dear friend do you have a daily routine
the truth is much of life is routine and
we can become stagnant if we’re not
careful we need to take the time to stop
and listen to God’s voice maybe he’s
telling you it’s time to get some better
relationships perhaps he has a different
career path or job opportunity for you
maybe the Lord is just encouraging you
to develop a positive attitude or
healthier habits is God asking you to
step out of your comfort zone you can’t
stay in the safe Zone all of your life
and expect to fulfill your Highest
Potential be bold and willing to do
something out of your usual routine that
honors God in a greater way when you
take the initiative and move from your
safe Zone to your faith Zone that is
when God will move on your behalf and
begin to do greater things in your life
a prayer for
today God it’s time for me to be still
and listen as I spend time in prayer and
in the word speak to me oh Lord tell me
what I need to hear and give me the
courage to make the desires and Dreams
of My Heart come to pass in jesus’ name
amen like if you believe in