dear brothers and sisters welcome to

your favorite channel for daily prayers

sacred prayers before we begin our

powerful prayer we want to extend a

special thank you to our channel members

who make it possible for us to continue

producing this content if you would like

to join our family of light simply click

the join button right down below now

let’s proceed with our

prayer prayer to manifest financial

prosperity and

wealth welcome to this prayer guide

designed to ract lasting financial

prosperity and wealth into your life I

invite you to engage in this sacred

practice with faith and devotion

focusing on your financial desires by

doing so you will strengthen the sacred

energy of this prayer Paving the way for

positive outcomes follow this ritual

daily for a week and allow Financial

blessings to flow into your

life if this content resonates with you

and you desire more prayers and

spiritual guidance Please Subscribe like

and activate notifications share your

faith stories and leave messages of Hope

in the comments together we form a

strong community seeking a financial

Miracle leave the following affirmation

in the comments I am prosperous and

abundant May the blessed and unexpected

energy of the Virgin Mary always be

present and aligned in your life

amen Now find a quiet place close your

eyes breathe deeply and tune into a

higher frequency open your heart and

engage in a dialogue with the Divine

about your financial desires Lord God in

this sacred moment I stand before your

presence to have you hear my

prayer I plead for financial stability I

acknowledge my right to receive the

Heavenly inheritance of the Virgin Mary

and her Divine riches I ask with love

and faith that the Virgin Mary pours her

benevolence upon me and frees me from

any obstacles that hinder my prosperity

dear Virgin Mary who knows all forgive

my shortcomings and unintentional errors

I seek to improve every day with your

grace I request that you place your

blessings upon me and fulfill your

promise in my life liberating me from

anything blocking my spiritual and

material progress your presence and love

are my greatest wealth I lay my life

before your altar and ask that your

Divine Light Burns and destroys all

negativity in my financial life

may your blessings and the blessed and

unexpected energy of the Virgin Mary

always be present in my life I ask that

you open my paths to new Financial

opportunities remove the blocks to

prosperity and guide me towards an

Abundant Life bless my journey so that I

Triumph in all areas of life unlock

wealth and manifest money

immediately I ask that you open all

doors and perform Miracles at this

moment in my life granting me infinite

possibilities to prosper and transform

my financial situation with the power of

the Virgin

Mary keep away from me negative

influences envy and harmful energies

help me maintain thoughts and attitudes

that attract permanent Financial

blessings Virgin Mary infinite goodness

allow your blessings and Celestial

angels to come to my Aid and transform

my financial life make the energy of

wealth and the flow of prosperity

permanent and definite in my life I am

deserving of wealth and financial

abundance in my life I choose to

prophesy only blessings and achievements

throughout my

journey I am in perfect harmony with the

divine presence of the Virgin Mary and

all sacred

spirituality the sacred energy of

prosperity flows abundantly in my path I

am in tune with the frequency of the

Virgin Mary blessed and

unexpected I feel gratitude for the

prosperity already manifesting in my

life my thoughts and actions are

constantly aligned with prosperity each

day I become more prosperous and rich in

resources I am a manifestation of

heavenly gifts and divine Riches of the

Virgin Mary I am open to new Financial

opportunities at every moment I decide

that Health dwells in my body Harmony in

my home prosperity in my finances wisdom

in my choices an infinite abundance that

attracts POS positive things in my life

I willingly receive the financial

blessings that the Virgin Mary has

reserved for me my financial life is

free from obstacles and blocks I attract

money with ease and joy I live a life

full of abundance and prosperity in all

aspects I am surrounded by people who

support my financial Journey each day

new and exciting opportunities arise to

enrich me my financial resources are

fruitful and abundant I become a magnet

for positive energies and Lasting


blessings my life is aligned with the

Divine promise of prosperity from the

Virgin Mary I decide that wealth flows

from within me and my Consciousness is

the source of this wealth directing the

energy of money to provide me with

material goods and an abundance of

resources at my

disposal I feel gratitude for my

financial progress every day my

financial journey is Guided by the

Divine wisdom of the ver in Mari I am

ready to receive and manifest the

fortune and success I asped

to Psalm of abundance and

prosperity in Psalm we find a

powerful expression of gratitude and

faith in God the Lord as our source of

strength and

protection by adapting the psalm we

place the Virgin Mary as a Channel of

intercession honoring her significance

in the spirituality of

many this Psalm reflects the desire

desire to overcome challenges and find

abundance and prosperity in life as in

Psalm I will love you oh Lord my

strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress

my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I

take refuge he is my shield and the

power that saves me my stronghold I call

upon the Virgin Mary who is worthy of

praise and I am saved from my

enemies the cords of death entangled me

the torrent of Destruction overwhelmed

me the cords of shol coiled around me

the snares of death confronted me in my

distress I called upon the Virgin Mary I

cried out to my heavenly mother from her

Temple she heard my voice My Cry came to

her presence to her ears the Earth Shook

and quaked and the foundations of the

mountains trembled they trembled because

she was angry smoke Rose from her

nostrils and consuming fire came from

her mouth burning coals flamed forth

from her

she bowed the heavens and came down

dense Darkness was under her feet she

rode upon cherubim and flew she soared

on the wings of the wind she made

Darkness her hiding place dark waiters

and thick clouds with the radiance of

her precence clouds dispersed with hail

and Fey coals the Virgin Mary thundered

from the heavens the most high uttered

her voice hail and fury calls fell she

shot her arrows and Scattered my enemies

with her lightning she routed them the

torrent of water surged the foundations

of the earth Shook at her rebuke she

reached down from on high and took me

she drew me out of deep Waters she

delivered me from my powerful foes from

those who hated me and were too strong

for me they confronted me in the day of

my Calamity but the Virgin Mary was my

support she brought me out into a broad

place she rescued me because she

delighted in me the Virgin Mary dealt

with me according to my righteousness

according to the cleanness of my hands

she rewarded me for I have kept the ways

of the Virgin Mary and have not wickedly

departed from my

God for all her rules were before me and

I did not put away her statutes from me

I was blameless before her and I kept

myself from guilt therefore the Virgin

Mary has rewarded me according to my

righteousness according to the cleanness

of my hands in her sight with the

merciful you show yourself merciful with

the blame BL less man you show yourself

blameless with the pure you show


pure but with the Crooked you make

yourself seem

tortuous you Virgin Mary light my lamp

my God turns my darkness into light with

your help I can advance against a troop

with my God I can scale a wall as for

God her way is perfect the word of the

Virgin Mary is Flawless she is a shield

for all who take refuge in her for for

who is God but the Virgin Mary and who

is a rock except our heavenly mother it

is the Virgin Mary who girds me with

strength and keeps my way perfect she

makes my feet like the feet of a deer

she enables me to stand on the heights

she trains my hands for battle my arms

can bend a bow of bronze you have given

me the shield of your salvation and your

right hand has supported me you stooped

down to make me great you gave me a wide

place for my steps under me and my feet

did not slip I pursued my enemies and

overtook them I did not turn back till

they were consumed I thrust them through

so that they were not able to rise they

fell under my feet you GED me with

strength for the battle you made those

who Rose against me sink under me you

made my enemies turn their backs to me

and those who hated me I destroyed they

cried for help but there was none to

save they cried to the Virgin Mary but

she did not answer them I beat them fine

as dust before the wind I cast them out

like the Meer of the streets you

delivered me from Strife with the people

you made me the head of the Nations

people whom I had not known served me as

soon as they heard of me they obeyed me

foreigners came cringing to me

foreigners lost heart and came trembling

out of their fortresses long live the

Virgin Mary Blessed Be My Rock exalted

be God my savior she is the mother who

avenges me and subdues the peoples under

me who delivers me from my enemies you

exalt me above my adversaries you

deliver me from the violent man

therefore oh Virgin Mary I will praise

you among the Nations I will sing

praises to your name you give great

triumphs to your king and show steadfast

love to your anointed to David and his


forever our connection with the Virgin

Mary and divine energies continues to

grow every day strengthening in the path

towards positive outcomes and financial

blessings let’s continue with our daily

prayer nurturing our faith and devotion

with the certainty that we are deserving

of the abundance the universe has to

offer today Lord go we present ourselves

before your presence with humility and

gratitude we thank you for all the

blessings we have already received in

our lives and for the opportunities that

are yet to come we renew our

supplication for financial stabil ility

aware that we have the right to receive

the gifts of the Virgin Mary we ask that

Divine riches flow over us and that all

obstacles in our path dissipate Virgin

Mary Mother of Mercy we continue to seek

your guidance and blessings we know we

are imperfect but we strive to improve

every day with your help and Grace we

ask that you place your benevolent hands

upon us guiding us towards the spiritual

and material progress we

desire your presence and love are our

greatest wealth and we trust in your

protection at this moment we ask that

the Divine Light of the Virgin Mary

continues to burn and Destroy any

negativity that may exist in our

financial Lives May her blessings

manifest as Financial opportunities that

open up before us may doors be unlocked

and miraculous happen for those who seek

her grace we Cast Away negative

influences envy and harmful energies

from our lives we continue to maintain

positive thoughts and attitudes that

attract permanent Financial blessings we

rely on the intervention of celestial

angels to transform our financial Lives

May the energy of wealth and the flow of

prosperity be permanent and definitive

in our lives we reaffirm our belief that

we are deserving of financial wealth and

abundance we continue to prophesy

blessings and achievements throughout

our journey we are in tune with the

divine presence of the Virgin Mary and

all sacred

spirituality the sacred energy energy of

prosperity flows abundantly in our path

each day we become more prosperous and

rich in resources we are manifestations

of heavenly gifts and the Divine Riches

of the Virgin

Mary we continue to attract new

Financial opportunities at every moment

we decide that Health resides in our

bodies Harmony in our homes prosperity

in our finances wisdom in our choices an

infinite abundance that attracts

positive things into our

lives we gladly receive the financial

blessings that the Virgin Mary has set

aside for us our financial lives are

free from obstacles and

blockages we continue to attract money

with ease and joy we live a life filled

with abundance and prosperity in all

aspects we are surrounded by people who

support our financial journey and new

and exciting opportunities arise to

enrich us every day our financial

resources are fruitful and Grand we

continue to be magnets for positive

energies and Lasting Financial blessings

our Our Lives remain aligned with the

Divine promise of prosperity from the

Virgin Mary we decide that wealth flows

from within us and our Consciousness is

the source of this wealth directing the

energy of money to provide us with

material goods and an abundance of

resources at our

disposal we feel gratitude for our

financial progress each day our

financial journey is Guided by the

Divine wisdom of the Virgin Mary we are

prepared to receive and manifest the

fortune and success we desire desire we

continue to pray with faith confidence

and gratitude knowing that Financial

blessings are on the way our voices

unite in Harmony and Faith strengthening

our connection with the Virgin Mary and

divine energies as we continue our quest

for financial prosperity and Lasting

wealth we allow ourselves to delve

deeper into prayer and spiritual

contemplation every word we speak every

thought we nurture is a step toward the

manifestation of our financial desires

to today Lord God we present ourselves

once again with humble and grateful

Hearts aware that your presence is with

us every step of the way we acknowledge

the blessings we have already received

and those that are yet to

come we continue to supplicate for

financial stability knowing that we are

deserving of the Heavenly inheritance of

the Virgin Mary we ask that the Divine

riches continue to flow over us and that

any obstacles in our path dissolve under

the light of your

grace Virgin Mary Mother of Mercy we

renew our commitment to spiritual growth

and devotion we ask that you place your

benevolent hands upon us guiding us

toward the spiritual and material

progress we long for your presence

continues to be our greatest wealth and

we trust in your guidance and

protection the Divine Light of the

Virgin Mary continues to burn and purify

all negative energies that may surround

us blessings flow as finan Financial

opportunities unfolding before us doors

open obstacles vanish and miracles

continue to happen for those who seek

Your Grace we cast aside negative

influences maintaining thoughts and

attitudes that attract lasting Financial

blessings we continue to rely on the

intervention of celestial Angels

transforming our financial lives with

the wisdom of the Virgin Mary May the

energy of wealth and the flow of

prosperity be our constant companions we

reaffirm our belief that we are

deserving of wealth and financial

abundance we continue to Proclaim

blessings and achievements on our

journey we are in perfect harmony with

the divine presence of the Virgin Mary

and all sacred spiritual energies the

sacred energy of prosperity flows

abundantly in our paths and each day we

become more prosperous and rich in

resources we are manifestations of

heavenly gifts and the Divine Riches of

the virin Mari we continue to attract

new Financial opportunities at every

moment we decide that Health recedes in

our bodies Harmony in our homes

prosperity in our finances wisdom in our

choices and an infinite abundance that

attracts positive things into our lives

we gladly receive the financial

blessings that the Virgin Mary has

destined for us our financial lives are

free from obstacles and blockages and we

continue to attract money with ease and

joy we live lives filled with abundance

and prosperity in all aspects we are

surrounded by people who support our

financial journey and every day new and

exciting opportunities open up to enrich

us our financial resources are fruitful

and Grand and we continue to be magnets

for positive energies and Lasting

Financial blessings Our Lives remain

aligned with the Divine promise of

prosperity from the Virgin Mary we

continue to declare that wealth flows

from within us and our Consciousness is

the source of this wealth directing the

energy of money to provide us with

material goods and an abundance of

resources at our

disposal we feel gratitude for every

step of progress in our financial

journey and thank the Virgin Mary for

her guidance and

protection we continue to prepare

ourselves to receive and manifest the

fortune and success we desire confident

that our desires will be

fulfilled United in spirit and

determination we continue to walk the

path of financial prosperity and Lasting

wealth with each passing day our faith

and connection with the Virgin Mary and

divine energies grow stronger further

cementing the promise of financial

blessings in our

lives our devotion and gratitude guide

us and our daily prayer is a reflection

of our deep desire to manifest the

abundance we know we

deserve today Lord God we once again

acknowledge your benevolent presence and

prostrate ourselves before your mercy we

thank you for all the blessings we have

already received and those that are yet

to come our Hearts continue to cry out

for financial stability confident that

the celestial inheritance of the Virgin

Mary is destined for all of us we ask

that Divine riches continue to flow over

use and that all obstacles in our path

Fade Away In The Light Of Your Grace Vin

Mari Mother of Mercy we continue to seek

your guidance and blessings we know we

are fallible but with your help we

strive to improve every day we ask that

you place your benevolent hands upon us

guiding us in our spiritual and material

progress your presence and love continue

to be our greatest wealth and we trust

in your protection and Care the Divine

Light of the Virgin Mary continues to

burn purifying and eliminating all

negativity that may hover over us her

blessings manifest as Financial

opportunities that unfold before us

doors open barriers dissolve and

miracles continue to happen for those

who seek her grace

we Cast Away negative influences from

our lives maintaining thoughts and

attitudes that attract permanent

Financial blessings we continue to rely

on the intervention of celestial Angels

who guide us and bless us with their

Divine wisdom the energy of wealth and

the flow of prosperity continue to be

our constant companions we reaffirm our

belief that we are deserving of wealth

and financial abundance we continue to

Proclaim blessings and achievements

throughout our journey we are in perfect

harmony with the divine presence of the

Virgin Mary and all sacred spiritual

energies the sacred energy of prosperity

flows abundantly in our paths and each

day we become more prosperous and rich


resources we are manifestations of

heavenly gifts and the Divine Riches of

the Virgin Mary we continue to attract

new Financial opportunities at every

moment we decide that Health resides in

our bodies Harmony in our homes

prosperity in our finances es wisdom in

our choices and an infinite abundance

that attracts positive things into our

lives we gladly receive the financial

blessings that the Virgin Mary has

reserved for us our financial lives are

free from obstacles and blockages and we

continue to attract money with ease and

joy we live lives filled with abundance

and prosperity in all aspects we are

surrounded by people who support our

financial journey and new and exciting

opportunities continue to emerge to

enrich us our financial resources are

fruitful and Grand and we continue to be

magnets for positive energies and

Lasting Financial blessings Our Lives

remain aligned with the Divine promise

of prosperity from the Virgin Mary we

decide that wealth flows from within us

and our Consciousness is the source of

this wealth directing the energy of

money to provide us with material goods

and an abundance of resources at our

disposal we feel deep gratitude for the

progress in our financial Journey every

day and we thank the Virgin Mary for her

guidance protection and Grace we are

ready and prepared to receive and

manifest the fortune and success we

desire with unwavering

faith our voices and hearts continue to

unite creating a symphony of faith and

determination as we pursue financial

prosperity and Lasting wealth our

connection with the Virgin Mary and

divine energies deepens further

solidifying the promise of financial

blessings in our lives

the daily prayer we share is the link

that keeps us in tune with the universe

and our own spirituality strengthening

our commitment to manifest the abundance

we know we

deserve today before God we prostrate

ourselves once again with hearts full of

gratitude and

humility we thank you for all the

blessings we have already received and

for the confidence that even greater

blessings are on the way we renew our

supplication for financial stability

aware that we are Hees to the Celestial

wealth of the Virgin Mary we ask that

Divine riches continue to flow over us

and that all obstacles in our path fade

away in the light of her grace Virgin

Mary Mother of Mercy we continue to seek

your guidance and blessings

acknowledging our

imperfections we ask that you place your

benevolent hands upon us guiding us on

our journey of spiritual and material

growth your presence remains our

greatest wealth and we place our trust

protection and love in you

the Divine Light of the Virgin Mary

continues to burn and purify any

negativity that may hover over us her

blessings manifest as Financial

opportunities that arise before us doors

open barriers dissolve and miracles

continue to happen for all those who

seek her

grace we cast aside negative influences

from our lives maintaining thoughts and

attitudes that attract permanent

Financial blessings we continue to rely

on the inter intervention of celestial

Angels who guide us with Divine wisdom

the energy of wealth and the flow of

prosperity remain our faithful

companions we reaffirm our belief that

we are deserving of wealth and financial

abundance we continue to Proclaim

blessings and achievements on our

journey we are in perfect harmony with

the divine presence of the Virgin Mary

and all sacred spiritual

energies the sacred energy of prosperity

flows abundantly in our paths and each

day we become more prosperous and rich


resources we are manifestations of

heavenly gifts and the Divine Riches of

the Virgin Mary we continue to attract

new Financial opportunities at every

moment we decide that Health resides in

our bodies Harmony in our homes

prosperity in our finances wisdom in our

choices and an infinite abundance that

attracts positive things into our lives

we gladly receive the financial

blessings that the virgin Mary has

reserved for us our financial lives are

free from obstacles and blockages and we

continue to attract money with ease and

joy we live lives filled with abundance

and prosperity in all aspects we are

surrounded by people who support our

financial journey and new and exciting

opportunities continue to emerge to

enrich us every day our financial

resources are fruitful and Grand and we

continue to be magnets for positive

energies and Lasting Financial blessings

Our Lives remain aligned with the Divine

promise of prosperity from the Virgin

Mary we decide that wealth flows from

within us and our Consciousness is the

source of this wealth directing the

energy of money to provide us with

material goods and an abundance of

resources at our disposal we feel deep

gratitude for the progress in our

financial Journey every day and we thank

the Virgin Mary for her guidance

protection and

Grace we continue to prepare ourselves

to receive and manifest the fortune and

success we desire with unwavering faith

and deep confidence in Divine Providence

conclusion of gratitude and commitment I

Surrender Virgin Mary with all my

concerns and beliefs of scarcity

powerlessness and a lack of ability to

generate money I accept with faith that

your energy and wisdom penetrate me

correcting my thoughts and feelings

about money whether it is mine or


I open myself completely to receive

money in abundance fulfilling all my

needs and allowing me to enjoy it

through Divine

love at this moment I feel deep

gratitude for the opportunity to connect

with the infinite source of

prosperity I have full confidence that

my words and intentions have been heard

and that Financial blessings are already

on their

way I have unwavering faith in the

intercession of the Virgin Mary Mother

of God to fulfill her promises in my


as I conclude this prayer I leave behind

all doubts and worries knowing that

faith is my guide and gratitude is my

language with a heart full of Hope and

determination I commit to keeping my

mind and heart open to the opportunities

that come my way I will continue to

practice gratitude daily and live in

harmony with the energy of

prosperity I thank for this sacred

moment and for all the blessings that

have already been poured into my life

with humility I ask that these words

resonate in the universe and become a

reality now and always May the energy of

blessed and unexpected money remain

present in my life bringing continuous

abundance and


amen now open your eyes take a deep

breath and share your gratitude with the

universe leave the following phrase in

the comments I am prosperous and

abundant the energy of blessed and

unexpected money is aligned and

permanent in my life amen

men your participation is essential

share this video with friends and family

and don’t forget to subscribe like and

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don’t miss our upcoming messages and

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