Porn Addicted Will Only Skip This Video - Free AI Voice Generator

Porn Addicted Will Only Skip This Video

my dear child I want you to know real

love to truly grasp that there’s someone

who Ador you with an honest and pure

love unlike anything you’ve

experienced this is the kind of deep

gentle and mighty love I have for you

keep praying I long for you to be close

to me safely wrapped in my Divine

embrace the despair trying to engulf you

aims to pull you away to tear you from

my care and drag you across a harsh

Wilderness but that’s not the future

I’ve envisioned for you so today I’m

reaching out to uplift you to bring you

peace chase away your worries and give

you the strength your searching for will

you accept my love tell me now do you

take hold of my strength respond with

the honesty of your heart promise you

won’t leave my side yet know this even

if you try to go or if the enemy

attempts to pull you away I Won’t Let

You wander off no matter where you find


I’ll be there ready to guide you back to

me the adversary of your peace will try

to convince you that you’re utterly

alone that I’ve turned my back on you

for your

imperfections but that’s a lie I will

never leave or forsake you nothing can

tear you away from my love not guilt not

rejection not failure not judgment my

love for you is steadfast and

Unforgettable you’re familiar with this

truth I’m reaffirming it speaking it a

new feel your heart warming with the

glow of my eternal love it’s palpable

I’m instilling in you A Renewed zest for

life in spite of every daunting

challenge every hurdle every assault on

your being from now on things will shift

you won’t be the same by welcoming me

into your life you’re utterly

transformed from within the past all

negativity every pain you’ve endured is

now behind you today marks your rebirth

today you start to claim the Legacy I’ve

set aside for you eternal life is Right

By My Side yet my holy spirit is here

within you providing the strength you

need to navigate this life when you feel

this spark ignite your soul you’ll find

yourself praising freely soon you’ll

grasp the fullness of my might I’ll

guide you hand in hand to incredible

places your songs of Joy will rise to me

all the weights you’ve been carrying

will fall away you’ll see yourself

through my eyes a precious Soul lifted

High to soar above challenges and claim

victory once more you are not among

those who shy away from believing in my

word who wake to embrace shadows and

falsehoods feeling lost by their own

choice they’ve turned away from my love

and care believing Perfection is the key

to earning my favor yet all I seek is a

Heart full of genuine Faith should

naysayers try to dampen your spirits

shut your door to them reject their

Hollow off offerings and pleas for

companionship surround yourself with

those who build you up who respect your

space and don’t try to dominate every

aspect of your life or dictate your

family’s choices refuse to be chained by

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