PLEASE OPEN THIS BEFORE TODAY ENDS | Most Powerful Miracle Prayer To God For Blessings Today - Free AI Voice Generator

PLEASE OPEN THIS BEFORE TODAY ENDS | Most Powerful Miracle Prayer To God For Blessings Today

God of

Miracles I thank you that you are my

Defender you give me victory over my

enemies you have promised that when I

pass through the waters you will be with

me the rivers will not sweep over me and

the fire will not burn me I I am very

grateful father your word says that to

those who ask it will be given to those

who seek it will be found and to those

who knock the door will be

opened hear my prayer for a miracle and

Grant my

request please help me to look to you

instead relying on my own strength and

trust that you always do what is best


me the Bible says that you will make all

things work together for my

good please transform the situation I

face and use it for my

good I can’t see a way out please show

me the way I can understand why things

happen please give me your

wisdom hear my prayer you are The

Sovereign king of kings and Lord of

lords who alone has

immortality who dwells in unapproachable

light you know my needs and

desires God nothing is impossible with

you you you can cause opposition to move

out of the way you can make this miracle

happen I ask for your good favor dear

God as I face a mountain now Lord and

feel like my faith is weak would you

amaze me with your miraculous

power remind me that you are in control

of everything in my

life please help me believe that nothing

I face in life can compare to

you you are the god of the

impossible neither death nor life Angels


rulers things present or future height

or depth or anything else in all

creation will be able to separate me

from your

love you are the miracle working God you

turned water into wine you restored

sight to the Blind and made the deaf

hear you made the lame walk you healed

the sick and raised the dead you

conquered death and your

Resurrection Everything You Touch Is

powerfully transformed

formed let me know that powerful touch

in my life give me the strength to


you Lord bless me and keep me make your

face shine upon

me I thank you Lord Jesus that you are

at the right hand of the father

continually interceding for me I thank

you that nothing can separate me from

your love I thank you that in all these

things I am more than a conqueror

through you who loves me I thank you

Father for an answered prayer in jesus’

name I have



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