Never Doubt My Support | God Message Today | God Message For You | Jesus Talk | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

Never Doubt My Support | God Message Today | God Message For You | Jesus Talk | God Message


Jesus my dear child today I sense a hint

of sadness in you I see your downcast

face and I realize you need strength to

continue on your journey with enthusiasm

come with confidence there’s no need to

go through your days without motivation

or hope after all I am your father and I

do not reside in a distant place where

you cannot reach my affection I am here

by your side where I have always been

though you sometimes

forget give me your hand and now rise I

want us to walk for a while along the

pathways of your thoughts tell me what

do you

fear why do you no longer wish to live

and why do you want to discard your

destiny it’s true that the world can be

cruel when you were a child your eyes

were curious full of hope for the best

in life you offered your pure smile and

friendship to those you call small

friends but lies and betrayals later

annihilated your hope extinguished your

laughter and shattered your desire to

live your love darkened and you stopped

trusting and believing in me but believe

me now I understand you and I know you

as well as I know the sky just as I call

each Star by its name I know every

burden in your life every wound even

your smallest pain we speak the same

language and I know exactly what will

comfort you do not be guided by your

feelings do do not think that you are

defeated by the problems you see do not

be filled with fear over bad news or

situations that seem negative for I

always have control over your life I

transform all things for the good of

those I love and you are among the

chosen ones with my blood I have washed

you with my spirit I have filled you

I’ve given you the power to be

victorious in all

things hold on on to me with your

sincere heart take refuge in my love

always and in this moment as you receive

my word be assured that even your own

mistakes will be turned to your benefit

you will suffer no more your family will

be well and as the days go by you will

continue to progress toward those dreams

you have longed for at some point you

may feel tired that’s normal when

problems are so dark that they blind

your eyes and you can’t see where you’re


perhaps you feel defeated but this is

not true I lead you by the hand even in

the darkness do not fear my child your

father who loves you will never abandon

you remember these words well and keep

resisting the Relentless attacks of the

enemy trying to make you abandon all

your dreams but it won’t succeed you

belong to me I protect you with my

mighty hand and defend you with my

shining sword your Victory will always

be in my word look at yourself in the

mirror of my powerful promises and be

sure that for me you are greatly

esteemed and valued the greatest battle

is against your own emotions which

sometimes confused lead you to think and

feel things that are not true and if not

careful can bring you down tell me now

that you believe in me and that in my

arms you feel safe I am the only holy

and Supernatural remedy for all your S I

am your God your healer the one who

opens doors and clears your path I am

your provider your protector and in my

hands I hold your life and your future

your family and you are covered by the

mantle of my love and today you are

feeling my presence in a real and

Powerful Way Type Amen in the comments

and get blessed today and for watching

and absorbing these words of love and

guidance I am sincerely grateful thank

you dear


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