Let's compose the symphony of solutions; I'm your conductor| Jesus message| #jesusmessage - Free AI Voice Generator

Let’s compose the symphony of solutions; I’m your conductor| Jesus message| #jesusmessage

come to me now and I will bring you the rest you seek I will calm the Restless thoughts

and fears that trouble your mind I desire peace in your days and serenity

in your nights you are blessed beyond measure but sometimes you overlook those

blessings giving more importance to fears that will never come to pass or to people who hold no real power over you I

urge you to remain calm pay no attention to the news gossip or threats from

others for I am the one who holds your destiny in my hands even if thousands rise against you

even if you face the consequences of your own mistakes do not be

afraid you are my beloved child and I will protect you from harm even in the

midst of chaos when those around you lose hope be strong and fearless for I

will never abandon you this is a profound test Testament of my love for you I am speaking to you right now

reaching into your heart and addressing the doubts that have troubled your mind for so

long I love you and I’m showing it to you at this very moment I am removing the scars that

others have left on you the pain you endured at their hands but know this everything you have

gone through has not been in vain today you possess the strength wisdom and

maturity to listen and stand up for those you love your time of Liberation has come

you are now ready to be a vessel of my love bringing my light to those in

darkness however your enemies are aware of your potential which is why they seek

to cause trouble and steal your peace if you allow them to disturb your

sleep or if you lose your faith and sink into fear

anxiety May once again overwhelm you but remember this

truth my love for you is immeasurable my Mercy is boundless and my holy spirit

will not allow you to be harmed so believe that even if you stumble and fall I will lift you up do

not think for a moment that I have turned my gaze away from you if you stumble into the snares of

your enemies I will rescue you if your faith falters and your heart is

filled with negativity I will continue to fight for you cleansing your soul with my word I will not let anyone lead

you away from my love whether it be swords or knives scarcity or illness conflicts or

dangers for in all these things you are already

Victorious you have turned away from Evil and surrendered your heart to me

openly professing your faith in me as your savior and protector your loyalty is unwavering

unlike those who complain and deny me when faced with challenges venting their frustrations

recklessly they disregard my love but I continue to love them and never

rest I urge you to distance yourself from the wicked and keep praying for them do not let their disain for my word

influence you move forward persist do not stay where you are today I bless you

with Incredible strength March forward confidently facing the enemies and challenges that

come your way you have grown you are brave among the brave a champion among

Champions start each morning by igniting your faith with my word presenting your

faith and requests before me remember nothing is impossible for me

I am by your side ready to assist you in all things keep your composure and enjoy my

peace for you are stepping into a supernatural life come I am calling you

your place is here in my presence when you kneel down and pray with faith reverence and respect my armies will

come to your Aid today I command you to remain calm do not let your heart be

troubled find solace in the loving Embrace that envelops you tell me that

you receive it for I have chosen to bless you you called out to me and I

shall answer your life is about to change believe it I am giving you a new

heart and those who know you will be amazed and receive unexpected help be thankful for many doors of

blessing and New Opportunities will open for you believe in these words and share them never forget to pray speaking to me

is simple just close your eyes and say Lord I need you and I will be by your

side have faith for the truth is that my presence will never leave you unless you

turn away from my grace or reject the blessings I bestow upon

you in times of confusion do not open your heart to false teachings do not let

hatred enter your heart and do not join in speaking ill of those who have done you no harm and are not your enemies

do not believe everything you see hear or read if someone speaks ill of another

do not be quick to believe them do not fall into the traps set by the enemy my

eyes seek sincere loyal and faithful hearts that love me and respect my laws

I am raising you up to inspire others to uplift your family and to share these

Divine words not to partake in the sins of others

I earnestly ask that if you don’t understand my words due to worries take some time and listen

again here all my messages it is my will that your heart

comprehends this signal I have sent you many times you’ve asked for peace and

tranquility and I will grant them to you but keep my words in your heart and

remember them when the enemy like a roaring lion seeks to devour you and challenge your faith

my voice is your guide your spirit receives it my word illuminates your

path and gives you the strength to conquer any situation no enemy shall harm you if you

remain Vigilant with my word on your lips and in your thoughts day and night when the wicked come against you

do not fear I will give you strength and by speaking these words with faith all

evildoers will flee your home shall be free from misery scarcity and illness no

one shall stand against you for my word is a shield for your family I want to

see your heart on fire your eyes wide open and your mind awakened you must be

prepared to welcome numerous blessings and ideas the time has come to conquer new

territories to reap the rewards of your sacrifice and effort nothing you’ve

experienced has been in vain everything in your life is working for your

good in your home your family and you will witness great Miracles and

understand the purpose I have for each of you I urge you to respect all to not

belittle anyone regardless of their age status or past

mistakes do not judge Those whom I have forgiven support and help those you love

grow by doing so I will bless you even more for I desire to pour blessings onto

others through you rivers of Living Water shall flow from your heart to those you encounter

on your journey they will experience Miracles wonders and healings through

you in your smile they will find the hope they seek and even those who do not

follow me will come to realize that I am Real and True just as I have shown Mercy to you

I will extend it to all who Turn Away From Evil and come to me with sincere

Hearts today I am showering you with love dispelling the dark clouds of

Despair and covering you with the shade of my grace step out of your home look to the

sky raise your arms and declare to the world that I am your Shepherd your

provider and that you trust in me wholeheartedly following my words Faithfully until the end

do it now receive this healing anointing feel the strength I give you and do not fear or grow weary keep moving forward

sharing my word and hold gratitude in your heart for all the blessings I bestow upon you tell me that you receive

them with love I see you struggling unable to sleep with thoughts racing through your mind know that you need not

fear for I am here with you dispelling the Shadows of your past releasing the

burdens of your sins and healing the wounds that remain the chains that once

bound you are now forever broken look to the future with faith for

I Am by your side always never to abandon you accept my Truth for I love you so

profoundly that I sacrificed myself on a cross and Rose with power so that you may have eternal life trust in my

promises I will guide you to the right path and close the doors that lead astray approach me with unwavering faith

and I assure you my Grace will be bestowed upon you you are never alone or confused I am

just a prayer away wait with confidence for the blessings you seek but have not

yet received know that you will hold them in your hands soon embrace my word and believe cry out

to me with all your heart and I will answer I will strengthen your spirit so

that life storms no longer easily sway you you will stand firm unafraid of Lies

false news insults or empty threats if I tell you you will believe you are not

weak you are strong break free from the prisons that others have constructed for you release

the guilt of forgiven sins clear your mind of needless conflicts and don’t

allow negative emotions to take root let go of resentment and forgive those who have hurt

you do not dwell on the past your future is in my hands I will ensure your chosen

purpose is fulfilled Miracles will unfold in your life and your family will also bask in

my love your home is protected by the powerful blood that forgave your sins

place your faith in me open your mouth and I will provide I will sustain you

with nourishment like honey from The Rock and satisfy you with the finest wheat my promises Flow To You daily and

I am always ready to give you more fill yourself with these words that bring

peace Dawn The Shield that guards you from the assaults of evil let your

family receive my promises and may they feel the beauty of Grace enveloping their hearts bringing them peace day by

day I will perform miraculous Feats that may seem impossible to you I will bestow

Health provision freedom and prosperity upon your loved ones who else can grant

you this Supernatural Joy who else comprehends your thoughts and knows your true

needs who else can fill you with this healing love and gentle

Tranquility am I not the one who offered my life on a cross and Rose to Grant you

salvation I am the author of your days the architect of your destiny and future

nothing is beyond my reach many listen to the world’s falsehoods believing that I do not love them that I am out to

punish them but I speak of my love and they doubt they prefer false Notions that

keep them imprisoned in disappointment but you my dear child are hearing me now and that signifies great

and wondrous things for you and your family Mighty and marvelous blessings are on

the horizon and I want you to believe in this wondrous love gentle and benevolent

patient and understanding never easily angered Never Keeping a record of wrongs

rejoicing in the truth cling to this enduring love that believes all things hopes all things and

Bears all things hold fast to this love that never fails for it is the crown of

Supernatural blessings already bestowed upon you love Hope and

Faith of these three the greatest Is This Love and I will grant it to you

eternally accept it and write with your own hand I accept it each morning rise

with determination and Faith for it brings joy to my heart do not be swayed by life’s

challenges for you are not one to be easily discouraged you reflect me so profoundly in your

heart resides a fervent desire to do what is right to help and serve to keep

your family united and harmonious and to greet each day with my blessings at the first light of

dawn continue in this way do not lose that Faith your way of being is also your

worship your praise you are a good soul and your actions resonate with me EX in my name I

want more people to see someone like you a person of unwavering Faith who truly

loves me I admire you greatly you have withstood the storms of life you have

not responded with hatred or resentment toward those false friends who harmed you and stole material possessions but

they could never steal the most precious thing your faith your dedication your

unwavering commitment to follow my will regardless of of what comes you are my beloved child and that

is beyond doubt the word I have sown within you has born abundant fruit and

there are still many blessings and Gifts awaiting you a splendid future lies

ahead have confidence in my support in every circumstance you can approach me with

confidence and pour out your heart at my altar in any need even when doubt or

error tempts you I remain faithful I will never forsake you I envelop you with my

presence wherever you are with a multitude of heavenly armies ready and eager to assist you to Grant you victory

over any cruel adversaries who May challenge you to provide healing and to

eliminate all afflictions I will Empower you to Proclaim my word and the forces of

Darkness will crumble your life your family your

health your fin finances all those under your roof will experience freedom and

live in Victory your home will be illuminated by my glorious presence and Supernatural

wonders will occur daily you will be surrounded by families of good-hearted individuals who will

also be blessed by your compassionate spirit I implore you keep being the

person you are do not regress into disbelief seek me earnestly

learn and grow immerse yourself in my Holy Spirit which will reveal my

affection to you day by day and embrace the peace that fortifies you my beloved

child I love you always you thanked me today for another day of life so what

are you waiting for it costs nothing to part your lips and express your gratitude in your own

words I know your needs even before you voice them just trust come with me and

spend moments of Tranquility find a quiet space and contemplate all the reasons you have to

be thankful today your life your family your health the air you breathe the food on your

table the shelter over your head my Supernatural protection around your home

where Warrior Angels Camp and stand guard watching over your dreams ever ready to engage in battle

there are numerous reasons for you to feel blessed you have so many beautiful motivations to ponder daily so your mind

is filled with positivity and your eyes are open to my goodness along your journey imbu you with the assurance that

I hold your destiny in my hands I reside in a grateful heart that acknowledges

its dependence on me and seeks me with Faith and Hope knowing it is abundantly

blessed I res reside in a grateful heart that acknowledges its dependence on me

and seeks me with Faith and Hope knowing it is abundantly blessed occasionally I see you fretting

over life’s events but that is only natural do not excessively worry you

bear the weight of your responsibilities you desire all to go well for provision to fill your home for

your family’s health and for nothing or no one to disturb the peace and stability

you crave yet there are days when darkness Creeps in and you forget to be grateful

the enemy Whispers injecting impure thoughts into your mind transforming

concern into fear surrounding you with lies converting fear into anxiety and

despair I watch and wait for you to raise your arms high and speak words

that send the enemy fleeing give thanks for your life your family your health and all that you are

and possess your sincere faith and grateful heart serve as Shields

preserving you in times of tribulation when you pass through the fires of trouble I will be there beside

your bed awaiting your Awakening I want to hear your first words each day emanating from the depths

of your grateful Soul proclaiming thank you thank you for

life come to me today even when you are not feeling well release the burdens you carry

within I will take those emotions into my hands transforming them one by one

sorrow into Joy remorse into peace guilt into hope and that shadow of depression

that haunts your thoughts and compels you to listen to voices from the past that still deceive you I am eradicating

that depression for eternity I am the almighty God and you

are my beloved child who obeys believes and Faithfully follows me today I bestow

upon you the freedom from all mental distress through the power of my shed

blood healing and Holiness shall come upon hearing my voice complete Health

from head to toe is yours right where you stand rise up collect your hopes from

the ground and walk forward join me on this path that leads to the Mountaintop of Victory the place

of your Triumph the emotions I am sewing in your heart are being sealed by my Holy

Spirit The Blessing I present before you is genuine true you are receiving it as

long as you believe in me and my Eternal Word you are not mistaken when you open your heart to your heavenly father who

loves you immeasurably you are not imagining this Mighty and

marvelous Miracles are on the horizon for all who heed my words and dare to believe with humility and simplicity

recognizing their faults leaving evil behind and resolving to March steadfastly forward without looking

back I love you my beloved child I yearn to heal you break your chains and

obliterate Every curse and spell that has ens snared you deceiving you into believing that someone in this universe

wields greater power than me it is the LIE of

Lies Heaven and Earth tremble at the sound of my voice the forces of evil

crumble before me no one in this world whether human or spiritual can oppose

you harm you or inflict any harm upon you for you are not

alone my arms encircle you my Holiness envelops you and the power of My Blood

blood Shields you day and night no more sadness No More Pain No More Tears of

Despair accept and experience the peace and happiness I am granting you at this very moment tell me that you are

receiving it declare your belief in me bend your

knees and express your gratitude for the love and wonders that you are about to witness I have good news for you

something you’ve been eagerly awaiting I will resolve every predicament that weighs on your soul I will bless your

family your health and your finances you are entering a season of

recovery pay close attention for I will guide you and provide instructions for

everything you need to do to ensure that nothing is lost and everything

prospers give me time and commit to bowing your knees and returning to my word aside once and for all to entrust

me with your fears and burdens to fortify your soul with my presence and to listen to my voice in your heart

filled with love I want to lead you on a path of restoration so that you can reclaim all

that has been lost I want to hold your hand on the Journey of peace and Tranquility so you

can ReDiscover the happiness you long for and leave behind the troubles that

once seemed insurmountable I desire to free you from

anxieties that have plagued your life to remove those fears from your

mind do not claing to them do not conceal them I no longer want fear to

influence you into making poor choices you have paid a heavy price for your mistakes but that ends

today I forgive your sins I cleanse your soul the burdens you have borne are

shattering guilt and uncertainty will be left behind my desire my beloved child

is to bless your life my plans and purposes are for your good and well-being not everything will be

effortless at times you will need to contend but I Will Stand By Your Side

fortifying your spirit until the very end if you believe declare it I believe

if you welcome me into your heart announce it I open my heart to you you

if you permit me to rule your life Proclaim my God you are my king and my

Lord whenever you come to ask me for anything come with Assurance my dear child show me your

faith for your gratitude is the most beautiful gift you can offer in this sacred moment we share

together do not approach me with fear for I will never reject you your sins

have been washed away paid for with my precious blood you need not carry shame

when you enter my presence even when you were far from me

forgotten I extended my Mercy to you I sent thousands of angels to rescue you

from the clutches of the evil one removing every obstacle from your path so you could find your way back to

me will you return tomorrow my beloved will you bring me Good Tidings of the

Miracles you’ve discovered the changes unfolding in your life you will reaffirm your loyalty and I

will rejoice in hearing your voice but remember I brought you here to

transform your life I desire to see you free from hatred contempt sadness and

despair listen closely my child will you believe in me or those who place hurdles

in your path demanding Perfection while they themselves are marred by sin and

flawed thoughts in this world no one can boast of perfection before me do not let your

faith waver because of those who shut doors in your face here you are profoundly loved and

there is only one true path an open door for you to step through and embrace

eternal life complete happiness and everlasting Joy here with me you will always find

love acceptance and pure holy affection come boldly day and night whether you

feel unwell believe you failed or sense The Familiar weakness that once LED you

into Vice error and sin here you are embraced no matter how you come or what

situation you’re in I hear your prayer of repentance and I offer you another

chance here you are embraced no matter how you come or what situation you’re in

I hear your prayer of repentance and I offer offer you another chance if you accept my forgiveness and wish to begin

a new come and Surrender Your Heart no explanations are needed I understand

your need for my love and I am here loving you good morning my beloved how

are you feeling today tell me everything for our conversation remains

confidential pour out your heart release what’s been weighing on you after

hearing my powerful word my Healing Hand shall touch your soul bringing Solace to

your tearful eyes and breaking the chains that bind you those emotions that have pierced your heart like steel

nails only through my power can they vanish I desire for your peace to return

for your faith to be rekindled and for you to soar once more feeling the same

passion you once had soaring high to reach your dreams I want you to feel

well it is crucial to enter my presence daily together you and I will rewrite

the dark chapters of your life and Pen a new narrative I want you to see yourself as

you truly are loved by me a triumphant Soul who awakens each day with a

compelling reason to live yourage poses no barer to R discovering happiness

recognizing that you are a great blessing to many capable of offering significant support you hold numerous

seeds in your hands ready to be swn before you lie a fertile field rise and

observe your family needs you many hearts both big and small look up to you

the enemy has tormented you ceaselessly attempting to clip your wings and confine you within the prison of

bitterness it almost convinced you that you were worthless

inflicting wounds that appeared minor but slowly bled your heart you nearly lost your way but you heeded my word

showed sensitivity acknowledged your mistakes and repented of your sins your

prayer of repentance was a beautiful offering celebrated in the Heavenly Realms as you returned

home today fueled by your burning active Faith you forge your path in the battle

for life I rejoice in your confidence your willingness to share your innermost

thoughts and experiences you taste the joy of living once more yet there are still hidden

depths within your soul that need to be explored speaking with me each day will

grant you strength deepen your faith and make you keenly aware of how I am

lifting burdens from your shoulders your soul shall be light and

happiness shall fill your being uhhuh you’ve heard my voice now speak to me do

not hesitate to reveal all that resides within your heart for I cherish you

deeply I am Overjoyed to see you here you come to receive affection and

nourish your spirit with my words and that is truly wonderful you’ve already

noticed changes within yourself yet there are lingering concerns that is why I am here it is

true that certain circumstances can trouble you causing your mind to race with thoughts that steal your

peace but remember every morning you can come to prayer and find resolution

stepping out into your day with happiness unburdened by the weight you no longer need to

carry reflect my child reflect focus on the matters of utmost

importance you need not worry about things that will never transpire As Long As I Am Your Guardian do not fear

I am Forever by your side I love you and watch over you ensuring that you have

all you need put your faith into action and to uplift your spirit come to me whether

you kneel sit or lie on your bed close your eyes and with gratitude in your heart Express thankfulness for your

family your job your health sometimes you need not even ask

but I Delight in your requests and I want you to ask with unwavering confidence my ears are attuned to your

voice and my angels eagerly await your petitions they were created to obey my

commands and serve you you are my child and I fill your life with Grace shower

you with mercies indeed you should ask of me so ask do not fear to request the

finest wheat honey from The Rock the opening of the windows of heaven and an

overflow of blessings exercise your faith I possess the power to move mountains of Sorrow

demolish obstacles of evil and shatter the chains of sin Vice and destructive

habits ask me for all that is good sweet kind and

uplifting even when the task seems insurmountable if it contributes to your Eternal growth and Earthly well-being

ask me in my perfect timing with boundless love I will

respond I comprehend your trials your anxieties your desires I am fully aware of your tears

your moments of despondency and Solitude that is why I shall never let

go of your hand I understand that you require me once more

today not long ago you were filled with sorrow and despair crying out God where

are you today I offer you this sign that I indeed hear you attentive to your

needs I’m listening to you and I am demonstrating it though I cannot speak more plainly

yet that moment will arrive persist in your daily prayers

sense my presence with you and seek to know me better I am your father and my

love is unwavering trust in me for I do not deceive I love you dearly and I desire

your well-being your strength your enjoyment of every day I grant you strengthen your resolve prepare for this

journey that is why I shall continue to encourage you with words of inspiration

and a message of love that I shall plant in your heart every morning this is your

time your moment has arrived you were born to attain

Victory it was never my intention for you to live in defeat or despondency I

am aware aware that some around you have criticized you making you feel inadequate a failure and a loser

asserting that you will never succeed however their feudal words hold

no power and shall not alter your path Victory lies within my grasp I am

your source of Hope today all negative thoughts all pessimism every sense of

inadequacy shall dissipate my holy word shall heal you

invigorate you inspire you and reignite your joy it shall fill you with fresh

dreams this is how I wish to see you wearing that beautiful smile you bear now a heart overflowing with

joy your life is not ending your journey is long but it is filled with delightful

surprises and good-hearted individuals respond to me declare your

faith in me declare yourself worth and take my hand Never Letting Go I promise

to love you unconditionally and care for you the Sacred Love I bestow upon you is

unassailable today I shall visit your Abode and alter your destiny you called

out to me in prayer with faith and sincerity and that is why I have come to rescue

you I possess the power and I am eager to employ it

the key to unlocking Miracles lies in your faith yet I also cherish you and

regardless of your circumstances I shall always be by your side you are suffering

and require my assistance my love that soothes and heals devoid of judgment my

tender presence that Embraces you silently without reproach you need my listening ear one

that patiently hears your every word without interruption speak the truth my child you you need my

listening ear one that patiently hears your every word without

interruption speak the truth my child you yearn for me and that is a fact your

own strength has reached its limits now is the time to acknowledge your

need I understand that you and your family Traverse a harsh desert where isolation Withers hope and your soul

Soul thirsts For Love amidst neglect the journey is arduous and hot

Stones cause you to cry out in pain I comprehend your feelings it is

challenging to continue walking believing that even amidst this suffering my hand upholds you yet I have

come to Shield you from the adversaries who assail and harm you everything you endure today is a process of

purification just as gold only shines when it passes through the fire so too

shall you shine cleansed of the negative traits that still linger within you I

want you to let go of anger vanity fear doubt and lack of faith never look back

for nothing from your past can compare to the joy that lies ahead I wish for

you to scour your life for both small and significant blessings to Journey with a clear conscience car ing my

virtues in your heart you are of immeasurable worth your

family is priceless and your future holds greater value than money possessions houses professions jobs fame

or popularity do not fear the loss of material things and do not shed tears

for them prioritize what truly matters I come to you with a heart full

of love and care I want to be close to you to guide you you and to fulfill your

needs seek me with all your strength for I am your provider today I want to bestow upon you

the blessings you require and I will fill your life with true

abundance I promise to open many doors for you and to place good opportunities

before you blessings will pour down upon you abundantly like a gentle rain that

nurtures the Earth pay close attention to what unfolds around you even when you face

obstacles that may seem insurmountable remember I can turn the

most challenging situations into opportunities for growth and abundance as you receive my gifts and

talents seek guidance in my words use them to enhance your life and the lives

of those around you but do not be swayed by the Allure of material possessions or

The Temptations of Fame do not burden yourself with unnecessary debts for

vanities instead focus on what truly matters and let your spiritual life

Ascend to Greater Heights I invite you to learn from my words and deepen your connection with

me I will reveal many wondrous miracles in your life if you open your heart to

receive them take good care of your health and your family matters

do not procrastinate for I have given you the strength and intelligence to resolve various situations

today I do not want you to be overwhelmed at the last moment or to crumble in frustration rise up be

courageous and act with determination for you will not lose anything by

following my guidance even if you face opposition or resistance from others as you seek to

improve your situation and make good choices place them in my hands pray for

them but do not be swayed by their advice or complaints those who choose paths

leading to Darkness cannot offer you true assistance know that I am with you in

all things but I ask that you place me first in Your Heart by doing so not only

will I help you but I will also Prosper you and bestow blessings upon you that

are more precious than gold even in moments of weariness and despair I will

reignite your desire to live strengthen you and lift You From the Ashes those

around you in future Generations will witness the Abundant Blessings I have

bestowed upon you I will clothe you in honor cleanse your paths and fill your

home with my glory believe in my promises for they will surely come to

pass my child I love you deeply and I long to enter your home and perform a

great miracle in your life I am here at the door calling to you will you open

the door and allow me to make something new marvelous powerful and Supernatural

happen in your life I see your situation and I will never let scarcity reach your

home my touch upon your family will bring forth A Reign of blessings that will nourish your home for many years to

come you have been faithful to me for a long time you have prayed fasted wept

and placed me first in all your actions and thoughts the time to reap the fruits

of your faithfulness is approaching I will fill your home with abundance

happiness courage and health rest assured for everything I

have promised you I will fulfill prepare yourself for a great

change and do not cling to the ways of of the past filled with worry and

discouragement with my blessing comes wisdom power and the ability to make

wise decisions to care for what I entrust to you be grateful and Trust for

I am transforming your life and soon you will encounter many opportunities you have swn seeds of

faith in your heart for a long time even in the midst of great difficulties and trials you never doubted my power and

you never doubted my presence by your side that’s why you have overcome and

that’s why I have helped you today I will make those seeds bear

abundant fruit in your life and in the lives of those around you the rewards of

your faithfulness are near and what I will bring to your home is far greater than you can

imagine you deserve the best and much more your faith is precious and your

humble sinful attitude will carry you far get ready for I will open new doors

and you will discover New Horizons abundance will flow into your home I love you my child how are you

today no problem will overcome you as long as you remain steadfast in faith knowing that I hold your future in my

hands all your Provisions come from me I am the one who blesses your life stay in

my presence find shelter under my love Embrace in moments of anxiety come to me

and you will find peace do not let the enemy deceive you into thinking that your problems are insurmountable my

power combined with your faith is immense place your trust in me not in

the ways of the world your strength comes from me alone and I am the only one who can sustain you strengthen you

expand your vision and increase your happiness when your faith waivers

remember the times when you called out to me in your pain when you felt abandoned I came to lift you up to show

you how much I love you and I have continued to demonstrate it ever since

do not doubt now when you are so close to realizing many things it’s not the time to stop or let

doubt Cloud your thoughts when challenges arose in the past it was

often because you acted without thinking without without reflecting without praying you wanted to distance yourself

from me but I never distanced myself from you so entrust all your burdens

into my hands and may your soul be at peace today I fill your heart with

courage so that you can go where you need to go speak to those you need to speak to and stand up for what is

right I will be with you and your dreams will come true I am your almighty God and with me

you have everything I love you and I am here you have called out to me in

moments of desperation and I am here to offer you comfort and to answer your

prayers your unwavering faith and your heartfelt prayers are precious to me and

I will bless you abundantly I know your needs even before you speak them but I Delight in hearing

your prayers for they are like sweet incense that rises to the heavens and touches my heart

your strong unshakable faith and your knowledge of my love for you should bring peace to your

heart your prayers will be answered and you and your family will no longer suffer these kinds of

problems I will grant you wisdom and your discernment will grow stronger have

faith move forward and seek the blessings I have prepared for you I will

place in your heart the names of people you must reach out to for perhaps you haven’t seen or spoken to them in a long

time but I am sending you to them because through them I will bless you

and you will also be the answer to their prayers that’s how I work my child my

blessings are for all who believe in me and seek me with a sincere heart a great

door is opening in your life one so vast that you must remain humble to guard

against pride in the future open your Bible immerse yourself in my holy word

and let your faith continue to grow stronger feel your confidence rise come

and listen to me every morning open your ears treasure the words I speak to you and hold my

promises close to your heart your prayers when offered with sincerity have

great power keep praying like that my beloved for when you feel grounded you are truly

touching the heavens with your beautiful attitude my hand will caress your head

with love and the entire Heavens will Echo Amen to your heartfelt

prayers now my child go on and face your day with courage my angels accompany you

and my love surrounds you I love you amen

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