God’s special message is only for you
don’t make the mistake of leaving it God
wants to solve all your problems in the
last seconds God will answer all your
questions so watch the full video God’s
message for you today beloved companion
today God desires you to recognize his
pleasure in your presence attentively
receiving his
message the circumstances that brought
you here are orchestrated by God who
ordained this moment for you to be open
and ready to receive his Abundant
Blessings God perceives the desires of
your heart and if you’ve been eagerly
awaiting his word take solace in knowing
this message emanates directly from his
throne room these words are not merely
human they are inspired by the Holy
Spirit intended to uplift and encourage
you as the message
unfolds God encourages you to embrace
Faith to receive his word while your
current Faith May suffice for your
current season
God calls you to deepen your connection
with him elevating your faith to new
heights to equip you for what lies
ahead a robust faith is essential as you
confront greater
challenges God desires your faith to
remain unshakable in the face of
adversity he is currently fortifying
your faith so you can stand firm through
every storm type Amen in the comments
and don’t forget to share this message
with up to three people so that God can
help you trust in his promise to devel
your faith for he is faithful to
complete the work initiated in you
everything shared today is for your
well-being enabling you to be a greater
blessing and bring more glory to God
promptly Express gratitude and honor to
him whether he bestows peace healing or
provision recognize that the true source
is God not yourself or worldly
influences every good gift comes from
the Father in heaven graciously
providing for his
children the foundation of this ministry
rests on the Holy
Spirit God established this work to
facilitate your growth in relationship
with him and guide you toward the
destiny he has prepared the promised
land is not a fleeting
destination it is the Eternal Dwelling
Place God desires for you throughout
however before entering the promised
land you must Traverse the seasons of
Egypt and the
Wilderness take comfort knowing your
Wilderness season is
concluding God declares your transition
into the promised land begins now and
you will soon testify of his
faithfulness the challenging season you
endured is yielding to a season of
promise upon leaving the Wilderness heed
God’s instructions which he will bring
to remembrance at the right time
inscribe them on your heart and mind to
live and prosper in the Promised
Land God communicates to you his child
as you depart from the Wilderness and
enter the promised
land to diligently guard his
commands allow his decrees to guide
every step in decision looking to his
continually for they lead to Abundant
Life inscribe his precepts on your heart
to sustain you in challenging times for
his promises are yes and amen he will
never leave or forsake you the
Wilderness has prepared you for this new
season and though the training was
challenging God was with you perfecting
strength patience and endurance within
you now you are prepared to live in the
fullness of God’s glory and goodness
fear not what is coming for God goes
before you preparing the way the land is
ready and waiting for you where you will
cultivate good soil yielding a harvest
and times what was sown
Rejoice greatly for the Wilderness has
fulfilled its purpose your faith remains
steadfast in the fires of
Affliction and now you will bear fruit
remember it is by God’s power alone that
you can Thrive and Advance his
kingdom stay connected to him and you
flourish God is opening doors and
creating paths Beyond Your Capacity his
hand and is bringing increase to every
area of your
life walk carefully in this new season
seeking God’s Will and way alone guard
your heart against pride and
self-sufficiency giving God the glory
every step though God Delights in
blessing his children he will not share
his glory with
another remain humble keeping your eyes
fixed on
him great Authority and influence are
coming to you use them to build others
up and direct them to God
represent your heavenly father well to
everyone you encounter God is entrusting
you with riches not for greed or Earthly
gain but to manage wisely for the good
of many allowing his light to shine
through you he is bringing forth his
promises that have been waiting if you
believe that God will help you please
subscribe to the channel if you do not
believe feel free to leave what he has
spoken will come to pass in due time
until then
keep your gaze upward not comparing
yourself to others each child of God
walks a unique path at the pace set by
him delight in God
alone and he will grant you the desires
of your heart wait patiently on his
timing resting in his sovereignty
knowing he can accomplish more than you
can ask or
imagine the testing and trials of the
Wilderness have prepared you for a
Harvest blessings poured out for you to
be a blessing to multitudes
the spoken promise will surely come to
pass and now God calls you to a deeper
level of trust rely on him completely
looking nowhere else he is your Source
provision and
protection continue fixing your eyes on
things above not on Earthly
matters much awaits you if you keep your
focus on God the Wilderness has trained
you and now God is leading you into a
broad place of
influence favor and
fruitfulness cherish these words from
your heavenly father revisit them often
to strengthen your
spirit God is pleased with you and
delights in calling you his own he
acknowledges that you endured the
Wilderness with
Grace as you transition into your
Promised Land God is guiding you to a
blessed place of Destiny purpose and
victory he urges you to engrave his word
on the tablet of your heart continually
meditating upon it this means setting
your sight upon Heavenly things keeping
God’s commandment Central in all you do
the scripture speaks of binding God’s
law to your fingers writing it upon your
heart this poetic language emphasizes
keeping the Lord’s statutes ever before
you do not merely listen to God’s word
and forget it internalize it letting it
transform you from within as the
psalmist said I have hidden your word in
my heart that I might not sin against
you engraft the word of God into your
innermost being allowing it to shape
your thoughts words and
naturally walk in the ways of the
Lord to reach this point of having God’s
truth engraved upon your heart recognize
when you are in a Wilderness season God
leads you through it to humble and test
you refining your faith and dependency
on him discern A wilderness season by
finding yourself in a dry and Barren
Place facing seemingly insurmountable
challenges enduring a period of waiting
and experiencing a sense of
isolation do not despair if you find
yourself in a Wilderness
season God is with you guiding and
refining you for a purpose trust God
completely during this time embracing it
as an opportunity for growth and
transformation during your Wilderness
Journey meditate on God’s word
continually let the scriptures be your
guide providing wisdom and
encouragement immerse yourself in God’s
word and it will become a source of
strength and nourishment for your
spirit the word of God is living and
active sharper than any double-edged
sword a it can penetrate your soul in
spirit Discerning thoughts and
attitudes if you believe that God will
help you please subscribe to the channel
let God’s word shape your identity and
mold you into the person he created you
to be in the wilderness God is teaching
you to rely on his word as your
sustenance just as the Israelites
depended on Mana from Heaven depend on
The Daily Bread of God’s word do not
neglect this vital aspect of your
journey through the
Wilderness as you meditate on God’s word
you will find strength to endure
challenges it will become a lamp to your
feet and a light to your path
in the
wilderness God refines your character
and purifies your heart as you meditate
on his word you will find Grace to
resist temptation and walk in
obedience do not underestimate the power
of God’s word to transform your life it
is a treasure Trove of wisdom guidance
and Promises sustaining you through
season embrace the discipline of
meditating on his word for the joy and
fulfillment of a deep relationship with
in conclusion transition from the
Wilderness to the promised land taking
lessons from dry and Barren
places let God’s word be your constant
guide and sustenance strengthening and
providing wisdom for the Abundant Life
he prepared for you walk in the fullness
of God’s promises knowing he will
complete the good work he began in you
may your heart be fertile ground where
God’s word takes root producing a
Bountiful Harvest be a living testimony
of God’s faithfulness and Grace may God
bless you abundantly in your continued
Journey with him