my love and peace upon you making sure that your spirit

and mind are always at peace giving you a hand is the most I can do to alleviate

your difficulties by opening up to me you will experience miraculous things

find solutions to your Catch and I will be the only one to help you through this difficult time seeing me in my hour

of need is a commendable act I want you to seek me out right now not just on

this occasion but always so that you can love me with everything that you have your whole heart maybe even your soul

and mind I desire to maintain the foremost position in your thoughts today

is the day to commit to my existence by making a choice witness the profound and life-altering

shift that occurs when I am in your heart you’ve had the nagging feeling

that something is a Miss in your life and you’re ready to fill that void allow me to reside in your heart and observe

the transformation firsthand those who have harmed you can return to you seeking your forgiveness

with remorse things will change for the better and people who were cold toward you will now hold you in the highest

regard my promise to you is that I will fill your life with wonderful friends who

will lift your spirits and shield you from sadness and isolation so as you go

through life’s journey let this truth be your stronghold and source of comfort

without a doubt this area is inhabited by the Divine I pray it brings you peace

and strength right now and always when something you need is missing whether

it’s time energy or money remember that it is a blessing instead of seeing your

perceived lack as a deficiency I see it as an opportunity for you to rely on me

unfalteringly even though you start each day with what may appear to be insufficient resources direct your

appreciation toward this very second when events are taking place and I eagerly await your arrival realizing how

inadequate you are and accepting that fact will lead you to think of me with

all your heart realize that pride and temporary successes frequently prop up

the illusion of self-sufficiency the seemingly intangible trappings of health and wealth can vanish just as quickly as

reality itself can transform take Delight in embodying your shortcomings when you’re down and out my

power shines through the brightest that is a request for a change in perspective

while this may appear to be a failure or shortfall to those in the sector I see these times of lack as opportunities to

strengthen my faith and dependence on my power source according to my Divine Financial system get free from the

chains of failure and shame instead choose tenacity and daily resilience and

ignore the baseless accusations and rumors spread by others let go of grudges press on disregard setbacks and

go with the flow my statement will serve as a beacon for you to follow like a sharp sword your faith can cut through

any obstacle in your path I will give you the strength to fight if you choose

persistence whether or not you have a permit I am known as your Shepherd and constant companion I am fully committed

to fulfilling your desires and providing you with everything you need and more

Proclaim aloud and make it crystal clear that you will persevere remain and agree

fearlessly even in the face of distressing information that may attempt to set your heart alarm on fire I

understand why I’m acting the way I am with my Divine energy which is unmatched by any other power I can calm stormy

winds calm ambitious Seas lead you safely through Raging Waves rescue you

from the depths of pain heal your body and console your broken Spirit when you’re hurting and oppressed by the

world I am here to help you cry it out when times get tough you find comfort in

your steadfast faith I am able to fill your entire being with Limitless love and Tranquility because of your

affection for me and your understanding of my way of life while it’s true that

time doesn’t magically mend wounds anymore I can mend them without leaving permanent scars instead of leaving

indelible marks on your spirit the hardships of life will contribute to your growth in expertise if you’re

carrying around unpleasant memories I’m here to help because of this my hands

have been voluntarily bound to a cross suffering bloodless and cruel nails so

that I might bear your suffering wash away your guilt with my blood Grant you my grace and relieve your heart of all

its sorrows and burdens listen to my gentle voice as I reassure you of my

Limitless love and unfaltering guidance in the quiet of your reflective moments put your faith in this promise

and let it strengthen your foundation this simple but profound truth will anchor you while the

intricacies of existence threaten to over overwhelm you as you go about your daily business you can be sure that the

Divine Is Watching Over You embrace the highs and lows the ordinary and the

extraordinary and let each passing second be a gentle reminder of my unwavering love and presence sure I can

be there my presence brings more than just Comfort it symbolizes the strength

to overcome adversity whether you’re navigating through dense thickets of doubt or ascending the most ambitious

mountains of demanding situations my presence can illuminate the tapestry of your life in a treaty that brings me

substantial joy to fulfill always remember that you’re no longer treading alone in the Labyrinth of lifestyles in

the calmness of your spirit my hand is ready to lead and support you listen to

me as I express wisdom and serenity in my words within the Raging storms the

Placid Zephyr and the soothing Hues of the Setting Sun my voice reverberates your entire being is

structured with a purpose and a reason for being you take into account the

closeness of my handwoven plan which is woven with Limitless love and infinite expertise in times of

uncertainty are you looking for comfort in my eternal promises let the light of my words shine through the darkness

leading you to a new day filled with understanding and tranquility within this Limitless power

that I offer there is an eternal love even though that day will come when you are no longer with me I came to save you

and console you in a special and magnificent part of Heaven every night when you close your eyes even in tears I

pray that you hold close the words I share with you as your head hits the pillow and I hope this happens as your

feet walk upon this Earth let go of your anxieties get your hands on the celestial oil that heals the Body and

Soul by reaching out with your fingers as you drift off to sleep you’ll feel A

Renewed sense of calm and Clarity when you wake up I keep repeating Moment by

moment how much I value love and cherish you as your Advocate I am removing

obstacles facilitating trouble-free travel bringing Harmony to your family

and providing Sound Advice to your children is it possible for your possessions to comprehend no scarce

and can you put an end to all the pain in your spirit you will not only hear me but you will also sense my presence my

Everlasting extraordinary and Supernatural love for you can be expressed in Endless ways unfolding you

with tenderness speaking sweetly to you and so on if you’re interested in paying

attention to it and wanting to experience it please let me know prove to me that you love me by telling me

everything will be all right have faith in me I beg you worrying about the things you’ve given me will drain your

energy I will lead you peacefully to Green Pastures since you have given me your hand every detail should be perfect

for you rather than worrying about the difficulties that lie ahead I would rather shower you with holy tenderness

and divine love you’re going to be strong and I’ll be able to rely on you

my draw close will not be launched it is my regret that I can no longer facilitate your departure

the reason I’m bringing up your costly coronary heart is because I remember that you felt weak rather than sinking

into Despair and bewilderment I am here by your side relax and have a seat with

me for a moment take care of what is truly important to your family don’t waste time worrying about the future or

the nation of the Arena I pray that my words and prayers will nourish your spirit and bring you spiritual

well-being love and mercy even toward Liars should grow in you demonstrate to

them that your love is similar to mine and be prepared to endure until the very end if they persist in mistreating you

so that your family can also know me Delight in Freedom and keep it at your

disposal I want you to know that no matter how good or bad your health gets my presence will always be by your side

I assure you that those Miracles will bring about unexpected events in your life when my word is accepted and obeyed

with a contrite spirit I show how excellent opportunities arise and I treat every difficulty and Triumph

fairly I will change some ambitious circumstances so that you benefit

fighting and difficult situations will lead you to more promising conflicts in the future and help you develop Your

Inner Strength it is up to you to decide if I will let those stories through I

promise that every good thing that comes into your lives will be expedited and blessed and when I say that I will be by

your side protecting you from evil it’s a promise you will have under my will I command

you to believe this without question it is my decree disregard any reservations

you may have and refuse to use setbacks or flaws as an excuse for those who seek

them full blessings are ahead disregard the naysayers critics and envious

individuals who are attempting to derail your magnificent Destiny I wish you could have even a small fraction of the

supernatural insight that I have into who you are while the revelation will Astound you your religious beliefs will

determine whether or not you can reach your vacation destination if you believe in me no

matter what I will give you the strength and determination to accomplish your great goal even if it’s at odds with

your gift of Truth as you look back on your journey you’ll be able to remember

the moments when giving up seemed like the best option but your unfaltering faith kept you going your profound

maturity is being studied as I watch you grow in the present however I often feel

as though you are my little one or toddler when I look at you fear not for I am at your side if you long to enjoy

an eternal life of royalty at the side of your heavenly father I will lend you a helping hand and support you with my

holy right hand as you walk this Earth hold fast to the Gratitude innocence and

cleanliness of a newborn I can give you the regain failure of a king and the protection of an Angelic Fleet I will

never leave you all to yourself I cherish you and will always surround you with my affection love and care only I

have the power to free you from your trials providing strength in the battle that is now consuming you when you open

the doors of your soul to me I will take unexpected forms and reveal solutions to

your problems your decision to come to me at your time of greatest need is very very admirable now is the moment to let

your guard down and tell me everything on your mind and heart listen my dear child my soul is whispering in your ear

right now not to judge chastise or bring up your mistakes but to offer you love

that will last forever I anxiously anticipate each morning anticipating the

moment your eyes awaken and your thoughts Proclaim your desire for me and the love you possess those aren’t just

empty words they are your acts of devotion your hymns of Praise rising to

my Celestial Throne at dawn my presence enveloping your life your loved ones and

your home always remember that I am here to lend you a hand no matter how

difficult the circumstances I will no longer avoid giving you the favors you asked for

instead I will meet your needs headon encircling them with my infinite love

give me control of your thoughts and emotions as you let me into your heart I hold in my hands the worries that

undermine your faith and obscure your aspirations I am here now to bestow upon

you a number of benefits and wonderful gifts using your side I’ve decided to

take up residence in your house but I also want your obedience my commands are

like medicines for your bones and my words are like Bal for your spirit to

provide you with a life free from crushing responsibilities is my deepest desire your remaining benefit will be

small if I ask you to relocate my goal in pointing you toward definite acts is

to provide you with eternal life in my pursuit of the space that is properly mine I have decided to make your

property my home your family will always remember where their plentiful blessings come from so let them know that you are

watching over them please do not ignore or disregard me keep the unfaltering

faith in in which you reside beneath my protective arm in my presence you have

everything you need for Joy contentment and pleasure so there’s no need to go

elsewhere even when anxiety threatens to consume you I love you and will hold you

and your loved ones close keep in mind that I am protecting you even when it

seems like there’s no way out of the Sea of problems you’re facing you will now succeed from now on you won’t fumble

stop letting anxiety about the future control you and don’t waste time and energy on meaningless Pursuits that will

only bring you momentary misery let go of whatever is holding our close Bond

back so that I may bless you abundantly let go of those things maintain your

distance from others who do not share your faith and keep praying because it is in these times that you grow closer

to me position your steadfast agreement with my perfect timing and do not lose

hope since I have many benefits in store for you all of the difficult things that are happening right now will soon be in

the past maintain your fortitude fret not and know that I am always by your

side your requirements are very much on my mind and I do not forget that with

all the weight on your shoulders the anxiety that grows as your finances deteriorate and the fear that comes with

the possibility of infection I beg you to let me reassure you take my advice

and lose yourself in the cloak of mystery that surrounds me calmness and serenity will be mine in due time

because you have placed your faith in me good things will come to you in abundance keep in mind that I am

limitless a deity of Marvels now I will restore you and bless you and I will

increase my favor in your family your prayers and your ancestors keep your

patience and find a rhythm that works for you with my timing recog recognize the Allure of trying to cut Corners

doing so might take you away from me and straight into disaster keep praying and

always seek to understand my teachings more fully by doing so you may avoid

falling prey to the Allure of fleeting material goods and the deception of erroneous

teachings I always remember that the services provided by the sector are

temporary but what I provide is Everlasting a source of endless advant

vantages throughout your life hold on to my promises everything will work out in

due course my memory is quite clear and I am not even slightly behind schedule I

am a deity who gives great consideration to your desires include the teachings of

Isaiah in my everpresent Readiness to grow my favor and affection for you they

are just as relevant now as they were when first delivered I am the Lord who has beckoned you to do what is right by

holding your hand I may feel my grip on your life lead and protect you and use

you as a light to the Nations an instrument of my desire and proof of my unwavering love find solace in my

appointed time and hold on to your resilience the temptation of Quick Cuts Shan can lead you away from me and

straight into disaster keep digging into my teachings and keep praying you may

find that this helps you resist the Allure of false ideology and protects you from being too

preoccupied with material stuff remember that what this world has to offer is

temporary but what I have to offer is eternal a NeverEnding source of joy and

fulfillment for you and your loved ones have faith in my promises anyway

everything will happen in due course my recollection is quite clear and I’m absolutely not late my Divine care for

you is unending and I’m always prepared to show you with my love and kindness I

mention Isaiah’s lessons because they are just as true today as they were when he first said them the Lord has called

you to righteousness I may hold your hand and Feel My Embrace in your life

Illuminating protecting and using you as a beacon to Nations a messenger of

longing and a solemn vow to my steadfast love in moments of sadness when I am

knocking on your door do not grieve any longer for the joy of the Lord is your

your strength Nehemiah says and you should remember this the difficulties we

face in life cannot diminish our Eternal Delight it draws strength from the

depths of my soul which are always with you and Carries you through any

difficulty May the Holy Spirit fill you to the brim with desires and may desire

fill you to the brim with joy and serenity in your unchanging ideas your

want is not unimportant it is your legacy and and a reality for me your

journey of trust brings your dream to fruition and it spills over into every aspect of your life and the lives of

others around you please hear me out as I beseech you my dear to rise high and

be unwavering in your desire let the certainty of my presence inside you

serve as a shield against hopelessness and uncertainty this year I promise to

shower you and your loved ones with many benefits protect you and love you deeply

let your trust in me be known from last night while you were trying to get some sleep I saw that you were struggling

with memories and ideas even in the midst of their busiest and tiredest

times it melts my heart to see my children remember my love and embrace

the advantages I provide both your appreciation and the unique spot in your

heart for me are Treasures that I will always hold dear your unwavering faith

is more than just a saying on a wall it’s a raging Inferno that drives out evil strengthens your resolve and lets

you break through obstacles it offers Comfort to your soul in times of sorrow

and relief to those who are suffering it spreads the wonderful word of My Affection to everyone in your vicinity

your faith is a powerful tool and your words have great sway you are alert and

prepared for battle so you must stand firm against the powers of dark Darkness you’re safe from Lions your unfaltering

confidence guarantees you my love that has no bounds whether you’re on top of the world or in the depths of Despair

through good times and bad sunshine and shadows joy and sadness I will always be

there for you loving you no matter what but I also long for the love you have to

offer return to me with your heart my dear and fix your eyes on the path of obedience and benefits that is before

you right at your fingertips is the solution you’ve been looking for it’s already

there living is the strength you need and your religion is the key to accessing miraculous occurrences in my

view the Marvels you perform will transform your generation for the better you may be certain that I will love and

protect you and your family because of your unwavering commitment permit me to

bring you comfort while you rest peacefully in my hands I will wipe away your tears ear wrap You In My Embrace

and welcome you into my comforting warmth I have the power to cleanse your spirit of any negativity and replace it

with the warmth and kindness of my love my little one I want you to feel it more

fully today this is the day I finally get it you desire me more than anything

I’m not requesting anything from you because I’ve come to provide healing all

I ask is that you embrace me as truth fearlessly and not when your heart is

hurting at the moment when you need me most I’m reaching out to you today in an

effort to speak directly to your heart your love for me is Limitless it is

genuine unwavering and will continue forever nothing not even your

transgressions or shortcomings can sever this deep love I have for you my loving hand reaches out to you even though

you’ve turned your back on me to break the bonds that have held you captive and sapped your enthusiasm for life in

your times of need I am always here opening the doors of my heart to embrace you as I watch you bow down in prayer

there is compassion in my eyes when I look at you as you face danger and hardship my grace is with you my

presence Shone like a beacon in the darkest hours before your conception illuminating your path to existence in

all honesty I knew you rather well during that period the exact time and day of your birth were my choices even

if you disagree with what I am doing for your life you may eventually realize that it was for your own good and that

nothing happens in your life apart from my will and permission encourage your

growth and since I always have a greater purpose for you my intention is to take

you to a higher level of faith and submission so that magnificent Marvels

May envelop you as you speak my message I would rather give you the brilliant sword of my spirit within the holy

confines of your home I am kindly bestowing upon you everything that you have humbly requested from me in

Conformity with my Divine will permit someone to Stand Tall with a firm view

of who I am they keep their faith unwavering and pray with all their hearts knowing that someone is listening

undoubtedly I have heard your earnest prayers for your family and surrounded them with the Heavenly Fleet that

Shields my heavenly Palace from any scrutiny my love for you will never change therefore it won’t let your mind

wander you may trust that I will hold your life close as I lead you through these difficult times giving you the

strength to persevere when the going gets tough keep your eyes on the prize and press on without wavering in your

faith I will see to it that you succeed and flourish I will embrace you as your

heavenly father and I will provide you with the Limitless freedom to engage in meaningful dialogue I choose to be more

than just some abstract God I hope it sees me as a wonderful companion you may

count on my hand to be a constant source of comfort and Direction speak to me

with your own words share the complexities of your needs thoughts plans and private dreams and let your

emotions flow as a river of communion your soul finds comfort and your mind

finds tranquility in speaking and as you put your feelings into your own words

your faith activates setting in motion a series of Miracles that will unfold in

moments even when despair tries to stop you weariness sets in and you’re not

sure which way to go you should know that I’m willing to stand by your side and protect you even in the darkest of

circumstances I will provide ways for you to succeed whenever your prayers turn into tears know that I am right

here with you waiting to wipe away your tears and turn them into something beautiful I know your heart better than

everyone else just as other people may comprehend your appearance socioeconomic

status or challenges I am cognizant of your objectives aspirations and

Ambitions I look at the Beating Heart of yours the more faith you give me and the

more you follow my logic and strategy the stronger your knowledge and power will become you amaze me and you are my

little one nothing and no one can stand in your way you are my exact reflection

always ambitious smart and courageous nobody can deny this you should always

remember that you are my kid keep in mind that you are a human being too the

words you are hearing Encompass the entire definition of being they are my token of undying Devotion to you and an

offer of assistance that I hope May lift the burdens you’re carrying I am molding you your man or woman with plenty of

lasting Force while imparting wisdom and nourishing your knowledge incorporating my Essence into

every part of your life is an ongoing process of total metamorphosis you will now resist the

Allure of sin and stay on the straight path the ability to liberate yourself

from Habits that have enslaved you is a gift from me things that are lovely

beautiful natural and easy will occupy your thoughts from now on on it is

possible to resist the need to slander and lie while keeping your intellect pure and your heart strong you are about

to undergo some very remarkable changes those around you will treat you with reverence as they realize the great

blessings showered upon you they will forgive your mistakes and even forgive yourself more readily I am pouring forth

my abundant grace into your spirit so that opportunities will arise to meet the needs of your family and friends

door will open and rewards will flow down from on high without the weight of your past to

worry you I am carving out a fresh path for you to follow a life free from

worries and Terrors filled with tranquility and serenity you are free from harm now that my blood has set you

free the deceit magic and words of those with evil intents cannot harm you you

have an innocent mind spirit and heart this is the glory that comes to those

who fearlessly Proclaim my my truth and turn from their sins they humbly attempt to discover ways to benefit from me day

by day until they close their eyes and they seek my pardon tell me everything

that’s bothering you show me how you’re feeling and let me know how frustrated you are you are very unique and I get

that I’ve given you many tasks to do your unfaltering belief in me is evident

and my love for you is Limitless my blessing is yours I now wrap you in my

arms and embrace you in the safety of My Embrace I will carry you shielding you from the terrifying

enemies that arise to oppose you I have faith that those who deal with you will also deal with me no matter how

difficult your circumstances are despite the abundance of your problems they will

Now fail I will rescue you and everyone with evil intentions will be embarrassed

and confused I may step in and lend you a hand while they encircle you in their

efforts to destroy you you could turn over a lot of money in a matter of days and you might not come out on top those

who have evil intents will be exposed and bring shame upon themselves when I rescue you in the midst of their efforts

to overwhelm you I may sneak in and lend you a hand if you turn your back on your

adversaries now they may stop being Furious that they can’t defeat you all because they don’t know that your

greatest friend is also your Defender God and rescuer in just a few short days

just as it takes months for a way of life to take root and for a seed to undergo metamorphosis before sprouting

so too must you wait for the stars to align in order for your blessings to

materialize now that you’ve acknowledged this reality please don’t give up hope I take it as true as you go step by step

keep your eyes fixed on the far Horizon fear does not change it is the path to

your higher good I want to put you in the company of of people and resources that will help you develop as a person

no one can harm you blame you or condemn you while we walk together because I am

your protector and loving child when you see the heavens aligned with you trust

the Divine Light that is guiding you and watch as challenges crumble before your eyes monitor your emotions when you

sense that everything is aligning to assist you in achieving your goals I shall reveal enchanting images showing

you GL glimpes of paradisical lives throughout the globe thanks to your steadfast faith and your unconditional

love for me I am able to summon the power of the cosmos to shower you with blessings every day presents its own

unique set of problems but your bold faith is very inspiring and that is why I answer your call you will always have

my undying love your agreement with me is not based on an impersonal God

anymore rather it is based on the personal God who lives within you whose love is as close as your next breath let

your faith be the Silent Witness in your life as you transform it into a living

testimony to the power of Desire through your words and actions I am in you and

you are in me forever entwined and echko has proven to be a brilliant Lighthouse

of the desire that is entirely inside me you are deserving of the best and when I

say this I don’t mean monetary wealth but rather my love the most pure and

abundant super love that surrounds you and keeps you going every second an

incredible love like this may Kindle a fire of determination inside you giving you the strength to overcome any

obstacle with unwavering faith in yourself and a clear head hear my voice

and do what I say picture yourself in the celestial spheres with me surrounded

by boundless blessings in order to embrace them you you must acknowledge that right now you do not completely

understand or accept them however I am real and positive more substantial than

the air you breathe and more bright and pure than the sunshine that illuminates your days no matter how late at night or

how early in the morning it is I will always be thinking about you keep your gaze fixed and unwavering every sincere

prayer that comes from your heart reaches my throne in a state of profound devotion devote yourself to

understanding my grace a lasting blessing that I give you not mainly because of your Merit or Perfection but

because of my love for you the fact that you are the rightful owner of the pleasure is why I think you deserve it

taking advantage of the benefits in my state does not require you to win a thousand Wars or face innumerable

difficulties gratitude and humility provide benefits while Faith fights the

battles whatever lies Beyond with with all its triumphs and tragedies is meaningless to me what counts is that

your heart is beating now recognizing your desire for me to take on the responsibilities it is time to change

your course and I beg you not to show up again right now while I wait for your repentance weighing your soul and the

depths of your anguish I am reaching out to you to encourage you and point you in the direction of righteousness the road

that will bring you to freedom in the future I am standing by ready to wrap

you in my grace pardon your transgressions and offer you a fresh start all because the brilliant light of

my facts calls out to You Feel My Love become well again and find your inner

strength may you always hold tight to this sentence because it will provide you with emotional stability and

strength on today the day and hour that you get this message let it sink in May

this powerful feeling remain etched in your mind forever as you embark on this next phase of your life’s journey my

blood which is powerful and sealed by my resurrection has written Marvels and

wonders into your life and now you begin to live it no matter how hard things are

for you right now New Visions will emerge that are in harmony with my eternal purpose and doors will open in

plenty your families and your own destiny which I have planned will be

fulfilled like a Potter molding clay I’m always always working on their hearts

inside your home the people you’re now interacting with Will undergo a sea change in the next several months brave

souls with unshakable faith will call this place home you and many others will

choreograph huge Metamorphoses and the neighboring houses will stand in

astonishment before their own eyes can take them in understand them and put their faith in them Limitless wonders

will unfold not only is the exchange feasible for your personal life and house but it is also something I can

help you achieve in the midst of mental storms you may find solace in my

unwavering love which will keep you grounded no matter how dark the night becomes in this Avalanche of opinions

Whose advice will you take to heart which will it be my screams of Despair

my falsehoods about my failure or my voice spoken expressions of Love realize

that you would rather not languish in misery for a long time I have already shown you that the Gates of Heaven will

open for you if you listen to my message you are my beloved child and the night

will no longer be your Refuge no matter where you go my soul will be with you

offering Solace and companionship the timing of your hearing these words is far from random I have

seen the hardships you have endured the wounds inflicted by former enemies and

the cause of your ongoing pain but I have not come to condemn you but to deliver you from this evil to protect

you with my Everlasting Love and the safety of my wings pay close attention read carefully

and take everything seriously because I want to see your hardships even if you’re exhausted and have few resources

please know that my love for you is unwavering and unending and that I am not angry or dissatisfied with what

you’re going through when you are lacking my presence becomes more apparent and I become your obvious

guide when everything else fails you can always rely on me my love Grace and

energy will float freely into your life in every one of these moments through the ups and downs of life this is the

time when your faith grows and develops and your Reliance on me goes from being an abstract idea to a real palpable part

of your being keep in mind that my my energy is most powerful when it hits you where it hurts when things seem out of

your league don’t give up instead embrace your human limitations and see

them as opportunities for my power to manifest in your lives in contrast to

your lack my plenty becomes an even more intrusive presence when you are weak and

defenseless I have become really strong fear not because I am with you my

strength and grace are sufficient for you and my glory is most evident in your weaknesses so go forth fearlessly each

day no longer discouraged by your lack but supported by the knowledge that in your weakness you are robust reframe

each day as an opportunity to fully embrace the Limitless depths of my love and power rather than a never-ending

battle against feelings of inadequacy discovering strength in vulnerability finding enough in

inadequateness and finding Vitality in dependence these are the fundamental aspects of religion

you could find the most authentic manifestation of my love and power at work in your life in this contradiction

of the Divine consequently be glad in your weaknesses since they allow me to work on the deepest changes in you I

implore you not to follow in my footsteps and instead strive for a life filled with success and joy join me on

this journey and let my wisdom be your map I will give you the gift of love and

healing words to plant in the hearts of many everything is within my power and the

Miracles I perform in your lives will Amaze you and prove that you are right to believe in me I have some important

news to share pay close attention do not ignore what I’m about to say absorb

every word and then tell me what you think every day my displays of affection

for you may not diminish but I long for the conversation I’ve needed to reassure you my love for you is profound and

everlasting and I can discover tender ways to surround you so that you feel fortunate beyond measure my love

Covenant inscribed in my word sealed with my blood and validated by my Holy

Spirit remain steadfast a cleansing fire Like A Mighty Wind sweeps away bitter

memories leaving behind Serenity and compassion bestowing upon you unwavering

strength and Heavenly peacefulness with time this calm will settle into a regular pattern bestowing

on you subl lime Serenity and unwavering energy with this calmness under your

belt you’ll be able to get back on your feet and face the world with confidence ready to make a positive impact and

devote more time and energy to the people closest to you as you go you will meet suffering spirits who cannot

understand the meaning of unconditional love and forgiveness and who do not know that their fate is free from suffering

and death as you mature into the strong tree you are and are are able to receive

the benefits I am ready to give you wonderful things will happen for you and your family if they will only let go of

their doubts and let me pour my love on them you mean the world to me let this

natural love fill you with Heavenly energy tranquility and calm as you open

your heart and soul to it when you’re hurting my love can heal your wounds

ease your anguish calm your emotions and bring you a peace that you won’t find any anywhere else except in my arms as

you seek and grow to be able to exist just in my presence you will Discover It

allow the hours to slip away as you inhale the fragrance of my Holy Spirit please prepare to receive an abundance

of gifts and affection from me so feel free to indulge further Embrace this extraordinary love with all your being

it is a gift from above cease striving to gain the favor of individuals who

profess affection for you but fail to treat you with genuine regard your happiness is my first priority and my

love for you has no bounds there will be no end to my commitment to you and my

intentions will not waver my duties will remain constant by giving into my love

you’re taking a different path one that will bring you boundless joy and a love that won’t let you down if you would

rather not give in to your fears and anxieties my love is not only true but it is also the the embodiment of

brilliant forgiveness open the floodgates of your heart to the joy peace wishes religion

and confidence that I hold in my delicate touch you will speak words of Praise as I Infuse your life with joy a

paradigm shift is on the horizon and as benefits pour down from the Heavenly nation states plenty will fill your home

the bonds of debt and other Financial mistakes will break just when you think you’re running out of money

I implore you to pay close attention accept my words without question view the world from a religious perspective

and recognize the opportunities that surround you I will bring special people into your life and they will reach out

to you with open arms just as I am expanding my own kingdom so be nice to

everyone you meet in order to bless you and use you in ways Beyond Your Wildest

imagination adopt an attitude of friendliness and generosity treating everyone one with

gratitude the great things I want to achieve with you especially when things get tough will take you to a whole new

level even in The Darkest Hours you will rise and shine becoming a Living

testament to my presence because of your existence have no fear I will accompany

you on your life’s journey and keep a watchful eye on you no matter where you may be I will relentlessly Champion your

cause armed with my dazzling sword and my powerful words I implore you to put

your faith in my word and keep in mind that I strive to ensure your welfare in all that I do I will never leave your

side and this fact ought to bring you immense Joy you are fortunate peace quiet and calm shall be yours While

others suffer pain I will give you the strength to overcome obstacles and open doors even when life throws you a curve

ball roots and souls it is because of the abundance of opportunities I have

bestowed on you that you will be able to travel to far away places visit countless countries and spread my love

to every part of the globe understanding the depths of your existence and the wounds inflicted on

your spirit by the hardships you’ve endured I would rather deal with you compassionately listen up take some time

to think about these words even though memories of hurts and losses from the past May linger they do not have to be

born forever the courage to surrender it all to me to let go of the constant

grasp of pessimism is your name as you embark on a journey of forgiveness the

bonds of past Pain release your mind and emotions feel free to let your guard

down let your joy shine through and dance your heart out if the mood strikes

you witness your recovery from those who caused you pain I pray that your pain

does not shackle you and that your vibrant life serves as a testament that the wounds they inflicted do not define

who you are I beg you to put the darkness of pessimism behind you my love for you is

immense as the days pass it may also slip the minds of many and Others May

refuse to let go of their critical and pessimistic outlooks denying themselves the chance to live a happy life sadness

consumes their lives as they reject me succumb to deceit and abandon the love I

provide if you do this you will discover the meaning of life and the greatest joy

in the world just keep in mind that when you serve me you’re not sacrificing who

you are but rather discovering your authentic self under the warmth of my love it’s like dancing on a platform of

boundless possibility where you may let your spirit soar rejoice and sing your

heart out when I am here in order to welcome this festive occasion with open arms we are being called to an

extravagant and sacred devotion as if it were a Priceless gift a holy invitation

to partake in the most authentic forms of happiness and success while praising and celebrating myself go beyond the

significance of maintaining a well organized existence get going on the dogged quest of mastering your whole

life a task that saps your energy and morale personalized guidance is provided

to each of my children based on their individual paths listen to my voice for

guidance it’s critical to your health with my help in directing your path and

aligning your course I will get you ready for the day ahead rest assured

that I am always by your side ready to provide unfaltering support and companionship fear not for no Shadow can

cast its deadly grip on you so long as you hold fast to my hand stay mindful of

my presence and bask in the legendary Serenity and calm that I offer for those

who seek refuge in me this Tranquility is not ephemeral but permanent it

protects your emotions and thoughts throughout life’s storms and uncertainties beyond all knowledge

remember that I am the rock upon which you may build your life as you go through each day when you are with me

you are free to enjoy life to the fullest take joy in your faith and rest certain that my love and guidance will

never fail you let your life be a testimony to the joy and Tranquility

found nowhere else than in my presence and dance and sing on this solid foundation



1 thought on “SOMETHING SERIOUS IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN NEXT 2 HOURS…. । God message Today |”

  1. Amen ???? and Amen ????
    God is good all the time Amen ????…
    I’m very happy more confident and powerful..
    I promise to you jesus Amen and Amen
    I’m happy to be moving different place..because I am just leave my suitcase in my children place…I try to move out and make easy for everyone….I can go somewhere to live… I will let you know jesus Amen ????..I would like to talk to you jesus Amen ????…..


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