IT'S OVER BECAUSE YOU..." - Free AI Voice Generator


my beloved child I know the struggles you face I see the battles raging within

your heart and mind I understand the weariness that weighs heavy on your soul

as you strive to follow my ways in a world that seems increasingly hostile to my truth you wonder at times if it’s all

worth it the sacrifices the denials of fleshly desires the swim against the cultural

current that mocks your convictions you look around and see so many other who appear to be prospering

while ignoring my precepts the temptation to compromise to blend in to

live a little tugs incessantly at your resolve my precious one it’s over

because you have allowed the deceitful Whispers of the enemy to drown out my still Small Voice you have listened to

the lies that say I am holding out on you that true freedom is found in casting off all

restraint you have bought into the the delusion that my boundaries are shackles rather than loving

guardrails it’s over because you have fallen for the age-old mistake of judging by temporary surface appearances

rather than Eternal reality those who reject me may seem to be having all the fun amassing wealth

Fame and sensual Delights but behind the facade their souls are shriveling they

are harsh taskmasters their unbridled desires relentlessly ly craving more

delivering only fleeting hits of pleasure before the inevitable crash of emptiness and despair my child it

doesn’t have to be over if you would only remember who you are and whose you are you are my beloved the precious son

or daughter of the most high King I have not created you to wallow in the mud

with the pigs when I have prepared a heavenly banquet to satisfy your deepest longings look at the cross where I

demonstrated once and for all the incomprehensible lengths I went to in order to redeem you I spilled every drop

of my blood out of Eternal all consuming love for you is this the tragic

gratitude you repay to turn your back on such sacrificial devotion in favor of cheap temporary indulgences that only

serve to erode your identity and leave you feeling more alone than ever my power raised Christ from the dead and

that same Mighty Force courses through your veins the grave is beaten death has been

defeated sin’s strength is Shattered by my overflowing Grace Grace upon Grace

generously lavished on all who call upon my name so rise up my Valiant Warrior

cast off the grave clothes that have been weighing you down it’s over because you have tried to go at it alone rather

than relying on my Limitless strength you cannot win this spiritual battle in your own strength but I have already

secured Victory through Christ’s finished work take up the armor I have tayor made for you the belt of Truth the

breastplate of righteousness the gospel of peace The Shield of Faith the helmet

of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is my Unstoppable word soed up and

take your stand unafraid and confident that I am with you always even until the very end of the

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