Jesus: You Made Me Angry, Why You Skipped Me - Free AI Voice Generator

Jesus: You Made Me Angry, Why You Skipped Me

God says

today today God speaks to you dear

children reminding you that everything

in your existence has a purpose just as

Peter and his companions fished all

night without much success I could have

filled their Nets with an abundance of

fish at that moment but I had a divine

plan for

them I had a reason for their struggle

so do not fret over the past or what you

may have lost or not attained for I have

a unique purpose for your life and in

due time it will

manifest have faith in me if you trust

in the Lord please share and spread this

message in the Bible the book of


– tells us then will the eyes eyes of

the blind be opened and the ears of the

deaf and

stopped then will the lame leap like a

deer and the mute tongue shot for Joy

water will gush forth in the wilderness

and streams in the

desert my beloved child it warms my

Divine heart to hear your praises and

acknowledgments of my sovereignty and

goodness in all circumstan

as your loving and never presentent God

I assure you that I hear your words and

they resonate deeply within

me you see I am the creator of this vast

universe and I hold every element of it

in my hands from the tiniest plate of

grass to the mightiest Mountain nothing

escapes my

attention if you you desire my blessings

simply typ ass oh child and in times of

joy and abundance you recognize my

sovereignty and express your

gratitude in moments of sorrow and

confusion find solace in knowing that I

am still in

control understand that every

circumstance whether favorable or

challenging is an opportunity for grow

growth and a testament to my unwavering

love for

you rest assured my child that I am

always by your side guiding you through

the EB and flow of life even when the

path seems uncertain trust in my

sovereignty for I have a plan beyond


comprehension your faith in me brings

immeasurable joy and I will never for

forsake you continue to praise me my

beloved child for your prayers of

adoration bring me great

satisfaction in your acceptance of my

goodness and sovereignty you find peace


strength watch our second Channel if you

believe and God the link is in the pen


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